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Everything posted by Shardlet

  1. The answer is we don't know. It is unlikely that we will ever have the answer to such a question. In all my posts, I was abstracting the power from the human limitations as well as other limitations like friction. I was merely thinking of the possibility of the power being capable of an instantaneous speed dump that would result in a speed in excess of c. I apparently have not been explicit enough about this abstraction.
  2. The thought others have put forward, and that I subscribe to, is that in the case of an amputee, the body has already healed even though it is not whole. In the case of paralysis, I couldn't say without more research since I don't know if the spinal cord is ever 'healed'. As to the cognitive idea, it would depend, I suppose, on the individual. Have they internalized their present condition such that it is an integral part of their cognitive makeup? Or, have they never mentally healed and continue to cognitively consider themselves to be a fully able person but with a persistent injury? Seems like, in situations like that, there would be no universal answer. Edit: Dang lower case I!
  3. I definitely think that there are other specializations that may occur, but I suspect that for a non-rithmatist to be included they would have to be shown to have a special aptitude for something. Especially given that all their lines will have to be traced over. However, two rithmatists within a single circle allows for divided labor while needing to protect only a single circle. I suspect that 2-rithmatist teams will begin to pop up fairly readily. But, without complimentary skills they would not likely be able to reach the heights of effectiveness of Joel and Melody. Also, as I suggested above, I expect that the inclusion of a non-rithmatist would be rare. If for no other reason than their lines would have to be traced over to be effective. Which means that their aptitude with a type of line would have to be noticeably better than the rithmatist with whom they are paired.
  4. In addition to that info, the highest I have found for Shard is 252, the lowest I have found for Hero of Ages is 282. I gathered from an older post of Chaos's that The Broken One begins at 512 and Brandon is the only Adonalsium at 1688+. There are also 2 negative rankings that I have seen: Negaspren (which begins at -2) and Hoed (which has one banned member at -14).
  5. So, rather than necro-ing the Reputation Finder thread, I thought I would post this suggestion in the conveniently and aptly named Suggestion Box. I noticed that, in the reputation tab in our profiles, the posts which have been upvoted (or downvoted) are arranged chronologically by the date of the posting. However, on occasion I get an upvote for an older post and I can't figure out which post got upvoted. Perhaps it is a vanity thing, but when I get a bump, I like to know which post someone thought had merit. Would it be possible to arrange the posts chronologically by the most recent up-votes rather than by the date of the post?
  6. I think though, that this strategy would be more effective if Joel actually was a rithmatist. That way Melody would not have to trace over his lines. While one rithmatist is drawing lines of warding, the other could be drawing lines of making. What Melody and Joel have going works excedingly well for them because Joel is gifted at mathematically constructed lines which can be evaluated objectively while melody is gifted at drawing with lines of making which cannot be objectively evaluated. While, it may be better in many cases than the status quo, this strategy would not work nearly as well for other rithmatists. The strength of the strategy for Joel and Melody is that their strengths and weaknesses compliment each other. This would be further strengthened by Joel having rithmatic ability.
  7. I know. It makes sense that bendalloy (or cadmium) would be involved for that exact reason. I need to do a full in-depth look at your theory as well as the Alcubierre drive for context. I'm not even sure if I didn't bypass your theory because it was more involved than I had time to deal with at the time. I'll definitely check it out though. If nothing else, I'm interested in what aspects of your theory correspond to Brandon's described missing piece that is forthcoming in the books. Edit: Although, if it is a work around for speed of light, then it wouldn't properly be FTL, right? It seems to me, FTL necessarily steps outside of physics. It may be effectively FTL, but not actually. I guess that would really have to be defined. Is the future trilogy FTL actually FTL or just effectively FTL? Might be a good question to narrow things down.
  8. Really, where? I wish I'd known that before I wasted a bunch of time in a nonsensical (I would say moment, but that would be way off base) period of OCD-ness.
  9. While, I agree that this idea is likely unfeasible in any practicle terms (I mean look at the assumptions I am posing to allow this to function. In a vacuum, really!?). Brandon indicates that FTL is possible using Scadrian systems and therefore we already know that Scadrian systems can enable stepping out of real life physics. As to the second quote, Brandon is referring to FTL travel. This comment, I suggest, is in the context of interstellar travel (being the only practical use of FTL travel) and therefore does not contemplate the present idea. Besides. like I said earlier, there is likely an upper limit (in feruchemy) to how much of a store you can use for a given minimum time. This whole discussion is of little practical value since in any reasonably conceivable in-world circumstance it would not function the way I am talking about.
  10. Yeah, but recall, Sazed made Spook a mistborn. It doesn't seem too farfetched that he could have made this non-hereditary (in Spook's case). I expect he could also have then manipulated the system such that there could only be ferrings, mistings and twinborn. But, since the second trilogy is supposed to involve a rogue mistborn, I suspect this is not the case. Unless Harmony changed his mind.
  11. Welcome to the forums Fuge. I like your idea. It is actually very similar to one of my pet theories. If you are interested in checking it out, here is a link.
  12. WARNING! A shameless plug for a personal theory is about to occur. Please take any safety precautions you deem necessary. If you like the idea of Hoid having an innate investiture that allows him to potentially use any shardic magic system, I invite you to peruse my 'Yolen DNA is Archetype DNA' conveniently accessed by clicking on the appropriate link in my signature below.
