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Everything posted by Shardlet

  1. Travelling back in time in a relativistic manner, yes. But in a practical manner, not really. In a practical manner, the steelrunner just got from point A to point B virtually instantly (while aging at the same rate as everyone else). He/she did not get to point B before he/she left point A. Edit: added underlined text
  2. I think what Kurk is saying is that, at least theoretically, aluminum is allomantically invisible (to iron and steel and blocks brass and zinc) as a property and no matter how high you stoke your iron or steel (or brass and zinc), even under mistfeed, this property holds. The wall is just too high. Something like, no matter how powerful a magnetic field you apply, sulfur just isn't going to be affected. Whereas, with other materials, such as iron oxide (lets use Fe2O3), it is magnetically inert to a normal powered magnet, but if you apply a magnetic field somewhere in the ballpark of 100 Gauss, then it can be affected. So, to carry on with the analogy, the question is, is aluminum like sulfur or iron oxide. Kurk thinks it's like sulfur and I wonder if it is like iron oxide. Edit: However, as I indicated before, this is likely all an academic question which has little practicality. Not to mention the fact that is very definately off-topic for the thread. I suggest that we have hijacked this thread long enough and that if we would like to carry this discussion further, we ought to give it its own thread and link back to here for context.
  3. Also, rep points lead to ranking promotions with which you can use to impress your friends and neighbors. For instance Kurkistan there has so many rep points that he is ranked as 'Hero of Ages'. This gives him a dominant viewpoint on arguments with neighbors, special discounts at selected retailers (some restrictions may apply), and even the right to special legal considerations when he steps out of line . Well...maybe not so much. But it is fun to watch your ranking rise and it gives you warm fuzzies to think that people enjoy what you have to say. Edit: if you are interested, I actually wasted enough time to catalog rep point ranges for all the rankings from 17th Shard Trainee to Knight Radiant and some general ballpark ranges for the rest (unless there is something between The Broken One and Adonalsium). Pretty useless, huh?
  4. Dang it, you got to this before I did. I have been planning a thread for this topic. More to follow from me tonight at 8:30 (7:30 central) .
  5. OK, so Zizoz's quote suggests I am off-base. Though if it was anyone but Brandon saying that I'd scoff in their face. Since it is Brandon, I will just say, 'hrmmp'. As to Kurk's comment about mist enhancing, this is the original kernal of my pondering. TLR, by virtue of his fancy pants could affect metals inside of Vin's body, even down to the iron in her blood (which is a very good trick since it is ionic not elemental) if I recall correctly. The only power which enables you to manipulate metal is allomantic iron and steel. Thus, his ability to affect metals which are normally invisible and unavailable for pushing or pulling is an aenhancement of more mundane iron/steel pulling/pushing. Recall, Vin had to stoke the fires pretty high just to get to the point where she could allomantically see TLR's bracers. As I have said before, I may very well be wrong. I'm not wedded to the idea. Heck, it is not even a theory per say. I was just thinking out loud. As to Doc's question, as I understand it the shardworld planets all existed pre-shattering and at least some of these had humans on them before the arrival of a shard. On others, such as appears to be the case with Scadrial, humans were shardically created. Canonically, the PoC does not restrict them to biological manipulation since TLR and Sazed at least used this power to create massive geologic change as well as shifting the planet's orbit.
  6. Here is the quote from WoA (Hardcover, pg. 451): The quote does not expressly say she looked to her reserve, but I have always gotten the impression from reading the books that there is an intuitive cognizance of your reserves while you are burning. I may be wrong, but that is the impression I've always gotten. Might be a good subject for a question. As to the coating, its endurance will largely depend on its wear resistance relative to the bullet. But, how far away can you get from a pure aluminum concentration before you lose the dampening effect? Miles may have found a reasonably durable alloy, but it is going to need to be dang close, compositionally, to pure aluminum otherwise I would not expect the effect to hold. For example, if duralumin was not allomantically visible, I'm sure it would have been notable enough to bring up in WoA or HoA. On top of that, hardness, toughness and strength are three very different material properties which all come into play in a gun design. The barrel and chamber must have sufficient strength to resist the high pressures which come form the powder burning. Likewise, the metal needs to be tough to resist the shock of the sudden explosion. Lastly, the barrel needs to have sufficient hardness to resist the wear of the bullets passing through it. The two most important properties in this case are going to strength and hardness (especially since your bullets are compositionally very similar to your gun). Unfortunately, strength and toughness are inversely related to hardness. In other words, if you want to increase the strength or toughness, you will (typically) decrease the hardness and vice verse. This means that Miles's improved strength aluminum alloy would likely have lower hardness than that of the bullets. The logical next step would be to try bullets made of the same alloy or a softer one. But, again, I expect the further you get from pure aluminum, the weaker the effect of the aluminum.
