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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. The world is so unpredictable. Things happen suddenly, unexpectedly. We want to feel we are in control of our own existence. In some ways we are, in some ways we're not. We are ruled by the forces of chance and coincidence.

  2. Day Seven: And a One, and a Two, and a one, two, BOOM The surviving members of the gang rejoiced. They had successfully managed to hunt down a killer before he had killed too many of them. Drinks flowed freely as old friendships began to repair after being almost fully sundered. Jokes were cracked and toasts made. Differences were put aside as both Traitor and Loyalist had something to celebrate. But just as it seemed like everything was going to be fine, all sins forgiven, a series of explosions ripped through the group. Shrapnel flew in every direction as several people were cut down. Rance Idsmill (IrulelikeSTINK) has died. He was a Bloodthirsty Smoothtalker. He had Laser Scanner, Battery Pack, UV Scanner Blaize Ghetti (Burnt Spaghetti) has died. She was a Heavy. She owned UV Scanner, Focusing Crystal, Metal Plate, Copper Wire, Filter, X-ray Chip Neal (Elkanah) has died. They were a Compulsive Liar Rookie Snitch and Shadow Leader. They had Targeting Array, UV Scanner, Laser Scanner Locke (OrlokTsubodai) has been killed by the GM for inactivity. They used to be a Braggart Bodyguard. They had some Copper Wire Allen (Araris Valerian) was injured in the attack. Day Seven has begun. Good luck and happy voting. Player List:
  3. Night Six: One Kill Wonder Exisa (phattemer) was lynched. He was a: Serial Killer with Secret Bloodties. He had: Duct Tape, Targeting Array, Mirror Night Six has begun. Sleep tight. Don't let the killers strike. Vote Tally: Exisa (phattemer) (3) Blaize Ghetti (Burnt Spaghetti), Rance Idsmill (IrulelikeSTINK), Neal (Elkanah) Blaize Ghetti (Burnt Spaghetti) (2) Exisa (phattemer), Allen (Araris Valerian)
  4. Night Five: Game Changer Drake knew his time was up. He didn't fight it. But he wasn't going to simply wait for the mob to come and demand it's blood. He made bodies disappear on an almost daily basis and in the tight confines they were currently forced to stay, that was a difficult task. So making one more vanish shouldn't be too hard. By the time the mob did finally come to take it's due, Drake was nowhere to be found. ***************************** Finn watched as a stray cat stalked a mouse. He didn’t go to Drake's lynching. He needed to think, needed to find a way to salvage what he could. Taking a coin from his pocket he flipped it a few times, each time coming up heads. The coin was special to Finn. He got it just before the Epics had started appearing and it had never let him down when he needed to choose a path. A meowing at his feet brought his mind back to the present. The cat had caught the mouse and had deposited it at Finn's feet looking up with what could only be described as pride. Bending down he scratched the cat behind the ears. “You know, I used to think we were the cat and the rest, the mouse but it turns out,” “That you’re the mouse after all.” A voice interrupted behind him shortly before thrusting a knife repeatedly into Finn’s kidneys. As he lay dying he saw his killer pick up his coin from where it had fallen and heard the cat begin to lap up his blood. Drake Pierce (Kynedath) was lynched. They were a Body Snatcher and Compulsive Liar Finn (TheMightyLopen) has died. He was a Regular Compulsive Liar with Epic Polish, Targeting Array, Targeting Array, Laser Scanner, Battery Pack, Copper Wire Night Five has begun and PMs are once again open. Vote Tally: Drake Pierce (Kynedath) (3) Blaize Ghetti (Burnt Spaghetti), Exisa (phattemer), Hashirama (Deathclutch), Milton/Altermind (Maill) Milton/Altermind (Maill) (1) Drake Pierce (Kynedath), Theresa (twelfthrootoftwo) Rance Idsmill (IrulelikeSTINK) (1) Marr (Mark VI) Marr (Mark VI) (1) Rance Idsmill (IrulelikeSTINK) Ereth (Elbereth) (0) Finn (TheMightyLopen)
  5. Day Five: Missing in Action The night was uneventful as everyone kept a weary eye on their neighbors. Mistrust and paranoia was rampant enough that even the slightest movement caused all eyes to lock onto the perpetrator. Several people left the group at one stage or another, either for food or to use the necessary and each time they could feel eyes following them as they left and again when they returned. As the rays of the sun began to shine through the windows everyone breathed a sigh of relief. No one had been attacked. Or so they thought. A quick head count at breakfast showed that someone had gone missing. Of Citona Vinid, there was no sign. Citona Vinid (Shallan) had died. Her body is missing. She had 4 items. Day Five has started so get lynching. PMs are being sent out as fast as possible. Player List:
