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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. I purposely asked you if you seeked me or if you were acting as proxy for another. You claimed to have been the Seeker. Why do that if you were going to claim otherwise later?
  2. You are assuming of course that a Spiked Smoker claimed. Last AG there were 5 Smokers so it's possible that a Spiked one is still hidden and will Smoke me forcing us to waste a turn or more lynching Villagers.
  3. I did say that they are probably telling the truth. I'm not one to blindly trust just because a Spiked was found with the same role. Nor am I foolish enough to try and guess Metas role distribution.
  4. I have been debating about whether or not I should post this but what the chull. I was contacted by someone claiming Lurcher D1. They claim that they will be protecting me each night as they don't think they will be attacked anytime soon. I initially thought they were Spiked trying to gain my trust but now that Lopen is dead and revealed as a Spiked Lurcher I feel they are probably telling the truth. So I am going to make an offer to any Seekers who wish to use me to reveal their scans. Feel free to scan me tonight if you wish, I have nothing to hide. This would also allow the Seekers to know who else has been scanned so they don't end up wasting a night scanning someone twice.
  5. 1) Yes. Past times the Spiked have used a knife or axe or other bladed weapon while Coinshots use coins. 2) Yes. Though sadly two Lurchers protecting one person doesn't end with the target ripped in half. (I asked this in my first game. Still think it would be funny to have happen.) 3) Thugs can survive one lynch as long as they haven't already been attacked/lynched but that's it.
  6. quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur

  7. The ash fell lightly on the stained glass windows of the cathedral. Sunlight streamed through illuminating the choir singing softly below. In front of a large gathering lay Vron, his body wrapped in silken ribbons, atop a marble altar. A figure decked in golden robes stood at the head of the altar and laid his hand on Vrons forehead. "Your work is not yet done my disciple. Arise and continue to carry out my bidding." Vron, alchemist, poisoner, temple builder and disciple of The Great One has returned. Hopefully he will last longer this time round.
  8. Maill Ever since he posted his fake list I've had a feeling that something was off about him. It feels more that he's trying too hard to be his trollish self that it normally does. Don't know if this was already brought up but wrt the scholar problem, if the scan was messed with by a elsecaller then that would also lend credence to PK being honest. If he and Aonars contact were lying about the scan results they were given to trick us then the Elsecaller could just reveal themselves and call them out as they would also know the result. I think that both PK and Aonars contact were telling the truth so they are both scholars unless an Elsecaller wishes to say otherwise. However if an Elsecaller didn't mess with the scans then killing a Daig Bondsmith is kinda mixed bag as it removes an eliminator but also stops us from having another way of winning the game, that being the peace option.
  9. He learns who the leaders are of the opposing factions should they post their lists. They can then take out the leadership. It also distracts us from finding the diagrammists. We have moved away from trying to find them despite Maill claiming that he posted it to stop us from faction reveals. Gives him an alibi once we realise what's happened. Heh. I purposely didn't say if I was on the wrong list or if it was someone I report to or someone that reports to me. I'm not going to just say which person(s) was on the wrong list. Just that I know of at least one other that was incorrectly listed.
  10. That might not so good an idea. It's possible that Stink is a Diagrammist and is hoping that the runners/Bondsmith contact him so they can shut down PMs at will. I too know of at least one person that Maill has in the wrong list, which means that there is a minimum of six players that Maill swapped. As such I don't believe that Maill is Thaidakar. Also his claim that he was waiting for Restares to post strikes me as false as Maill didn't wait even twelve hours before posting his list. Given the timezones of some players waiting at least 24 hours would've been better.
  11. It was raining. It wasn’t a heavy rain or even the light drizzle one normally gets after a Highstorm. No, it was the Weeping. A time of year where it rained for weeks on end. A rain that marked the end of one year and the beginning of the next. It had been raining for the past three and a half weeks. A couple more days and it will be over which meant the return of Highstorms. Storms how Lorna hated those things. A lone person stood alone in one of the gardens that ringed the main tower. She watched as, one by one, her targets arrived in the Lost City of Urithiru. Only it was lost no more. Highprince Kholin had lead an expedition to end the war only to end up finding something long thought to be nothing but a myth. Kholak Bagar Sheon Idris Frank Au Faliu Citona Vinid Bort Baheal Edr Lorna checked her list again. Six names. Six targets. Six deaths. Only one however required proof of the deed. Baheal’s head needed to be collected. There was a large bounty on it and Lorna was the only one going to collect that payday. Rolling up the list, Lorna slipped it into her belt and drew her crossbow. The moons were about to set and a new day dawn. It was time to hunt. Lorna is joining the fun.
