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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. The note will always have the name of the one the Snitch targets not the one they are redirected to as they are unaware of the redirection. James the Blind Snitch Scans Martha and wants the read to go to Thomas' pocket. But due to James's Blindness, he inadvertently Scans Giles. Then Thomas would get a note that says "Martha is a ???" The ??? being that of Giles' role barring any other influence.
  2. Day Two: It's just a scratch Michael Durbin watched with great interest as several people sat around a table. Each person had one hand on the tabletop, fingers spread apart, while the other hand gripped a dagger or knife. The point of the blades striking the tabletop between their fingers with alarming speed before being raised again only to be plunged back down between another pair of fingers. Several of the watchers clapped a tempo for the players to keep up with, growing faster and faster, followed by cheers as one unfortunate person missed their target and hit their own finger coating the table with another fresh coat of blood. The newly injured person stood and moved off to bandage the wound while another watcher took his place at the table, the beat starting up once more. Another player faulted and this time instead of just a nick they severed their finger, which was quickly snatched up and held high for all to see. As Michael stepped forward to take his turn in the game he was knocked to the side just as a dagger flashed behind him barely missing his spine instead skittering off a rib leaving him injured but alive. Chaos immediately broke out as people started looking for the one that attacked Michael but with so many having taken part in the game many had blood on their blades. After everyone calmed down and Michael was tended to, the group broke apart eyes narrowed in suspicion. Dawn came slow but it did come. Michael Durbin (Adavantos) was saved from an attack. Day 2 has started which means no more PMs. You have 48 hours until Night. PMs will be sent out as soon as possible. Player List: Mailliw73 - Milton Towren aka Altermind Deathclutch - Hashirama Elbereth - Ereth Hellscythe - Avis Adavantos - Michael Durbin Kynedath - Drake Pierce Araris Valerian - Allen Kipper - Krippe the Krippling IrulelikeSTINK - Rance Idsmill Shallan - Citona Vinid Burnt Spaghetti - Blaize Ghetti Mark VI - Marr OrlokTsubodai - Locke phattemer - Exisa Elkanah - Neal Clanky - Clanky TheMightyLopen - Finn twelfthrootoftwo - Theresa Metacognition - Metrick
  3. Night One: Inaction breeds doubt and fear The Hare leaned against the wall as everyone argued. His job was simply to stop anyone trying to leave and no one was going to get past The Hare. No one, not even Kali, was faster than The Hare but he also hated the sight of blood so he spent most of his time running messages for the mysterious leader of the gang. Now that the ruling council was dead The Hare wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do but he held to his orders that no one be allowed to leave until all traitors were found and dealt with. Glancing to the left he caught the eye of Anamax who was sharpening his double bladed axe. As the enforcer of the ruling council, it fell to Anamax to meet out any punishments that were handed out. Which meant that should the group in front of them find a traitor then The Hare would catch them as they ran, as they always try to do, and Anamax to ‘deal’ with them. Suddenly The Hare noticed that everyone had fallen silent and all eyes were on Anamax. Stepping forward was the third member of the group, Seid. “Well, it’s time. Have you found any traitors?” he spoke in his booming voice. Everyone started looking at their toes and shuffled from one foot to another. “Nothing? Well none of you are leaving here until we find those that planted the bomb so you might want to settle in for it’s going to be a long night.” No one was lynched. Night has started which means that PMs can now be used. Please include GM (Alvron) in all PMs. You have 24 hours until the sun rises. Vote Tally: Nothing
  4. Day One: Remnants The leaders had been at it for the better part of the night. Each one putting forward their idea for how to root out and deal with those that were, even now, plotting to kill them. Kali, Second in Command, plunged her bone handled dagger into the table, her voice cutting through the murmur of those watching “And I say we kill them all. Cut out the cancer while we can!” Several faces of the onlookers noticeably whitened and the smell of fresh urine could be detected drifting among them. For good reason too. Kali had a way of getting what she wanted more often than not. The figure at the head of the table raised his hand silencing Kali and the others from their argument. Dressed as he was, head to toe in black and only his eyes showing, little was known about the leader of the gang but rumours were rife. Some thought he was an Epic that was in hiding while others thought he was just a man pulling off a con. No matter the truth though, everyone agreed that when he spoke everyone listened. As the clothed man rose, everyone leaned in not wanting to miss a word knowing that whatever he said it would change the gang forever. However no one expected the explosion that erupted suddenly from beneath the table. Once everyone had picked themselves off the floor all that could be seen at the front of the room were splinters and the mangled bodies of those that had been seated just moments before. Shouts began soon after as those that survived started blaming others for what happened. Several were killed before order was restored and the hunt for those that planted the bomb began. LG16 has begun and Day One shall end in 48 hours. Reminder: PMs can only be used during the night. Player List: Mailliw73 - Milton Towren aka Altermind Deathclutch - Hashirama Elbereth - Ereth Hellscythe - Avis Adavantos - Michael Durbin Kynedath - Drake Pierce Araris Valerian - Allen Kipper - Krippe the Krippling IrulelikeSTINK - Rance Idsmill Shallan - Citona Vinid Burnt Spaghetti - Blaize Ghetti Mark VI - Marr OrlokTsubodai - Locke phattemer - Exisa Elkanah - Neal Clanky - Clanky TheMightyLopen - Finn twelfthrootoftwo - Theresa Metacognition - Metrick Edit: All role have been sent. If you didn't get one please let me know.