  6. Night Four: Krippling the Krippled Krippe leant heavily on his crutch as he hobbled around the lair. He didn’t need the crutch but it did lend him an aura of vulnerability which he used to manipulate others into do his bidding. As his pappy used to say; As long as others see you as weak, they will think you incapable of murder. Krippe took that to heart when he was shot in the leg by a stray Enforcement bullet. While his leg was fully healed thanks to the Epics, Krippe not only managed to get the officer that had shot him demoted but had received a substantial payout from Steelhearts coffers. The officer foolishly questioned the Epics and claiming that Krippe was lying. The resulting carnage made a happy memory for Krippe. Krippe however spent money faster than he could make it so it wasn’t long until his payout was long gone. Spent on fancy clothes, woman and drink. Of course once his money was gone, so too were the perks. His one of a kind, hand-made ivory crutch was all that he had left. As he hobbled around he noticed that he was drawing eyes towards him. Not the usual eyes that showed compassion but rather the eyes the held distrust and hate. Picking up the pace slightly, Krippe hobbled over to the door where Anamax stood guard. “You mind stepping aside friend. There’s only so much exercise one can get in here and I really would like to get my strength back. I’ll be back well before sundown. You have my word on it.” Anamax’s only reply was to cross his well muscled arms. “Very well.” Krippe said as he backed away making sure emphasize his limp. “I suppose I could alwa…” he stopped abruptly as he bumped into something behind him. Turning around he found that he had bumped into a group of people. Each one with a look of malice in their eyes. Dropping his crutch he bent down to pick it up but instead he kicked it into the legs of the others before making a break for it. He managed four steps before he was tackled to the ground, his leg twisting beneath him snapping the bones. It wasn’t long after that until he found himself before the headsman. Krippe the Krippling (Kipper) has been lynched. He was a Trusted Beggar with a Magnet. The body of Clanky (Clanky) has disappeared. Vote Tally: Milton/Altermind (Maill) (0) Marr (Mark VI) Exisa (phattemer) (1) Krippe the Krippling (Kipper) Drake Pierce (Kynedath) (2) Milton/Altermind (Maill), Hashirama (Deathclutch), Theresa (twelfthrootoftwo) Krippe the Krippling (Kipper) (3) Drake Pierce (Kynedath), Allen (Araris Valerian), Neal (Elkanah), Finn (TheMightyLopen)
  7. Day Four: Kill or be killed Clanky sat at his worktable, sharpening one of his daggers. The steady scrape of the whetstone on metal calmed him. The Shadow, Kali, Metrick, Avis, Michael. Each name followed by the sound of blade meeting stone. It had become a mantra to Clanky. One that grew each time one of his comrades died and Clanky was going to make the Traitors pay for each death. Well, maybe not Metrick. he thought to himself. That slontze, ruining my favorite pair of boots. While he had found another pair of boots it wasn’t long until he had found that they had a hole in the sole. Once he finished sharpening the last blade, Clanky strapped on the sheaths and slid in the daggers. The Shadow, Kali, Metrick, Avis, Michael. The names repeated in his head as he moved towards the rest clustered around discussing the day's events. Instead of them talking about the deaths they were discussing a book. A book of all things. Seeing one of the books on top a stool, Clanky picked it up and read the title. Bands of Mourning. Sounds interesting. he mused as he flipped through the pages. I’m sure a couple of chapters won’t hurt. After what seemed a short time later, Clanky closed the book and was started to see the sun just starting to peek over the horizon. “Hope you enjoyed the book.” A voice whispered in his ear as a wire was pulled across his throat. As the blood poured from his throat, he ran through his list one last time. The Shadow, Kali, Metrick, Avis, Michael, Clanky. Clanky (Clanky) had died. He was a Braggart Assassin with a Targeting Array and a Targeting Array. Michael Durbin's (Adavantos) body has disappeared You have 48 hours to decide who to lynch. Player List:
