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Everything posted by Shardlet

  1. Okay, so here is the first part of the report. Chaos, theofficetroll and I all recorded the readings that Brandon did. He read, part of the prologue of WoR, an expanded version of Shadows of Self, a portion of Legion 2, and a bit of the Psychic Bird story that they brainstormed on Writing excuses. I don't have my home machine with me so I will be uploading my recording early next week. I also will be doing a posting later a verbatim version of these questions and answers. But, for now I will give you the gist and the meat. Q: In hemalurgy, does the person doing the spiking need to have Scadrian investiture? A: No. Q: So, anyone with the knowledge could spike someone? A: Yes. Q: You said previously that a slider's bubble is anchored to its position on Scadrial rather than on the slider's position or on the train (if the burner was on a train). If the slider was on a rock in space, would the bubble be anchored to a position relative to Scadrial, the rock or something else? A: RAFO Q: A slider and a pulser are standing near each other and each put up a bubble. Neither is standing close enough to the other to be within the other's bubble, but they are near enough that their bubbles would overlap what effect would you have? A: The bubbles would overlap and it would be like a Venn diagram (i.e., outside both bubbles-normal time, in sliders bubble-fast time, in pulser's bubble-slow time, in the overlap-normal time). Q: If a time bubble is raied in a vacuum, is the diameter larger than a bubble raised in atmosphere. A: No, atmosphere has no effect on bubble diameter. Q: If a Scadrian allomancer had a baby with a Nalthian (and the baby was born on Nalthis), could the baby have an original Breath and also be a Natural allomancer? A: It could happen, the baby would have a bit of Preservation and a bit of Endowment. So, there are the questions I asked. I hope you enjoy them. Especially you Kurkistan. I asked three bubble questions for you. Like I said, verbatim answers and questions to come later as well as my recording.
  2. I haven't seen any indication that the move order move with the chalklings. I wonder if the orders go poof once complete, if they are simply locked, or if additional instructions could be given after the fact. This also suggests that it is conceivable that a rithmatist could draw a LoF or other lines and have them take effect after a desired length of time. A LoF time-bomb kind of thing. Perhaps even take effect after a desired condition is met. A LoF trap that is sprung when someone crosses a primed LoF?
  3. I found this to be very compelling info which opens up a lot of speculation, but makes Melodies extraordinary ability with chalklings potentially less singular. I may ask a question about this today if I get the chance. This would be the 6th question on my list.
  4. My thought exactly Kurk. Bitter-sweet answers for me. It did break my first theory (at least mostly). But, cool info nonetheless. It also suggests that I am on the right track on a few aspects in the Thrill. I will ask another question specific to Dalinar and the Thrill today which may help to shape things some more.
  5. Hey everyone. I was at the signing. My family, including 4 kids, and I drove for 6 hours, and I convinced my wife that we should eat dinner at the mall (where the Barnes & Noble was at) before continuing on to my folks place. It was really cool to meet Brandon and get to ask him questions. I also got to meet Chaos and theofficetroll and saw an old friend there to boot. As you may have seen from Chaos's tweet, Brandon read a new interlude from WoR. Chaos had a recorder so we will all get to partake. The POV character was a thief named Lift (or Lyft, Lifft, Lyphed?) who had a very interesting captive mobile sentient vine which she called a voidbringer. The vine denied being a voidbringer and I was not able to catch all the reading (kids and such). But, I think there are some interesting tidbits there. As to the Q&A, there was not a vast amount of cosmere stuff I asked a Rithmatist question and a series of questions about the Thrill. Chaos had a recorder so he may be able to provide the exact jumbled wording of my Rithmatist question. But, I will paraphrase. Q: I first asked about lines of forbiddance and the timing of the generation of the field particularly in reference to things like a Marks Cross or just general crossing lines of forbiddance. A: (not verbatim) Rithmatics was originally designed as a cosmere magic system and is very cognitively (not the terminology he used, but the essence is the same) based. The line (speaking of all rithmatic lines) takes effect when the rithmatist thinks it should. A line could begin to take effect before the drawing of the line is completed. Q: How strongly does rithmatics conform to realmatics? A: (not verbatim) It is not bound by realmatics. Q: Is the Thrill, with a capital 'T', more than an adrenaline rush or battle rush? (I indicated that it seemed very clear to e that there was a lot more to it. A: Brandon wrote the answer to this in my book that he was signing by writing "You are a very smart man!" Q: Is the Thrill an exclusively lighteyed trait? A: RAFO Q: In response to the RAFO I complained that I didn't even get to my third question which was does Kaladin feel the Thrill? A: He laughed and said, No he does not. Kaladin is "immune" to the Thrill. Q: I then pointed out the basis for my theory beginning with the flashback chapter where Kaladin whales on Jost with the quarterstaff. A: Brandon then said, "What you didn't ask was whether Kaladin had ever felt the Thrill". He then went on to say that that was not a confirmation or a denial. So there it is. Sorry I don't have my own recording to post, but I have a stupid phone and we left my wifes phone in the car. I am looking forward to Chaos's report to pick up the things I missed. Look for a SpoCon report also. I will be stalking Brandon for most of the afternoon and evening today. Chaos, Windrunner, and maybe theofficetroll are going to be at the Con also. I expect that I will have more to report later.
