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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Second of the Sky stepped onto Amaji Isle. The Northern Interests Trading Company had clear cut most of the isle to make room for their ever expanding base of operations. What had once been tall trees had now been felled to make a wooden palisade to keep what was left of the wildlife out of camp, while the corpses of those that attacked were piled up outside. There were even a couple of Shadows, the deep beasts of the oceans, that lay washed up on the shore, their carcass’ too heavy to move. Shaking his head at the needless destruction Second climbed back into his boat. He had seen all he needed to. Civilization was coming to the Pantheon Isles and nothing was going to stop them now. Progress it seemed was as easy to stop as the tides. But that didn't mean one couldn't try.... Another game has come and gone. Many congrats to the Traders for winning. And many upvotes and slaps on the back to twelfthrootoftwo and Eolhondras for running this game. The Aviar mechanic and codes phases looked very interesting. Much fun was had in trying to guess everyone's code. I for one look forward to more games from you two. If anyone would like to try their hand at running a game, please get a hold of Gamma, Wilson, Metacognition or myself. Not only will we get you added to the list, but we'd also be more than willing to help out in any way we can. You can also ask questions and get some hints and feedback from everyone over here in our Art of Game Creation thread as well. With all the games that we've run so far, we have plenty of experienced GMs that can help you refine any game you're thinking about! For those wanting to play, MR12: Turf War is open for sign ups but will be starting soon so feel free to join in the fun. Thanks again to everyone that played and we look forward to killing seeing you in future games!
  2. An evil ring? Hmm, I may have to send someone to acquire it. What size is the ring? Will it fit over a Shardplate finger? Also, good job loyalists especially you PK. Nice kill on Stink. That practically crippled us and halved our kills. Also Sart, despite me not being an active poster I am still a high scan player. In the last 6 games I've played, I've been scanned in 3 of them. All within the first three cycles and two of the others I wasn't scanned because the game ended on the first cycle (LG15a) or the only scan role was an evil teammate (QF11). I haven't flown under the radar for a long time. That said, good job on catching me killing Strawman. Can't have Stewards running around free to scan people. And Maill, sorry for not healing you but I was a Skinchanger and thought you were the Shadowbinder. I wanted to get you to kill yourself. I did however feel bad about it as I thought you had finally broken your non-kill role streak. Alas it was not to be. Next game bro, next game.
  3. I have to admit, I have no idea what happened. I sent in my orders when Maill asked me to heal him but he wasn't healed. Also if Sart is correct then there are two other Acolytes that also didn't heal Maill. Given that I was/am under heavy suspicion I don't see any reason why they didn't send in orders to heal Maill as well. Especially since there was no one else to be healed that cycle. Sad I am that I was lynched but not surprised. I also understand if you all want to lynch me again. I shall heal myself this cycle so I don't die of my wounds so if you still want me dead then you will have to lynch me again. Or kill me.
  4. Sart is most likely a Ranger given that I did indeed visit Strawman last cycle. However it was not to kill him but rather to heal his Greyscale. Yes, I know that's a convenient excuse but it's the truth. I have no way to prove it is so. All I can offer is the idea that if I was evil then why would I be the one making the kill? As loathe as I am to admit it, I tend to get scanned fairly often. Far more than I would like to have been scanned. Far more likely would be that one of the lower profile players would be the one to place the kills.
  5. Lengthy posts? I don't recall doing any lengthy posts this game. Or in many games for that matter. Also, I tend to not vote. I was tempted to vote last cycle and it would've been for you Sart. Due purely for the fact that you were the only one absent the first cycle and there wasn't a Faceless kill. As it looked like you were going to die anyway I decided to wait and see if there was a Faceless kill this time round, but there wasn't so there is nothing to say if you are or aren't a Faceless. Or even if there is one in the game.
  6. The weapon could be classified as the group of sixteen that killed him. Since that group broke apart after gaining their Shards, the 'weapon' no longer exists in it's original form.
  7. First, why switch votes just like that? An explanation would be nice. Second, you need to green out your first votes on Deathclutch. Third, welcome Sart. Cutting it a little close there aren't we? Edit: We might also want to discuss if the Priest brings back Kynedath, Stink or Mark. I don't think Mark is a good candidate to bring back as he was lynched but either of the other two could be.
  8. Seeing a game go down to the wire like this is always great. It makes me think I got the balance right. Plus it's insanely fun watching the players descend into madness trying to work out who the last eliminator is. (Looking at you Burnt.) Sadly you will have to wait for the finale. We still have Part Three: The Outsiders and Part Four: The Reckoners to go. Will either side make it to the finale or will it just be The Barrow Barons vs The yet unnamed gang for rule of Newcago? Most of the side roles worked out well but the Compulsive Liar was a pain in the chull for me. I probably won't be using that one again. The body snatching worked well. Having Shallan snatched was perfectly timed as it meant no one was aware that a SK had entered the game. Sadly you lot managed to find and kill them after just one kill again. I might have to make them Thug like next time Araris setting off his charges when he did turned the game on it's head and sent shockwaves through the survivors. I will have to include that type of role again at some stage. Make it neutral next time though. A little disappointed that there wasn't much item trading going on. Thought people would want to get working items a bit more than they did. Though Maill did try and get a raygun. Next time Maill, next time.
  9. Night Eight: Conclusion Marr (Mark VI) was lynched. He was a Blind Snitch with Magnet, Battery Pack, Focusing Crystal, Laser Scanner, Filter, Targeting Array Vote Tally: Marr (Mark VI) (2) Ereth (Elbereth), Theresa (twelfthrootoftwo) Ereth (Elbereth) (1) Marr (Mark VI) Congratulations Loyalists. You managed to root out all those that were planning on killing you. Those that survived can choose the name of the gang which shall represent the civilian roles in the final battle for Newcago. Players: Links: Behind the Walls Shadowed Corner Observations
  10. Day Eight: And then there were three Allen (Araris Valerian) was killed. He was a Strong Willed Demolitionist with Duct Tape. Day Eight has dawned. Ready, Vote. Demolitionist: You love to see things go boom. You enjoy it so much that you no longer care if anyone is killed by your explosions. You have a small supply of explosive caps that you can attach to a scrap. Once you attach one of your ‘surprises’ you can chose who gets the item. After a full cycle has passed you can choose to detonate the cap and kill whoever has the item. Player List:
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