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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Sorry for the delay. The results from the Kandra are........ ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... Drumroll......... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... Adavantos is loyal.* *Please remember that we also don't know the allegiance of the Kandra so any readings should be taken with a grain of salt. Or a spoonful of sugar if you prefer.
  2. How could you just ruin my fun like that Lopen? To answer your question Stink, I am fine. How are you? Sad to hear about your Forger. Do hope things look up for you soon. With Regards Alvron I shall not be saying anything about what I may have learned from the Kandra for about another 12 hours to give them time to post if they haven't already. I would also like it if all villagers that haven't said anything do so. It can be anything you want even if it's not game related. Hopefully if enough people post it will help hide the identity of the Kandra as well as the code I asked them to use. Of course if you are a traitor then feel free to not post anything.
  3. The door opened with a slam as it hit the wall. A gust of wind swirled in bringing with it the chill of winter that ripped right through one's body. The sun streaming in through the open door doing nothing but blind those that looked to see who was arriving. After a while one of the other patrons finally got up and closed the door. As they were heading back to the seat a voice could be heard muttering near the fire. "'Bout time you did that. Young people these days. Letting all the heat out. Why in my day we didn't wait half an 'our to close the door. No sir. We would've had it closed before it even opened." Sitting in one of the large chairs near the blazing hearth was an old prospector. Nobody had seen him arrive nor had they ever seen him before yet all knew his name; Ratel. A rerun of the first QF. Ratel is back from the grave.
  4. First off, was anyone role blocked? Secondly, I request protection for the night. At moment, as far as I know, I am the only one in contact with a Kandra and would hate to be struck down leaving the Kandra without a voice. Third, I would also like to be forged into the Voidbringer role that we got from Wilsons death. With it I can, hopefully, protect myself for the two following nights freeing up the protectors to protect others.
  5. No, Once the night starts I'll talk to the Kandra and we can set up some codewords they can use to tell us who they scanned and what the result is. The Kandra scanned Wilson N1 and said they were going to scan Kas N2. They revealed to me and as far as I know I'm the only one. The thing I'm most concerned about is if the Kandra isn't a Kandra but an Eliminator trying to gain my trust. Since they know who is and isn't a traitor then it would be easy to fake being a Kandra. They 'sacrifice' Wilson, who knows she will be caught sooner rather than later, to show that they are who they claim they are and in doing so gain trust from the village who don't bother scanning the Kandra because having them kill off a highly experienced player wouldn't be expected. It's the sort of thing I would expect from Wilson. Nothing, but at same time what's to stop the Mistborn from just killing whoever they want to kill. Ultimately it is up to the Mistborn who they target and all we can do is offer suggestions.
  6. I'm sure someone more knowledgeable than I will be along soon but I do believe that we have had multiple WoB that Reckoners is not Cosmere.
  7. Reality is nothing more than an illusion; albeit a persistent one.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. WayneSpren


      If reality is an illusion...the internet must be real.

    3. Kasimir


      Life is a dream — that knows no shade.

      Life is a dream — of pain and woe.

      A dream from which — we pray to wake.

      A dream from which — we wake and go.

    4. Guest


      Have not all souls thought

      For many ages that our body is wrought

      Of air and fire and other elements?

      And now they think of new ingredients;

      And one soul thinks one, and another way

      Another thinks, and 'tis an even lay.

  8. Not really. Sorry for my silence folks but I have been waiting on some Words of Wyrm. Followed by clarifications on said Words of Wyrm. Which were needed before I could say anything due to codes that had been set up during the night cycle. To the newly Forged Kandra assuming one was made, whoever you are, please scan only for alliances rather than roles. You have at best two shots of finding an eliminator so please don't waste them.
  9. If the Forged roles were permanent then I would agree with you but they aren't. Losing a role like Surgebinder or Feruchemist for two cycles isn't as big a deal especially when the forged role is a role that we really don't want the Eliminators to have. At this stage even a Hemalurgist or Mistborn could put their hand up as they aren't pivotal at this stage compared to later game.
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