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Everything posted by Shardlet

  1. I was basing it off of at least the description that what's-her-bucket gave in her story about their colony being attacked.
  2. An interesting idea, but I feel duty bound to point out that at least most of the scholars that Jasnah and Shallan discussed in conjunction with the assuredness movement were male. Horrific acts could indeed be a way of accessing Odiummagic, but I think Patricide would rank a bit more than the first level. Although Shallan could have killed her father in defense of her brother or something similar. That Shallan feels guilt over it is clear, but people often feel guilty over actions that are actually, at least, just. Clearly a bond is being formed in some sense. But, to clarify, I was speaking of a bond more in line with the Kaladin/Syl bond. You may be absolutely correct that this is just the first beginning of the formation of such a bond. But I am cautious about that considering the Cryptics question to Shallan which you cited. It appears to be confused (maybe not the right word, uncertain?, puzzled?) about her nature. Also, as you pointed out Hoser, there are several cryptics that Shallan can perceive. I don't see any evidence yet a particular Cryptic having a peculiar interest in Shallan. This discussion also leads me to believe that either the nature of Jasnah's soulcasting is different from Shallan's or the Cryptics are not directly related to Shallan's soulcasting. Consider, the Cryptic is confused/uncertain/puzzled about Shallan's nature, but Jasnah has soulcast many times in Karbranth and particularly in the Palanaeum. However, it could be something else about Shallan (her memory drawing ability?, her shardblade?) that evokes the question from the Cryptic. I suspect we will find out in January.
  3. If I recall, and IIRC the forgotten are not chalk, but rather are charcoal. Charcoal is carbon and carbon is inert to acid. Though under certain conditions nitric acid might be able to get it done since nitric can donate oxygen atoms in some reactions. Yeah, just looked it up. The only listed carbon/acid reaction I saw was carbon and hot concentrated nitric acid.
  4. Morsk's idea that Shallan's ability resulted from another person's (her mother most plausibly) Nightwatcher visit and Hoser's innate talent from Cultivation make the most sense to me. Although the vitually unheard of nature of Shallan's ability suggests a more limited scope to me of the Cultivation idea. It seems that with such a large population, if everyone had an innate talent from Cultivation, Shallan's particular talent would have popped up from time-to-time such that it would be remarkable but not unheard of. As to the spren bonding idea, I doubt that she is presently bonded with a spren. It seems extraordinary that the bonded spren would be entirely absent from the narrative. So much so, that it seems incredibly implausible that it is just something that hasn't been spoken of yet. Before anyone points to her encounters with the Cryptics, I don't see this as a bonding experience per se. I see them more as gatekeepers so far. Pay the toll and come on in.
  5. I agree, that somewhere in the mix his character must be taken into account. However, we only know (some of) the qualifications that honorspren look for. Nohadon implies that different spren look for different characteristics in their bondee. We have no idea what other spren can form Nahel Bonds or what qualities they look for. Clearly, to become a radiant, one's character must be at least baseline acceptable to a spren to initiate bonding (I presume). But this could be a pretty broad slate of characteristics and I doubt all of them require you to be a pretty rockin' guy (or gal). My judgement about blue KR's comments meaning is based on the fact that he says, "...but if your skill with the sword is similar to your skill with hearth-tending implements, then I am confident you will find a place with us."
  6. Don't forget, although Kaladin presumably saw actual events, he did not physically go out cruising on the stormfront. It was portrayed in the book to be something of a dream (presumably sourced from the great big voice he heard during the dream). So no actual stormlight was consumed in this scene (except of course any that Kaladin perhaps incidentally consumed during his sleep). Cognitive storm-surfing, gotta love it!
  7. How do you get quartz being a subset of Lucentia? But that is food (for vampires) and you can clearly soulcast food. As I recall BS suggested that this process is somewhat similar to atium generation in the atium geodes. This doesn't affect your point, but you get iron by removing carbon from the molten metal. So, steel comes before iron.
  8. I agree that we agree in many aspects. I think perhaps violent agreement is perhaps too strong... (Dang it! there I go being contrary again ). Seriously though, our disagreement comes in my belief that blue KR is saying, 'I'm pretty sure you're in like Flynt'. Whereas, it appears that you are saying that blue KR is saying 'If not a radiant, here is a lovely parting gift of being a grunt in our armies'. Basically I think he is saying, 'It isn't my decision so I can't say for certain, but I'd lay solid money on you becoming a KR'. Edit: spelling.
