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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. She claims to have invested in him. Claims being the operative word. Wilson also claimed that she didn't put in Investment orders that cycle. If it is true then tell me why she didn't have Endowment, the only guaranteed non eliminator, kill Odium? How about the Bloodsealer that killed Winter? Wilson knows who that is but didn't get them to place a skele on Odium either. How about Hoid who has a roleblock? Any of these would've been better than what she did. Wait, don't tell me. It was in order to lock Odium down. But Odium can just give up his Shard giving it to a fellow Eliminator. So we may learn who Odium was but would still have to waste a lynch in order to kill someone who knows is being targeted. Instead she contacted Maill. Someone who has threatened and lied to many players for what? Move a kill? Why move a kill when you could stop a kill? Edit: Sure any Shard can Invest in Odium to see if it's true but what would they be giving up. Honour loses protection. Not just their Investees but their own action fails. Preservation is unable to give an extra life to another. Endowment gives up Ruin plus a kill. Survival joins team Odium. The only two Shards that could do it are Cultivation and Dominion. But Dominion is the one up for the lynch meaning that Cultivation is the only one that can safely Invest and find out the truth without giving away something vital to the village.
  2. An interesting argument. Completely devoid of proof but interesting. I freely admit that I am Dominion. What I dispute is that I'm working for Odium. I have known you were Cultivation since the first day. Yet you are still alive. We both know that if I was an Eliminator I would be advocating for your death above all others. You lived after Phatt was lynched thanks to me bringing up the lifeless rule. Why would I do that if I was an eliminator? I have had extremely little information to work with. Yet the Eliminators knew who to attack. Orlok was attacked and killed when only a few knew his role. Kipper was attacked, Maill was attacked, Wilson was attacked. All Shards. How many knew that all these people were Shards? Only those in the Not a Coalition Party. Not a single worldhopper was attacked by Team Odium. The odds of that are astronomical. No, I believe that it was someone on the inside that has been directing the attacks. Someone who controls the flow of information. Someone who has been directing the moves of everyone. Calling the shots. I say that Wilson is the one working with Odium. Only Wilson knew what was happening behind the scenes. I wouldn't be at all surprised to find that Wilson has been the one to direct Endowments use of Ruins kill. And if she is then why did she not get Endowment to attack the one she 'suspected' of being Odium? The answer is clear. Wilson is evil.
  3. Eastward the wind blew, over the cold blue-green swells of the Bright Sea, towards T’Telir, where ships furled and unfurled sails shaded every colour one could imagine. More ships filled the harbor loading and unloading goods. The wind howled into the harbor, causing a merchant to curse as some of his spices were blown away as customs inspected them. Through the streets the wind wound passing palm trees and garden, shops and workers, until it came to a plateau surrounded by a large, obstructive wall. On the other side of the wall was a place that many never saw but most spoke of. Those within were few but all moved with a purpose. For they served the Gods of this world. Here the wind parted but didn’t die as it turned northward until it reached the Crossroads Garden. More of a park than a simple garden. Statues stood in various poses, some were missing limbs while others wore colourful and often clashing clothes. It was in this place that Second had found refuge from the hustle and bustle of the city. A city vastly different the the mainland ones of his home world. The wind ruffled his cloak as he watched the passerbys. He was looking for someone in particular. A man with answers. A man who calls himself Wilkin. Wilkin however was nowhere to be found. Rumours were rampant that Wilkin had something to do with the death of God King MiriKas and had fled the city to parts unknown.
  4. The icy bite of the river was a welcome relief for Second. It meant he was close to his destination. He waded upstream past lichen covered rocks higher than a man could reach on his own. The icy river, colder than any other river on the island, helped to cool Seconds pumping blood. It had taken him far longer than it should have for him to make it here. Several times he had been forced to double back and find another way after coming across fresh Nightmaw tracks. Nightmaws are nocturnal hunters. What are they doing out in the day? Second thought for not the first time. Times were changing. More trappers were coming to Patji ever since word had made it to the mainland that Avair could be found here in abundance. Second made it to his destination. Patji’s Eye. A sequestered lake hidden by steep rock walls on each side. The river was the only way in or out. Or so Second had once believed. It all started on that fateful day, months ago, when Second had gone looking for his brother. Instead he found him here. A tall, thin man with a sharp angular face wearing midnight black attire. The stranger had introduced himself as Dust and promised to show Second a way to find the answers he was looking for. And so Second of the Sky had left with Dust, hoping to find out what happened to his brother. What Dust hadn’t said was that Second would be left with more questions than before. Second shook his head. Coming here always brought up memories that were best forgotten. As he approached the middle of the shallow lake he saw a body lying on the far bank. Exisa, the quick tempered man from Scadrial. He lay face down with the bottom half of his body lying in the water. Clutched in his hand was an empty bottle. There was a small amount of green liquid near the lip. Second couldn’t see any of the others that were here the last time. It wasn’t the way of Patji to move the dead but to leave the body half in Patji’s Eye felt wrong to Second so he dragged Exisa into the brush nearby before wading back into the lake. The lake was just under three feet deep in the centre so when Second crouched down it still didn’t reach his chin. Closing his eyes he concentrated as Dust had taught him. Colours, I hate this part. When the sun rose over the rock walls and the Avair started there chirping the only sign that anyone had been in the lake was a boot sticking out from under a bush.
