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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Here you go. Shardhunt. Edit: Curses, Ninja'd by a Skaa. Grr.
  2. Final code has been entered. Just waiting for the unlock to be posted.
  3. Stormlight will be 10 books total with two story arcs broken down into 5 books each.
  4. And now we have our tavern for the tineyes to vandalize. I was wondering who would take that role.
  5. Everyone knows to be wary of Catquisitors. But Inquisakittens are a different matter entirely. We can claw others to shreds and still people will think we are harmless and cute.
  6. Hey now, I am no where near as much of a threat as you. I admit that when evil I can be dangerous but when good I am almost useless. It even says that on my Chart. Alvron: Evil: 26.667% Evil Victory: 75% About as dangerous as a boxful of kittens. Inquisakittens that is.
  7. Vron has risen from the grave for this game. An alchemist who dabbles in metallurgy. For some reason he distrusts any messengers called Wilson, I believe it has something to do with past lives.
  8. I think your count is out Meta. Isana never said they were going to attack the Muttations. In fact they told me they were going after Newan. My plan hasn't changed apart from losing two out of my three teammates. I suspected it would take at least two rounds to kill all the muttations which is why I said at the beginning that I would be targeting them for the first couple of cycles.
  9. I will be hunting the Mutant Bovines. I really don't want to be killed by a cow. How would that look in my sig. Al: Deckhand from District 4. Eaten by a Cow. That's almost as bad as being lynched by a horse. Al ran for the river he had seen earlier, fear granting him speed he never knew he had while driving all but the basic of thoughts from his brain. Once he reached the bank, Al dived in and swan to the other side. The cold bite of the icy water shocking Al back to normal. Instincts honed after years of working on and around boats kicking in. Once safely on the other side, Al stripped off his soaked clothes and hung them on branches to dry in the sun. Spotting some flax nearby, Al grinned. He may not have been the best deckhand in his district but he did know his way around ropes and knots.
  10. I disagree with you Meta. Going after those that don't post for the first few cycles isn't a good idea. Those Muttations are the bigger threat and I for one will be hunting them for the first couple of rounds. Not to mention that it is possible that there are some who are unaware that the game has started. I didn't get a PM informing me that it had, I only found out by my constant lurking and checking. I sent a PM to Peng asking if he did and if not then if he would let everyone know esp the newer players who might not be aware of how these games fully work. Al flexed his rough calloused fingers as he waited for the tube to open. He still hadn't decided if he was going to go for one of the items sitting so temptingly out in the open. He had managed to smuggle some wire past the officials but he felt it wouldn't be enough to win. Looking around at the other contestants he spotted a few faces staring hungrily at the cornucopia while others were scouting out the surrounding area probably working out were the good hiding places might be Remembering the words of his advisor Wurum. Your skills are water based. Find a river or lake and you will feel more at home. Let the others come to you on your terms and on your ground and you will do fine. Taking a deep breath Al steadied his rapidly beating heart and prepared to begin the fight for his life.
  11. It might just be me but this system seems like it will cause bandwagons. If there is even a small chance that the one being killed is an eliminator then everyone will just pile on the votes. Edit: Been tinkering with a few roles for a while. Let me know what you think. Meta is too slow in getting back to me. Primary Roles: Demolitionist: You love to see things go boom. You enjoy it so much that you no longer care if anyone is killed by your explosions. You have a small supply of explosive caps that you can attach to an item. Once you attach one of your ‘surprises’ you can choose who gets the item. After a full cycle has passed you can choose to detonate the cap and kill whoever has the item. (Death won’t be revealed until rollover but whoever has your rigged item at time of you placing order is killed) Graverobber: Plundering from the dead isn't glamorous but everyone has to make a living right? Once per cycle you can search a dead player and recover one item they died with. (chosen by GM roll.) Rookie: You have no role at moment however once another player dies you will gain their role but with slightly reduced power. i.e if you become the sniper you will only be able to attack someone every second round. (Good way to keep a role active given the habit of losing a power role near start of games lately.) Beggar: Years of begging on the streets have taught you how to blend in with your surroundings. Once per night you can target another player and learn who they have targeted that