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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. The Watcher carefully scanned the group of intruders as they entered his home. One of the intruders appeared to have a rifle strapped to their back while another performed a quick series of back flips and summersaults while juggling five coloured balls. The looting started almost as soon as the large steel double doors leading outside boomed closed. Knives were drawn and blood was shed as the fighting began over some of the more choice pieces of art and décor. Suddenly a large explosion rocked the entire building. Switching the camera feed to the external view, The Watcher saw several Epics fighting just a block away. The noise of the conflict could even be heard inside. Ignoring the continuous conflict that had gripped most of Newcago after Steelheart had been killed; The Watcher turned his attention and camera feeds back on the intruders. After doing a quick head count, he realised that several people had split off from the group and disappeared. Rapidly flicking through each of his hidden surveillance cameras, The Watcher hunted for the missing intruders. Hearing a noise behind him, he tried to turn around but it was too late. A loop of razor wire wrapped around his throat quickly and quietly garrotting him. “No hard feelings but we can’t allow anyone to witness what comes next. We do however wish to thank you for providing us with our new base.” A short time later The Watchers body is found along with a message written in blood just above the now smashed monitors. This building now belongs to the Barrow Barons. You have until daybreak to leave or face the consequences. Several people immediately ran to the exit jostling each other in their hurry only to find the doors sealed. Long Game 9 has begun. PMs with roles will be sent out shortly. The day will last for 48 hours. A couple of reminders: The GM is to be included in all PMs. Remember to send in orders for what room you want to be in before the night starts or you will be forced to sleep in the hallways. Rooms: Armoury Barracks Mess Hall Officers Lounge Training Room Shooting Range Players: (Mailliw73) Milton (Lightsworn Panda) Jain (Tulir) Trial (Little Wilson) Kenna (Pir2h) Aya (Steel) Loipin Kien (The Only Joe) Doc Oleny (killersquirrel59) Kelsey Skirl (AonarFaileas) Aidan Forsyth (Jasnah Damodred) Damon Shan (Gamma Fiend) Friend (Theorymaker) Stanley (Ashiok) Ash (Renegade) Raid (Araris Valerian) Spark O'toole
  2. I always wondered what would happen if Wyrm and Kas ended up as eliminators together. Now I know. I try and be more pro-active and I end up bungling everything. Back to the shadows for me I guess. At least until I get better at playing on Team Good.
  3. There is no issue with numbers. I would love for you to play but your health and uni should always come first. Edit: Also for those wondering. Yes there is a spec doc. PM me once the game starts and I will send you the link.
  4. Sitting in his chair staring at the monitors in front of him, The Watcher watched the gathering of people outside his domain. He had moved in as soon as Enforcement fled the building. It was his home now. Slowly the cameras panned around the courtyard capturing details on each of the intruders gathered below. Soon the doors will open and then, once everyone was inside the sprawling building the fun would begin. Game 9 begins in just under 24 hours. ​Edit: Jain, there is little profit in using your own merchandise.
  5. I wouldn't say that plotting for my own death is a "good" idea, but since we three are the prime suspects then it would be unwise of me not to plan for my own death. The information will get us closer to finding the Forgotten. At least that is what I hope comes of it. If my death is what helps us win then I say go for it. As for my personal hopes about the outcome. It is simple, I hope that Ash is the one lynched as he is the one I am suspicious of. More so now that he has posted a bit more as it seems to me that his postings are sounding like him scrambling around trying to salvage a way out.
  6. Very well. I shall abstain from voting for now and if the tie remains as is closer to the deadline then I shall vote. Until then it falls to Joel to break the deadlock. Ash, having the outside people target us with Lines of Vigor weakens the number that can do Lines of Forbiddance. And any other lines we draw will be useless as they will be cancelled by the Vigor lines. As I said, if someone else want to target my target as well then that's fine as it will at least make sure that they will be hit by a Line of Vigor. I am a little confused by your remark that the remaining Forgotten aren't on the chopping block as there is no way you could know this unless you are one of the Forgotten. Araris, leaving myself off the list of suspicions would raise the level that people suspect me more than including myself on the list as it will look like I'm trying to focus the votes on the other two.