  9. I strongly agree with Kurkistan on this. I think it is definitely overthinking when we have an inworld canon example (Kaladin speaking to Syl who is perceived by nobody else but Rock). Good old Occam. Edit: Well, I don't know about infusing, but soulcasting does consume stormlight. I suspect all the orders use stormlight for their abilities. But also recall, we don't have much detail on Shallan or Jasnah's abilities or the abilities of the other orders. There has been a lot of speculation on these things, but the evidence to support this speculation is scant. We don't have anything to tie Shallan's memory drawing to the KR. The soulcasting we are more confidant about, but that does consume stormlight.
  10. I agree that not all who come to Urithuru are accepted into an order. The blue radiant's comments certainly confirm that. However, I think the grammatical structure of the blue radiant's comments do indicate that he thinks it is probable Dalinar (Heb) would become a Radiant. He first states that it is not his decision as to whether he would become a radiant and then makes a contrasting statement about his confidence of Dalinar finding a place with the radiants. I think think if your interpretation were accurate, Hoser, the radiant would have made a more qualified statement like, 'But even so, your skill would certainly give you a place with us'. But, the radiant only expresses confidence of this. Blue KR thinks his skills are exceptional. If he meant that Dalinar would find a place as a non-radiant, then Dalinar's skills would virtually guarantee it. He would have to be an absolute turd for them to turn him away. But Dalinar's actions in the scene would surely indicate that Dalinar is an enemy of the essence and (especially due his joining the KR in the fight) has courage and selflessness in spades. So, once again it appears we disagree Hoser .
  11. Well, you bring up some significant examples which cannot be explained away with the wave of a hand, Hoser. They give me more to think on. The most sigificant to our present discourse is the spanreed example. However, even if your examples are truly indicative of sharing of powers, spren seem to be fairly specialized. I suspect that a specific type of spren is required for the creation of specific fabrials, such as spanreeds. So, in that vein, I am dubious as to the aditional communication ability in addition to the surges received by the Nahel Bond. The out for this would of course be certain radiant orders having a communication ability as a surge. This would certainly be very useful in a battle, particularly a big one (one with big armies).
  12. The conversation between Dalinar and the blue KR in Starfalls seems to suggest that while Syl and Kaladin's bond are very spontaneous and 'organic' (in the current vernacular), that other bonding experiences are less so. The KR tells Dalinar that he should come to Urithuru and that, although he can't guarantee it, it is probable in his eyes that Dalinar (Heb) would become a radiant. The radiant says that this is because of Dalinar's skill and makes no mention of his character.
  13. My personal feelings are that you are reading into the information a bit too much. As for the example with Syl and the cryptics, those are spren and I don't recall seeing any indication yet that spren can communicate over distances. I also don't see any indication of people gaining spren abilities as a result of a bond. I do see special abilities resulting from an apparent symbiosis between spren and people/beasties. But these don't appear to be abilities that the spren have in and of themselves. I already gave my thoughts on the first part of the Starfalls scene. As to the second part you cited, I read it as she is surveying the overall situation and looking towards where other KR are fighting/acting in the village/town and thinking about what one of the KR has previously said. I don't read it as receiving a communication, though I can understand your arrival at that interpretation. I think, for me, it falls under plausible, but unlikely. Ruin truly can talk to invested people, but only if they are spiked. Even without spikes, Scadrians still have a portion of Ruin's investiture. I need to spend more time thinking up new theories. Lately, I feel like I am nothing but a big wet blanket.
  14. Yeah, I also have been thinking about that. I re-read Starfalls with this question in mind and I did not see anything to suggest non-audible communication. The closest I could find is where Dalinar steps into smokestance and the radiants look at each other and turn to form a defensive triangle with Dalinar. This seems to me to be mostly instinctual or communication by body language. I saw no indication of non-audible verbal communication.
  15. LOL, thank you for your support Khmauv .
  16. Geez! I am going to be nearly sixty years-old sitting here posting theories about what is going to happen and how things are going to go down. By that time everyone who is a regular now that continues on, will be ranked at Adonalsium with BS .
  17. It makes me wonder how Lirin was able to keep 'his' diamond broams infused in Hearthstone. A mob came once to take them directly. It seems an enterprising person could have slipped out once it was reasonably safe to do so and pilfer one or two while they were out for re-infusion.