cycle. (Reveals day targets as well.) Body Snatcher: Disposing of bodies is your specialty. During the night phase you may choose to remove a body from play. If target is being killed that night then the players role and items are not revealed in the following days write up. (Limited to three clean ups. Can be used with the faction Kill.) Mortician: During the night phase you may choose a dead players body to inspect and learn the names of all who have targeted said player during the game. (Includes votes.) Hacker: You somehow managed to hack into the mobiles of your fellow thieves. Once per night cycle you can send a message to all crew members via writeup. Additionally you can choose if PMs are allowed during the following phase by PMing the GM. Should you die then however you left the PMs (On or Off) will be how they stay for the remainder of the game. Snitch: Once each night phase you can choose to slip a note into one players pocket revealing the role and faction of a different player. (Cannot self target. Must PM the GM with name of target for note as well as target you ‘snitch’ on.) (Twist on the seeker role.) Side Roles: Heavy: Growing up on the streets is tough. You either grow up strong and fast or you die. You grew up strong and fast and became one of the crews enforcers. If attacked you will die but will also lash out at your attacker wounding them. (Your killer is named but role/faction is not revealed.) Blind: Living in a gang is hard work. You are either a predator or you are prey. You may be blind but over the years you have learned to fake being able to see. Every time you use your ability there is a 50% chance that you will target another random crew member instead. (Chosen by GM roll. You are not informed if your target is different than what you chose.) Braggart: You have claimed to all who would listen that you cannot be killed even by Epics like Steelheart. So often have you boasted about being the ultimate survivor that even you have started to believe it. You are unable to be targeted by any protective roles or items. Bloodthirsty: You love to watch blood flow. Seeing the light leave the eyes of the dying gives you a thrill. In addition to your main win condition you have a bonus victory goal. Secondary Win: Have your vote be in at least four successful lynches. Trusted: You are one of the most trusted people in the gang. As such you automatically cancel one vote placed on you each cycle. Living Legend: You are famous. Like really famous. Everyone has at least heard of you even if they don’t know what you look like. When you die those that killed you will be so devastated that any actions they take during the next night phase will be cancelled. Hidden: This side role will not be shown on death. (If lynched then all those who voted for you will be affected.) Shadow Leader: You are the force behind the leader of the gang. Your word is law even if the others don’t know that it is you. Once per game you can choose to cancel the lynch for that and only that day cycle. Compulsive Liar: Your desire to appear more important than you really are has gotten out of hand. You cannot stop lying. Whenever someone tries to find out your role, faction or actions that you have taken they will be told lies. Hidden: Player with this side role will not be informed that they have it. Strong Willed: You will is as strong as iron. No matter how hard they try no one can force you to change your mind. You are immune to all vote manipulation roles.
  12. Kinda a bummer that it costs $120 for us international people. Not that it stopped me from placing my order.
  13. Who says I haven't? My Chart of Evilness has you near the top with lots of warnings. Wilson: Evil 42.857% Subtle manipulator. Mastermind planner. Troll. Bloodthristy as hell. Kill with fire!!! Edit: As of the end of this game, there has been a total of 77 different SE players.
  14. Was just updating my Table of Evil Stats and noticed that Aonar has joined the ranks of Most Evil. Congratulations and Welcome. So far the highest number of times someone has been evil is 4. A Smart Guy has the best Evil ratio at 3 good : 4 evil A Smart Guy Played:7 Evil:4 Evil in:MR1 MR2 LG7 QF4 Tulir Played:9 Evil:4 Evil in:LG4 MR1 MR2 LG9 The Only Joe Played:13 Evil:4 Evil in:LG3 LG4 MR2 LG8 Alvron Played:14 Evil:4 Evil in:QF1 LG5 LG8 QF4 Aonar Faileas Played:15 Evil:4 Evil in:LG2 MR1 QF4 MR4 Note: MR1 sharders, LG9 SK and Fain from LG6 are included as eliminators as they are hidden factions.
  15. Al is in. Looks like this game will be a bloodbath. Hope Wilson stays away. Edit: Al is a 15 years old male from District 4 and has been working as a deckhand from the age of 8.
  16. A great game Wyrm. Thanks for GMing. For those wondering why I was sure of Jasnahs innocence. It was because about an hour after the game started that Wyrm set up a PM between Jasnah and myself. He deleted it quickly afterwards but not before I saw it. Given that in the last few games Jasnah didn't really reach out to anyone in PMs, I (wrongly) figured that they wouldn't set up a PM that early if they had a spy doc to talk in. I am going to have to be a lot more careful now.
