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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. "... and the other gods started calling me Brightwater. I swear Dream God King MiriKas had it out for me. Or his High Priest. That guy never forgave me for swiping his hat during that meeting last year." Brightwhisper the Keen said as he finished off his bacon, a mischievous glimmer in his eye. "Anyway, as soon as the announcement was made the other gods all started accusing each other without even bothering to look for evidence. But then what more could you expect from those who are suddenly forced to contemplate their own mortality." I'm going to hold off on my vote for now.
  2. A man once called Fron, now known as Brightwhisper the Keen, snapped his eyes open, his hands grasping at his throat frantically trying to stem the flow of blood. Above him a face appeared. It was framed in golden curls. "Morning Your Grace. Did you sleep well?" "Another night of death and destruction Kira. If this keeps up I think I'll go insane." "You can't go insane Your Grace." "That doesn't mean I can't try." Getting out of bed, Brightwhisper noticed an army of servants waiting to dress him before he broke his fast. He allowed them to clothe him in his customary colours of Deep Green and Silver. Once dressed Brightwhisper lounged on a couch while more servants brought in his morning meal. Kira was already seated and had her large tome open. "Shall we begin Your Grace?" "Very well. It began with MiriKas' head priest making his proclamation that rebels were trying to overthrow the Court of the Gods and it was our duty to root them out....." Yes, that's right. This game has just become my dream! How does it feel to be nothing more than figments of my imagination? Come now Wyrm. You failed to sacrifice yourself for me in LG4. Surely you're not going to let such an opportunity pass you by again.
  3. Updated Vote Tally: Macen (4) : Twei, Araris, Paranoid King, Twei, Alvron Ren (1) : Macen Paranoid (3) : Hero, Maill, Twei, Araris, Leiftinspace, Eramit Leift (4) : Emerald, Orlok. Alvron, Clanky, Feligon Phatt (0) : Ren, Eramit Hero (1): Maill Leift. Macen. I can never figure out how to say why I'm retracting a vote so I'm not going to.
  4. Yes, they would discuss it but if I was an eliminator then I would advocate waiting a cycle or two before killing Bort as then it's not just down to those he PMed in the first night but rather all of the players. Only four people were PMed and the names of those was given to the others as insurance should Bort be killed. (At least that's what I'm assuming.) I doubt Ren would've taken that big a risk. In fact I'm more inclined to believe that it was just chance that they hit a Truthwatcher and none of the others are eliminators. Also PK could still have leaked the info even by not being online. He could have it set up so the any PMs he gets is e-mailed to him. Depending on what words Aonar uses when he sets up the PM, Borts name could've been revealed so PK could go into the Doc and reveal it that way. Any of those PMed by Bort care to reveal if Borts name was revealed in the PM when Aonar set it up?
  5. Updated vote tally because I need something to fill this post. Macen (0) : Twei Ren (1) : Macen Paranoid (4) : Hero, Maill, Twei, Araris Leift (3) : Emerald, Orlok. Alvron Phatt (1): Ren, Eramit I doubt PK was behind any leak of Borts PMness as he hasn't been on in 5 days. Assuming of course that Bort was killed because he PMed an eliminator. If I were to base my vote on that then I would be most suspicious of Leift as both Ren and Macen are far more experienced so they wouldn't make that mistake. Seeing as Aonar isn't playing, I now feel obligated to bring up the point about how this is the sort of thing an experienced eliminator might do just to throw us off and get others lynched first. Edit: Storming colours. I'm meant to be immune to your trickery. Edit the second: Realised I hadn't counted my vote. *head slap* Sleepy time calls.
  6. Fantastic write up Kas. I think this is the first time I've felt sad for the victim. You really managed to tug on my heartstrings. We are targetting number seven so are willing to lynch either of two or six. Now why would you want to kill little old me? I haven't done anything to you. I also question why there wasn't a lynch. It's not like you lot don't have us outnumbered. Or was there a lynch and Zas wasn't protecting Dow like was claimed. But what possible reason would there be for Zas to lie? Also thanks for the help with Dow. It was unexpected but very welcome.
  7. I saw it yesterday and I must say, it was better than I thought it would've been.
  8. Just to stir the pot a bit, I agree with PK. To our new partners, It wouldn't be very sporting (for us) if we were given Regicide without some protection. Not with all our members exposed. Your terms are accepted, with the minor change that Discovery chooses the lynch target. While the others disagree with me I think it's only fair to let you know that just because some of us have taken a hit, that doesn't mean we only have one life left. Sincerely, Discovery. Now, of course, I could be lying or I could be telling the truth. That I'll leave you to decide. Unfortunately the liaison doubts they will be online in time so we are forced to contact you this way. We apologize for this but it's the only way to let you know that we have considered your offer and have accepted. Discovery shall be voting for the third name on the list provided. Happy scheming.
  9. Alvonoha soulcast another rock into a handful of grain. As one of the few ardents able to use the soulcaster fabrials it fell to him to provide the grain for the camp today. It was a long laborious task, but one that gave him a good amount of privacy. It was imperative that they created as much grain as they could. Rumours were abound about spheres being dun just a day or so after a Highstorm. Most of the people blamed the strange storm that blew the wrong way but there were also whispers about those that could do what the Assassin in White did. Drain a sphere of Stormlight. Storm leavings. thought Alvonoha. That's about as likely as the Nightwatcher giving you what you asked for.
