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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Who was caboosed last round? We know someone was by the missing vote. Despite what the write ups suggests we have no way of knowing for sure that Bridge was the one with the kill last round. He did post that he thought Neo was the one with the kill round 6 for the reason there wasn't a kill however he was also caboosed that round and we now know that he is a CC. So I'm thinking that he had the kill and he said he thought Neo had it to throw us off him not being able to kill anyone. If BB did indeed have the kill that time then he couldn't have made the kill this time as the kill is in a rotating pattern so the other CC must've had the kill. If the above is right then whoever was caboosed may be the final CC. Also, was anyone in the Vault?
  2. It's all good. I am also sorry for suspecting you. I tend to focus on just one person and go after them until either they or myself are dead. Not that I don't still suspect you but I have started looking elsewhere. I wouldn't say it was all that suspicious. I tend not to live very long so hopping in the Vault is a logical move for me. It cost me all my coins but if the CC did attack me then it was money well spent. As for why there wasn't a kill this round could be for several reasons. Ren may have said that lynching someone making the kill would stop the kill going through but it's not the only reason so we shouldn't just assume that's what happened. 1) It was Neos turn and it didn't go through because he was lynched. 2) The CC hadn't placed the kill order in. 3) The CC was roleblocked. None of the votes are missing so that leaves those that didn't vote. Jain, Clanky and Bridgeboy. Clanky was in the Buffet car so wasn't roleblocked. Anyone know where Jain and Bridge were? 4) They attacked someone in the Vault car. Was anyone in the Vault car? I would like to hear why Bridge and Jain didn't vote. Also I'm not going to be on for the last 16 hours of the cycle again. One of the ones I work with slipped on some ice and fractured his wrist so I was called in earlier today to finish his shift and have been asked to cover his next one. I shall try to get a vote placed before I go to work.
  3. Just popping in quickly to say that I will be away for the rest of the cycle. I fully intend to address the questions directed to me should I survive the day. If not then you will know by my role. At moment I will be keeping my vote on Clanky as I've not had the time to go through everything posted while I was at work. Clanky, I was not intending to sound as aggressive as I did in my post but you hadn't responded to my vote in the prior cycle despite having been on after it was posted so I tried a more forward post but might have sent the wrong message. I apologize if this was the case as I was simply trying to get a response from you. As I stated, the rules part was only a first step in what I had planned but it was interrupted before I could fully implement it.
  4. There were three possible people making the kill that could also have been thrown off the train. Dow, who is dead and couldn't have placed a kill order as he was a passenger. Peng and Zas which thanks to Zas' post shows that they were in a different carriage so they weren't role-blocked. So it looks like Dow was thrown off the train. Which means that either a kill order wasn't placed or that the CC targeted someone in the Vault carriage. There was only one person in the Vault during the past phase. Me. This can easily be confirmed by everyone posting who was in what carriages. So the question is, was a kill order not placed or was I the target? I doubt they failed to place the kill as they are close to winning and everyone was online during the cycle so there is little to no reason not to. So either they tried to kill me or they decided not to use the kill for some obscure reason. If they did try to kill me then that would (possibly) clear those in either the passenger or caboose carriage as the CC didn't know I wasn't in one of the carriages. Gamma was in the Buffet one so they knew who was there at least. This is assuming that the CC are passing lists of who's where in their PMs. Clanky, your reasoning for me is faulty. If I was a CC, I wouldn't use votes for directing assassins as I would have no way of controlling who gets the assassin. And I have already addressed the rest of your questions. If you have anything new to add then by all means let us know.
