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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Spook. Marasi would be too overwhelmed meeting Lord Mistborn to fight effectively if at all.
  2. Odium all the way. Can't have the big bad going out so early can we?
  3. David. A bullet to the head will, should, maybe stop an Elantrian just as it would a weakened Epic. And it should be faster than Raoden's drawing speed.
  4. I already have your Shardplate to use as skin, however if you've found out what it is that makes people trust you so much, I'll take that. I'm also thinking of harvesting Maills tongue but he hasn't given me a reason to kill him. Yet! Speaking of killing Maill, I wonder if the Prophecy of Joe will come to pass. What do you think Maill/Joe? What are the odds the PoJ shall be fulfilled this game? As I've already told you, you didn't make it known who you were making the bet with. You just said that "One of Raven or Stink *is* an eliminator. I'd bet my left hand on that." Since Ren was also in the PM it is reasonable that any who knew of the bet would be able to claim the prize. I'm really tempted to use the hand in my project now. But I shall keep it as a trophy or maybe trade it for something else. Anyone have something to trade for Wilsons pickled left hand?
  5. If they were to team up they would likely just roll over the rest making the competition pointless. I vote for Miles. Even with all of Kelsier's abilities he wouldn't be able to take down Miles. Miles has his guns but is also one of the best knife fighters of his time so long range or hand to hand Miles has the advantage thanks to his healing. Eventually Kelsier's metals will run out allowing Miles to win.
  6. Marsh. Easy. I don't think it really needs to be explained.
  7. Kaladin. Sure Megan has her gun and illusion/<Redacted> skills but I don't see them making enough of a difference against a Windrunner who can heal anything short of a fatal wound.
  8. When you have a hammer in your hand everything around you starts looking like a nail.

    1. A Joe in the Bush

      A Joe in the Bush

      Please stop staring at me.

    2. Alvron


      Then stop moving. You're throwing off my aim.

  9. Syl. Adolin would likely surrender once he found out who his opponent is.
  10. Dilaf. His training and extra strength/bones should allow him to win fairly easily. Especially as Vasher doesn't have Nightblood. After all Nightblood is a contestant and that would make it a handicap match. A normal sword would glance off Dilaf's reinforced body so Vashers main trick also wouldn't work. Best hope Vasher has is to immobilize Dilaf but that is a long shot at best.
  11. I vote for Obliteration. Firstly because I really like him. But mostly because, as has been explained before, Obliteration can just melt Rasheks metalminds and kill him that way.
  12. If the Prof knew Nightblood was a threat then he could just use a forcefield to squash it into a ball. However I don't think he will see it. Rather Prof will see a tool and pick it up afterwards Nightblood will impale itself into his chest. Profs healing would likely keep him alive but would be unable to remove it so I'm going for a draw. No vote from me this round.
  13. There is no better moment to postpone something you don't want to do other than right now.

  14. Alcatraz has already tried and failed to break gravity so Szeth should be fine with lashings. I'm going to assume Szeth has his Blade that he started with While Alcatraz could break the Shardblade I doubt it will have any effect on Lashings. Alcatraz's abilities kick in automatically when he's in danger so while it will destroy a gun, it will only do so when the trigger is pulled. Alcatraz isn't mean enough to break someones bones on purpose so I think Szeth will lash him into the sky. Szeth has my vote.
  15. It's a bit of both really. After all I doubt Human would win a popularity contest vs The Lopen. I for one look at this as a combat contest and try to judge who will win based on skill and abilities rather than who I like more. I'm with you there. I've been putting my votes in red by default and having to go back and change them. Vin has my vote. Returned can be killed just like normal people (see: Blushweaver) while Mistborn can Pewterdrag to ignore most crippling wounds. While Susebron can Awaken his clothing to protect him I'm not sure they would have much luck against flying discs of metal. I think it will be another close fight but Vin will win in my opinion.
  16. Hmm. four posts that say the same thing by the same member all within a couple of minutes. Who thinks Chaos should be reported as a spammer? Chaos gonna be upset with me now.
  17. They wouldn't get the dead doc if there was a chance of becoming a puppet master. Way too much of a chance that the information will change their actions. I disagree with you here. They have already lost a vote and voice in the main thread as well as PMs so letting them plot and plan in doc should be allowed otherwise all they would have is what can be gained with the puppets role. Maybe have it so that the village Puppeteer can have one PM open with another player of their choice so they can have their voice heard as well.
  18. On one hand Hoid can't be killed. But on the other, he can't harm others. We also don't know the full extent of his abilities. So I think it will be a long drawn out fight with Wax as ultimate winner. While Hoid can avoid the bullets and bits of metal flying around, I suspect Wax will have victory after using his stored weight and pinning Hoid. So my vote is for Wax but barely.
  19. To the guy who created imaginary numbers in Math: I hate you.

  20. TenSoon and Harmony didn't make the cut. As the one to nominate Human for the contest I am obligated to vote for him. Also: Seconded.
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