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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. There isn't much time. Norlav approached the grounds that the funerals were being held on. Under one arm he carried a wooden box and a bonesaw. Seven bodies were laid out in a row each wrapped from head to toe in silk cloth. Upon seeing him nearing the bodies one of the argents tried to intercept him. "I'm sorry my lord but the time for paying your respects has passed. We need to cast them into stone before the Highstorm tonight." Norlav pressed a scrap of paper into the argents hand. "I'm here to collect on a bet, not to pay my respects. Which one is Katara?" After reading the piece of paper the argent raised a shaky hand. "The second one on the right." Nodding his thanks Norlav approached the cloth wrapped body and after lifting the cloth to make sure it was who he was after, he placed the box on the ground. Taking the left arm out from beneath the layers of silk cloth, Norlav proceeded to saw the left hand off with his bonesaw. Once done he removed a glass jar filled with embalming fluid from inside the box and placed the hand inside the jar. After affixing a lid and replacing the jar into the wooden box Norlav picked the box up and gave a nod to the argent who stood nearby with a nauseated look on her face before heading back towards the war camps. Sorry Ren, but once again I request an extension of the cycle.
  2. Would it matter? If I was an eliminator I would've corrupted Wilson on day 2 then killed her on night 3 so the Artifabrian would've been useless. If Wilson tried to protect someone I would've gain an extra kill, either way Wilson would still be dead. Fact is that Wilson was not corrupted, according to the write up, so the eliminators didn't seem to know her role.
  3. Thanks Sart and Hero for the information. Personally I don't think any of those that Wilson revealed her role to are Eliminators. Sure taking out a guardswoman is very useful, especially as it was Wilson but corrupting a guard then killing them would've been better. Wilson would then kill whomever she was protecting, which knowing her and her information gathering it would've likely been someone with a powerful role and as all kills happen at the same time they could've killed her on the same night stopping her from revealing anything or putting one of their own in danger. Two kills for the price of one.
  4. Correction: She only told Stink. I worked it out from what she said but at no stage did Wilson tell me her role. Also from what I've learnt five people at least knew her role during night 2. The first I don't know who it was but Wilson did hint strongly in a PM with them, second was Stink and she only contacted him at first to tell him that she had revealed her role to another. Third and fourth were Winter and Kipper, I don't know which was first but from what I've learnt that Stink revealed Wilsons role to you. I was the fifth to know her role and I learnt it via the hints she dropped plus what I saw in other PMs. Admittedly the first person could've been Winter making it only four that knew her role but that is unlikely as Wilson told me that she contacted that person because they were making mistakes in thread and she wanted to help and that doesn't sound like Winter to me.
  5. As I am one of the more experienced players many will know that I am never very active, also that I almost never vote on the first 2-3 cycles. Sometimes I vote only once or twice during the whole game. That's only 19 roles and we have 28 players total. I've already given my estimates on what I think the eliminators have so I won't repeat them here but I am curious as to why you think it's a good idea to speculate on what number/roles the village has. That sort of information is something that the Eliminators are always wanting to know and the village doesn't need to know. I still haven't gone through everything but at the moment Raven is the top suspect for me mostly due to what Wilson said via PM. However Hero is also up there due to a similar play style he used another time he was an Eliminator. O' GM of GMs, may we have a cycle extension?
  6. It is possible that they chose to move the vote as proof that they have said role if they claimed it in a PM. Also I would like to apologise for not being on for most of the cycle. I (stupidly) thought the day cycles were 48 hours long so didn't think that working a 16 hour shift would make me miss everything. Thankfully I don't have any more in the foreseeable future.
  7. Anyone can be corrupted even the 'vanilla' role of Brightlord so revealing that you are corrupt won't reveal that you have a role, as everyone has a role. Only that they have a role that has a night action that can be easily shown as corrupt. For instance a Guardsman trying to protect someone but they ended up dead in the write up. That would be a fairly good clue that you've been corrupted.
  8. Very nice work assassin. Thanks to Ripples death and being nice and vocal on day one, we have some good information to work with. IMO Badger is cleared as Ripple placed a third lynch vote on him removing the chance of a worldsinger tying up the vote. While Ripple could've been trying to kill one of their own I doubt it as there was 4 hours left in the cycle then removed it 30 mins later only to place it back on an hour after that. That did tie the vote between Ripple and Badger and I really don't see any eliminator wanting to tie up the vote between two of them. Clanky placed the first vote on Ripple when there were already plenty of others to choose from that had a vote so I doubt he is an eliminator. For similar reasons I doubt Raven is one either. I'm sure there's more but I'm low on time at moment to go over everything.
  9. Vote tally: Wilson (1): Night Vote, Stink Stink (1): Araris, Orlok Adamir (0): Hero Winter (0): Raven Shallan (1): Haelbarde Raven (1): Winter Badger (2): Maill, Araris, Ripple Ripple (3): Clanky, Raven, Sart Clanky (0): Ripple Phatt (2): Hero, Ripple My question came to naught so my vote will be withheld.
