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Everything posted by Shardlet

  1. They can and it is: Quote And here is a quote from Brandon in the recent Reddit AMA:
  2. Nope, no mic. It wasn't a huge room. Two sections of about 6X4 chairs with a center aisle and some space around the periphery.
  3. Alright. Here is the first portion of the nights readings. This is from the prologue of Words of Radiance which is Jasnah's POV of the night of Gavilar's assassination. I apologize for the quality. I am only able to use Audacity in the most basic manner. But, everything should be reasonably clear. Edit 1: And here is the reading from Shadows of Self. This reading is an expanded version of the same scene we already have. Edit 2: And here is the reading from Legion 2 which is a dinner date scene. Edit 3: and finally, here is the final reading of the night. this is an excerpt from Psychic Birds which is a story written by Brandon based on a brainstorming session on Writing Excuses. Again, I apologize for the roughness. I will transcribe the Q&As rather than provide a recording. So those will be forthcoming in the next few days. Thanks for your patience.
  4. I would be very surprised if there was. The only difference of note between a misting and a mistborn is the metals the allomancer has access to. The strength of the allomancer's ability with any metal doesn't seem to be stronger or weaker based solely upon whether the allomancer is a misting or a mistborn.
  5. I don't know. I don't see why the nightwatcher (or the supplicant) would be benefited in any way by the supplecant being changed to see everything upside down. I could fathom that there may possibly perchance sort-of be a benefit of Dalinar losing his memories of his wife. But we would need to know more about her and their relationship before we could arrive at such a determination.
  6. I think that the same premise for the half-shards could be applied to enhancing a spear. Certainly it would not cut like a shardblade, but it could parry a shardblade at least for a time (which is infinitely longer than a regular spear could). I agree that splinters are involved in forming shardblades and shardplate. I suspect this avenue will be reopened in future books (probably late in the first arc or early in the second). While your reasoning is compelling, I am as yet unwilling to discount the possibility of an eventual shardspear. Kaladin is just too much of a demon with the spear. Although it would be pretty rockin' if he became (along with his surges) such a force to be reckoned with that he was a match for a skill surging shardbearer even though he only wielded his spear and a couple of knives.
  7. I agree with Vortaan. I wouldn't expect that Odium is particularly concerned about the worlds themselves and their populations. I read that he is more focused on powers that rival his own, namely. other Shards. I doubt he would be interested in leaving agents that he has invested in behind. I could see him organizing watchers who observe events and trends on the worlds to give him info on what is/has been going down. But even that... .
  8. How big is the goblet though? I have seen goblets that hold about 1/3 cup and I have seen goblets that can hold a gallon. I am very hesitant to make an assumption about the size of the spheres. I seriously doubt that the gem inside a broam is the same size (even roughly) as that inside a chip. I am open to the denominations bearing their value based somewhat upon convention (e.g., it is cheaper to make a penny than a dollar bill, yet a dollar has a greater monetary value). But, I think that would be very unlikely in a system like this. It would be too easy to melt (or nearly melt) the glass of a sphere and add additional glass to it to make your chips become broams. This suggests to me that a broam must be such that it could not be mistaken for or made from a chip.
  9. I agree. I expect that the Parshendi have soulcaster fabriels. And I would expect that they do not use them in battle because they rely upon them for their subsistance. If they lose soulcasters, then it becomes that much more difficult to feed everyone. Though, I am not sure what you mean by "they require more time to achieve results." If Jasnah was soulcasting faster than ardents were soulcasting, then the jig would be up. I don't see any indication that more time is required to use the fabrials.
  10. Not necessarily. He could have simply been referring to a normal burn from each. His statement does not need to be interpreted as exhaustive. Flaring is, after all, a tougher condition to quantify the effects since it appears that flaring is something that can be improved upon through practice. In the reading yesterday, he also reiterated that the MAG is not necessarily cannon since he gave them license to make adjustments for the purpose of gameplay. Note, this is about 5 hours after I asked him the question, so this comment at the reading should not be interpreted as being connected to the bubble in a bubble clarification.
  11. Why do you think that it is a gravity spren in spanreeds? I don't see any relationship to gravity in what the spanreeds do.
  12. Yeah, I think the statement in the book is that cut stones hold stormlight better than uncut stones. Better may apply to any or all of quantity of light, quality, of light or longevity of light.