  7. Yeah, I agree with Kurk. Allomancy is powered/sourced by Preservation. But Preservation (or now Harmony) did/does not use allomancy to do what he does. Also, aluminum loves oxygen so much that there is no metallic aluminum found on Earth and, presumably, Scadrial. Very few metals are found in nature in metallic (elemental) form. In fact, I can only think of three (gold, silver, and copper) off the top of my head. That being said, coating one metal with another metal seems to cause allomantic confusion. In AoL, an Al hat seems to shield one from emotional allomancy. In WoA, Zane gives Vin an atium coated bead of lead. When Vin swallows it, she sees a large supply of Atium. If that wasn't the case she surely would not have been caught off-guard when the atium suddenly ran out. She had burned enough atium previously to be able to know at least roughly how long her supply would last. So coating metals appears to, at least in some cases, affect allomantic perception. This might extend to shielding coated metals from being pushed or pulled. In the case of guns however, after firing a couple of rounds, the coating inside the barrel would be done for and thus would be allomantically visible again.
  8. Oh come now Kurk, 30 years to a stout heart is but a day. I have a love/hate thing with the enormous span of time it will take to play out the Cosmere arc (or archarc if you will ). On the one hand we get to enjoy these cosmere books on a fantastically large and thorough scale. On the other, I hope I don't die before it is done. As to the Rithmatist, it is a great book and I am excited for the next and I am 36 (not a young adult).
  9. So, now in light of the Jasnah Prelude reading from ConnectiCon and its apparent ephemeral nature (i.e., it doesn't appear to have been recorded), I really must demand that one of us attend and record the reading at SpoCon.
  10. Got to give an upvote for that.
  11. Also, I think you guys are speaking in absolutes without a solid evidence basis to support such an absolute declaration. You may be absolutely correct. But given what we know so far, the possibility (not even a thI posed may be correct. The point is, yes, even a lerasium allomancer would not be able to push/pull aluminum. However, we have no basis to positively state that a mist-fueled allomancer unequivocally could not.
  12. My dog (assuming he had the physical dexterity) could spike an allomancer through the heart with a spike to make a hemalurgic spike. There is no magic on the part of the spiker. There are not hemalurgist liker there are feruchemists or allomancers. Hemalurgy is taking a power with a metal spike (of the proper composition) from someone who has power and giving it to someone to give the power or to enhance an existing power. Some of the power is lost in the transfer (i.e., the recipient does not receive as much power as the donor had) and as such, the art is end-negative. The trickiest bit is placing the spike in the proper bind point. But, the bind points are common to all humans (think accupuncture theory). Note: this is an abbreviated post. I don't have time to respond in full.
  13. Don't forget that there is still lerasium out there in the world. The nuggets that TLR gave out and the Hoid nugget and Elend nugget were not the only lerasium in the world.
  14. Electroplating a layer of aluminum is extremely difficult due to the ultra-high activity of aluminum. It corrodes instantly during bonding which makes for a very poor bond to the metal being plated. I suppose that the idea of an aluminum coating protecting against pushing and pulling results from the aluminum lining in hats to protect from emotional allomancy, etc. Edit: Kurk is talking about your post where you said TLR should have sheathed his bracers in aluminum to protect them from the inquisitors.
  15. When did we see this? The only Ghostbloods that we have seen are Kabsal, Shallan's father (though whether he was a Ghostblood or just backed by them is unclear), and her father's steward. I don't recall seeing a soulcaster at all except for the broken and 'repaired' soulcaster Shallan had. Jasnah's of course was not actually a soulcaster. And I think it would be unlikely for there to be much variation in appearance between soulcasters. Otherwise Shallan's plan to swap soulcasters would have had a substantial and glaring fault.
  16. If aluminum can in fact be manipulated in some way, I would expect that is would be multiplicatively more difficult to manipulate if it pierced someones flesh or was inside of them.
  17. Note though, that the first quote is speaking of all three arts collectively and that hemalurgy (as well of allomancy and feruchemy) was created as a result of the conditions in which the Shards invested. This does not speak to bind points. Especially note the second quote where it says to practice hemalurgy one would need to have someone who had the right spiritual and genetic codes (i.e., an allomancer, feruchemist, or perhaps a Scadrian in general for a more mundane spiking) and then take the power from them. It does not indicate that the spiker or the spikee need have a particular spiritual or genetic makeup. The second quote, I think better supports my position I believe. The bind points have nothing to do, of course, with taking of the power, but rather only apply to transferring a portion of that power to another. Also, there is this from the Q&A: A novel use of Hemalurgy which is not outside the sphere of its powers.
  18. As to granting hemallurgic bind points to a non-scadrian, I'm pretty sure that the bind points are a normal part of the human physiology which is capitalized by ruin for hemallurgy. There are, after all, something like 200 or so bind points in the body if I recall correctly.
  19. No doubt. Rainbow and Rubix are canon now because of AoL .
  20. That is the thought which I was putting forth. Though I cannot take credit for it. I picked it up in another thread. Mist fuel gives you heightened power. We don't have a canon example for it, but I doubt that without the ability to burn pewter (in this case given by a hemallurgic spike, weak as it may be) the mist fuel would fuel pewter. Even with a negligible ability to burn pewter, the mist fuel heightening should enable a strong enough burn for some substantial fatigue and pain relief.
  21. So, like I said above, the Mark's Cross is never described as being formed with LoFs. But, When Fitch duels Harding he uses a Taylor defense with a LoF in each of the outer circles (one-handed) to anchor the circles (see loc. 4534). However, also of note, in the scene where Joel is with Exton during the chalkling attack on him. Joel tells Exton to Draw a box around himself and to draw as many lines as he can but not to let them touch except at the corners (see loc. 4042).
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