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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Granted. She loves it to the point of becoming obsessed and joins 17th Shard forums in order to sate her growing thirst for more Stormlight information. I wish more people would sign up to play Sanderson Elimination games. Mid-range Game 4 is open for sign ups and will start soon. Join the fun and backstab your way to the top.
  2. Granted, but you return right before Ruin burns the world and you are unable to get to shelter before your body is boiled away. I wish to own a dancing baby Groot.
  3. Granted. In a reversal of fortune OreSeur kills TenSoon and your mind is ripped to shreds. I wish to own a black duster coat.
  4. I have to agree with Wyrm and Macen. The Ghostbloods were done for once we were IDed. The MAce just speed it up, the Pain Knifes were what done us in. Having a role block item that blocked all actions that night instead of just one allowed the villagers to completely control two of us at a time. Item prizes should probably be one shot rewards to help keep the game balanced. Like the shields that Mal gave out. If my understanding is correct then theoretically the Math Smedry could move the lynching to before the votes and therefore cancel the lynch for the day. Might be a bit OP if that's allowed.
  5. Granted. You are bonded to an exhaustionspren and no longer have the energy to do anything. I wish to be an Awakener at the fifth heightning. Without losing my Steelrunner/Pewterarm status.
  6. To be fair, I never claimed I wasn't the convert. I just said that I couldn't provide proof that I wasn't. Joe. Some mutual friends of ours have claimed the Shardplate, Shardblade and MEC suit as payment for helping to kill NeWin TrelVin claims the Shardblade. He always wanted one hidden in his chest. MitthRawn wants the MEC for some panda hunting. NaVorl is more than happy with his new Shardplate. Shard skin to go with his metal coated bones.
  7. I doubt people would trust me just because I got one of the converted killed. Sure some might but others won't as I would make a very good target for a conversion. ​It is because I make a good target for a conversion that I think Hoid didn't convert me. Why convert someone that everyone is looking at closely and will probably lynch the next cycle when they can get a low profile player instead. However if you want proof that I am not a convert then I can't really provide any. I will say this though. I know that one of Hoids minions will be killed in the coming write up. The surviving Renegade was given orders to kill someone that the Researcher found to be converted. It was kept out of the thread as the LB wanted to try and get some information from them without tipping them off. Now that it is too late to save them there is no reason to keep it hidden. However should the kill not go through then it is fairly certain that the Renegade has been converted and we will be able to lynch them the next day.
  8. Yes, it was a shame you got killed early Steel. I hope to see you join us for more games. New blood is always welcome here.
  9. Pir2h, care to explain why exactly you voted for me last round. You said that you didn't trust me but never said why. You also voted for me the round before after I had told everyone about Newan being a convert. Why? Edit: I'm not going to be as active as I normally am for the next few day. My copy of DA:I has finally arrived so will be busy playing that.
  10. I am glad everyone enjoyed the game. The item system will need an overhaul but everything else seemed to work great. Already I have an idea for some new roles that will change the game. I am surprised that with all the protection roles there were, no attack was ever blocked just diverted a little.
  11. Well that explains why the LB hasn't been answering the PMs I sent. They probably think I am the last convert and want to wait until the Researcher has checked or something. I should've said something earlier but was waiting to hear back. As far as I know the Researcher didn't find another convert. I don't know who they seeked so they might've and are just not telling me. Rainspren, you are also in contact with the LB or so you say. Have you heard anything?