  13. Also, the absolute zero analogy doesn't hold. Absolute zero is the point at which atomic motion stops. This means no phononic interaction between atoms which means there is an absence of thermal heat. In contrast speed goes from zero to c IRL. But, since Brandon says FTL is possible using the systems on Scadrial (including those systems or methods of using the systems we do know which we have not yet been introduced to) we must accept that with the help of magic, you can exceed the speed of light in the cosmere. This means that the real life maximum speed of c, doesn't apply to this discussion. Edit: As to air friction, it has been rightly pointed out that you'd fry at those velocities. However, as I said before, I am speaking strictly theoretically. There is no practical reason that I can see for a steel ferring to even attempt it. Since it is theoretical, let us assume that air friction is zero. Or if you must have an actual setting, in a very large warehouse which is perfectly sealed and has a perfect vacuum maintained within it and the ferring has a fancy suit with a self-contained breathing apparatus. As to maximum storage and how much speed needs to be stored. Recall, I am talking about using a complete storage in an instant. So I can go 100 mph for 10 min or 200 mph for 5 min. or c for 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 sec. (note, this is not actually calculated. I am merely using this obscenely short period of time as an example. So please, don't bother to count the zeros and do the math.) As to Kurk's wounded soul, I will read that 'Yet another FTL' thread again and get back to you.
  14. I seriously doubt that the FTL interplanetary travel in the third trilogy will be powered by steel ferrings. But, in the theoretical sense of being able to store massive amounts of speed and expend that massive store in an instantaneous run that is FTL, then sure. But, I wouldn't be surprised if there is a maximum threshold for the amount of a store that can be expended in an instant. When I used the word plausible in my previous post, I did not mean it in the sense of the ideas were unbelievable or unrealistic. Rather, I meant it to mean that the explained mechanism did not seem likely to produce the declared outcome. In other words, I did not think their ideas would work the way they thought they would. Edit: I know you love your bendalloy Kurk. But, I just haven't seen a bendalloy FTL theory yet that rings my bell .
  15. It is going to mostly depend on the nature of the energy wave and the structural composition of the ground it is moving through. If the ground is substantially uniform in composition and fairly consistently structured and all the energy waves fairly consistent in intensity and frequency, then the damage should be fairly uniform (in pattern).
  16. Nope, no FTL yet. Though there is supposed to be FTL travel in the third trilogy. The FTL is supposed to be powered by the Scadrial magic systems. So far there have been many ideas tossed around and most of them involve bendalloy. But so far none of them sound particularly plausible (to me, at least). I suspect it will strongly involve the way the southern continent uses the magic systems. Edit: parenthesis portion added.
  17. I suspect that a massive burst of energy began in the center and radiated outward from there. Perhaps the center acted as something of a lens for this energy or perhaps the center was originally much larger and the present center is all that remained. Perhaps Honor died in that location?
  18. The rub is, as you pointed out previously Hoser, there would be interference patterns resulting from such an event which would result in a grid of massive destruction each pocket of destruction surrounded by areas of lesser destruction until you reach pockets of no destruction. In other words, there would be a distinct pattern of destruction visible even in the areas where the Alethi maps are very complete. Yet, there is a sense of order to plateaus, but no discernible pattern given the info the Alethi have.
  19. The craters are all (apparently) happy circles. If the action(s) of what made the craters (impacts?) caused the shattering of the plains then I would expect there to be fissures all around the craters (especially the backside). If impacts at an angle directed most of the force of the impacts into the plains (which are now shattered), then I would not expect happy circular craters.
  20. If we are to accept an allomantic/feruchemic/hemalurgic method of FTL then we have to accept that there is a work around to relativity in world. True, Brandon does rely on real world physics, but he has also said in the same breath that the magic systems are generally necessarily outside of real world physics. Until such a FTL mechanism is known and explored, I don't think we should reject an idea because physics says 'no'.
  21. If I may use some realmatic terminology without actually referring to realmatics, there definitely is a cognitive aspect (so to speak) to rithmatics. A rithmatic line does nothing unless you know what you are drawing and you intend for that effect to happen. This would not be apparent with lines of warding and forbiddance since your intent in drawing them would always be for maximum defense. This is coupled and limited by your skill at drawing these lines. Now, the line of silencing is rather unexplored. Could you draw the line with the intent to invoke a specific level of silencing without having to draw a physical difference in the line? I think maybe so. At one point Joel can't speak louder than a whisper while at another he can't speak above talking level. So, it is entirely possible in my mind for such a cognitive aspect (remember, only borrowing terminology to identify a concept; no realmatics involved) to apply to lines of making as well. No actual realmatic theory was applied to any settings, persons, or actions outside the Cosmere in the above post. Any similarities in the above post to realmatic theory are purely coincidental and do not represent any belief of a connection between the Rithmatist and the Cosmere or that any Cosmere phenomenon such as the existance of a cognitive realm can, is, or should be applied to any books set an Earth or an alternative reality Earth or any book known to not be set in the Cosmere.
  22. You're reasoning is correct, Skaa. There really is no grammatical room, that I can discern, for "the Broken One" to mean "one who breaks".
  23. Well, As to the craters, there are ten of them in a nice pretty arc at the edge of the plains. This suggests to me that the craters came after the shattering of the plains. Ten Heralds. 10 Unnamed? I suspect they resulted from something that one of these groups did.
  24. My wife heard about mistborn from her sister while we were on vacation at the in-laws. Wifey thought it might pique my interest because of my metallurgy background. I read it before we left and I have been hooked on Brandon ever since.
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