  5. Hmm, so my vote was soothed off Hero. (I don't like it when people mess with my votes) I highly doubt Maill would've been the one to do that since it would mean he dies. Most likely he Soothed Ripples vote on him. So to me it means either Hero is a Soother or he's Spiked and has a Soother partner. Hey, missing Coinshot. Care to kill Hero for us tonight so we can learn which one? Please.
  6. Maill, Orlok was scanned by Hael so unless Hael is evil, which I'm not discounting, then Orlok is a villager. I would much rather lynch Hero this cycle and see who the Spiked go after during the night. While I have little to base my suspicions on Hero is one of the few active players that hasn't been scanned.
  7. I have tried pearl diving, just not in Borneo. In order to help further discussion we should talk about who the Seeker(s) scan this night. I vote the following: Maills Seeker: Luckat, Sart or Elkanah Kippers Seeker: Haelbarde, Hero or Elbereth Three options in case one or two have already been seeked. Since I'm sure the Seekers have codes set up in case the PMs went down we can still learn if a Spiked is found. You did set up codes right?
  8. About what exactly? If you want to talk about pearl diving in Borneo or the night life in Heraklion then I sorry to tell you that I have no knowledge of what you ask. If it's about the game and who the Spiked are, I'm similarly clueless there. I thought I was on to something with Venture but that turned out to be false and my only other suspicion is that of Mark and that's only because they seem to be very active. However it is their first game so I have no information to compare it to. What I do think is that killing off our active and talking players isn't something we should be doing. The Spiked will do that for us. So instead we should be asking those that are borderline inactive. Those that have been on the Shard but not posting here. Like me. So to that end, Jain, how are ya?
  9. That's a wrap folks. Many thanks to Wyrmhero for running another of his games and to the players for, um, playing. If anyone would like to try their hand at running a game, please get a hold of Gamma, Wilson, Metacognition or myself. Not only will we get you added to the list, but I'm sure we'd be more than willing to help out in any way we can as well. You can also ask questions and get some hints and feedback from everyone over here in our Art of Game Creation thread as well. With all the games that we've run so far, we have plenty of experienced GMs that can help you refine any game you're thinking about! For those wanting to play, QF12: The Time of Reckoning and LG16: The Empty Throne Part 2: The Catacombs are open for sign ups so feel free to join in the fun. Thanks again to everyone that played and we look forward to killing seeing you in future games!
  10. Correct. Not everyone will have a side role. Using an item does count as an action as does searching or constructing an item. You can search during the day and use an ability during the night or vice versa. You can even search during both the Day and Night if you wish however that carries a -50% chance of finding anything the second time.
