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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. I'm going to vote for Terra. I don't really have a good reason for it but a three way tie helps no one. Edit: I think your count is off Satrams. Two of the ones you got voting for Terra voted for Quitania instead. Edit 2: We've had two vanilla players not one. Aonar and Lucky. So am changing vote to Quitania as I doubt there are very many vanillas.
  2. Unfortunately we won't be getting 15 votes. We have several inactives and others who haven't voted at all. Also, and I know this will muddy the waters a bit, we are focusing on the Politician group. If I was Joe I wouldn't jump to a politician as any fellow Kandra in the group would already know half of the powers. (Jain, Araris, Taliz and Quitania) While Bunnt said that none in his group has revealed anything it would be a better place to discover what roles they are missing. Despite that I think we need a unified front, so will place my vote on Popeye as they have no votes yet. Also to note, none of our currant suspects had posted. Edit: Greened vote as Taliz got there before me. I really need to stop taking so long to type up my posts.
  3. The only ones we know for sure to be clean is Satrams, Jain and Araris. Taliz is also cleared in my mind as he claimed Lurcher. Despite never being proven I think there is a good chance of him telling the truth. Binnut, there is probably 1-2 Koloss Blooded max not 2-3 as with the Thug and Bloodmaker that would be four with double lives. I doubt there is any more than that. I would also like to know if Joe was assigned spiking duty or if he volunteered. In case your wondering why I suspect Joe was on spiking duty, Taliz told me that Joe was most likely to be spiking as Mal wanted to use his metal.
  4. I agree that there are a couple of problems with it. But my plan is to flush out a Kandra that may be hiding in the Set group. They will almost have to body snatch if they want to live which would expose who they were and will give us something to analyze. Once we know who they were we can go over what they said, who the voted for to hopefully find others. If everyone thinks its not going to work then I have no problem dropping the idea. I came up with it on the fly after reading Joes post about Jains bendalloy and didn't give it too much thought. Others are better than me at planning but I at least wanted to see what others think of it rather than just sit around doing nothing. And Twelfths plan also relies on a soother that we might not even have.
  5. Alron sat at his table finishing off his seventh glass of wine. In front of him lay the scattered remains of his abandoned speech. Feeling the need to do something he stood on unsteady legs and wobbled his way to the bar. Climbing atop the bar after his third attempt, Alron turned towards the others. "People, hear me. There is, there is a lot of talk happening but no action. 'hic' And I say the time for action is passed. Err, I mean talk. Here is what I propo porpo ... think, we need to find the thingies, the Can-dra and do something to them. I say we kill that fellow there, whats his name... Peng. Then we get that other guy to spike this fellow over here while the sssoother sssoothesss the last fella. Then, then we will know who is that Can fellow." Alron had no idea if anyone was listening but he didn't care. With a lopsided smile on his face, Alron fell backwards off the bar and onto the floor. Soon after loud snoring could be heard. In case anyone wants to know my idea. Its simple. We know that (for the moment) Willa and Satrams are clean. That leaves Peng, Alim and Jedal among the Set. We lynch Peng. He hasn't been posting so nothing to really lose there except a hiding spot for the Kandra. We have the soother (if there is one) sooth one of the other Set members and the final one has to spike Jain for his bendalloy. Should there be no soothing then the spiking will reveal which of the two remaining are Kandra. Hopefully. What does everyone think. Any holes?
  6. Could be worse. You could be ranked Shade. Then no one would trust you.
  7. Navor the Hand. A pickpocket with an over inflated ego. Rumour has it he has pockets of gold and silver stashed in safe zones within the forest itself. So if I understand the rules, we start with no rations and will be unable to change our vote on the first day. Correct?
  8. No they can't With the vote not counting then there was no soothing.
  9. They get to view the votes with names. Not sure if it would tell them who was soothed but thats what I got from it. Just had thought. Satrams' vote wasn't in red. With Bartbugs ruling that we have to green our votes, maybe Satrams' vote wasn't counted. Bartbug, can we have ruling on votes. Do they have to be in red or do you still count red: votes?
  10. Satrams, Willa and Araris are the voters but I don't think we get a vote count as the steel ferrings powers reveal the vote count I think.
