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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Second of the Sky watched as everyone else talked. Jost had just left and they talked. A lot of information had been given and they talked. Apparently this Hoid person was dangerous to them and they talked. And talked. If Second Sky had known there would be so much talking he probably wouldn't have joined them. It was only because Sixth of the Dusk' warning about the Ones from Above that he was here. Soki gave a quiet chirp, warning Second of someone coming up behind him. Second didn't need to see who it was, he had trained Soki to use a different chirp for each person in the room. "Aonar. Something I can help you with?" he spoke in a quiet voice barely above a whisper. "Umm. Nothing really. Just wanted to hear your thoughts on the matter." Aonar stammered as he tried to cover the surprise of being identified before coming into view. "My thoughts are my own. However I did notice that Kae is normally more vocal than this." Edit: Greened vote.
  2. Doc Oleny had a secret, one he had kept hidden for years. Even his former colleagues from Epics Lab didn’t know it. Doc was an Epic. And not just any Epic either. He could turn himself completely invisible, even his irises. Normal invisibility Epics still needed light to hit their eyes for them to be able to see, but not Doc. He had stumbled onto the answer while working on other Epics. It was so simple he was surprised that no one else had found it. Contact lenses. All it took was a small adjustment to them and they allowed light into the eyes even while invisible. Those two secrets had driven Doc from the Labs and to Newcago. He couldn’t allow others to discover what he had. At least not until he had made a fortune robbing banks and safes. And where better than a city gripped in anarchy. It was just bad luck that he had chosen Enforcement HQ for his first heist. Rummaging through the Armoury for any salvage, Doc never saw the shadow detach itself from the wall and creep up behind him. He did however feel the blade slide between his ribs and pierce his heart. “But how?” “Fool. Even though you’re invisible, those contact lenses aren’t.” Doc Oleny is dead. He was an Invisibility refugee with a Fully Charged Power Cell. The sun has risen on Day 5. It will set in 48 hours. Rooms: Armoury Barracks Players: (Mailliw73) Milton (Lightsworn Panda) Jain Doctor (Tulir) Trial Serial Killer (Little Wilson) Kenna (Pir2h) Aya Precognition (Steel) Loipin Kien Matter Disrupter (The Only Joe) Doc Oleny Invisibilty (killersquirrel59) Kelsey Skirl (AonarFaileas) Aidan Forsyth (Jasnah Damodred) Damon Shan Neutralizer (Gamma Fiend) Friend (Theorymaker) Stanley Flamebody (Ashiok) Ash Sniper (Renegade) Raid Arms Dealer (Araris Valerian) Spark O'toole
  3. It was the corners fault. Stanley was sure of it. Everything had starting going downhill since that corner disappeared. Stanley wasn’t sure how but something had taken that corner and left nothing in its place. Where the corner once stood, nothing was there now. No dust, no debris, no anything. Just a whole lot of nothing. Upon hearing his name Stanley turned. “Yes? Was there something?” “Don’t play dumb with us. We know you are one of the Barons.” Kenna spoke. “What? I’m not a Baron. I’m just lost that’s all.” “Save your lies for someone who cares. You’re coming with us.” threatened Spark O’toole. “No. That corner will return and I need to be here when it does.” As the group advanced on Stanley, he took a step back and his foot landed on nothing. Caught off balance Stanley fell backwards and vanished. Casting nervous glances at each other the group backed away from whatever had claimed the corner and Stanley. “The sooner we can find the remaining Barons the sooner we can get out of this death trap.” Aidan Forsyth whispered. Stanley has been lynched. He was a Flame Body refugee with an Audio Receiving Scope. Night 4 has commenced and will last 24 hours. Vote Tally: Stanley (4) Doc Oleny, Kenna, Milton, Spark O’toole Milton (1) Stanley Spark O’toole (1) Aidan Forsyth Those in the Hallway are: Kelsey Skirl (killersquirrel59)
