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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. O' Rithmatic Professor, (GM) Is the sentry role included? In the sign-up thread it was stated that the Sentry would only be included if there was enough players. So, is there enough for the sentry to make an appearance? Ronald walked into the shambles they called camp. Carried over his shoulder was Dig, tied up and gagged. Dumping him next to the fire pit, Ronald turned and stomped over to his temporary shelter. "Caught him digging a hole. Probably trying to make a tunnel to let the chalklings in to kill us while we sleep.' No real reason to vote for Gamma other than I don't think I have ever voted for him in any game so far. That and digging a tunnel under our defenses is not a very good idea. If that is what he was doing. Edit: Colours. Edit 2: Greened vote
  2. I eat his left leg first, I throw his thigh bone out, I eat his right leg next' And I shake him all about, We do the hokey-pokey and I turn him inside out. That's what the torture is all about.
  3. Dalinars Shardblade, Oathbringer? Before it cut, many would weep over not having it. After it cut it brought unity to the Highprinces.
  4. Question. Does buying the rooms increase the size of the bunker as many have been saying or does it take up existing room? My bunker stats: Companion: A loyal compatriot with whom to spend your confinement, who will brave the horrors of the burn-out world by your side (unless you manage to alienate them). Design them like you would an RPG character. – 20 points Gym: Get Prison Ripped. Contains as much exercise equipment as is reasonable for space allocated. – 8 points Bathroom: A well-appointed bathroom, featuring a shower and bathtub with hot running water, an unlimited supply of body wash, shampoo, and deodorant, and a nicer toilet. Occupies a 10’ x 10’ area. – 8 points Bedroom: a 10’ x 10’ or larger room, featuring a comfy memory foam bed, an alarm clock, and wardrobe featuring a selection of clothing. – 7 points Meat Vat: A vat for growing on type of meat of your choice, though the texture is a bit… odd. Produces 1.5 pounds off meat a day. – 7 points Kitchen: This galley contains everything you need to prepare whatever your skills and ingredients permit. – 4 points More Space: Each time this option is purchased, the dimensions of your cell increase by 10 feet on each side. It’s still bare concrete, though. – 4 points x2 Gaming Console: A next-gen gaming console of your preferred manufacturer. 25 games, or ten multiplayer games and an AI to play them with. – 3 points Youth: The faster you go, the slower you grow. You’re going so fast that when you get out of the bunker, your body is in the prime of its life, in the region of 17-25. – 10 points Misting: Eat metal, gain powers. Pewterarm – 5 points Twinborn: Gain a side of Feruchemy. Steelrunner – 3 points Sword: One extremely durable edged weapon, and everything you need to care for it. ­– 1 point/purchase x2 Body Armor: Level IIA protection for your torso and limbs for everyone. – 5 points Medkit: Contains everything needed to heal most wounds and aliments. – 5 points MREs: 1 month worth for everyone. – 1 point/purchase. x2 Survival Kit: Fire starters, flare, compass, thermal blankets, 7 days of MREs, a camp stove, and a radio. ­­– 3 points Total Points = 100 Total Room Size: 40' x 40' (20' x 20' Meat Vat/Kitchen, 20' x 20' Gym, 20' x 20' Bedroom, 10' x 10' Bathroom and 10' x 30' Living room) A pair of Steelrunner/Pewterarm twinborns would make my team almost unbeatable in close range combat. Add in the swords and body armor and we could take want we want instead of trading. Even coinshots would have a hard time hitting someone with 10 years of speed stored. 10 years with Meat Vat and Kitchen = 5475 pounds of beef jerky. Sorry Joe, but no compounding allowed Edit: Exchanged extra youth for Bedroom and survival kit. Edit 2: Added room sizes.
  5. We all wear the twin masks of emotion, Happy or sad, haunted or hunted, You choose the mask, you choose the risk. You choose your own poison. Last words of Plethe the Pirate,
  6. Granted. However the memory of your birth has traumatized you and now all you do all day is drool and have your diaper changed by 70 year old men. I wish to be able to invent anything I can think of.
  7. Ronald from Calgarius Academy reporting for duty. A new arrival who stands at 5" 2'. He has stark white hair and piercing blue eyes.
  8. Granted. Unfortunately it is infested with aggressive termites. I wish to be able to visit other planets at will.
  9. Tulir. Placing vote to make sure we have a lynch. Alim's vote is in a sort of grey area.
  10. Current Vote tally: Tulir (3) Alim, Satrams, Alron Popeye (1) Araris Bunnt (2) Willa, Tulir Alim your vote on Tulir still stands as you didn't green your first vote in the original post. Edit: updated list
  11. Placing vote on Bunnt. The last couple of rounds he has tried to deflect attention from the whole Koloss Gang. That makes me think that he knows more than he's letting on. As for his voting of Morgen Hanks, the eliminators tend to vote for each other in almost every game as a way of earning trust which is a rare thing in this game. I could be wrong, (and going by my track record I am) but if I was a Kandra then taking over the body of the one to accuse me would be poetic justice.
