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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Alvron

    Kandra Spiking

    I don't know if they can have two of the same Blessings but TenSoon did have both his (Blessing of Presence) and the one he took from OreSeur (Blessing of Potency).
  2. For what it's worth a can confirm that I didn't use my metal on cycle 2. Also I didn't kill anyone that round either. Apologies Wyrm. I didn't go back and check cycle 2 as I really couldn't be bothered. All I wanted at that stage was sleep. You did give various reasons for Maills death but didn't for Adavantos or Sart and I just lumped it all in together without really double checking my facts. The point I was trying to make was that the Skaa seem to be targeting analysers (of which you are one) so I felt that either you were a Skaa removing the competition for lynch control or you were going to be a target for this round. I was hoping that the Skaa would reveal themselves by either defending you or by trying to push the lynch through on you. Vote Tally: Stink(0) : Polking Zephrer(0) : Clanky, Deathclutch Polking(0) : Deathclutch Wyrm(1) : Alvron, Lopen Orlok(3) : Creccio, Deathclutch, Winter Creccio(2) : Orlok, Meandbooks Alvron(2) : Wyrm, Clanky
  3. Neither can kill the other but that's not the only way to win. Vin. She can drive metal rods into Hoid to pin him down. Hoid on the other hand isn't allowed to harm others so all he could do is try and talk Vin into submission.
  4. Wow. I've missed a lot in two/three days. First off, Kas, you have any and all luck I have as well as any brain power you want. I'm not using it so it might as well go to helping out a friend. Also, welcome back Ripple. Second, well done coinshot. Keep it up. Third, I was absent due to work. For the last three days I was either working or sleeping. It was labour weekend here and some fellow workers wanted time off to spend with family so I took their shifts in addition to my own which resulted in 16 hour shifts. Great pay but doesn't leave much time for anything else. I now have five days off so I should be move active from now on. Fourth, my main suspicion is Wyrm. He claimed not to see a reason behind the deaths of Maill and Adavantos. Both players were active and analysed quite a bit so there was plenty of reasons to kill them. The same can be said about Sart. You not seeing it when you are a very analytical player yourself is strange and suspicion raising. Kas/Ripple is next on my list but that was due to things Kas was saying but that can be attributed to his busy life so I'm discounting it for the moment. Edit: Vote colour change.
  5. Grandpa Smedry is an occular. I'll back him over Wayne any day. Wayne can heal but Grandpa can just be late for the blow. Waynes bubbles aren't big enough for him to escape from a windstormer lens either so I doubt he will be able to get close enough to Grandpa engage in close range combat.
  6. His lifesense can detect her but can't see her. He would know shes around but not where. Marsh. Kaladin wouldn't stand a chance as he wouldn't have Syl with him and his spear and knives would be turned on him. Plus Marsh is just cooler.
  7. Vasher can't see Syl so targeting her would be hard. However Syl has no offensive abilities of her own that we are aware of. Edge goes to Vasher. He will win but it will take time.
  8. Why should you not be suspicious of me? Um, you should. In fact you should always be suspicious of me until proven otherwise not matter the game. I'm not really an analytical person. Don't know where you heard that but it's false. At least I don't consider myself as one. Best I can offer is what I think the Skaa have in terms of roles. Assuming 5 Skaa with 1-2 abilities each 1-2 Copper 1-2 Bronze 1 Pewter or Iron. Limited number of Village kill charges means defensive abilities not important to Skaa 1 Tin AND Gold hybrid if Gamma did allow multiple abilities per person. Otherwise 1 Tin 0 Gold. 0-1 Zinc or Brass 0-1 Steel. If there is one then village likely has 5-6 Pewter/Iron 0-1 Atium. If Atium included, then village most likely 1-2. However this is Gamma we are talking about, so trying to guess his role distribution will only end in losing what little I have left of my sanity. I actually liked having two Alvs. /sigh Really wanted an evil Alv team up. In other news, I got my Mistborn Dice today. Yay.
  9. Obliteration. He can melt Nightblood from a distance which means that Nightblood can't do anything.
  10. I hadn't said anything as I hadn't been online until just now. I have had a busy day and have work in 90 mins so I'm still not going to say anything. My vote was placed on Ripple because of a gut feeling I had. I kept it there as I felt I really need to follow up on my gut feeling rather than just ignore them. I could've removed it after the others started voting on Ripple for a simple mistake but chose not to. My gut feeling had only gotten stronger as I felt Ripple was being a little too defensive in their posts.