  13. Not so, good friend (Ffnord). If I am understanding you correctly, you mean a bubble within another bubble. If it is cadmium inside bendalloy or vice versa, then the answer is a bubble of normal time passage (i.e., fast time + slow time = normal time). I asked Brandon especially about this situation in terms of Marasi's statement of the effects cancelling each other out. I wanted to clarify if the bubbles anihilated each other or if the bubbles remained, but the compound effect was normal time. If it is cadmium within cadmium or bendalloy within bendalloy then the effect is compounded as per http://www.theoryland.com/intvmain.php?i=689#2'>this signing quote: Edit: indicated I was responding to lord_Ffnord.
  14. I think you are making some leaps there Gloom. The first quote definitely suggests that stormwardens aren't ardents. After I wrote the post, I reconsidered given the Vorin antipathy for anything even resembling predicting the future (e.g., gambling). However, the existance of roving stormwardens does not really lead to a lot of things you are suggesting. I see stormwardens as being essentially house retainers. I expect (hope) that we will get a clearer picture in WoR.
  15. I think it is not a half-baked idea Gloom. I feel like this is on the right track. The sheer numbers of plate and blade which were there at the recreance vision makes me think that some means was established by Honor and/or Cultivation through the Heralds to form these tools.
  16. We have little if any detail about the endsheet chart. It is a reproduction of a stained-glass window. As to the specific meaning, I don't know of any solid info. Many have theorized it is a chart for voidbinding.
  17. I'm not sure that there is much to Tien in the story beyond his influence on Kaladin. He is dead so there can be no development to him beyond Kaladin flashbacks. I would be absolutely floored if there was going to be flashback-type POVs from Tien. It doesn't seem like it would make much sense. His development was so brief that I doubt we will get an analog between Tien and another character that would provide for an "Aha, so that is what was going on with Tien."
  18. So, it has been confirmed by BS that rithmatics has a strong 'cognitive' aspect and was originally planned as a cosmere magic system. However, BS said he did not limit himself to realmatic rules when writing the book so there are aspects which do not adhere to realmatics.
  19. No, he was thinking only of his Navani, his sons, and his men. He also does not mention (during the Tower Thrill) glorying in killing or any of the feelings or ideas which led to his revulsion and losing the Thrill. Indeed the Thrill endures throughout the duration of the end of the battle. It seemed purer and stronger to me. But that may have just been mistaken perception. Brandon will be doing a release event for Steelheart in Seattle and I may generate a good question about this to ask him there.
  20. I'm sure Chaos will move it after he gets home. He is still at the convention through tomorrow.
  21. The answers make me wonder about my perception of Dalinar's Thrill at the tower vs. his other previously described instances of the Thrill. It had seemed to me that there was a fundamental difference. But, Kaladin's immunity to the Thrill suggests otherwise. It is still possible that there is something different happening with Dalinar's Thrill. But, I am not as sure as I was before. I wouldn't (yet) go so far as to say that the Thrill is a planet-wide phenomenon. It may still be an Alethi trait. But, it is not limited to just lighteyes.
  22. It is hard to say. The answer was compelling but not extensively informative and will likely spur several questions. As to Joel, I don't think he is a rithmatist (yet). All the other rithmatists came out the chamber of inception knowing they were rithmatists. Joel's experience is more ambiguous. I suspect that Nalizar's forgotten's perception of Joel at the end is somewhat similar to the shadowblaze's (i.e., Joel is something different and unencountered). I suspect that the shadowblaze appeared with the intention of doing whatever they do to make someone a rithmatist, but got spooked by Joel's 'strange' nature.
  23. Yeah, it sounded to me like there was no higher or lower compression/extension factor based upon the strength of the allomancer. I would be cautious about pouncing upon that bit. I was recalling off-hand without reviewing my recording. I'm pretty sure that that is what he said (at least in essence), but not 100%.
  24. I am very interested in the role and status of the stormwardens. The only thing we have expressly said in TWoK is that they predict the highstorms. But they also seem to frequently act in an advisory capacity. They are educated men, so I suspect that they are ardents. If that is correct then they are essentially property of their associated brightlord. The darkeyes, at least, appear to be rather leery of them since they "predict the future". But, how are they viewed by the light-eyed population at large? The high ranking brightlords appear to rely upon them (and trust them) a lot. Taravangian relies on them and trusts them to restrict his actions according to how Taravangian is 'feeling' that day.
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