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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. It's been 24 hours since my last nomination so I guess I'm allowed to go again. Human the Koloss x1 TenSoon x1 Harmony x1 Odium x1 Miles 'Hundredlives' Dagouter x1 I beleive that brings us up to 32 unique contestants.
  2. Seeing as Hoid can't harm anyone I don't think he would do well in the contest. Unless he drives them mad or something.
  3. Heh. I had a similar idea and talked to Meta about it. Puppet Master: Should a player go inactive then you can send in orders for them. This role will be given out as needed during the game. It can be an eliminator calling the shots for another eliminator or a villager taking over for another villager. You are not allowed to reveal that you are a puppet master nor can you vote/post for the player you have replaced. Should your main character die but your puppet lives you cannot post at all in thread or PMs except to send in orders. In this case the results will be posted either in Write up for Village or Doc for Eliminators. Metas response: In my experience, inactivity is just something that's kind of a given. There are some people that just won't play unless they have some Uber-Crazy-Fanciful role or if they're not an Eliminator. Trying to stop inactivity is kind of like offering granola to a child that is expecting candy; they're going to throw it in your face, no matter how much you try to tell them the benefits. As you've experienced, even being an Eliminator isn't enough to draw some people out of hiding. It's just not something that can be forced. That's what makes the Puppet Master awesome, yet frightening. It gives either team (I'm really not sold on the "as needed" part, BTW.) the chance to gain the abilities of an inactive teammate back. My worry is that is also could encourage people to, like the pitch hitter idea, not participate because they have something to fall back on. Overall, the idea is sound. You've covered all the possible angles with it other than the "as needed" angle, as I fear that bit might cause people to think that the GM is taking a partial viewpoint to a given game rather than trying to be as impartial as possible. I just think that it will give people even more of an excuse to not check in.
  4. God King Susebron x1 (after he's healed) Lord Ruler x1 Kelsier x1 Vasher x1 Nightblood x1
  5. I know the voices in my head aren't real..... but sometimes their ideas are just absolutely awesome!

  6. Most of the time... when you're crying, nobody notices your tears. Most of the time... when you're worried, nobody feels your pain. Most of the time... when you're happy, nobody sees your smile. But when you fart just one time...

    1. Guest


      I wish I could upvote this.

    2. A Joe in the Bush

      A Joe in the Bush

      Hey Kipper, you can upvote status now.

    3. Guest


      Thanks Joe. Fixed.

  7. There are several here with Masters, from a wide range of fields. One of the great things about Brandon's books is that it appeals to a wide range of people from all walks of life.
  8. My tag is Alvron. In game, Hades. I'm willing to help out where I can on your game. Send me a PM with the link if you want.
  9. Odds are I'm way off but I think it could simply be due to the event. Wings were when he swore the third ideal so it makes sense that it's the full glyph, while the sword is his action glyph.
  10. Ryuk can only recruit another Bearer if the one he has dies. Once you're given the Death Note, it's yours for life.
  11. Hmm, while trying to explain it I found it didn't really explain anything. Lets just go with Ryuk and Holder are trying to kill everyone while the rest are trying to find and kill/banish them. L gets an extra win condition to survive.
  12. What secondary lynch? Either there is a lynch or there is not a lynch. The murderers could start as the Death Note or village and can be recruited by Ryuk and yes, they can make two kills in that case. Ryuk cares not who ultimately holds the Death Note as long as they're entertaining.
  13. A simple QF. And yes, this game can end on the first round if a lynch goes wrong. This is by design.
  14. Can you blame me? I did tell you that one way or another I will get you into one of my games. Mostly it's due to the new live action version currently airing that I dusted the game off but hey, if it gets you playing, then great.
  15. Ah, chull it. Stick me down to run a QF please. I'll run my Death Note game. Edit: Put me down for another LG as well.
  16. I am Dominion and I work with Odium. With that out of the way I feel the need to address a couple of things. The rule about Shards giving up their Shard was put in place in part so Odium can get out of being locked down. Last time the game was run Odium (Maill) was forced to kill himself because of a bloodsealer stopping him. That made it unfun for Team Odium and caused some dissatisfaction. The Shard Coalition also greatly contributed to this but for the Eliminators being locked out of a kill made it so they were almost ready to just give up playing. So no, Odium giving up his shard is not a loophole. It is using the rule as it was intended to be used. Also, you consider using a loophole like that to be all but cheating? Then explain why you are doing the exact thing by exploiting Ruin? Joe even said it was a loophole and you have no problem exploiting that one yet complain at the idea of someone else using one. Also as a sidenote, Wilson, I wasn't on at my normal time as I pulled a double shift, which I do far too often. I almost never plan my posts before I write them up. Except for RP ones, all my arguments, thoughts, plans and votes are typed up on the spot. Also I have been voting more as I wanted to be more active which you knew full well. And while it is sad that I die for the 11th time in a row, sorry Maill, I think I shall continue to be more active in voting in future games. I shall also probably be doing more RP. Sorry Stink. It seems I won't get to immortalize you as you wished. Maybe next game.
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