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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Discussion seems to have died off which is a bad thing. While we know that Joe is a Lawman and he should be lynched we haven't talked about who his partner(s) may be. Someone has the smoking gun and I think we should talk about who should be targeted with it. My top suspect is ostrichofevil. In order for Joes plan to fully work he would need to have at some stage killed a Lawman. His call for the smoking gun user to take out either ostrichofevil or Surgebound could have been it.
  2. I believe Spencer as he wouldn't gain anything by coming forward if I was a lawman. He would've been better remaining silent as Joe had him on a 'almost' trusted list. Given that I am not a lawman I see no advantage to Spencer revealing himself if he is a lawman as all it does is make him a target. Joe also didn't deny the accusation of him being the one to kill Lord Piffy. My vote is going on The Only Joe. I apologize if your good Joe but I doubt you are.
  3. I also slept during the night so my vote counted. Which if my tally is right means that there was at least three rioters and one soother active last round. Meta and Araris were rioted onto me, Maill rioted to Nicroburst and either Bort or myself soothed. Was anyone else soothed? Or did you all just not sleep?
  4. I'm glad someone likes the Gravestones. I tend not to give my opinions until I have something firm to base them on. In LG10 I think I only voted once and that was at the end of the game. I have several suspicions and have shared them with a couple of others via PM. My main suspicion was and still is Sart as they didn't post at all until they were called out. Now I understand being busy, I myself am fairly busy but I still manage to post once in a while. Sart however didn't post anything for over two weeks and given the apparent reveal of powers by at least two of the spiked I'm thinking that at least one of the more experienced spiked is/was absent. Of those Sart has been the quietest.
  5. Going by the write up, it looks like you were attacked in A2 the mushroom farm. That's the only place I think a giant mushroom would be. I'm placing a vote on Sart. He's online reading this as I'm typing this up but as far as I can tell he hasn't posted anything.
  6. Thoughts? None really. I haven't the time at moment to really form anything that hasn't already been said. Why I only posted once? I was going to sell my vote the first day but I was beaten by two others and didn't see the point in there being a third. Then I was going to post a vote tally but as I was typing it up you posted one. The next time I was able to get online was when I posted before. Hopefully I will have time to place a vote later once I'm able to read through everything.
  7. Ralon watched from the shadows as the others talked and debated. He had tried to sooth away everyones fear but his brass had run out. Curse that Warn! Why couldn't he have gathered more supplies. Suddenly shots rang out and three of his fellow outlaws collapsed. Out of the corner of his eye Ralon saw a flicker of movement from behind the fridge. A strange appliance that somehow kept things cold. No one was sure where Warn had acquired such a marvel. Ralon had never seen anything like it before and rumours were rife that it used some form of hemalurgy. Gingerly moving the large fridge away from the wall Ralon saw a sliding door hidden behind it. Reaching out to open the door Ralon almost jumped out of his skin when the fridge started clunking and humming. Snatching his hand back Ralon noticed a glimmer of gold on the floor where the fridge had stood before. Scooping up the coin Ralon quickly pocketed it and opened the hidden door. I have nothing to add so I'm just posting some RP while I have the time to show that I am active. (Sort of)
  8. Honerius Bager He stole our stuff - he had no class So we got medieval on his @ss An empty grave yawned, yearning to be filled but no one cared enough to dig the spiked from the remains of his building. Rolan shook his head. Having an empty grave wasn't a good look. How could people expect a fitting headstone if it didn't mark the place where they were buried? Pulling out his chisel, Rolan carved a quick advertisement under the simple epitaph. This plot is vacant, And now is for Lease! Call me if you or Your friend is deceased!
  9. No one attended the funeral of Cleo. Her coffin placed in the grave and the carriers quickly leaving, heading to 'The Taproom' to toast the death of a Spiked. Rolan and Jain placed the headstone at the head of the still open grave. Here lies Cleo, covered in snow. Winter came but now must go. She died at a public gathering when the platform gave way.
