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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Many thanks to the Guard who saved my life. Hopefully I can repay the favor. Kas, despite what I posted I did send in protection orders. I was hoping that Ace would fall for my bluff and I could save someone else with my dying breath, reasoning that it was better that my target was blocked instead of killed along with us. Unfortunately I was still sent to the latrines but no one attacked my target. Congrats to Newan for winning a Shardblade. You are now of the fourth dahn and outrank most of the lighteyes in camp. Scary thought to have the Lynchmaster given so much power over life and death. ​I have reason to believe that Jasnah is good, however I could be wrong as it is based on several things that I could easily have mis-interpreted.. Given Odysa supposed confession I have no problem if someone wanted to use their new Blade on them. They are either an eliminator or not helping so killing them will only help us narrow down the list. And free us up to vote on someone else.
  2. We do have confirmation that there is only one Heterochromic. It says so in the main post. Also this is the first time any of us has come across a suicide role in these games. Your continued misinterpretations are baffling. Normally you are much more clued in on these games. I am very interested in how this battle will go. I know that I am dead and roleblocked which is why I only sent in orders for some pink paint so I can paint the latrines after I've finished cleaning them. (upvote for the first to get that reference.) Mostly I am wondering which spy team is going for Kas. Will both or none? Will they hope the other team goes for him and go for someone else? or will they take the risk and hope the other spy team goes after another? Which (if any) team will Wilson block?
  3. ​Disagree with you there. If I hadn't been the surgeon then I wouldn't have come forward as I did. And as was pointed out, there was no reason for me to out myself as the heterochromatic if I was evil. I had a perfect hiding spot where I was.
  4. My word, I work for a few extra hours and miss all the fun. Luckat, your code for me is irrelevant as you and I are the only ones in contact with that messenger. If they claimed to be talking to anyone else then they are lying, either to you or to me. I agree that there is either three of four messengers but am wary of blindly killing one of them as they might be pulling a spanreed gambit from LG5. Not going to bother sending in protection orders. Odds are I will be mucking out the latrines again. Good news is that we will gain another Blade welder after the upcoming battle. With Luckat and Wilson skipping the battle (maybe Joe as well) We will end up with at least three lighteyes we can trust. Not sure about Marand. His jumping on the vote doesn't seem like his normal playstyle when evil so will hold off on voting for now until some of the quieter players have posted.
  5. Aonar, Kas did claim to have Jains spanreed in a RP post. Don't know if he was just playing with us as he was about to be lynched then or telling the truth but he did claim to have it.
  6. Stripped to his waist and sweat pouring off him Norlav gulped down another ladle of warm water. Passing the ladle to the one standing beside him, Norlav studied his companion. Tall, tanned and well muscled he looked like he could be Norlavs twin; he even had the same heterochromatic eyes and carried a halberd instead of the standard spear. The only real difference between the two was a tattoo the other had, three overlapping diamonds on the inside of his arm just below the elbow. They had been training together for the last couple of weeks but neither one had managed to gain the upper hand in their sparring. One day Norlav would win, the next it would be the newcomer standing as the victor. “I would like to thank you for the sparring practice friend. It isn't often that I am pushed to my limits as often as you do it.” “Anytime, I also am rarely pushed this hard. Should we both survive this stupid war, we might want to team up. There is a group of like-minded individuals that I work with from time to time that could use someone of your skill.” “Sounds good. By the way, what’s your name? We've been sparring all this time and I still don’t know who you are.” Shouldering his halberd he extended his hand. “The name is Alv. I won’t be around for a couple of days but I expect we will meet again.” Watching as Alv left, Norlav felt a chill creep along his spine. For those unaware I had a character named Alv in LG5 who was a heterochromatic cousin to Highprince Roion. Thought this would be a good place and time for them to meet. There is far too much blue in this game. As to who may or may not be a spy, I believe that Jasnah is clean. I am 98% certain of it which is the same percent that I think Kas and Wilson are clean. Sorry but you two are just too untrustworthy for me to fully believe in you.