  11. Not only that, but if my count is right, someone soothed a vote on Peng. So we have another cleared.
  12. Copied form Barts second post in rules
  13. I'm fairly sure they have to abandon their body otherwise they would get two votes, theirs and the body they inhabit. It also makes sense as a Kandra can only have one body in the Mistborn books and would be very op if they could just duplicate like that. ​Given that you are a very experienced player I find it a little suspicious that you are unsure about that.
  14. Retraced vote for Quitania. Jain. Have anything you want to contribute? Edit: colours Edit 2. Retracted vote
  15. Hate to break it to you Aonar but Luckat was a member of the Set not a politician.
  16. Alron sat at his table quietly brooding. In front of him was the message someone had carved into the wall. Not only had someone mocked him by claiming to want to help but the perpetrator couldn’t even spell his name right. But what if this is real. Could someone actually be willing to help clean up this city? Dare I let this opportunity pass? Noticing a minor Set member going around the room handing out loaves of honey bread and mugs of ale that was to be everyones morning meal, Alron motioned her over. “Bring me paper and quill. I have a speech to write!” Shooing the indignant girl away, Alron began to plan how best to use the fear and resentment he thought was building among the others at what Willa and the Set had done. Now then, before anyone reads too much into my rp, I shall simply say that it means nothing. My rp is purely for fun. Now that that is out of the way. I vote Quitania. I have seen you lurking around the forums but you haven’t said anything. But then, no one said anything during the night anyway so we are all at fault. With the coinshot active on the first night I think its fair to say that they are most likely one of the newer players. And now if you will excuse me, apparently I have a speech to write. Edit: Greened vote
  17. “And that is why we must take the opportunity that Ironeyes has given us. Now is our time to take back our city from the gangs who wish to be our lords. With the blessings of both Harmony and Ironeyes we cannot fail. This city will again become a beacon of hope, a light in the darkness, a haven for the masses. Under my leadership no one will go hungry or cold again. I promise you all, a roof over your heads and food in your larder. All I ask is that you follow me and help rid this city of its vermin once and for all!” Looking up from his speech, Alron frowned, for only a handful were in the tavern and none of them were paying even the slightest bit of attention. There was even a drunk passed out in a corner, whiskey dripping onto the floor from a bare held mug. It just wasn’t fair. He had spent hours on that speech and no one cared. He couldn’t even tell if anyone had shown up for his rally or if they were just the normal crowd. Stomping his way over to the bar, Alron ordered a drink from the bored looking bartender. “Nice speech. I really liked the part about how the Lord Ruler was our saviour.” “What? I never said that.” “Oh, my mistake then.” Figures. Even those that listen only hear what they want to. If I want to clean up this city then I will have to do it myself. Draining his mug, Alron stood and headed out the door. First things first. I need to take down the Set. Those Riot fellows might want to lend a hand. I've never been a fan of first day voting, so will throw out a No Kill vote. Although tempted to vote for Rubix for fun as I saw him lurking in here earlier.
  18. Some rp to help pass the time. The stench of mouldy straw and stale vomit assaulted his nostrils long before he opened his eyes. He had awoken in a small cell. Finding himself the only occupant of the cell, Alron mouthed a silent prayer of thanks to Ironeyes. After going through his stretching routine and making sure nothing was broken, Alron stripped off his outer layer of clothing. The whiskey smelling garments may have helped him get arrested as a drunk but now they were a burden, serving only to reveal his movements. Approaching the solid wooden door, Alron reached down into his boots and pulled out two thin metal rods. Careful to avoid any unnecessary noise, he skillfully picked the lock. Slipping out the cell Alron quietly creeped up behind the solitary guard. Quickly wrapping an arm around the guards neck, Alron held fast until the guard passed out. A quick search of the unconscious guard gave Alron a set of keys and a simple glass dagger. After tucking the dagger behind his back, Alron dragged the body into a vacant cell. It was unlikely that anyone would come into the cells at this time of night but Alron hated taking chances when he didn’t have to. Working his way down the hallway Alron counted off the cells until he came to the one his orders told him was the one he wanted. Knocking on the door twice he paused then knocked four more times than another pause then twice more he knocked. The sound of a short swift scuffle came from within then a quick series of knocks sounded from the other side of the door. Picking the lock, Alron opened the door and found a large man going through anothers pockets. “About time you got here. I was beginning to think it had been called off and I got myself thrown in here for nothing.” The large man spoke. Glancing at the body Alron said. “Dead or knocked out?” “Dead. My orders were clear. Kill those in the