  10. Rolan tipped the bucket of acid on the green marble headstone that previously had marked the grave of Dow. Only now it had been discovered that Sheol had been the one that die. More work. As if I don't already have enough to do. "Give it a couple of minutes then scrap off the remaining glue Jain." Turning to the two other headstones Rolan sighed. Four deaths in three days and it looked like there would be another before the day was done. A few hours later and the headstones were all carved and ready to be taken to their final resting place. Strangely all of them were supposedly the last words of the ones they marked. Here Lies Axies The one who killed me was... *hurk* Lord Mattias Mountford I regret nothiiinnnngg! Forever remembered: Sheol and his parting words This is NOT what I had in mind when I said, “Over my dead body! Two votes on Winter in quick succession? Nah, that doesn't seems suspicious at all. Araris, why did you place a vote on Winter? We saw last day round that just one vote is enough to lynch someone so a second isn't necessary.
  11. Thanks to everyone for playing. I hope you enjoyed all the PM madness as much as I did. I WILL KILL YOU ALL!!!!!
  12. Another grave dug demanded another headstone carved. But no one was sure that the one killed was actually dead. Rolan scratched his head as he tried to work out what to place on the tombstone for someone that might not be needing one. Rolan hadn't known Dow all that long and had even been ignored when he had offered his services. Still something needed to be placed on the grave marker. The green marble demanded it. Gold would've been perfect for this project. Too bad Kwon isn't talking to me anymore. Imagine mistaking my assistant Jain for a metalsmith. I'm sure Kwon will calm down soon enough. But until then I have work to do. Picking up some of the leftover pieces of obsidian from Jodes gravestone, Rolan carefully chipped off some slivers of it and arranged them on the stone. Calling out for Jain to bring a pot of special glue, Rolan moved the bits of stone around until inspiration struck him. Once finished Roan stood back to admire his work. Yes, that captures the situation perfectly. Here lies the body of Dow. If not, please notify the undertakers.
  13. Rolan placed the finishing touches on the headstone and waved for Jain to bring over the molten silver. Carefully pouring the silver into the grooves Rolans hand betrayed only a slight tremor. Once cooled Rolan and Jain loaded the finished headstone onto their cart and wheeled it over to the open grave. Jode wasn't going to be buried until nightfall, the grave having been only half dug. Instructing Jain to dig out a small area at the top of the grave Rolan leaned back against the cart grabbed a water canteen and took a swig before tossing it to one of the grave diggers. Nodding his thanks the digger gulped down several mouthfuls before passing it to his fellow workers and strolling over to Rolan. "This it?" "This is what was asked for." "Fitting." "Indeed. Looks like Jain has finished. Give us a hand will ya." Hefting the headstone the three of them positioned it at the head of the grave. Rolan and the digger held it steady while Jain filled in the hole around the grave marker. Once finished they all moved to the bottom of the grave and gazed at the now standing headstone. Simple in design its silver lettering shining bright on the black stone. Jode He died as he lived Ignoring People's good advice With the talk about the write up I feel I should point out that we have no reason to think that there is anything in the write up to go on. Aonar is the one doing the write up and is known for trolling. There may well be things hidden in the write up but it might also just be GM flair or worse Aonar laughing at us as we try and dissect what he has hidden.
  14. No they can't. If no one votes then no vote can be cancelled or changed. Allomantic brass and Allomantic zinc need votes to be active in order to work. The only thing the spiked can do to ensure someone is lynched is to vote or at least encourage others to vote. But that will expose them so I doubt that will happen. This will most likely be a no kill round which is a win in my books.
  15. I beleive they also found one in another room but it was replaced with another pretty cool item. Someone must've gotten really lucky as from what I can work out is that those that left the room only had two actions for the night. One of which was used moving. That means that they got the item on the first search.