  7. Vote count: Ronald (3) Joel, Tory Farth, Roddy, Tavi Tavi (3) Wyatt, Jain, Samuel Kessen Roddy (1) Joel, Tory Farth (0) Tavi Nope. I wish I did have more to contribute but I don't. However I do propose that we use Lines of Vigor on Ashiok, Araris and myself this cycle. As the top three suspects it makes sense to try and cancel any kills they might make. Seeing that it looks like Araris will be lynched then I also think that if we have someone with Advanced Rithmatics that they should target either myself or Ashiok with a kill attempt. Just so everyone knows I will be sending a Line of Vigor at Ashiok as he is the only one I have any suspicions of at moment. But I fully understand if another wants to send one as well. Edit: Updated list
  8. ​So if I understand it correctly, then anyone we try to lynch can protect themselves with a Line of Forbiddance and will survive. I guess that means we will have to start hitting the lynchee with a Line of Vigor in order to ensure that any Forgotten we do manage to find is killed.
  9. After finally going through the last couple of cycles, nothing came up that changes my feeling about Rlint, so that's where my vote goes at moment. I doubt that Joel is evil again. During LG8, I got a good read on his evil style and it feels different in this game. Feels more like his LG6 style in which he was on team good. Roddy is alot quietier than normal this round. He has popped in a couple of times but hasn't posted anything despite having a vote on him.
  10. I can claim to be busy. In fact I am very busy. At the moment I am pulling 16 hour days at work and will be for the next couple of days as well. Stupid public holidays. I didn't bother voting last round as I have had very little time to go through all the posts and form any opinions other than my initial suspicions of Rlint. I did however send in my orders.
  11. Reserved for player list and rule clarifications. Going to need at least 17 players. Player List: (Mailliw73) Milton (Lightsworn Panda) Jain (Tulir) Trial (Little Wilson) Kenna (Pir2h) Aya (Steel) Loipin Kien (The Only Joe) Doc Oleny (killersquirrel59) : Kelsey Skirl (AonarFaileas) Aidan Forsyth (Jasnah Damodred) : Damon Shan (Gamma Fiend) : Friend (Theorymaker) : Stanley (Ashiok) : Ash (Renegade) : Raid (Araris Valerian) : Spark O'toole Rule Clarifications: Can the fire-arm provided by the Arms Dealer only be used on the night after it was given? Once given you can use the one shot gun on any night phase you want. You cannot re-give this item. When you die, any items you have will break and be unrecoverable. You can give someone an item you have but they will not be told who gives it to them.
  12. The Empty Throne Part 1: The Barrow Barons With Steelheart dead, the remaining Epics are running amok as they try to wrest control of the city of Newcago from their rivals. You and a group of others have taken refuse inside the now vacant Enforcement Headquarters to wait out the chaos that grips the city. Unfortunately you aren’t the only ones with that idea as some of the former barrow barons have taken it upon themselves to grab control of the HQ and make it their base of operations. Day cycles last 48 hours, night cycles are 24 hours long. Extensions can be requested. Roll over is at 4pm NZDT / 3am GMT / 8pm PDT (I think I got the conversions right.) Write ups will be simple as I am, unfortunately, not as creative as the past GMs. Updated player lists will be posted at the start of each day. Night Action Order: Enforcer/Streetperformer/Illusionist/Neutralizer, Protections, Kills then Scouting. Win Condition: Find and kill the Barrow Barons. Lose Condition: Allow the Barrow Barons to outnumber everyone else. Note: No group can win as long as the Serial Killer is alive. Except for the Serial Killer that is. Barrow Barons have a doc to conspire in as well as a nightly group kill. GM is to be included in all PMs Each day cycle players must send a PM to the GM telling them which room they are to spend the night in. Any who don’t claim a room will be stuck sleeping in the hallways. At the start of each night cycle the GM will PM each player with the names of the other players that are in the same room. The names of those who are in the hallway will be posted in the main thread. You cannot post who you are sharing a room with until the following day cycle. Abilities/roles/PMs can only be used on those in the same room as yourself or those in the hallway. Example: Steelheart is in the Barracks with Frank and Steve. Firefight and Gillian are in the Armoury. Bob is wandering the hallways looking lost. Steelheart can only attack/PM Frank, Steve or Bob. Gillian only has Firefight and Bob for company. Poor Bob has no one to play with unless someone contacts him first. Should both Gillian and Steelheart contact Bob then Bob can pass messages along. However Bob cannot use any abilities on anyone as they aren’t in the same room. Rooms: (Rooms may be added or removed depending on player numbers) Armoury Barracks Mess Hall Officers Lounge Training Room Shooting Range If any wish they can use their night action to search the room they are in. There may or may not be something to find. For example if someone was to search the Officers Lounge they may find a fully/partly charged sidearm which allows a set number of kill attempts or they may find an empty whiskey bottle. Roles: Serial Killer: You are an insane genius. You worked out how to become an epic, all you need to do is kill enough people. After all everyone knows that epics kill indiscriminately, so that must be how they gained their