  6. Welcome, it was good to meet you at the signing last night. Glad to have you with us.
  7. All very good points lord, Ice, and Windy. I bow to your thoughtfulness.
  8. Yeah, I think that even as a regular spearman you would have to do more than piss off a light-eyes to get thrown into a bridge crew. I got the impression that it was a pretty severe punishment for a regular. As a shardbearer, Kaladin would have had a lot more leeway given to him as well as greater influence and capability to protect. It is entirely possible that be could put forth a strategy simlar to Dalinar's where he leaps the chasm ahead of the bridges and makes a hole. He could also draw their fire or at least distract the archers. All of these things would have allowed Kaladin some capability to continue on his protect path. If Kaladin took the shards, I don't see them changing who Kaladin is and causing him to become callous and jaded.
  9. First off, wlecome Gloom. I am always glad to hear a new voice with a new perspective and ideas. However, in this case, I am inclined to disagree. I think you have some cart-before-the-horse relationships and some slippery slope assumptions. Since I have already given my views on why nobody except shardbearers have mentioned the Thrill, I'll forgo addressing this point. I don't think plate causes a direct physiological enhancement. I liken it more to the exoskeleton apparati being developed by the military to give soldiers enhanced abilities. I don't recall seeing anything in TWoK to suggest any enhancement of reflexes (or any other mental enhancement). Just outward physical enhancement like the strength and speed you cited. I also have not seen any indication that the Thrill is tied to surgebinding in any way. The people we know feel the Thrill are Sadeas, Dalinar, and Adolin. But, none of them have demonstrated any recognizable surgebinding abilities (yet). The closest I recall seeing so far is Dalinar's glowiness in certain circumstances. As to Szeth, his surgebinding comes from a different source than radiant surgebinding (i.e., he is not bonded with a spren). He is also Shin which is a race substantially different than any other mentioned races in the book. He also does not ever mention anything feelings or sensations resembling the Thrill even though we see him fight several times. While Szeth's shardblade is noted to be different than normal shardblades, I think Szeth's lack of Thrill feelings supports that the Thrill is not an effect of having a shardblade. I do not discount the possibility that the Thrill is a predominantly Alethi trait. But, I'm not sure if I want to pin it down to genetics yet. The frequency of its mention, the notoriety of it as an in-world recognized phenomenon, and the fact that Dalinar can lose it in an instant strongly indicates that this is not a "natural" human reaction that would occur outside of the influence of a Shard(s).
  10. I think the Radiants are centered around the ideals rather than the ideals being centered around the radiants. Consider, the words of the ideals come to the mind of the speaker spontaneously (i.e., not taught to or trained to). The ideals appear to be a built-in part of the Nahel bond that is not absolutely linked to each order of the KR. For example, Kaladin speaks the second ideal at the tower, yet he is not a member of the KR since the KR do not exist anymore. The second ideal was a natural result of his progression along with his bond to Syl. So, unofficial radiants can exist external to the organization of the KR as established by the Heralds. That being said, I would expect that any nahel bonded proto-radiant would be drawn to the KR once they are re-established in whatever form they are re-formed into. Some orders likely more so than others depending on the particular traits which are idealized by each class of spren involved. I doubt a ronin-radiant would last very long (in terms of years, not days or months) without his/her progression halting or diminishing.
  11. I agree. I don't see any part of rithmatics that is incompatible with realmatic theory. The only difference is, if it were realmatically based, we would have a framework for analyzing and theorizing about it. Being non-cosmere means we don't have much in the way of overarching rules to work with for understanding it. Even if it was originally realmatically based, we can't rely on realmatic theory for guidance since BS could have tweaked it in a way we haven't seen yet.
  12. I read Marasi's statement as speed up + slow down = normal time. It seemed like it was the time effect she was speaking of. I did not get any sense of bubble cancellation or anything else. Just the two combined time shifts effectively cancel each other out.