  11. Rule Clarifications: Can the Serial Killer use their action every Cycle Day or Night? Yes. "Hidden: This side role will not be shown on death. " So not every person will have a side role correct? Because then it'd defeat the purpose of their side role not showing up. Correct. Not everyone will have a side role. Also does using an item count as an action or not? Using an item does count as an action as does searching or constructing an item. "Searching can be done day or night but no other votes/actions will count for that day/night." So that means if you search Day1 then you have no other votes/action that count for Day1 and Night1? Or just Day1? You can search during the day and use an ability during the night or vice versa. You can even search during both the Day and Night if you wish however that carries a -50% chance of finding anything the second time. If a player targets a Compulsive Liar, what determines the "lies" they are told? P.A.F.O Is the Mortician told specific, detailed information, including the cycles that players targeted the person? Of are they just given a list of names. They are given a list of names. It's up to them to work out the rest. For the Shadow Leader when do they have to put the order in to cancel the lynch? The previous night cycle or during the day they are cancelling for? Also will everyone be informed that the lynch was canceled ahead of time or will it just be revealed in the write-up? The order needs to be in during the Day of the lynch they are cancelling. No one will be told that the lynch is cancelled until the write up is posted. So, with the side role of blood-ties, do we get a second serial killer, or is there no serial killer to begin with, and then once one of the siblings dies, then there is a serial killer. P.A.F.O Also, can one person have multiple side roles? I don't think so, but I'd like to ask nevertheless. P.A.F.O Player List: Mailliw73 - Milton Towren aka Altermind Deathclutch - Hashirama Elbereth - Ereth Hellscythe - Avis Adavantos - Michael Durbin Kynedath - Drake Pierce Araris Valerian - Allen Kipper - Krippe the Krippling IrulelikeSTINK - Rance Idsmill Shallan - Citona Vinid Burnt Spaghetti - Blaize Ghetti Mark VI - Marr OrlokTsubodai - Locke phattemer - Exisa Elkanah - Neal Clanky - Clanky TheMightyLopen - Finn twelfthrootoftwo - Theresa Metacognition - Metrick
  12. The impossible has happened. Steelheart is dead! And with his death many epics have either fled the city or gone into hiding leaving a power vacuum that needs to be filled. In the warrens beneath the city is where you live. You make a living alongside your fellow gang members by scavenging what you can’t intimidate from others. Time has been good to you and your crew. Rival gangs have come and gone while yours has remained strong. Until now that is. With the power vacuum above many of your fellow crewmembers feel it’s time to head to the surface and carve out some of the prime territory for themselves. However a rival gang is also eyeing up the surface for their new headquarters. While they are a small and relatively new gang they are rapidly growing and have even managed to subvert some of your fellow members. The leaders have called together all those they think have been approached by this rival gang and plan to address the situation personally…. Rules: Standard LG Elimination Rules and Etiquette apply. 72 hour cycles (48 day and 24 night) Due to rolling blackouts, mobile phones (PMs) can only be used during the night. Please include the GM in all PMs. Sign ups will last the standard 7 days. Rollover will be at 5pm NZDT / 4am UTC / 9pm MST A new player list will be included at the start of the Day phase. There will NOT be a countdown clock posted by the GM. Deaths will not be distinguishable from each other. Only those that made the kill will know who killed who. Each player can take one action per night unless otherwise stated. It is possible that not all roles are in game. You will not be told if that is the case or which ones are missing. It is also possible that there are hidden roles and/or items. Anyone who doesn’t show activity either by posting in thread or PMs at least every second full cycle will be killed. After all if you’re not helping the gang root out the traitors then you must be one of them, right? The Traitors win once they outnumber the Loyalists. The Loyalists win once the find and kill all Traitors. The Traitors have a Doc to conspire in. Roles: Side Roles: Items: Quick Links:
  13. I believe you mean Smoker. Also, sorry for my absence in threads. I've been putting the finishing touches on my game and it has taken up more time than I would've liked. I have however been keeping up so I will be good to go once the day dawns once more.
  14. I once again offer myself as liaison/voice for the Seekers. Feel free to seek me first if you want but the sooner we can get the two groups working together the sooner we can find the Spiked. I won't even reveal names to either group if you don't want. Why would they need your naming skills if they are already named? Also I take it that means you're in the group that Adavantos wasn't in. Care to tell us what you named that group. Also, Venture, for similar reasons Hael raised. Just what is consuming all your time in the game when you're hardly posting? And a belated welcome to Kipper. Glad to see you in game, I just hope you didn't replace an inactive Spiked.
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