  12. It was raining. A soft drizzle, one still holding the lingering chill of the recently passed winter, that made the torches splutter and turning the stones leading up to the broad gate black and shiny. A small group approached the city all wrapped in heavy travelers cloaks. Behind them rode a lone traveler. A big man, one of lean muscle and ropy tendon rather than flesh. His hair limp and slick from the rain while his eyes alert as they scanned the surroundings looking for threats. He rode with the gait of one more used to his own feet rather than the one of a regular rider. An unshaven guard in a rust-spotted breastplate wearing a deep maroon cloak negligently hanging from one shoulder stood beneath a crude shelter that barely kept the rain at bay. He was swaying on his feet as he checked the passing travelers for the requisite papers. When it came to Ratel’s turn he leaned over and handed the guard a small pouch that clinked instead of his papers. “I’m just passing through friend.” “Right, right. Everything seems to be in order.” The guard said as he made the pouch disappear in a way that would make any street thief envious. “Enjoy your stay good sir.” The district near the gate was poor with littered streets and shabbily constructed two storied buildings packed tightly against one another. Crudely painted signs creaked on rusty hooks identified this or that tightly shut shops. The lights shining out of windows with noisy bawling coming from within showing the few who remained on the streets the way to the taverns. Ratel let his mind drift back to the events that happened just a few weeks ago as he passed through a quiet square where all the shops were closed and few were about. It had been a busy couple of months spent tracking down his quarry but once he had it was a simple ritual to create a snowstorm that closed the passes while he and a few select friends had dealt with any unfortunate people trapped in the wayside inn before going after his target. But now, finally, he had what he was sent for. The heart of the Unkillable One. Even after having his heart carved from his body Merad had refused to die. They ended up just burying Merad in a deep snow drift that shouldn’t thaw until spring was well underway. Kaloo and Locke left soon after, as the snow had melted, taking along their newest members, Meallin and Borter, as apprentices while he had performed a ritual that would ensure that none could follow their tracks before heading off himself. Once he was past the square, the streets were dark and empty, the torches having been doused by the rain and not relit. The inn that was his destination was backed onto a foul smelling alley littered with rotting food and waste. The walls high and thick, more so than what one would expect at a normal Inn, but then this Inn was anything but normal. It’s gate made from stout wooden planks ribbed with bands of steel. Approaching the gate, Ratel awkwardly leaned back in his saddle and kicked the planks. There was a strange rhythm to the kicks. He waited. Then the gate creaked open and a hooded head poked out. Ratel pushed aside his cloak revealing the pendant he was wearing. The hooded figure withdrew and shortly after the gate swung open just enough to admit Ratel. The traveler rode into the rain darkened courtyard and managed to dismount without falling on his rump for a change. “Cursied beast!” He swore as the horse, purposely Ratel was sure, stepped on his foot as he removed his saddlebags. A groom with straw through his hair walked up. “I’ll take good care of your mount.” “You can eat the storming creature for all I care.” Ratel shouted as he limped away, crossing the rain slick cobblestones and entered the Inn. Once inside he hung up his rain soddened cloak on one of the unoccupied pegs and headed into the Inns taproom. Banners hung on the walls, each one from a land or kingdom unknown to most who lived on Sel. Aons glowed between the banners instead of the customary torches casting an even light throughout the room. That’s new. Ratel thought. Aren’t they normally white? Each Aon was of the same design but all had a slight red tinge to the lines that made them work. Layers upon layers of dust stained the few windows making it difficult to see out, or in for that matter, while the place smelled of stale ale and vomit. More than a few of the tables were in use. A couple were serving as a beds for some drunken patrons. Another had several standing around it where the sound of dice and coins could barely be heard over the laughter. While one of the booths held a couple of people. One had a bird of some kind on his shoulder and was talking to the other who had the tell tale silvery skin of being an Elantrian. The Elantrian’s hair however wasn’t just the silver that most of his kind were, instead it was streaked with red and black strands. Sitting at an empty table, Ratel ordered some wine and a plate of bread and cheese but before his order arrived two others joined him after breaking away from the dice game. One was missing his ring finger while the other was rubbing some kind of plant between his fingers giving of sparks and smoke. “You’re late.” smoke-fingers spoke. “There were delays but the job is done.” “You bring it?” nine-fingers asked eagerly. “Of course.” Unstrapping one of his saddlebags Ratel withdrew a cloth-covered object. It seemed to pulse at regular intervals. “One step closer brothers.” nine-fingers said as he picked up the bundle. “One step closer.” the other two agreed.
  13. Obviously I'm not going to confirm or deny that I may or may not be the Kandra. I can however say that I know of several others that are aware of who the Kandra is. And no, I'm not going to tell you who they are either. Stink claimed that he was Forged by BB on N2 not Alfa. If true, which seeing as Stink was loyal I see no reason why not, then Polking was the one to Forge Alfa into a Kandra.
  14. I know. Just like the HI knows full well that asking that early will not help as they will still have to wait until plenty of people have posted to insure that any code used isn't easily picked up. With the lessening numbers it may be better if the Kandra doesn't use the code phase at all as the eliminators have probably narrowed it down to a handful of players and there is no reason to make it any easier.
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