  12. Sorry. Forgot that I was still alive in this game. At moment I have no thoughts of value. Each time I think I have something it turns out I'm wrong. However if everyone is telling the truth about their abilities then I think that either Terra or Tulir is the tineye Kandra as it seems unlikely that we would have three vanillas in one group. As for me, I'm not a vanilla. I would rather not reveal it as then the Kandra will have the information. Taliz, the second to last pm I sent you tells you what my power is if you look at it in the right way. Araris, your vote for Terra still counts. You need to green your first vote for your second to count.
  13. 4096 is the change over point.
  14. Oh, well. It looks like I'm dead. In the off chance that I live I shall throw a worthless vote on Wilim for the rations so I can give some away next round.
  15. I believe that in the book it was shown/explained that Shallans illusions absorb the excess stormlight so there is no glow or puffing when she speaks.
  16. ​Yes, I admit I basically caused Kas' death. However I was not trying to protect anyone. Instead I was hoping that one of the three was an eliminator and their comrades would be forced to use a silver charm to save them just in case the coin fell their way. Seeing as we have lost our murder hood carrying player the only way to kill the convicts is via lynch which won't happen if they have those charms. So I tried to force them to use one to save themselves. There is no way to know if it worked but I gave it a shot and will do again. If you think it is suspicious then your right, which is why I wouldn't have done that if I was an eliminator.
  17. I'll throw a vote on Kasir. No reason really but something feels off about him.
  18. I voted for Raze partly for RP, partly for his being helpful and partly for his killing of me in QF2. Just because your being helpful doesn't mean your not evil. You did the same thing in QF2. As for my silence this game day started just after midnight for me so don't be expecting to hear from me for the first 5-6 hours on each day and the last 2-3 hours as well. I also have busy weekends as I play nine holes of golf with a few mates each Sat/Sun, so I'm always quiet those days anyway. ​As to whom I suspect. No one at moment. I never have any strong suspicions until the third-fourth day so any votes I place are mostly random.
  19. Yes it is a kill. I should go through and make sure they all say kill attempt.
  20. "I'm going to throw my vote on Raze, he seems like the type who enjoys taunting the shades. I wouldn't put it past him to kill that poor boy in front of the shades just because he could." Navor hated it when people were looking at him, it made it so much harder to steal. He knew he was good enough to steal their eyes right from the skulls while they watched him but why tempt fate. Sliding up to the bar Navor dumped several gold coins into the innkeepers hands. "Drinks for everyone until that runs dry." That should buy a few friends. Gold meant nothing to him, after all, the gold came from the doctor. Too bad the doctor didn't know he had made such a generous donation.
  21. Standing just inside the stairwell, Navor carefully listened to the various conversations going on in the taproom. Upon hearing Wern accuse him Navor stiffened slightly. How did this fool learn my name. Even the innkeeper only knows me by my alias Alvron. And somehow he saw me liberate someones purse? Impossible! No one has ever seen the great Navor the Hand work. Why I'm so subtle that I could steal that fools teeth right out of his mouth and he wouldn't notice for a week. Calmly walking into the taproom Navor passed Wern without making eye contact and slipped a golden bracelet into Werns bag. Lets see him explain that! Navor grinned. Navor had 'acquired' it from the merchant while he was deep into his cups last night. It was a really inferior bracelet. Someone had mixed lead into the mix when it was made but then Wern didn't know that and would probably try to sell it back to the merchant. Will hold off voting for now until more players have spoken. Edit: colours
  22. It wasn't intentional. It got auto-corrected. My computer for some reason doesn't recognize faction. Have corrected in master doc. Thanks for pointing out. Australia is there because she was pulled in with everyone else and now has to work along side her enemy to make it back to her world. Don't worry to much, she has a Crysta Knight to protect her. I haven't finalized the team names yet. Librarians and Rithmatists are just the working titles to help me remember where they came from..
  23. I have just finished my initial planning for a MR game and would like some feedback. Its a simple enough game with all teams being even at start. I like to call it Sanderson Rumble.
  24. Question Gamma, Do you have a fire burning in your hearth? As then we can light our pipe without breaking a rule. Also are we allowed to run in our rp if we say that we are doing it during the day? as the Shades aren't enraged by this, only at night do they hate runners.
  25. Sorry to hear that Bart, hope you feel better soon. Make sure to take plenty of pewter and maybe tap some gold.
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