  4. Granted. You just need to go pick it up from Tatooine. I wish to be a Pewterarm/Steelrunner Twinborn.
  5. Ash knew Death was close. He had felt it slowly tightening its noose around his neck. Ash didn't care about his own life, after all he had died something like nine times already this month. What he did care about was helping his new friends. It had taken him a while but finally Ash was in a position to help. All he needed was one more day and he would be able to find those pesky Barons. He was sure of it. Unfortunately he didn't have one more day. He didn't even have one more hour. It wasn't Deaths noose he had felt but rather the wire that had been stealthily slipped around his throat. One quick pull and Ash was dead yet again. A final thought passing fleetingly through his head. ‘I hope I wake up somewhere nicer this time.’ ------------------ Damon Shan slipped back into the Barracks, his deed done and none the wiser. Worldhopping was fun for awhile but after arriving on this strange world, Damon finally felt like he was home. Sliding back into his blankets, Damon closed his eyes in the hope of catching a few more hours sleep before everyone rose and started yelling at each other again. In the morning however Damon Shan didn't rise with the others. A gunshot wound to the head had seen to that. ------------------ With the deaths during the night it took some time but eventually the survivors discovered that the door leading to the Mess Hall had disappeared. Day 4 has started and will last 48 hours. Ash was a Sniper refugee with Clean Gym Clothes. Damon Shan was a Neutralizer Barrow Baron with a Depleted Power Cell and a Full Bottle of Whiskey. The Mess Hall has been removed from the game. Rooms: Armoury Barracks Players: (Mailliw73) Milton (Lightsworn Panda) Jain Doctor (Tulir) Trial Serial Killer (Little Wilson) Kenna (Pir2h) Aya Precognition (Steel) Loipin Kien Matter Disrupter (The Only Joe) Doc Oleny (killersquirrel59) Kelsey Skirl (AonarFaileas) Aidan Forsyth (Jasnah Damodred) Damon Shan Neutralizer (Gamma Fiend) Friend (Theorymaker) Stanley (Ashiok) Ash Sniper (Renegade) Raid Arms Dealer (Araris Valerian) Spark O'toole
  6. As Jain was lead towards the crude gallows he struggled and fought. “I’m a Doctor damnation you, a Doctor. I save lives not take them.” As they tightened the noose around his neck, Jain glanced over to his stuffed panda. A slanted grin was plastered on its face and it almost seemed like a red glow was coming from its eyes. Night 3 has begun and will last 24 hours. Jain was lynched. He was the Doctor refugee Those in the Hallway are: Kelsey Skirl (killersquirrel59) and Ash (Ashiok) Vote Tally: Jain (2) Damon Shan, Kenna Damon Shan (1) Spark O’toole Friend (1) Aidan Forsyth Kelsey Skirl (1) Jain Stanley (1) Milton
  7. Second of the Sky is in, as is his Aviar Soki. A trapper from the Pantheon isle of Suluko. Edit: It's the fourth QF game Joe not the fifth.
  8. Trial lay in his cot trying to sleep but the voices in his head wouldn’t let him rest. Trial thought that killing Raid would lessen the voices but they only grew louder, cheering every time he remembered the life fleeing Raids eyes, the feel of the dagger as it sliced into flesh, calling for more blood to spill. Strangely one of the voices had even started calling him a ‘chullhead’ whatever that was. Squeezing his eyes shut and covering his ears in a vain attempt to block out the noise, Trial never saw the figure standing over him. Plunging a dagger into Trials chest the Baron made quick silent work of its target. Their job done the Baron swiftly moved away from the body before anyone could see what had happen. ------------------ In the morning everyone gathered round Trials body. “I knew it was him. Always evading questions he was.” Ash spoke. “I can’t believe it. I spent the past two nights sleeping near a mass murderer.” Piped in Jain. “What shall we do with the body?” “I say we leave him for the rats to gnaw on.” As the debate continued a rumble shook the building. Once it had subsided they discovered that the Officers Lounge had collapsed. Day 3 had started and will last 48 hours. Trial was killed. He was the Serial Killer. The Officers Lounge has been removed from the game. Rooms: Armoury Barracks Mess Hall Players: (Mailliw73) Milton (Lightsworn Panda) Jain (Tulir) Trial Serial Killer (Little Wilson) Kenna (Pir2h) Aya Precognition (Steel) Loipin Kien Matter Disrupter (The Only Joe) Doc Oleny (killersquirrel59) Kelsey Skirl (AonarFaileas) Aidan Forsyth (Jasnah Damodred) Damon Shan (Gamma Fiend) Friend (Theorymaker) Stanley (Ashiok) Ash (Renegade) Raid Arms Dealer (Araris Valerian) Spark O'toole
  9. The day was long and quiet, many spending time catching up on their sleep. Others talked and debated and argued until their throats were hoarse. But by the end of the day it was decided that Aya had to be one of the Barons or at least a murderer. After all she had been the one to kill poor Loipin. As she was led away to be hanged she shouted “It wasn’t me, I was framed.” Unfortunately her pleas fell on deaf ears. ---------------------- Not long afterwards, most of the others had found their way to the Mess Hall hoping for one last meal before they retired for the night. Jain served up a delicious stew which he claimed was first brewed by pandas. It wasn’t until after everyone had finished their meals that anyone noticed Raid was missing. “He couldn’t have gone far. Probably just getting a head start on the nights looting.” Someone piped up. Fanning out to search for their self proclaimed leader, it was Milton who was the first to find the body. Splayed out on a poker table in the Officers Lounge, daggers pinning his arms and legs to the tabletop and a balled up dirty sock shoved in his mouth. A null sign engraved in his forehead and a jagged gash across his throat telling the tale of how he died. Beneath the table were the remains of several firearms and a baton, broken beyond repair. Aya was lynched. She was a Precognition refugee. Raid is dead. He was an Arms Dealer refugee with a Stun Baton. Votes: Aya (4) Friend, Jain, Kenna, Spark O’toole Damon Shan (1) Milton Trial (1) Raid Night 2 has begun and will last 24 hours. Those in the Hallway are: Kelsey Skirl (killersquirrel59), Jain (Lightsworn Panda), Trial (Tulir), Friend (Gamma Fiend), Ash (Ashiok), Spark O'toole (Araris Valerian)
  10. Is this an official vote? If so then it needs to be in red or red: I am unsure as you have blue text so colour changing doesn't seem to be the problem. At the moment this will not count.