  17. I tried to come up with some rp for Norlav but nothing really worked. So instead I decided to use Rolavs POV to make the connection between the two. It was raining, a chill persistent rain that swept through the camp. The rain did not noticeably dampen the celebration that was going on, since most of the revellers were too drunk to even notice the weather. Rolav was not drunk. He had work to do and he had nothing but contempt for those that drank on the job. Rolav wore a nondescript cloak of brown that covered him from head to toe. He went through the crowd as unobtrusively as possible, moving to where the lighteyes slept. Rolav stopped and drew back into a gap between the tents as the patrol tramped by. Normally they would be bribed to stay out of the way but with the last of the spies rooted out from the camp, they wouldn't be looking for anyone else. Their job was just to keep the peace and break up any drunken fights that got too out of hand. Rolav saw his destination, the building that was housing the lighteyes, and went into the foul smelling alley behind it. A ladder was placed against the wall as planned, and he went up and entered through a second storied window. He walked down the hallway and through the doorway leading to his targets bedroom. A former darkeyed servant having supplied the layout of the building and pointed out the room the targeted lighteyes was staying in. Once inside the room, Rolav laid on the bed. As long as he had to wait he might as well be comfortable. He could hear the sounds of dancing and stomping downstairs. It was less than half an hour later when he heard a heavy, slightly unsteady footfall on the stairs. He quickly rolled off the bed and moved silently to the door, pressing his ear against the panel. “It’s no trouble,” A slurred voice said. “I've got a copy in my room.” “Really, Brightlord Fenned, let us just enjoy the fun.” a female voice called from below. “I want you to read Gavilars latest proclamation to everyone. It’s the most idiotic thing I've heard.” The door opened and a man carrying a ruby firemark entered. It was the same man that Norlav had pointed out to Rolav four days earlier. Rolav wondered what the Brightlord had done to irritate someone enough to go to the expense of having them killed. He dismissed the thought. It was none of his business. The fact that the mark had his back to Rolav provided the perfect chance to try out his latest technique. Drawing a long thin blade out of his boot, he stepped up behind Fenned, and drove the blade into the base of the Brightlords skull with a steely crunch. He caught the collapsing body and quietly lowered it to the floor. A knife-thrust to the brain was always fatal, and it provided a quick, clean and silent death. Rolav set his foot on the body’s shoulder and tried to pull the blade out. But it was stuck fast, pulling a blade out of bone takes quite a bit of strength and Rolav just didn't have enough. Giving up on the blade, Rolav rolled the body over and looked intently into the dead face. Rolav always liked to make sure his targets were dead. Fenned was definitely dead. His eyes were blank, his face was turning blue and a little trickle of blood was coming out his nose. Pulling up the hood of his cloak, Rolav walked down the hallway and climbed out the window he had entered before. There were three more names on his list and with luck he could cross another off this night, but it was raining and Rolav hated to work in the rain. Norlav would understand if Rolav took the rest of the night off. This was a night to celebrate, after all, the Blackthorn had won a great victory as well as rooted out the last of the spies in camp. Kaddar, looks like you get your wish to be lynched after all.
  18. Eol, your count is off slightly. Jasnah and Damon are the same person so they have two votes on them. Aonar. Sorry but with so many Guardsmen and Spearmen and no one claiming Squadleader I think one might be hidden and waiting for a chance to tie up the vote. Can't let that happen as if there is then they are most likely a spy.
  19. My apologies Mek. I missed the post where you asked who I targeted. You were my target. I figured that if Ace fell for my bluff and I was able to save someone then you would be best as Wilson and Luckat were going to battle skip and Kas' role is of little help in finding the spies so you were our best bet in rooting them out.
  20. I was contacted in the first cycle. Many thanks. There is nothing to say that any messenger is disloyal. It wouldn't be the first time that happened. If you think they are a spy though then you might as well kill them. I didn't claim to have evidence of innocence. Just that with the information I have it looks that they are. I am suspected of being good but not confirmed so any spies could use me not voting for Jasnah and not giving a reason why as a tool to deflect suspicion onto me if the others got to close. By giving what information I could I have removed that threat. It is a combination of what Wyrm did and my own observations of Jasnah that led me to my conclusion. I can't share one without showing the other to give the full picture. Jasnah has played two games prior to this and in both they were borderline inactive. Unfortunately Jasnah has played both an innocent and an eliminator without changing style so there is little to compare playstyles with.
  21. Allomancy all the way. Steel - Flight - Enough said. Iron - No longer need to pick up keys/phone or remote. Just pull into hand. Pewter - Strength, Endurance, Grace and Balance all in one handy metal. A Dancer and Runner must have. Brass/Zinc - Dating made easy.
  22. Some of the information I am basing my conclusions on is from a mistake of Wyrms, so am unable to share as normally I wouldn't have it. I however do think that everyone should know that I have my reasons for not suspecting Jasnah, I just can't share.
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