  8. Night Three: Blind mans bluff Michael Durbin (Adavantos) was lynched. He was a Blind Snitch and Mentor. Avis' (Hellscythe) body has gone missing. Night Three has begun and PMs are open again. Vote Tally: Michael Durbin (Adavantos) (4) : Milton/Altermind (Maill), Drake Pierce (Kynedath), Michael Durbin (Adavantos), Krippe the Krippling (Kipper) Krippe the Krippling (Kipper) (2) : Allen (Araris Valerian), Citona Vinid (Shallan), Exisa (phattemer) Marr (Mark VI) (0) : Theresa (twelfthrootoftwo)
  9. I am so jealous that you all get to read it now. I still have two days before it's released here in NZ
  10. No talking after you die. There are no ghosts here. Also, Meta's death writeup has been done. Finally. If anyone wishes to do their own death then please PM me with it. I suggest that you do one for the lynch and another for a night death to cover all bases. Note: The GM reserves the right to edit any and all parts of write ups if he deems it necessary.
  11. Day Three: Mourning Avis hated the night. Darkness was the realm of Epics. For years Nightwelder had shrouded the city in perpetual night. And Epics ruled the city. Then the unthinkable happened. The sun shone on Newcago for the first time in what seemed to many as a lifetime. The steel city shone like a beacon while Epics fled, died or offered their services to the people in exchange for their lives. While some mourned the loss of Metrick, Avis was happy. He saw an Epic die right in front of him. ‘Soon,’ he thought. ‘all Epics will be brought out into the light and the plague will be purged from humanity.’ *** Avis and his wife, Saree, walked through one of the new tunnels running under the newly renamed Newcago. Steelheart himself had ordered the tunnels dug not long after claiming the city as his own. They were a marvel to behold. Steel corridors ran deep underground and lights were placed so no area was too dark. They turned a corner that sloped upwards slightly until it reached the surface. Saree thumped into the back of another and both sprawled onto the tunnel floor. The one she bumped into rose to his feet and slowly turned around, his face a thundercloud of fury. He was clad in various shades of brown and a hardhat. His muscles bunched under his clothes as he reached towards Saree Avis watched in horror as his wife was killed by Digzone. He could hear her screams long after she died and the sight of her being ripped apart as if she was nothing more than tissue paper was something he knew would be with him every time he closed his eyes. He swore then and there that he would do whatever he had to do to remove the darkness that Epics had brought to his home. *** Distracted as he was by memories, Avis failed to hear as someone crept up behind him. “It ain’t only Epics that walk in the night.” whispered a voice before slitting Avis’ throat. As the light faded from his eyes and he dropped to his knees, Avis’ could swear he could see Saree standing in front of him holding out her hand. He stretched forth his hand to be with his wife again after so long. Hellscythe - Avis was a Strong Willed Beggar with Duct Tape. Day Three has started so no more PMs. Result PMs being sent out slowly. Want to make sure I get everything right this time. Player List:
  12. Night Two: Celebrations? The music was blaring from mobiles, the drink was flowing from bottles and the food was dropped on the floor. They had caught one of the traitors, confessed from his own mouth, and were just awaiting for Anamax to strike the final blow. Spirits were high as Metrick was tied up and pushed towards the stool that was to become an improvised chopping block. Metrick however wasn’t listening to the jeers and taunts that everyone threw his way. Instead the music pulled up memories that threatened to swallow him whole. *** His mother smiled as Metrick went to the party. Metrick was only invited because he was in the same class as the child whose parents were having the party and they had invited the whole class to their backyard. However no one else really wanted Metrick to be there. They feared him and stayed as far away as possible whenever he was around. It wasn’t Metrick’s fault exactly, he just acted the way he thought he was supposed to act. He heard his father hit his mother several times over the years and suffered the same fate on more than one