  12. Doomsday climbed into her MEC suit. It hadn’t taken long for her clones to strip the armoury bare and find enough power cells to fuel the fifteen foot machine. They had even mounted the flamethrower onto its left arm. Clanking her way back out into the hallway, she trained the MECs rotary guns on Aidan and Friend. “It seems that you two have a choice to make. Either you join me or you join Kelsey.” Glancing over at Friend, Aidan shrugged his shoulders. “I’ve worked for Epics before and the three of us do make a good team.” “Works for me.” Friend spoke. “At least I will have people to talk to.” Lowering the MECs arms, Kenna smiled. “Excellent. I much prefer working in a team. Now all we need to do is clean this place up and open up the other rooms. My clones should be finished ransacking them.” Upon seeing the surprised looks on Friend and Aidans faces Kenna laughed. “You didn’t really think I would let those rooms be destroyed did you? My clones rigged a door each morning. What else would explain the rooms being blocked off in the order they were. I must admit that the molten metal Milton projected into everyones minds was a stroke of genius on his part.” “We never stood a chance did we?” Aidan whispered to Friend. “Doesn’t look like it.” Friend replied. “What do we do with Kelsey?” he asked raising his voice. “Do?” Kenna answered as she ripped open the door leading to the Officers Lounge. “We throw her out with the other bodies. Kelsey died a couple of nights ago.” Tossing the buckled metal door aside, Kenna stepped aside as a couple of her clones emerged carrying a small fridge. “Wonderful. The mini bar has been recovered.” Grabbing one of the small bottles Kenna looked over to where Aidan and Friend were stacking the bodies for removal later. “When we finish here the three of us will be taking a trip to Oregon. There is an old acquaintance I want to look up.” Friend and Aidan have chosen to join Kenna/Doomsday. The game is over and the Barrow Barons have won. Congratulations. The Barons will be one of the final groups fighting for control of Newcago. Stay tuned for The Empty Throne Part 2: The Catacombs. Aidan Forsyth is the Enforcer Chief and has a (now) empty gun. Friend is the Street Performer with a Dead Mouse and a broken Walkie Talkie. Kenna is Doomsday, the Mitosis Epic with a MEC and Flamethrower. Kelsey Skirl was the silent Smoothtalker. Players: (Mailliw73) Milton Illusionist (Lightsworn Panda) Jain Doctor (Tulir) Trial Serial Killer (Little Wilson) Kenna Mitosis (Pir2h) Aya Precognition (Steel) Loipin Kien Matter Disrupter (The Only Joe) Doc Oleny Invisibilty (killersquirrel59) Kelsey Skirl Smoothtalker (AonarFaileas) Aidan Forsyth Enforcer Chief (Jasnah Damodred) Damon Shan Neutralizer (Gamma Fiend) Friend Street Performer (Theorymaker) Stanley Flamebody (Ashiok) Ash Sniper (Renegade) Raid Arms Dealer (Araris Valerian) Spark O'toole Scout Docs: Spectators Lounge Purgatory Barrow Baron Network Overlords Notes Mindgames PM
  13. The LB contacted me. And given what they revealed about the PMs I am involved with makes me think they are telling the truth. Is the LB a convert? I couldn't say. Why they contacted me? I couldn't say. Maybe the researcher scanned me, maybe it is just a leap of faith, maybe they have been converted and are using me as a screen. The only way to know is to wait until the write up and find out.
  14. I was told that the Renegade was scanned and found to be converted. So unless you lied to Wyrm about being the Renegade.....
  15. Greetings folks. I have been contacted by the Letter Bearer: Newan is the convert and a Renegade. Kill him.
  16. Ok, I am just confused now. You are dead but not dead? I think we should start calling you Schrodinger's cat now. Either way, at least you posted something, so Aonar.
  17. I believe that the inactive vote is placed during the following cycle not the cycle that they are inactive on. Maybe, maybe not. I also had a plan and I'm sure that others did as well so I doubt that this means Meta was corrupted. Possible but doubtful as everyone will expect Hoid to go after one of the high profile players (especially Meta or Wyrm)so they might go after someone else. I myself would like to hear from Aonar. Normally he is more vocal than he has been. Where is that page long break down of everyone?
