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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. INTJ or ISTJ depending on the test. INTJ mostly.
  2. It's true, my posts haven't been very helpful in finding Cultists. I have a horrible track record of not being able to find them. In all the 20+ games I've played I think I have only once identified an eliminator. And that was only because I had information that no one else had and I kept it to myself until it was of use. Others are far better suited at finding Cultists than I so I'm not really going for them. Instead I'm looking for the Gyorn. So far they have done almost exactly what I thought they would do. Convert Elantrians first as they can't speak in thread then when that's exposed start converting the high threat players so they have as large a group as possible to make finding the Odiv difficult. I am far better at predicting actions than I am at analyzing posts. Unfortunately no one has contacted me yet so my information on what roles the Cultists may have is limited. At the moment the best I have is that Winter was dead set against the Cultists having a Debtor role so it makes me think they do have one. Even them having a Vote Manipulation role isn't as certain as some seem to be claiming. Although it does make sense that they would have one if they do have a Debtor as well as it would slightly offset the imbalance. None of which helps in finding who they are, unless of course everyone wants to reveal their roles. As for my votes. I was 100% convinced that Maill was a Cultist which was why I voted for him. Winter on the other hand I thought was 80% clean. If Meta hadn't revealed himself then I likely would've voted for him if I voted at all. The only reason I did vote was so that the Prince(ss) couldn't force me to vote for Phatt and make him Hoed. When I vote I like to have a very good reason for doing so even if it ends up being wrong.
  3. And if that role is Gyorn? We know that the Gyorn is active as they are recruiting but that doesn't mean that they are posting in thread. Where better to hide. The cultists aren't going to kill them as they aren't a threat. We aren't going to lynch them as that slows down any discussion we have for that cycle. It's a good place to hide if you want people to think you are suspicious but not enough to bother killing.
  4. Your point about Ostrich could be applied to anyone. If we went with your logic of anyone being a pirate then we wouldn't be lynching anyone. For all we know he could just be asking questions of the GMs in the PM which would allow him to be 'active' while also doing nothing. I can see Aonar dropping out as an Eliminator. Aonar is very busy IRL so won't be able to give full attention to the game. If he's a Cultist, he would drop out so as to not hinder his team. Edit: Grammar
  5. I'm voting for Maill. He has called out several players with little or nothing to base it on. Some of his suspicions were twisted so that it fit what he was trying to say. Overall I feel that he is trying to force suspicion onto others.
  6. My count is slightly different Kas. Haelbarde (0): Clanky Karlin (0): Dow Dow (3): Jain, Bort, Maill, Spencer Luckat (0): Kas Wonko (1): Araris, Maill, Kas, Jain Clanky (0): Winter, Kipper Lord Piff (0): Meta Spencer (3): Dow, Kas, Mek Alv (1): Aonar Maill (1): Wilson, Twei Twei (1): Clanky Jain (1): Meta
  7. I have not been reiterating anyone. I brought up the Pirates/Lovers as well as the possibility of the Convert being an Elantrian. I have no problem being called out and even voted for but could you at least make it for something I have actually done. I also didn't say we should speculate on who the Lovers/Pirates are just that when everyone was trying to work out how many cycles we have, they should factor in the chance of multiple deaths due to those roles. Also I didn't bring it up a second time, I was merely trying to explain my first post in cycle 1 which was what Aonar brought up as a reason for voting for me. The fact that you completely misread my posts makes me think you are trying to get people to think I am suspicious. I need no help there. I am very adept at doing that myself.
  8. Vote Tally: Haelbarde : Clanky Karlin : Dow Dow : Jain, Bort Luckat : Kas Wonko : Araris, Maill, Kas, Jain Clanky : Winter, Kipper Lord Piff : Meta Spencer : Dow, Kas Alv : Aonar Maill : Wilson Twei : Clanky Jain : Meta Currently with the votes tied and only at two, anyone who has a vote on them could be taken out via Vote Manipulators/Debtorness.
