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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. I am under no illusions. I fully expect to be either killed or scanned within the first two cycles. Having said that, hopefully the eliminators will leave me alone hoping that me surviving will make me suspicious enough for them to try and have me lynched when one of theirs is up for the chop. And having said that all bets are now off. Also, I would've done that vote no matter what side I was on. It was too good an opportunity to pass up.
  2. We should bring up the HI discussion again. Due to the changes there is nothing we can do to stop the HI turning rogue. Any Hemalurgist created will only last 2 cycles then revert back to what they were before. So unless we have a forger constantly making new Hemalurgists each round the HI will turn on us. Still I think it would be a good idea if the Hemalurgists get in contact with the HI once night starts so we at least have some idea how long we have, but only the Hemalurgists. We don't want to give the traitors any extra information.
  3. Yay. Kas is back. Glad to have you aboard. Hey now. The Captain killed Araris. The coroner even said that the weapon used (Atium Spike) was in the Captain's possession. What we did was mob justice. Hmm. I think it does. Didn't think about that when I suggested the plan. Sorry Wilson. I'll kill you a bunch of times in the next few games to make up for it. Cor Mordero is back and thanks to the outstanding success of the last mission he has been promoted to Lieutenant Commander.
  4. Welcome to my crew Maill and Wilson. Glad to have you on board. A Long Game that finishes before a single Night turn. Had to be done at some stage. For what it's worth, my plan with the HI was something I had thought of before the game had started. There was a lot more to it but I removed those parts. No point in making it too easy for the loyalists. Sadly with the changes Wyrm has made it won't work next time. Also, sorry Wyrm for ending your game so quickly. Normally I wouldn't have done it but it was too good an opportunity to pass up. Edit: Was there any Kandra? I had a suspicion that if Wyrm was going to leave out a role it would be the Kandra.
  5. Allowing for both a traitor Hemalurgist and one loyal that won't contact Araris either for not wanting to reveal themselves or being inactive, the number Araris gives us should be about right. But yes, that's similar to what I was thinking. Don't be too sure that the eliminators don't have a Kandra. With the forgers it would be the same as giving them a roleless player, something that's easily overcome. Plus this is Wyrm we are talking about. He did leave out the Squad Leaders role in MR4 just to mess with us. If the HI was to arrange for the Hemalurgists to gain new roles then the HI would be closer to being turned. We want more Hemalurgists, not less.
  6. So the boundary is between 8152 and 8193? I wonder just how much of a troll Chaos is. Would he move the change over point just to mess with us? I'm thinking yes.
  7. I was hoping this whole discussion wasn't going to take place because I had hoped that the Eliminators would use the opportunity to contact Araris to try and fake claim being a Hemalurgist to gain the list of Hemalurgists as then we should find one as I was going to suggest to Araris that if any did, he scan them to see if they are lying about being one. None. It's a risk but I thought it was something to think about.
  8. Maybe I'm not explaining it clearly. Let me try again. Araris plays to win. He will stab you in the back, lie to you and do any number of things if it means he wins. However as long as he's on team good he stays loyal. At least as far as I know. The HI only changes sides once all loyal Hemalurgists are dead. As long as we Forge new Hemalurgists before the rest are dead Araris will remain on team good whether he likes it or not. Once new Hemalurgists are forged he won't know who they are so they will be safe from betrayal but if he is contacted by the original Hemalurgists then he (and we) will have some idea on how much leeway we have should a forgery fail.
  9. Yes. I expected at least one Eliminator to do this and I was going to suggest that Araris not share the names of who approaches him but to instead find a Kandra to search through the claimed Hemalurgists to find a Eliminator or two. At moment Araris is the only loyal crew member we can be sure of, and as long as we spike new Hemalurgists when another dies we should be able to keep them loyal. I did say only the Hemalurgists get in contact with the HI. If the HI is turned then the Hemalurgists are already dead.
  10. The fights are, for the most part, between fighters at the height of their abilities rather than when they were both alive. It would otherwise be impossible for Kelsier to fight Miles Hundredlives as there are 300 years between them.
  11. Marsh had 11 spikes at the end of TFE, he gained at least ten more by the end of HoA.
  12. Marsh. He's an Inquisitor with 21 spikes in him at time of HoA. Kelsier had a hard time defeating an Inquisitor with only 11 spikes, how can anyone expect him to win against another with almost double the spikes including Feruchemical steel?
  13. We learn if a Feruchemist changes a vote by the vote tally in the write up. Depending on the order of actions the Voidbringer can be forged then killed to bypass their protection or a BioChromancer can roleblock the voidbringer leaving them open to attack. A Kandra or newly Forged Hemalurgist would be the only ways to 100% confirm that the HI has turned. Open PMs tend to be used for information gathering and manipulation over the thread as it's easier to gain the trust of another when it's only the two of you. Expect the thread to be quieter during the night phase. Of course the night phases are normally quiet anyway so there will be little change from normal.
  14. I have to vote for Obliteration. His pre and post fight speeches are all the reason I need.
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