  5. I placed that part about being able to give coins to others as bait. I have found that Eliminators tend to know almost all the rules while those that are innocent only focus on those that apply to themselves. I did have a plan where I was going to slip up on some rules and see who corrected me as a way of seeing who knew the rules the best but was unable to due to reasons I shall attempt to explain at the end of my post. As such I firmly believe that Clanky is a CC. You lie. Ren has already stated that you can't use a med-kit on yourself. Which means that you, Gamma are a CC and you posted that so everyone stops calling out who prolonged your life. However since you are going to die at the end of the day there is no point in voting for you. Now then, for my absences this game. As some people know I am manic depressive and couple of days ago I went from manic to depressive. The sudden shift from planning to take over the world (no joke. I actually have a plan to conquer the world.) to trying to find a reason to get out of bed is difficult to shrug off. During that time I find it hard to really care about posting/playing these games (or doing anything really). I have passed that stage and am now just generally depressed so I can turn my attention back to other things. Hopefully I will survive this round and the passengers will pull out a victory.
  6. I haven't responded as I haven't been on. This is the first chance I have had to get online since I posted last cycle that I was going to be busy. I shall hold off on voting for the moment until I've gone through everything I've missed. However I think revealing how many coins someone has is a bad idea. For instance Shallan revealed that they have 12 coins and will be bidding 10 on the assassin. If a CC has higher they now know how much to bid to insure they get it and may send the assassin after Shallan to make sure they can't get the next one.
  7. I am voting for myself. I have no suspicions at moment. Was a little suspicious of Joe but that turned out to be wrong. Also I won't be back until after rollover as I have a 16 hour work shift coming up and don't want to end up not being able to retract vote if necessary. Jain, the CC can target anyone in any carriage (except the Vault) so anyone could've killed Joe not just those that were in the same car. Or so I think. Whoever had their vote blocked didn't make the kill at least. I am in the Passenger car along with: Gamma Zas Seonid Leift Phatt BTW, Meta, your souffle was very tasty. Thanks.
  8. Currently I will place my vote on Gamma. He's only posted once and hasn't voted. Only reasons not to vote are either he's rich or he has comrades to supply him with coin. I still have to go through the Buffet PM so my vote could change once I've finished. I must say though, the vote tally will be interesting this round with all the non-coloured votes and retractions. I am interested to see how Ren rules on those.
  9. David could in fact have Epic powers in Firefight. Most Epics do go on a Rending after getting powers however if they have faced their fears before getting their powers then they might not go on a Rending as they aren't turned evil by them. As semi-proof of this I give you Conflux. The only person he killed was his wife and that was by accident so it appears he never went on a Rending. Plus he claims not to have a weakness. He thought it was dogs but isn't sure.
  10. Comics: For heroes: Marvel. They have a far more diverse range than DC. For villains: DC. The villains in the Marvel universe are mostly two dimensional while DC really delves into their stories. Movies: Marvel easily wins. TV: DC but barely.
  11. Nails cracked his eye as the train began taking on more passengers. There were several new faces among the regulars. Nails would have to keep an eye on them. He could only keep one eye on them as that was all he had. An unfortunate incident involving a coinshot and some construction equipment had left Nails without his left eye. Everyone called Nails lucky for surviving but Nails didn't feel that way. He didn't know how he had survived having a pair of nails shot into his eye but he did. Even worse they throbbed at strange times. Almost like they knew when something was going to happen, and they were throbbing now. Welcome new victims err I mean players. Yep, players. It's great to see fresh blood faces around.
  12. Question for Wilson. How much are you willing to pay for Kas' head after that last question?
  13. Join us in Sanderson Elimination, where betrayal is par for the course.
  14. Alvron

    Ask Chaos Anything!

    You know you want to...
  15. When you have an e-reader dedicated solely to Brandons books and you take it everywhere just in case you get a couple of minutes to read.
  16. Alvron

    Ask Chaos Anything!

    What is the meaning of life? What is the ultimate question of the Cosmere that was never asked? If you are Chaos and yet bring order to the forums, how have you not imploded under the paradox effect? If you were an Epic what would your name be and what power(s) would you have? When will you join a SE game? Or are you too afraid of putting your life in our hands?
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