  10. Ren has ruled that a tied vote will result in no lynch. That will be explained after I get a response from Ren. There was something bothering me about the night vote on Wilson and as far as I could tell no one brought up that particular possibility so I want to confirm something before I say anything in case the Eliminators didn't think about it.
  11. Vote tally: Wilson (1): Night Vote, Stink Stink (1): Araris, Orlok Adamir (0): Hero Winter (0): Raven Shallan (1): Haelbarde Raven (1): Winter Badger (3): Maill, Araris, Ripple Ripple (1): Clanky Clanky (0): Ripple At the moment I will most likely withhold my vote unless Ren answers my question then, depending on answer, I will probably vote for Wilson.
  12. Not entirely sure I deserve to be on there twice. As for role distributions I wouldn't be at all surprised to find that they have an Artifabrian. They could corrupt themselves and then use it to spread corruption more. Sure it's only one night but that can sow a lot of chaos. They find a Guardsman and then Artifabrian corrupt them, which the Guardsman isn't told about, then the guardsman becomes an assassin for one night and kills someone that's been cleared. Then they of course think they've been corrupted and go to kill someone the suspect the following night only to end up protecting them instead. Same for the assassin. Turn them into a Guardsman then kill them. Or at least that's what I would do. Shardplate is more likely than a Guardsman as well as that would be a priority corruption for them. Who could pass up two kills a cycle? Courier is almost a guarantee as it's a good way to gain extra information. Con artist would fit in well as the roles gained are only from lynches and last one full cycle so it wouldn't be overpowered for them to have one. Worldsinger and Brightlord/lady probably make up the rest of the numbers. My guesses: 1 Artifabrian 1 Courier 1 Con Artist 0 or 1 Worldsinger 1 or 2 Brightlords/ladies 1 or 2 Shardplates
  13. Norlav stood shirtless in the riddens of the highstorm that had just past. The rain soaking his hair, plastering it to his skin. While most of his hair was jet black, it had started to turn grey around his temples. Water dripped from his head to land on his broad chest that, like his arms, were covered in old scars. Scars he had received through a life as a mercenary. At least most of them were. Others, newer ones, were from his brief stint as a surgeon in the Blackthorns army during the now famous Alethi War of Unification. How he went from a heterochromatic mercenary to surgeon to one of Dalinars Brightlords was a tale all it's own. But that was a lifetime ago and things change over time if they want to survive. Now it seemed a new threat had raised it's head and once again Norlav was caught in the middle of it.
  14. Nah. I heard a rumour that when Kobold reaches 20,000, Chaos is going to spike the points out of Kobold and give them to himself. Or is that just what I want to see happen?
  15. This only counts if you also consider breaking into their home to steal the book.
  16. Did we ever get confirmation that this was the easter egg?
  17. Welcome Al. I tend to be known as Alv and I very rarely post outside of Sanderson Elimination so I doubt there will be too much of a mix up. I do however echo Phatt, SE is a fun way to get to know some other forum members. We are always looking for more players and would love to kill see you there.
  18. What kind of things do you want to hear about? We can talk about the weather, tv programs, food. Heck we can even talk politics if you wish but you won't get much of an answer. I never said my vote wasn't to have an effect, just that I wasn't aware there was already a vote on that person, and even if I did I wouldn't have changed who I voted for. I was asked who I was suspicious of and I answered. Simple as that. One vote in the first four cycles is normal for me no matter the game type. You have played enough games to know this. A couple of others have come close to saying that you seem to be controlling the direction of discussion. I agree with them and now that I have had the time to go through the thread I am struck with the similarities in this game to how you played in MR3 where you were an eliminator. Add in the fact that both Meta and Phatt were suspicious of you right before they died tells me there is something there. Sorry Wyrm but I am very convinced that you are an Eliminator. Either that or you are being framed as one and if so they are doing a fantastic job of it.
  19. I didn't know that there was already a vote on Adamir. I didn't bother going through and check RP names with profile names. Even so I still would've voted for him as he was the first to vote for the inactive eliminator. Voting for an inactive comrade is something they would do on the first round as it means they don't have to justify their vote plus they can easily remove it once that person speaks up without raising suspicion. The fact that they ended up lynching one of their own is a bonus for them as they are now considered (by most) to be above suspicion. Sure they are down one number but they brought themselves some 'trust credit'. Of course I could be completely wrong and no eliminators voted for Shallan but that is a risk we all take when we lynch anyone.
  20. I too would like to hear my thoughts. But my brain is fried. I greatly apoloise for not posting in the prior cycles. With any luck it won't happen again. Yeah right. As for why I didn't post, I have just finished a 16 hour work day and had another the day before. Stupid me went and forgot I was covering for another while he spent some time away. Thankfully I only have my normal shift tonight and then four days off, so I should be more active for the rest of the game. My suspicions are zero as I haven't been paying much attention to the game at all. I'm not even sure who's still alive. The best I can muster at this stage is looking at who voted for Shallan. Voting for an inactive Eliminator is a long standing strategy. I believe Joe did it in his first game. (LG3) So I am voting for Adamir purely on the grounds that he voted for Shallan. Now if you will excuse me, I have a couple of bacon and egg sandwiches just begging to be eaten.
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