  10. I don't know which is scarier. Giving us Slaughter or Wilson. Ohh how about Wilson wielding Slaughter. And Cuddles. Discovery wants Wilson to wield Cuddles too. Asterion pulled out the tube and stoppered the hole. With the ichor-alcohol in place only one step remained. "Awaken to my Breath, serve my needs, live at my Command and at my word. Blood of a Ghost." A single Breath left Asterion and flowed into the body before him. The body of Cation Vinid stirred once more. One more for our army. Too bad the body of that blind fellow disappeared. A blind Lifeless would've been interesting to watch. "Blood of a Ghost. Follow that cat. Blood of a Ghost." The cat in question looked up from where it had been napping and yawned. Almost pure black of fur and deep green of eye it rose, stretched and walked out the door. Asterion had no idea where it went but his instructions were clear. Create Lifeless and send them after the cat. In truth Asterion didn't care about where the Lifeless went or what they did. The Breath he had been given was more than enough payment for the job. But Breath wasn't all he was given. Just hours before, an old friend had delivered the sword of his fellow Discovery member now departed. Cang Lu's sword he called Regicide stood propped up in a corner, waves of light from the candles reflecting off it blade. Asterion sighed. He still had to drain Eo's body of any remaining fluids before he could start the process on her. But first he need a cup of tea. Picking up Regicide he closed and locked the door to his workshop before heading to The Frozen Moon. A haven for those that wanted to remain anonymous.
  11. And yet Kipper said Eo wasn't in doc. Strange yes? Oh, yes. A good plan. I highly recommend that Heritage and Glory team up. I'm sure Heritage doesn't have any ulterior plans. It's not like Heritage has a Remember who can (and will) give Striker powers to one of theirs so they can kill again next cycle and the cycle after that. Oh wait. They do still have their Rememberer. They also have a roleblocker and a vote blocker and a protection role.... Discovery however has nothing bar our votes. We don't even know who the lynch targets are anymore. As such we are open to bribes. Should Glory and/or Moderation wish to lynch one of Heritages members, Discovery would be more than happy to add our votes to yours. All we ask is that you let us know who the target is. We have no way of knowing if you lie or not but we also have nothing to lose as we have been exposed.
  12. Alvonoha is joining up. Alvonoha walked with his head bowed. His bald head crisscrossed with cracks and his skin a slate grey colour. He was wearing a soulcaster on his hand. Why he wasn't walking with the other ardents, no one knew but rumours were abound that ever since he had found that strange animal a few days ago he had changed. The animal, that Alvonoha called a cat, poked it's head out of Alvonoha's hood. It's head was completely black except for where two bits of metal could be seen poking out from the skull. Where the metal was, the fur had turned a deep red. It looked around, yawned then lowered it's head and went back to sleep. Edit: removed extra l in name. No idea how that got there. *shifty eyes*
  13. Um, thank you? If I was indeed a CC this would've been a very good plan for me to win the game. Sadly I'm not evil this game. If you want proof that I'm not evil I can't really provide any. Except in death. I had considered saying that we could say who we were buying a medkit for and make it so that each one of us is protected by another and then if someone dies we would know who didn't do what they were meant to do but then the CC could just target who they are supposed to protect with the kill instead and win the game. By not revealing who is protecting who we have the best chance of blocking the kill and gaining another day. If we do get another shot at it then the two uninjured players vote for each other and the wounded one will cast the deciding vote. It will be a 50/50 shot. Either they lynch the CC or the CC wins. Unless there is an assassin that cycle too. Then, with luck, the passenger gets lynched and the CC is assassinated leaving no survivors. Everyone dead..... I kinda want this to happen now.
  14. It's not quite a must win turn as we still have medkits. If we can 'protect' the CC target then we will gain an extra turn should we screw up and kill another passenger. I will be buying a medkit but I won't be saying who I will be targeting as then the CC will know who not to target. I suggest everyone does the same. As for where I was, last round, I was in the Vault. I wasn't alone but I'll leave it up to them to say if they want to reveal themselves or not. I was hoping by saying that there should be two in each car last cycle that the CC would target me and thus waste another kill. Sadly it didn't work. I bid two coins on the assassin as that was all I had. Edit: Crossed out part due to Zas' ninjaing.
  15. My thoughts: Zas, Jain, Orlok and myself have all been in the Vault at some point in the game. Or so we have claimed. Clanky and Aanwolf haven't, to my knowledge anyway. The main benefit to entering the vault is surviving the CC kill. The assassin kill isn't known to be available before a cycle so the CCs have little reason for paying 6 coins for a ticket to the Vault instead of saving up and buying the assassin ensuring that they don't have to worry about a loose kill roaming around. So Clanky and Aanwolf are my leading suspects. Assuming no one is in the Vault this round means that there should be two in each carriage. I recommend that one of the ones in the caboose volunteer to be voted for so that if there is a kill this round then we will have cleared someone if we end up lynching a passenger again. Even if there is just one person in the caboose they could vote for themselves to prove their innocence. This would require them to vote to prove that they were indeed caboosed. Scratch that. Ren confirmed (via PM) that there needs to be at least two in the caboose for there to be a vote on who to caboose.
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