same cell then follow you. Our target nearby?” “Three cells over in solitary. I’ll pick the lock then you choke him. Make it quick. The sooner it’s done the sooner you get your payment.” “You Silverism worshipers really are as cold as they say.” Leading the large man to the appointed cell, Alron started to pick the lock. “Hey, why do I need to choke him when you’ve got that dagger tucked in your belt?” “That dagger is for another. Once you have finished here there is one more thing to take care of. Now get going, I don’t want to be here when the next shift comes.” Pulling open the door Alron let the big man pass. A short time later he emerged again. “It’s done. So, where to next?” “We’re almost done here. Help me move the guard back to his post and then we can leave.” Grabbing the still unconscious guard the large man dragged him back into the hallway. Stepping up behind the pair Alron drove the guard’s dagger into the side of the prisoner between the ribs and whispered. “Sorry friend. But orders are orders and mine require your death.” Feeling the heart quivering on the point of the dagger, Alron twisted the knife and drove it deeper. A bright red gush of blood erupted from the prisoners mouth as his life drained from his eyes. His body collapsing under the weight of the guard’s body. After placing the unconscious guard’s hand on the dagger, Alron slipped a specially prepared note into the prisoners pocket. Once the bodies were found the note would implicate a minor gang of hiring the killer and would lead them to believe the guard managed to kill him while he was trying to escape. Alron made his way back to his cell and relocked the door. Replacing his lock picks in his boots and donning his whiskey stained outer clothes, Alron shoved two fingers down his throat and vomited on the floor near the hard wooden cot. Laying on the cot Alron estimated it to be about two hours until shift change. Rolling over he dozed off, after all soon the guards would let him out thinking he was just another drunk that slept through the whole commotion.
  19. Alron is ready to play. A simple fella who enjoys the occasional wine or cigar. There is absolutely nothing special about him at all. In fact he looks so ordinary that most people don't pay any attention to him.
  20. T, Take what you were quoted as my price and triple it!! I have sent a package overland to the drop off location for my pay. Inside you will find what appears to be black silk. Instead it is the skin of what is called a ‘Midnight Essence’. A detailed account of the battle between this creature and some of the Radiants has also been included. The skin might make good lightweight armour as it seems to resist tearing. I have covertly approached a couple of the Radiants and offered them my support for a price. Hopefully one or more of them will take up my offer and I will be able to gather better information of their abilities for my final report. From what I have observed the personalities of the Radiants has very little to do with which order they belong to. The Skybreaker was a raving madman, the Windrunner seems to be a money hungry complainer and the Truthwatcher is a compulsive liar. It is unknown if it is all an act to disguise what they are or if they really are what they seem to be. Regards, Naihar While my gut is telling me to vote for Twlv again I see no logical reason to so will hold off and most likely not vote this round
  21. Changing vote from Twlv to Rulit. As Twlv pointed out in his post above, the letter writer doesn't use positive contractions. However they do use negative contractions. After going over Twlv's examples I saw that Rulit's writing follows the same patterns. Quoted from Rulit:
  22. Voting for Twlv. He has kept very quiet this game while in other games he is more active. By posting just once of twice per cycle Twlv is easily flying under the radar. I find it suspicious as it is a change in their normal posting cycle.
  23. I sent this to Wurum purely for fun. Apparently Renegade thought it funny enough to include in write up, so thought I would share it with everyone. I haven't voted for the last two rounds as I have no suspicions on the first and with Metam outting himself and everyone piling on him there was no need on the second. My defence of Metam was going to simply point out that no other suspects were up being voted for and that it was most likely going to turn into railroading an innocent. Mostly it was to make everyone feel bad about killing an asset. Thankfully Metam admitted his guilt before I posted and saved me from embarrassing myself and getting everyone eyes looking my way for next lynch.Hopefully Before Metam exposed himself I was thinking that it was one of the first two that had been squired the first round. Now however I have only a couple of weak suspicions.
  24. That was nice of you Metam. I was just catching up on what I had missed and was going to post a defence for you when you decide to reveal everything. Very nice of you indeed.
  25. Only problem with that is that there are no docs for me to be active in apart from the squire one which I'm fairly sure everyone knows I'm not in. I have been very quiet due to spending time polishing up the roles/rules for my game which is up soon. On a game related note, I neither sent nor received any messages last round. Nor do I have any suspicions at this point so won't be voting.
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