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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Huh, I totally missed Ash voting for Stick even though that particular post helped me form my opinion of Tani.
  2. Hmm, I'm going to vote for Tani. Wei have them semi trusted on reads list for claiming Zelda and said that it's very unlikely that there would be more than one elim doing that. Since Wei has been proven to be evil and was also one to claim Zelda, I think there statement is suspect and of those that I saw claiming to be Zelda (Archer, Pyro, myself and Tani) Pyro is dead and I'm me so that leaves Archer and Tani. Archer remained high on Wei's list so I doubt they are an elim as it would be too obvious so that leaves Tani. It's not much to go on but it's all I got. Vote Tally: Drake (1): TJ Ash (1): Araris Pancakes (1): Waffles (Hmm, trying to start a food fight???) Tani (2): Stick, Alv Stick (2) : Mat, Tani Plus this makes it a tie and you know how I feel about them.
  3. For those wondering. This. This right here is why we tell Kas to sleep. BTW, Kas, go to sleep! Thank you for #Kaswatch Wyrm. Please keep us updated. Unknown and Dannex have both been on since I made my inactive post but neither have posted. Interesting. Unknown did state that they will have limited internet for a bit so that's something but @Dannex, why you no comment? Hoping to get voted out perhaps?
  4. Every time I read Blinkin or Blinken, I can't help but think of Robin Hood Men in Tights. Thanks for that as now I have to go watch it again.
  5. It occurs to me that this is an ideal game for voting out inactives. Statically speaking they are more likely to be village over elim and we want as many villagers voted out as we can get. This has the added benefit of keeping the active players around making it harder for the elims to control the votes later in the game. From what I can see, Dannex, Unknown and Liranil are the only ones not to have posted this cycle. Also, Kas! I thought I told you to go to sleep. Bed!
  6. I think this is the first game I've played where I want to see my name in red. Also: Go to sleep Kas. Here's a song to help you. Your friendly Klaas Vaak ♪♫♪♫♪ Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream Make him the cutest that I've ever seen Give him two lips like roses and clover Then tell him that his lonesome nights are over Sandman, I'm so alone Don't have nobody to call my own Please turn on your magic beam Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream Make him the cutest that I've ever seen Give him the word that I'm not a rover Then tell him that his lonesome nights are over Sandman, I'm so alone Don't have nobody to call my own Please turn on your magic beam Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream Mr. Sandman, bring us a dream Give him a pair of eyes with a "come-hither" gleam Give him a lonely heart like Pagliacci And lots of wavy hair like Liberace Mr. Sandman, someone to hold Would be so peachy before we're too old So please turn on your magic beam Mr. Sandman, bring us, please, please, please Mr. Sandman, bring us a dream ♫♪♫♪♫
  7. True and it does reveal a role the elims have but still, I'm always wary of people assuming a kill will go through. I've been bitten by that a few too many times myself.
  8. I work a double shift and miss all the fun. While I wholeheartedly approve of Wei being killed, there is a fairly good chance the elims have a Mipha/Healer on their team and would therefore survive. (I have asked the GMs if failed attacks are revealed and am waiting for an answer)
  9. Sorry to hear that hyliara. Sending our best wishes. I hope to see you in another game. Agreed. There is no way I'm going to be able to keep up / read every thing, though I have skimmed, so I'm simply going to wait a couple of cycles for the 'new game hype' to die down a bit.
  10. Indeed. Nothing like some Colin Mochrie whenever I feel down. Got to love the classics.
  11. Some sad news today when it was announced that Rudolph the reindeer was killed over Barcelona. Eye witnesses claim the famed animal was hit by a flock of birds before being struck by a Boeing 747. All reports say that the reindeer in Spain was hit mainly by the plane.
  12. *stands up* I'm Spartacus... er, Zelda. Beware of what you ask, for those that have seen my face are never the same again. This is likely the earliest I'll be getting on for any cycle. Maybe an hour earlier if you're lucky.
  13. Jamut Whitemane is signing up. I have never played or even looked at playing a Zelda game so I have no idea about any of it so I'm going to try and RP as a character that has no idea what's going on. Fair warning though, I'm still limited in terms of time so don't expect much from me. One or two posts a day is likely about all you will get. Edit: Just converted timezones and 3am? Really? That seals it, do not expect anything from me near rollover by at least 5 hours on either side.
  14. Have you been peeking into my Docs? I happen to have a role in my role insanity game that works almost exactly how you described it. I balanced it by have several ways to hide roles from scans, a plethora of false roles and a couple of ways to gain or lose roles so even if someone learns your role, that doesn't mean it will still be your role later in the game. Of course there's numerous ways to learn someone's role too. Surprisingly, while the game looks very hard to balance what with everyone having multiple roles, every simulation I've run has the teams fairly even.
  15. Here's the thing though. If you wanted to keep it secret that you had the clock then why did you say you tried and failed to take it? Why not just give your advice about keeping it a secret and leave it at that? There was no reason for you to claim your action as you did unless you were trying to show you took an action and thus couldn't have made the kill. A Map is incredible valuable to everyone including the Thief, it's just not labeled as valuable. We need a constant supply of chalk flowing into the camp. IMO at least one Map should be used every Night from this point onwards to keep us supplied. Not using your Map basically handicaps the village later down the line as players are continuously using Chalk and the Chalkling strength continues to grow. It's for that reason that TUO is growing in suspicion to me. Not using your Map for the two Nights you've had it is bad and given the discussion that took place during the past Day, I am surprised that you 'forgot' to place an action. I'm holding off on voting for you at the moment until I finishing gathering all my missing data but you are my leading suspect.
  16. Gun! There's a gun! I see a Gun! I want the Gun! I need the Gun! I'm going for the Gun! I welcome anyone else who wants to roll the dice with me.
  17. Well, isn't that nice. I take a day off to do other stuff that needed to be done and you all go and kill a Forgotten. Maybe I should take the next day off too. Sorry Kas but my notes are horribly behind. I haven't finished N2 info gathering yet as some real life stuff turned up and had to be dealt with. I'll get on it as soon as I can.
  18. @Illwei, why would Ash go after me for not using the Map N1? At the start of that Night, we had plenty of Chalk and Acid in the supply so there was no reason for me to do so. It feels to me as if you're reaching for something that's not there. Using the Map on the first Night is utterly pointless unless we were in desperate need of more supplies.
  19. I admit I ignored it as I already have a list of actions I plan to take and so far, nothing has changed enough for me to divert from them. Camp defense is on that list, just not on N1.
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