  18. Yes the Strong Arm can force you to vote for who they wish even if you don't have a vote placed.
  19. Sorry. Can't do that. Kelsey Skirl might rejoin and it would be unfair not to give him full time to catch up.
  20. Spark O'toole was tired. All day and most of the night he had tried to tell the others that he was not a Baron. But of course they didn't listen. Instead they followed him, watching his every move. For the first time in his life Spark knew what those he followed had felt. The eyes drilling into the back of his head, shadows lurking just around the corner. Never seen but always watching. It was maddening. How do people stand this. he thought. Try as he might, he just couldn't escape from those prying eyes. It was exhaustion that finally drove him to his cot in the hallway. Not long after he fell into a restless sleep did a shadow loom above him. "I won't miss this time." the figure whispered. Placing their hand gun against Sparks temple the shade pulled the trigger and sent Spark O'toole to his final resting place. Spark O'toole is dead. He was the Scout refugee. In his pocket is a Walkie Talkie. Sadly it has run out of power. Day 6 has started and will last 48 hours. The Barracks has been removed from the game. Rooms: Armoury Players: (Mailliw73) Milton Illusionist (Lightsworn Panda) Jain Doctor (Tulir) Trial Serial Killer (Little Wilson) Kenna (Pir2h) Aya Precognition (Steel) Loipin Kien Matter Disrupter (The Only Joe) Doc Oleny Invisibilty (killersquirrel59) Kelsey Skirl (AonarFaileas) Aidan Forsyth (Jasnah Damodred) Damon Shan Neutralizer (Gamma Fiend) Friend (Theorymaker) Stanley Flamebody (Ashiok) Ash Sniper (Renegade) Raid Arms Dealer (Araris Valerian) Spark O'toole Scout
  21. I have an idea on how we could find Hoid in a cycle or two but it needs someone who is willing to die. Hoid won't know the exact wording for the powerless roles so if we can get everyone to message someone their roles then whoever is unable to provide it word for word is most likely Hoid. If they do go for a power role then it will be easier to narrow down as we would have a list of duplicate roles that the LB knows and we could lynch the sacrifice player to keep it out of Hoids hands. It would also give the LB several they could trust and allow them to spread the names out so that Hoid wouldn't be able to narrow down on them too much. Thoughts? Hopefully Hoid hasn't already found someone who has claimed vanilla and therefore knows the wording.
  22. The following was written by Mailliw73. Any upvotes for it should go to him. Altermind had spent his last day dodging the others in the building. He created hallucinations as often as possible, scents of blood, sounds of screams, feelings of pain. Altermind couldn't keep it up anymore. He knew he had been dodging death for too long now. He was one of few Epics with strong powers who didn't also have an invincibility power. He could be killed as any other mortal man. This week in Enforcement Headquarters, he had tried to lay low, never even using his powers, only searching the room he was in and making the occasional kill. In the end, it hadn't mattered. They had caught him. Doc's death had sealed his fate. Altermind decided to have one last battle before he gave in. The few remaining rooms left open were his to manipulate. He created hallucinations of all types of fears in the rooms. Insects, snakes, creatures darker than night, poison, black holes. All nightmares were his to control. The rooms blasted artificial noises of screams of children, the anguished cries of a dying beast, and other horrific sounds. All these illusions left Altermind exhausted. He took out his empty flamethrower and threw it at Aidan. The imbecile dodged it with ease. Altermind tried as hard as he could to create a white screen in Aidan's vision, but he was weak, and he managed only to create a transparent white. Aidan marched over and, saving his last bullet, bashed the gun's hilt into Altermind's face. Over and over. As he died, Altermind felt relief that here there were no hounds of night, at least here no doctors of fun or professors of hell. Here, he could die without nightmares. Altermind released the hallucinations and knew he was done. He gave up and stopped breathing. Altermind had grown up in Portland, but he died in Newcago. Milton was lynched. He was a Illusionist Barrow Baron with a broken Gauss Gun. Night 5 has begun and will last 24 hours. Vote Tally: Milton (4) Aidan Forsyth, Friend, Kenna, Spark O'toole Friend (1) Milton Those in the hallway are: (Araris Valerian) Spark O'toole and (killersquirrel59) Kelsey Skirl
  23. Question for our overseer GM, if someone has one vote on them and no one else has any, will that person be lynched or does it require two or more votes?
  24. How the flamethrower works depends on the fuel used, so unless Milton wants to tell everyone what is in the gas tank I can't fully answer your question.
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