  11. Kiireon was alive! The shock of that still hadn’t worn off long after she had left the tavern. He had wanted to call out as she left, to ask her to stay; but something stayed his hand, stilled his voice. He could feel it. Odium. Hatred. Clawing its way into his soul. A voice whispering in his ear. She left you. Again. How many did you kill in her name? How much suffering did you cause for your vengeance? Vengeance for someone who didn’t die? No. No! I will not listen to you. Not now. Not after seeing her with his own eyes. Edaan would not allow hatred to taint the memory of her. Not so soon after she came back into his life. But the voice spoke truth. Many had died in his misguided quest for vengeance. His path was littered with the bodies of the slain. True, he hadn’t welded the blade himself, no blood had been spilled by his hand, but still, he was the one that had given the orders. His soul, if he still had one, had drowned in the blood and screams of his victims. And yet, despite everything he had done, all the lives he had taken, there was a small flicker of hope. Kiireon. She lived. Edaan had watched as Gerald Hobbes plunged a knife into her back.. Felt the flames that had consumed her body yet she lived. It shouldn’t have been possible but somehow it was. Hatred was churning within his breast. The desire to kill, to feel the life flee from another was strong. Yet underneath it was something else. Something that fought against Odium. It wasn't strong but still it fought with everything it had. Edaan stood and walked out the tavern without a backwards glance. If he had he might’ve seen the single Aon that he had absently drawn in ale on his table. Ati.
  12. I had planned to call out Joe just after I got home from work so it would've been a little over 14 hours before rollover. Plenty of time for most to change their actions. Why didn't I say something earlier? I wanted to see how many opposed Joes plan and how they opposed it. Were they just against it for no reason or did they have logical reasons for it? Did they change their minds when given new information or were they stubborn in their beliefs? These things would've given us plenty to work with in finding the rest of the Skaa. That's why I was so disappointed in Joe not being an Atium user trying to kill everyone. Edit for new information: Actually he didn't. His vote is still in red in his original post. Whether or not Gamma counts it as a retraction is something we will have to wait and see as there seem to be a couple of people not remembering to green out the other votes..
  13. I wouldn't say I'm quiet. I've already voted this cycle and even said I thought Joe was planning a sacrifice play and was going to call him on it if he kept up with his plan. And because someone asked and I need more to fill out this post... Vote Tally: Venture (0) : Wyrm Meandbooks (1) : Sart Wyrm 0() : Kipper, Orlok Sart (2) : Joe, Clanky Orlok (1) : Adavantos, Wyrm, Ripple Alfa (0) : Adavantos Alv (0) : Maill Lopen (1) : Araris, Maill Phatt (2) : Alfa, Stink Ripple (2) : Alv, Orlok Deathclutch (1) : Lopen Maill (2) : Kas, Wyrm Stink (0) : Wyrm I think I got everything. Edit: Updated with Maills new vote.
  14. Szeth. While Vin has Atium it won't allow her to do much beyond dodge attacks. Her coins will have little effect on Szeth as he can just heal his wounds and Vins Atium will run out allowing Szeth to kill her with his Blade. Doesn't matter which Blade Szeth is holding either, the effect will be the same. Vin dead.
  15. Hmph. I'm very disappointed. Here I was thinking you were making a major sacrifice play Joe. I was all set to call you out closer to the end of the cycle for being a Skaa with Atium. I thought you were trying to get all the Lurchers to target you and hopefully others while you burnt Atium and killed everyone that did target you. Sure you would be swiftly lynched the next day but would've taken out several abilities and really screwed team good. A master stroke but sadly it looks like that wasn't your plan. Or was it???
  16. You all sure can talk. Four pages in less than 24 hours? You know I'm not just going to answer that. I can say that you should have the answer by the start of the next cycle. Also: Kipper, you didn't retract your vote on Wyrm in your original post like Gamma asked so your vote on him still counts. Ripple. It's mostly a gut feeling from your first post but I'm going to follow it and see where it leads.
  17. Hoid. As much as I want Human to win, he wouldn't stand a chance against the emotional allomancy that Hoid would use.
  18. Grandpa Smedry. Simply as I don't think that Lightsong will bother showing up. But should they both turn up then Grandpa Smedry would still have the advantage thanks to his lenses. Lightsong has no combat skills and his awakening is greatly limited due to being a Returned without a stockpile of breath that Susebron has.
  19. Hard work never killed anybody, but why take a chance?

  20. Shai. While both are close range combat fighters and Wayne has his bloodmaking, Shai's soulstamp 'Shaizan' would make her a lean mean fighting machine that will ignore most injuries. Wayne can heal his wounds but Shaizan will just keep beating him down. One Wayne will be nothing after ripping through five skeletals.
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