  11. As much as I would like to let you squirm about how the rooms were destroyed. I feel I should point out that just because a room was destroyed doesn't mean that the players had anything to do with it. As I said in the sign up post 'rooms may be added or removed depending on player numbers' I didn't mean sign up numbers. As the number of players dwindle the rooms will disappear so that everyone isn't too spread out at the end. Of course that doesn't mean that there isn't a way for players to destroy a room or two.
  12. The sun crept over the horizon, bathing the city of Newcago in its blinding light. Bleary eyed from lack of sleep, everyone gathered in the Mess Hall in the hope of finding something to eat and to discuss the events of the past day. A head count showed that no one was missing. Even the silent Kelsey Skirl was there having been dragged along by Friend. Just as everyone had finished their hearty meal of gruel and water, an explosion rocked the building. Rushing out into the Hallway they were shocked to see molten metal flowing out of the Training Room. Once the metal had cooled enough to approach, it was discovered that the Training Room was no more, solid steel sealing the room. A quick check of the other rooms showed nothing wrong apart from the Shooting Range, where the door had become stuck fast. No amount of pushing could move the door. Sliding a thin piece of metal under the door revealed that part of the room has collapsed and the rubble had piled against the door. Day 2 has begun and will last 48 hours. No one died. Both the Shooting Range and Training Room have been removed from the game. Rooms: Armoury Barracks Mess Hall Officers Lounge Players: (Mailliw73) Milton (Lightsworn Panda) Jain (Tulir) Trial (Little Wilson) Kenna (Pir2h) Aya (Steel) Loipin Kien Matter Disrupter (The Only Joe) Doc Oleny (killersquirrel59) Kelsey Skirl (AonarFaileas) Aidan Forsyth (Jasnah Damodred) Damon Shan (Gamma Fiend) Friend (Theorymaker) Stanley (Ashiok) Ash (Renegade) Raid (Araris Valerian) Spark O'toole
  13. 1) No. You will have to wait until the day phase to ask if everyone was in the correct rooms. 2) Yes. You can have those in the hallway pass along any messages including a list of who is in the room with you. They however are not in any way obligated to pass on your message and there is nothing to stop them from changing it as well. 3) You use your night action to search for an item. The GM rolls to see what if anything you find. If you find something then it's yours to either keep, leave or give to another. There are a few exceptions to this rule. Some items are just too big to fit in your pocket. Also if more than one person finds the same item then whomever sent in their order first gets the item and the rest find nothing. There are several items in each room. When all items are found in a room, the GM will let it be known. Also should a room be destroyed then any remaining items are distributed to the remaining rooms.
  14. As the sun began to set outside and the explosions of Epics fighting lit up the sky, those trapped within Enforcement HQ talked and debated. Voices were raised and votes were cast and cast and cast. Fists were raised and blades were drawn. But in the end it was decided that Loipin Kien was the least trustworthy of the group. They found him in the armoury, fingering the hilt of his dagger while looking through the various discarded items. Upon hearing the others approach Loipin turned his steely gaze towards them, a vicious grin splitting his face. “I knew you lot would come for me first. Ganging up on me is smart. Cowardly but smart.” Stepping towards the group Loipin’s hands begin to glow. “So, who wants to try me first? This isn’t my first fight but it will be your last.” Sensing a shadow behind him, Loipin spun but saw nothing. Suddenly Aya fell from the ceiling where she had been hiding. Swinging her obsidian axe, she deftly beheaded Loipin. “It’s not my first fight either, I think.” Loipin Kien is dead. He was a Matter Disrupter refugee. The write up is based on the pregame rp between Loipin and Aya. So don't read to much into it. Votes: Loipin Kien (5) Ash, Doc Oleny, Friend, Kenna, Raid Aya (2) Jain, Milton Damon Shan (1) Aya Kelsey Skirl (1) Aidan Forsyth Raid (1) Loipin Kien Night one has begun and will last 24 hours unless an extension is requested. Reminder: you can’t use any existing PMs unless all members are in the same room as you or in the hallway. Also no posting who is in your room until the next day phase. And no, you can’t use any codes to try and bypass this restriction. Those in the Hallway are: Kelsey Skirl (killersquirrel59)
  15. Minor clarification: The Neutralizer action goes before all others in the night action order.
  16. Indeed young one. You can change what room you wish to spend the night in as many times you want before nightfall. Once the sun sets however the doors shall be locked.
  17. ​PMs are open. They are unrestricted during the day cycles. Night cycles you can only PM those in the same room as you. Even if you have already set other PMs up you cant use them at night unless all members are in the same room.
  18. The kills all happen at the same time as do the various misdirection roles. The Arms dealer gives out his gun just before the kills happen.
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