  18. The rub is, in an attempt to forge a box filled with gold, the gold is not an integral part of the box. In the stained glass window the window glass is an intergral part of the window. In fact, when Shai tried to forge regular glass into the window, it always broke. Her forgings didn't work. In other words, the nature of the box is unchanged if it has gold in it or not. So, I doubt that you could forge contents into a container. I suspect the best you could do is forge the box to have been a chest in which gold was contained in it such that there are flakes of gold embedded into the box itself. As to the gold into gold-plated lead, I think you would have a tough time convincing that gold that it is actually lead.
  19. It is possible. But it also may be a term which originated on among shardworld populations due to the influence of their respective shard(s). In other words, all the Shards know the cosmos by the name the cosmere. It is possible that the word 'cosmere' was introduced into the shardworld populations by the overseeing shard(s) as the name for the cosmos without any introduction of knowledge of other shards or shardworlds. That being said, Shadesmar seems to be relatively well-known to Rosharians (example: Geranid and apparently the Ardentia). It also seems to be relatively easy to access (see Shallan and Jasnah as well as anyone in the past with the same ability). Given that, it seems that some level of travel in and exploration of Shadesmar was conducted. It is not too big of a stretch to think that someone could have found other shardworlds this way. If the Ardentia is cosmere aware, then it is safe to say that the Ghostbloods are likewise cosmere aware.
  20. Also, aside from Galladon, the farthest we've seen an Elantrian (that we know of) from Elantris is Teod. It could be that if you are away from Sel and/or Elantris for too long or too far, then the glow fades and even disappears until you return.
  21. It had crossed my mind that perhaps the shard adopts the holder's understanding of honor and then locks that in as the standard. I get the feeling that the Radiants were present for at least most of the desolations. I am unsure as to whether the radiants originated with Nohadon or even where Nohadon lies in the overall timeline. I think he is clearly a substantial amount of time prior to the Recreance, but other than that, I am not sure. I expect we will get a meatier history of Roshar in WoR since the prime POV will be Shallan.
  22. I agree with you Satsuoni that honor does not necessarily equal peace. There truly is honorable warfare. Honorable aggression (I think) is a bit of a knife edge. But for a war to happen you only need one aggressor. War against tyranny, evil, oppression, etc. truly is an honorable cause, imo. As to an absolute standard of honor, IRL honor is definitely in the eye of the beholder. I'm am not saying that there is a universal standard of honor that all perceptions of honor can be measured against. I am saying that the shard Honor has an non-subjective standard of honor that is the driving intent of that particular shard. If the radiantblades and honorblades are formed by Honor, as I theorize, then this shardic standard of honor applies to the usage of the blades. Honorspren being slivers of Honor, as I theorize, would hold this same standard of honor to be absolute. What that shardic standard of honor comprises I don't know for sure. But we do know from comments in that oaths and promises are an important aspect of Honor.
  23. I suspect that the inception chambers were added to the churches after the adoption of rithmatics doctrinally. Thank you Weiry for reminding us about King Gregory III as being the discoverer of rithmatics as well as being the head of the church. I had forgotten that. This definitely would be the source of the ready adoption of rithmatics. People (as a group) can change sentiments quickly in such circumstances. If you'll recall, when Henry the VIII spearheaded the formation of the Church of England within one generation large scale anti-Catholic sentiment grew very widespread and strong in England.
  24. I expect that the field formed by a LoF will extend from the line perpendicular to the surface upon which the line is drawn. So if on the ceiling, the field would extend downward, if on a wall (and parallel to the ground), the field would extend horizontally. It depends on the width of the line. While we were given this information in the book, we weren't given an example of the height of a LoF field. I suspect a typical line would not reach the floor since I did not see any indication that the lines which were drawn on the floor reached the ceiling. But this may be due to a flawed idea on what would happen if a LoF was drawn in a place where something was above the line at a height that would be lower than the height of the formed field. The chalklings attack the line at the ends of the line as seen in the book. The field is like a repulsor field rather than a wall. In other words, you cannot touch it directly. It has been described to feel like pushing to magnets together at the same pole. Thus, the chalklings also cannot climb the field.
  25. Definitely, IRL, honor has been ascribed to a variety of practices and standards. But, shardically speaking, I think Honor must must have a non-subjective meaning and standard. Consider, we know that over time a shard's intent will override or even overwrite the personality of the holder of the the shard. In the case of Honor, the nature of such an overwrite cannot be determined by prevailing ideas on what is honorable, but rather must be by some standard of honor inherent to the shard. So, for the shardblades to be used in correlation with the intent of the Shard who formed them, they must be used according to this non-subjective standard of honor (or honor and cultivation mix). Edit: spelling
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