  5. Mail also asked me and I was going to hold off voting but seeing as Phatt refused to answer despite being online I have to keep my vote there as if we don't get any answers then this will just cloud the issue next round. Sorry Wilson. I may have wanted to kill you but this isn't how I wanted it to happen.
  6. I freely admit that I would like to kill Wilson. I've been trying to do that since LG2. However, I only voted for PK in the first place so I didn't get lynched and should've removed my vote once it was clear I wasn't going to be lynched. Should Phatt give an answer then I'm willing to remove my vote. It is entirely possible that Phatt is an eliminator so we will may have to kill him at some stage anyway. Edit: Underlined part. Sorry, got distracted and forgot to finish sentence.
  7. With all these votes popping up last minute-ish it must be time for a Vote Tally: Alvron (0): Wilson, Stink Phatt (2): Kipper, Maill, Maill, PK PK (3): Seonid, Alvron, Kipper, Wilson Maill (0): Araris Haelbarde (0): Stink Nico (0): Maill Alvom (0): Stink Kipper (1): Stink, PK, Maill Stink also may have voted on Kipper here as it's in red.
  8. Yes, at one point I thought Orlok was Cultivation. However that was due to a misunderstanding of the rules. In one of the PMs I was in I was asked what other PMs I was in and when I told them that I had a one on one PM (It was with Orlok but I didn't reveal that) one of the others asked me to pass them a message to get in contact with that person. I told them that I didn't think that person was Cultivation but after they pointed out the rule about Cultivation only able to make 3 person PMs without having to be in them, I agreed to pass on the message. However right after I did that I asked Joe for clarification and once Joe told me that Cultivation could indeed make one on one PMs without having to be in them that I stopped thinking Orlok was Cultivation Both before and after this I didn't consider Orlok to be Cultivation. This confusion lasted a grand total of 3 hours. I even went back to the person who had asked me to pass on the message and told them of the clarification. If you have more questions Wilson, please ask them in PM as there are somethings I really don't want the eliminators to think about. Edit: Finished a dropped sentence.
  9. Westward the wind blew, across the vast ocean and through the forests of Patji. It blew into the place known as Patji’s Eye, causing a flurry of feathers to fall as the Aviar took flight. Here it found little more than a shallow emerald lake surrounded on most sides by large trees. Under one such tree a small group of people had made their camp. Patji's Finger the locals called it. The tree was massive with drooping fronds. At the end of each one was a large closed blossom, as long as two hands put together. The tree itself was not dangerous, even when blooming. But the blossoms would attract predators, imitating the thoughts of a wounded animal. The predators would then fight each other and the tree would feed off the corpses. It was at the feet of one of those trees that Seconds brother had died. North the wind continued across underbrush that cracked and creaked as it shook. It was night, and a pack of Nightmaws were out hunting. Creatures as large as a hut with a long neck and razor sharp beak. The pack sniffing the wind as it passed, catching the scent of those before. The wind crossed streams and rocks, trees and creatures before it blew through an abandoned camp. What was left of it. Wooden gates swung wide open, long cold campfires and a carcass of a mountainous creature that had mostly rotted away were all that remained. Here the wind billowed the cloak of a trapper before returning to the ocean to continue its journey. The trapper, a weathered man in his late thirties, stood watching as the sun began to peek over the horizon. His eyes a deep grey matching the hair at his temples. For months the trapper had been among the stars, looking for those that called themselves The Ones Above. Instead he had found a group of people that, while from vastly different worlds, were all bound by a single purpose. As long as Odium lived Second of the Sky would never be able to find those that threatened his world. Pulling up his hood he set off into the forest for one final time.
  10. Fine. I'll go take a nap after lunch. Happy? Something to keep in mind is that while Hoid may start off good that doesn't mean he will stay good. Hoid and Survival have the potential to end up as eliminators so we should be wary of anyone claiming to be either of them.
  11. Unless they weren't online at the end as there were quite a few last minute votes. It's more like they were happy for the lynch to go through on Araris. Or they have an inactive worldsinger. Or something else we're not seeing.My brains starting to hurt now.
  12. Whenever I hear someone say 'Gak!', I always follow t up with "Protect your straw." Sigh. So many blank stares.
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