  7. I was roleblocked last cycle. My hands trained in the art of saving lives spent the week mucking out the lighteyes latrine. You lot are SO messy. Lay off the bran muffins.
  8. One thing Kas. Odysa claimed to be role blocked and said that they were sent to the latrines before anyone else. If they weren't role blocked then how did they know about being sent to clean the latrines? That part told me that Wilson was telling the truth about targeting Odysa. And Wilson is right. I am a surgeon. I didn't reveal it as I wanted to see what the others claimed. I admit that I am unsure if we have two surgeons or two swordsmen.
  9. Is Ace lying? I have no idea. The only one (apart from myself) that I am 100% sure of is Luckat. But if Wilson is telling the truth (which I am still in two minds about) then either Ace or Joe is evil. My lists have Ace as a slightly higher chance than Joe so that is where I put my vote and as nothing has changed then I see no reason to change it. The rollover is at 9am my time so I should be able to check up on how things develop near the rollover and can change vote if things change.
  10. And if Luckat isn't attacked? We learn nothing. Not sure what kind of response you are after from me, but I would like to point out that if I am not the Heterochromic player then there is no real reason for me to have come forward and claimed as I did. Also if I am the Officer Spy then I would have a very good reason not to reveal myself as I have/had a great hiding spot within the darkeye camp. It would make no sense at all for me to reveal myself as I did if I was evil. Also please ignore the fact that in LG5 I rped as a Heterochromic cousin of Roion and was the GB spy.
  11. Aonar, your vote on Joe won't be counted as your one on Newan is still active. Also it hurts that you don't trust me. As far as I can tell you are one of the few that I have never lied to. Sadly the Almighty has denied me my right to the secret vote.
  12. I posted to hopefully clear the air on the highstorm/actions conflict I saw happening. At the time I was on the local golf course and didn't have access to my notes and didn't want to place a vote without checking my notes which were at home. My sister and her partner also arrived to stay for a couple of days without informing me so I have had less time to keep up with the thread as I do the obligatory family activities. Something that I try to avoid almost religiously. However I have had some thoughts on the missing Officer problem. I am placing my vote on Ace. My logic is as follows. Meta claimed to be roleblocked and Wilson denies doing it. Meta has been proven innocent so it is likely that he was telling the truth. Wilson has claimed to be an Officer. And has been basically proven by Twei backing up Wilsons claim of roleblocking. (Could be a lie. Wilson and Twei could both be spies and are pulling our strings.) Kas has almost been proven as Wit. Something which doesn't surprise me given how much trolling he has been doing. Luckat is proven to be good by winning a Shardblade. I am the Heterochromic and am not the officer. That leaves Joe or Ace as the remaining officer. Joe voted for Jain, a known spy. (Might be a spy that got one of his own killed. Wouldn't be the first time he has pulled that trick.) So that leaves Ace. Nothing really points to him being a spy but nothing says he isn't either. Even if we kill a loyal then we should still have control of the lighteyed vote unless there is a third spy among the lighteyes and Wilson is the second spy which I don't really see happening.
  13. I'm probably wrong then but going from the main rules for this game it seems as no actions can be taken but voting. Clafication would be nice all powerful GM.
  14. Just a reminder but this is a Highstorm cycle, so no actions will go through including messages and role/vote blocks.
  15. Granted however adsorbing stormlight gives you uncontrollable hiccups causing your bendalloy to stop working for one hour. I wish to always look, feel and be a perfectly healthy 24 year old for the rest of eternity.