occasion. But his father would always say he loved them afterwards as he hugged them so Metrick thought that was how one showed their love. He saw the same on the playgrounds where other children played. One moment they were fighting, the next they were laughing and playing together. So it seemed natural when he started doing the same to others but for some reason they shunned him instead of embracing him. He tried harder but that only made things worse. It wasn’t long until he found himself alone on the playgrounds. So at the party it was no surprise that no one talked to Metrick and when he drew near a group playing they would break apart and reform on the other side of the yard. So instead he sat with a plate of cake to wait for his mom to come and pick him up. A pair of oversized shoes invaded his view of the lawn at his feet. “What have we here? All alone on such a happy day? We can’t have that.” It was a jolly voice. One that spoke of rainbows and happiness. A voice that spoke of times when people liked him, played with him. The clown hired by the family had wandered over. The other children had followed the clown but they hung back. Pulling out a long balloon the clown twisted and contorted it into an animal. “Here ya go Skippy. Chin up. It won’t always be like this.” *** Metrick blinked returning his mind to the present. He knelt over the makeshift chopping block, his neck exposed for the headsman's axe. But Metrick wasn’t worried, he was an Epic and no axe could kill him. Already he was planning to displace part of the axehead making it appear as if it struck him only for him to stand up and bow before the eyes on the onlookers. One last prank before disappearing into the oncoming night. *** Metrick loved giraffes ever since he saw them in the zoo several years ago. He would beg his mother to take him to the zoo every other weekend. He loved their long necks and wondered what sights one could see from up there. He would spend all day with his gentle giants but the zoo closed at night and once again he went home to face his father. Once home he immediately saw that his father had been drinking. Empty bottles lay on the floor along with a scattering of cigarette butts. Metrick quietly went to his room, not wanting to incur his father's wrath at being woken up. He pulled out a couple of his dresser drawers and reached into the space behind where he kept his most prized possession. The balloon giraffe given to him just a week ago by the clown. The bedroom door slammed open and his father’s shadow filled the space. “What’s this? You bring me a present, boy? Well, hand it over.” Metrick moved quickly and put his giraffe on his bed and standing in front of it so his father couldn’t get it. His father stepped forward, his face looking like a thundercloud but his foot caught on the rug and he hit the floor hard. Soon snoring could be heard. Metrick let out a sigh of relief and sat down. There was a soft pop. A look of horror pasted itself on Metricks face as he slowly turned around. Sure enough, the balloon giraffe was gone. Metrick wept into his pillow for most of the night before sleep finally overcame him. *** “Any last words?” Metrick smirked. Last words? Oh he had plenty of those but they would wait until after his prank. What better time than when everyone’s eyes were bulging and mouths hung open. Nodding to Anamax, Seid stepped back. “Very well.” Metrick turned his head to the side so he could see those watching. Let them see my smile. he thought. But they weren’t watching him. Instead they were playing with balloons. Mock fights with balloon swords and shields, various balloon animals lay scattered at their feet while balloon crowns encircled their heads. A shock ran through Metrick. How could they know? “Wait!” Too late. The axe was failing and it couldn’t be stopped. Metrick (Metacognition) was a Beggar with Duct Tape. The Duct Tape has been given to one of his lynchers. Night Two has started and will last 24 hours. PMs are once again open. Vote Tally: Michael Durbin (Adavantos) (0): Milton/Altermind (Maill) Rance Idsmill (IrulelikeSTINK): (0) Avis (Hellscythe) Metrick (Metacognition): (6) Michael Durbin (Adavantos), Locke (OrlokTsubodai), Exisa (phattemer), Clanky (Clanky), Theresa (twelfthrootoftwo), Metrick (Metacognition), Krippe the Krippling (Kipper) Krippe the Krippling (Kipper): (0) Rance Idsmill (IrulelikeSTINK) Avis (Hellscythe): (1) Ereth (Elbereth)
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