power, right? As such you have two abilities. You can kill once per cycle, day or night, or you may instead stalk up to two people a cycle and find out what roles they have. You must also choose a signature to leave behind as a sign of your kills. i.e. a red rose. Note, if you choose to use your abilities during the day then your vote won’t be counted. Win Condition: Kill everyone. Civilian: You are a normal civilian and have no special abilities however your voice is that of the people. This could be the chance you have been waiting for. Prove yourself to the right people and they will surely reward you. Arms Dealer: Somehow you got caught up in the mob and have found yourself trapped inside the Enforcers HQ. Luckily you still have some of your inventory. Once a night you can give a one shot gun to another for them to use the next night. Enforcer Chief: You can provide protection detail to one player of your choice for one night cycle. (You protect one player from all actions taken both by and against them. Target is not informed that they are protected. Cannot self target. Rich Civilian: You have money, you have influence and you left it all outside. Whoops. However your vote counts double as many still listen to you. Street Performer: You are a master at sleight of hand and misdirection tricks. Once per night cycle you may redirect any action directed against one player to another of your choosing. (You must pm the gm with the name of the target you want protected as well as the target for the redirected actions.) Smoothtalker: You can sell anything. In fact you have already sold Steelhearts skull on numerous occasions. Once a day you may change anyones vote to whatever you want. (Including a no vote) Doctor: You are a trained physician and can provide medical protection to one person for a full cycle. (Once per night cycle you can choose to protect another from any one attack for that night and the following day. Protects from lynching. Cannot self target.) Scout: You are an expert in stealth. Once every night you may spy on another player and discover what actions they take. Sniper: You are a former Enforcement sharpshooter. One kill attempt each night. Invisibility: You are able to turn completely invisible for a limited amount of time. Once per night you can follow a target and find out what actions they take. Precognition: You can see the future. Once per night you may either protect yourself or another from one attack. Matter Disruptor: You can turn any organic matter to dust. One night kill attempt per cycle. Flame body: Your entire body can be turned into living flame, protecting you from attacks. Once every second night cycle you can protect yourself from any and all attacks but must rest during the next cycle. (Invulnerable from all attacks for one night cycle, but cannot protect self again next cycle.) Neutralizer: You can neutralize anyones actions once per night. If no actions are countered this will cancel the targets vote on the following day. Mitosis: You are able to make clones of yourself. You may order your clone to undertake one of the following each cycle. Note: you cannot take the same action in consecutive cycles. Follow a player and learn what actions they take. (Night only) Attempt to kill another player. (Night only) Protect you or another from one attack. (Night only) Distract another so any action or vote they take fails. (Day or night) Strong-arm another’s vote to one of your choosing. (Day only) Illusionist: You can change the appearance of what actions others or yourself take once each night. Example: Player R uses their kill attempt on Player F. The Illusionist can make it look like they protected Player F instead. The action still happens as normal but it won’t show up to any who happen to be spying on Player R at the time. Note: This changes the actions appearance only not the target. Quicklinks
  13. Sorry about your death Jain. Joe and I were going to let you live and just take out Kamden so that both the gangs were wiped out, but Glee wanted your head and seeing that he didn't really get the chance to contribute much to the planning, we decided to give him his wish. Then again, maybe Jain is just an unlucky name.
  14. Feel free to do a set rampage write up Joe. And Wilson. Joe was in Satrams while I had Alim.
  15. Final vote tally: Kamden (3) Alim, Jain, Satrams Willa (1) Terra Jain (7) Willa Jain is lynched. And his pandas are torn apart as well. Jain was a Benalloy Ferring. Kandra Doc
  16. Placing vote on Rlint. Simply a gut feeling but it feels right. Current Vote Tally. Rlint (1) Wyatt, Chase, Ronald Will (1) Tavi Joel (1) Samuel Kessen Chase (2) Wyatt, Jain Samuel Kessen (1) Dig Aaron F (1) Will Wyatt (1) Chase Jain (2) Rlint, Joel Non-voters: Aaron F, Aaron R, Tory Farth. Edit: Updated votes
  17. Ronald walked into the camp holding a large cake with 15 lit candles on top. Carefully making his way over to Aaron Roddy he put the seven layered cake on the table that Joel had set up earlier. "Make a wish Roddy so we can get this party started." With that over, Ronald hauled out some of the supplies they had and dug out a couple of bottles of whiskey. "Drinks anyone?" Happy 15th Birthday Ashiok. Couldn't find out where you live so don't know if its the 21st where you are but here in NZ your birthday party has already started.
  18. While there is only six players left, the Kandra need to outnumber the rest. At moment it is tied at 3 vs 3. As there is a small chance that team good could still kill one of us the game continues.
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