  13. There actually is evidence which suggests that there are more that honorspren in play for the KR. In Dalinar's Nohadon vision, Nohadon laments that not all spren (referring to spren which form Nahel bonds) are as discerning as honorspren. Further, Jasnah describes that all radiant abilities come from spren bonds. This is in conjunction with discussion of the cryptics that Shallan sees in her drawings. I have theorized that each spren seeks a different attribute in its bondee. The only one we have any particular info on so far is honorspren. Edit: spelling
  14. The rub with the spear being pulled in (and perhaps this is the rub with a lot of this discussion) is the floor is part of the room. Part of the floor is on the bubble part is out. How this works I couldn't say. It seems that the floor would have a collective cognitive aspect comprising the cognitive aspects of its constituent parts (i.e., boards, nails, etc.). Each individual part having cognitive aspect which would view itself as being a part of the cognitive whole. Either the setting hasn't been considered in creating/defining time-bubble allomancy or there is a key thing we are missing.
  15. I agree with Windrunner on this. There looks to be some funky bubble math that doesn't quite make sense to me in your drawing.
  16. If it was a revenge thing, look out, because that dude is bad enough to crack the land and aware enough to understand the workings of AonDor. I thought for a moment that it resulted from the splintering of Devotion and/or Dominion. but, the timing is wrong. the crack happened 10 years ago but they have had Seons (splinters of Devotion) for a whole lot longer. Unless of course they were voluntary splinters intentionally formed by Devotion rather than being the pieces of Devotion left by Odium's bad hand. A naturally occurring earthquake seems likely except that the chasm is far from the mountains, perpendicular (at least roughly) to the mountains, and there doesn't appear to be a strong seismic history in Arelon otherwise land changes would likely have happened before. What I wonder is how the experts at AonDor, the Elantrians, did not realize that they needed to add the chasm line to the aons. You would think that they would have a strong understanding of the relationship of AonDor to the geography of Arelon.
  17. Here is a happy illustration I have prepared which may facilitate a fuller understanding of your arguments Kurk (assuming, of course, I am interpreting correctly). Edit: Time A = Time B. You are contemplating what the heck is happening in Time C, neh?
  18. Actually, given the MAG, none of my post would work except where I talk about the MAG . However, in the event that the MAG is incorrect, I am rather pleased with my other ideas there.
  19. The MAG is compelling in this case for the reason you pointed out Kurk. It is more complicated in the MAG for bubble overlap where you would expect it to be simpler or more rigidly defined if off-canon for purpose of gameplay. If it wasn't for this idea, I would posit that the size limit for the second bubble would be determined by the size of the first bubble. So, if Wayne's bubble was up first, then Marasi's bubble would not extend further out than Wayne's bubble. The reason I would posit this is by forming a bubble you are creating a special pocket of space-time which provides the frame of reference for everything within the bubble. I.e., the second bubble could not extend outward from the first bubble because the bubble would have to exist in two separate space-times. While I seriously doubt that the bubble has its own cognitive aspect, the burner's cognitive self and the space-time reference that the burner is part of determines the space-time reference for the bubble. To my mind this jives nicely with you either being in or out of a bubble, there is no halfway. In other words, a single cognitive self can only exist in a single space-time. So, as a tweak to what Isomere was saying, I think the interface between bubbles would be curved (convex on the 1st formed bubble and concave on the second formed bubble). That is, of course, for the case where burner 2 is outside of burner 1's bubble. For bubble within a bubble, the diameter of bubble 2 is limited to the diameter of bubble 1. Edit: fixed some clunky language in 2nd paragraph.
  20. Glad I could add more to your plate .
  21. You know, to my knowledge, nobody has mentioned the quirkiness of the hair color. It is definitely not typical for the cosmere (in that we have not heard of it except on Roshar) and does not even appear typical for Roshar. I think there may be something to it of greater significance. It was certainly frequently mentioned throughout TWoK. I can't even begin to hypothesize a particular effect or indication of a trait. But, I have added this to my mental list of things to pay attention to during future rereads as well as in WoR and beyond. Good thought, Random.
  22. I was wrong. Jag, your mention of bouncing reminded me. When Fitch and Harding were dueling, Harding fired enhanced LoVs (i.e., LoRs) at Fitch who drew LoFs to block and deflect them. It already seemed very unlikely that a single LoR would have penetrated a LoF, especially since a single LoR does not pentrate a LoW (which has been described as less strong than a LoF). But, there is an instance of LoR and LoF interaction in the book. However, we don't have a comparative assessment of how many LoRs it would take to penetrate an LoF. The book does tell us that about 8 or so (I don't recall off-hand) LoVs (hitting in the same spot) will break through an LoF. But nothing yet for LoRs.
  23. The LoF being so strong is not that big of an issue since Joel indicates that it is the strongest of the four basic lines. We have not yet seen an interaction between a LoR a LoF. Like you said, it is hard to tell what is meant. But, it does appear that LoRs are rather potent.
  24. Perhaps Joel's reason for using the LoR is primarily to show off a bit. And yes, he does say that LoRs are "not that much" (emphasis original)more powerful than LoVs. But, a single LoR knocked the LoW of another ruthamtist off by several feet as well as "throwing back" both Harding and Nalizar. It sounds to me that there is substantial power in a LoR.
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