  16. Sanity? I don't think I ever had that. For those that may be wondering, the final tally of PMs created for this game was 229. Over 150 of those in the first 24 hours.
  17. Player and Role List: Joe (The Only Joe) Forger Cosmere Malcom (Mailliw73) Disguise Lens Wearer Librarian Vin Yard Awg/Vya (Vineyarddawg) Accelerated Healer Epic Tristal (Tuilr) Romance Novel Monster Librarian Eol (Eolhondras) Traitorous Crystal Knight Librarian Dow (Dowanx) Mitosis Epic Jain (Lightsworn Panda) Forcefield Epic Cleo and Kae (Winter Cloud) Shardblade Welder Cosmere Ank (Clanky) Soldier Rithmatic Keira (Little Wilson) Accelerated Healer Epic Arall (Araris Valerian) Oculator Librarian Karlin (Surgebound Rainspren) Forgotten Rithmatic Count Piffula (Lord Pifferdoo) Mistborn Cosmere Tammy Kingswright (A Smart Guy) Corrupt Rithmatic Rithmatic Todd Smith (twelfthrootoftwo) Lifeless Cosmere Ash (Ashiok) Trapper Cosmere Bortholemew (Bort) Detective Rithmatic Dr. Brightlord Seixa (Phattemer) Offensive Specialist Rithmatic Atreides Agamemnon (Ostrichofevil) Illusionist Epic Lil' Meester Fafa (Splinter) Matter Disruptor Epic Naran (Aonar Faileas) Lifeless Cosmere New One the Toddler (Newan) Infiltrator Librarian Figgldygrak (Gamma Fiend) Soldier Rithmatic Ferrin (Feligon) Romance Novel Monster Librarian The Shard (ShardbearerFanatic2014) Shade Cosmere Samhain (Seonid) Warrior Lens Wearer Librarian Restless (Renegade) Hoid Independant Keldre (KalaDellexe) Incorporeal Epic Lu (Luckat) Defensive Specialist Rithmatic
  18. Round Thirteen: The Interview Al Vron here once again folks. We are down to the last four; any of which could take the victory. The action is already under way so lets get right to it. Dow, Keira and Grak have teamed up to take down Arall it seems. But wait; what’s this? Keira just turned on Grak leaving a bemused Arall to face Dow by himself. Grak backs up but a wall prevents him from going too far. Dow and Keira have drawn their improvised shanks and are moving in for the kills. Ahhhh!!! What is that awful sound? Where is it coming from? It’s Grak!! Grak is laughing? Why would Grak laugh? Keira dropped her shank while trying to cover her ears but Dow lunges for Arall. The blade sinks deep between the ribs and hits Aralls heart. Grak has stopped laughing thankfully and Keira has recovered her blade. With both Keira and Dow to contend with, can Grak do anything? Eww. Grak just ripped off part of his left arm and is reaching in. What could he possibly have hidden inside? Is that what I think it is? I think it is. It is. A double barrel shotgun. Keira and Dow seem taken back. They are trying to make a break for it but it’s too late. Grak fires his weapon and at that range nothing could survive it. Well that’s it folks. The game is over and Figgldygrak is the winner. This has been one hell of a match and I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did. Stay tuned for the crowning of our champion and the interview that follows. As the write up says, the game is over and Gamma is the winner. Congratulations Gamma and the Rithmatic team as a whole. Vote Tally: Wilson: 2 Araris: 2 Deaths: Dow (Dowanx) Epic Keira (Little Wilson) Epic Arall (Araris Valerian) Librarian Docs: Observers Platform The Watchers Lair Edit: Added Docs. Also Gamma your vote on Wilson didn't count as you didn't green your first one in time.
  19. And the round is over. It's going to take me a while to do the write up. I just had a great idea.
  20. Indeed. Many congratulations Newan for reaching the highest number of players signed up. 31 players will make this a very interesting game and that's not even counting the mistwraths that may join. Question, can we kill the mistwraths before they become Kandra?
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