  9. I did not use the Pirates/Lovers to say we shouldn't lynch anyone. I apologize if that was how it came across. What I was trying to say is: I don't agree with first day lynchings simply as we have no evidence to go off. Sure we get evidence after the lynch but until we know the alignment of someone the discussions don't give us anything, and I don't like the idea of just killing someone just so we have something to work with the next day. I am one of those that likes to sit back and wait. With all the talk about how long we have and how best to find the gyorn, no one brought up the possibility of there being multiple deaths from lynching. With the number of players I suspect 2-4 lovers and 3 pirates. That's 7 players that could take another out with them. And while a Debtor maybe a Lover I doubt that they are a Pirate so maybe it might be better to tie rather than force a lynch. Now that I have (hopefully) make my position clearer on to today. The fact that the convert hasn't come forward isn't all that surprising. I can see four reasons why not. One: There was no convert. This could be because the Gyorn is inactive or maybe wants to keep a low profile before making their move. Two: The convert became the Odiv. Unlikely but possible. Not smart if they want to remain hidden. Revealing themselves buys good guy points. Plus who would suspect the first one converted. Three: The convert is inactive/Elantrian. If so then they can't say anything. If I was the gyorn, converting an Elantrian would be something I would do as they couldn't betray numbers and make a smart hiding place for the Odiv. Four: The converts aren't allowed to reveal names/numbers. I am waiting on GM reply to this option. Got reply. They can reveal names and numbers. Possible Five: The convert is a Cultist and doesn't want to reveal themselves for fear of being lynched in case of suspected of being Odiv. Only buys them one round so isn't a smart move. I think option three is most likely but that is simply because it is something I would do.
  10. There is one thing bothering me at moment and that is that despite all the talk about whether or not to lynch someone, no one has brought up the possibility of the Pirates/Lovers. If we kill one of those then we aren't just killing one person but possibly two or more. The Pirates can choose their hostage at any time during the game so they may already have someone picked out. If they pick a Lover and we lynch them then we could lose three players on the first day. I have never been a fan of first day lynchings, though I do see the value in the information it can generate, so I won't be voting this day.
  11. Was that photo taken with or without his shardpen summoned?
  12. It says 'Lord of the Forums'. I can't read what the rep count is though. Six digits long so Kobold King has a long way to go to see if it's right.
  13. Rolan worked on his final gravestone. It was the one that all stone carvers didn't want to do. Their own headstone. The village had turned against him. Rolan had done nothing wrong but that was enough apparently. Keeping your head down and trying not to draw attention was now all it took for the mob to think you had joined the ranks of the spiked. Letting out a sigh of regret Rolan looked at the piece of stone that would forever mark the place of his rest. Here Lies Rolan Dead before his time. Stop ye travellers as you pass by As you are now, so once was I As I am now, soon you shall be Prepare yourself to follow me. Heading inside his small workshop Rolan gathered up his notes. Even though he would soon be dead it didn't mean that his work wouldn't continue. His apprentice Jain would have to see to the rest of the commissioned epitaphs. Once everything was in order he once more went outside to await the mob that would soon arrive calling for his head. Glancing one final time at his final masterpiece Rolan dropped the stack of notes. Someone had defaced his tombstone. Written under his carving in blood red letters was the following. To follow you I am not content. Until I know which way you went
  14. I put a vote on Sart as he wasn't posting despite being seen viewing the threads. I didn't vote for him prior as if he was busy and unable to post then it's only fair that he have the time to do so. I have been in that position a few times and others have given me time so I thought it only fair if he had the same chance. However not posting at all by the fifth cycle is waiting too long for answers so I called him out on it and he responded. As for why Sarts vote was my first major action, I don't vote very often in any game and when I do vote I like to have a reason for doing so. I gave myself a reason for posting in thread with the gravestone posts as I have a tendency to post less and less as a game progresses and I want to change that. The combination of the two probably make it look like I'm avoiding discussion but it's simply because I have nothing to say. At least not yet. Rolan worked hard on his latest masterpiece. A special Tombstone, one that no one had ever seen before. Red marble flew as Rolan chipped away at the block. It had to be perfect. The request had come in days before and Rolan just knew that the spirit of D'wag would appreciate this little touch on the final product. A few hours later and both Rolan and Jain carted the headstone into the cemetery. Placing it at the head of the grave Rolan stood back to make sure it was correctly lined up. "You sure this is what he asked for?" Jain asked "Word for word. That plaque is exactly what was requested." "And what about the tombstone itself?" "That's just my little touch." Rolan replied with a grin. Turning and walking away Rolan and Jain headed back to the workshop leaving a red circular tombstone with two small round protrusions sticking out from either side and a slightly larger cap on the top. A bronze plaque attached halfway up the front. D'wag Well, I guess I got taken down too, but at least my name's not a synonym for a bathroom.
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