  16. Sorry about not posting but life just got crazy. Hopefully will clear up in a couple more days. And belated congratulations to Luckat for winning a Shardblade. Current Vote Tally: Wilson (1) -- Mailliw, Winter Cloud, Joe Winter Cloud (2) -- Winter Cloud, Newan, Mckeedee Joe (0) -- Kas Twelv (0) -- Wilson Mckeedee (1) -- Kas Meta (1) -- Aonar, Winter Cloud Newan (1) -- Renegade Inactive and will die this round if they remain silent: Jasnah
  17. The point I was trying to raise was that both you and Mal only offered to be the vote sink if the votes placed on you were removed. But the next cycle when there wasn't any votes on you, you didn't make the same offer again of give an alternative place for the vote to go. That is what made me wary of the two of you. I think this game has had the most white text since Claincy brought it in for LG2.
  18. Granted but your interference makes Brandons books be released a lot slower causing the other members of 17th Shard to hunt you down. I wish to be immune to all mental manipulations from others while continuing to have unlimited access to their minds.
  19. Nothing really. As I stated in other games, I never have any really strong suspects until the third or fourth day. However, I am a little wary of Meta and Maill as they both volunteered to be the target for the lighteyes vote but only if the vote that was on them was removed. They could've just asked for volunteers but instead chose to put their hand up and get the votes off them even though they were in no danger of being lynched. Could be that they just wanted to be helpful or they might just want to make it look like they are innocent. Also neither one of them has offered to be the vote target again despite both being on and posting. Aonar as I already stated was being quieter than normal but that has been addressed. Winter Cloud has been acting out of character for the few games that they have played. Wilson is being Wilson. Someone that is on my list to never ever trust but always want to. One thing I have been thinking about is Ashs death. Due to Wyrms post about messages being set up at the end of the cycle has me thinking that maybe Ash sent in orders early to contact someone and Wyrm set it up before realizing his mistake. Thus Ash could've contacted someone and revealed he was a Messenger to a spy. Question is who would Ash trust enough to contact in the first cycle. Renegade springs to mind as they were eliminators together during QF3. Unfortunately none on my current list of suspects really stands out. Most have already been called out so my vote will be held back until some of my suspects respond to the claims I and others have raised.
  20. You are quite good at finding a guilty player. In all of your prior games you have found a guilty player early and have repeatedly called them out. It is just your reasoning that you never share that gets you into trouble. None of us are good at this. Each game is different and each player changes their style depending on role and faction. Don't let Wilson see that. I would like to hear from Aonar. He tends to post early in cycles when good and tries to hide when evil.
  21. Granted. You can control time only while hoping on one foot. I wish to be able to read and influence the minds of others at will.
  22. Marand, your list has a mistake. Alinel isn't Aonar it's Araris. Aether would be shocked at such a mistake.
  23. Agree with you on the roles not being revealed yet but something to consider is that once a Shardblade is awarded we will know a 'safe' player and can then have the protectors keep them alive as long as possible. Disagree on the number of spies though. I think that four is too few. As they don't know who the other teams are then there is a chance that they could kill each other which is something they don't want. I think there is six or maybe eight spies, that seems more balanced.
  24. Norlav relaxed outside the inn he was staying at sipping on orange wine while watching others darting around. Rumour around the taproom was that there were spies in the camp. Norlav wasn't surprised, it was after all a standard tactic in all battles to learn what the other side was doing. Several lighteyed officers looked his way but none stopped to question why he wasn't out training with the rest of his squad. The halberd leaning against the wall told them that he wasn't a regular solider but one of the mercenaries that the Blackthorn had gang pressed into service. Most officers disliked having Norlav and his ilk in the camp but none could voice their opinions too loud in case Brightlord Dalinar heard of it. Highprince Gavilar had ordered the squad formed and Dalinar was in direct command of the mercenary company. Finishing his wine, Norlav sighed and stood. As much as he enjoyed irritating the lighteyes, he did have work to do. Throwing his halberd over his shoulder, Norlav headed off to one of the many training yards the darkeyes used to sharpen their skills where Marand stood waiting. At least this one knows how to fight. Might even give me a good workout. Three votes placed and all three starting with M. Wonder if anyone will notice that or this message.
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