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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Thanks Tulir. Once again I miss something. I really need to learn how to read and not just skim.
  2. I have a very bad habit of misreading some rules but as far as I know there shouldn't be any squires as the cycle was mostly to set things up and rp. No role abilities were used including squire recruiting.
  3. Naihar leaned back against the wall, his half finished meal long since grown cold. It had been a couple of hours since a local had barged in and made his announcement without bothering to introduce himself. These yokels have no manners at all. Most of the other patrons were still at their tables talking about the news. Heralds killing children and lost Radiants bringing about the Desolation? Who would believe such outlandish lies! This is obviously some kind of scam and that supposed doomseer is part of it. Why else would he go charging into the rain. Give it a couple of days and I’m sure he will start offering salvation for a sphere or two. Waving over a waitress, Naihar ordered a glass of orange wine. Even if it is a hoax I should probably keep an eye on everyone. If even one of them start to panic it could spiral out of control. Noticing a street urchin loitering around trying to tell everyone that he had lived through a Desolation. That one could be a problem. He seems a few spheres shy of a full pouch.
  4. And just like that... its gone!!
  5. Naihar, A mutual acquaintance of ours has given me your name as someone who can get things done without asking too many questions. I hope he isn't mistaken as I have great need of someone who knows how to hold their tongue. I have reason to believe that there may be something happening in the town of Telmont that I need to be aware of. Due to events beyond my control, I am unable to handle the task myself and so I humbly request that you head to this town to observe and report anything unusual. If at all possible, try not to get involved but I fully understand if it is unavoidable. One of my spanreeds has been included along with your initial payment of seven emerald broams. I expect weekly reports. Once you have completed this task the rest of your payment shall be delivered. With regards, T Crumpling the letter in his hand, Naihar tossed it into the fireplace. He had arrived the night before and taken a room at one of the local inns. Ordering a meal, Naihar made his way to one of the empty tables by the dirt stained windows. A hot meal or two first, then to find some street kids for information. Back from my holiday and ready to jump into a game. Couldn't sign up while on cruise and was glad to see the sign ups had been extended.
  6. A figure stood atop a hill overlooking the village. Cloaked in the deepest black that did not move in the breeze that whipped the smoke from the battlefield. Wordlessly this figure commanded its forces to attack the village time and time again. A second figure strolled up to the first, this one clothed in grey. His cloak streaming out behind him. Thin tendrils of silvery mist trailing behind. "You know what I hate most about death? Its the boredom. We dead have all of eternity and nothing to do." The first figure turned sharply, recoiling as it noticed the newcomer. Its eyeless face showing the shock of being caught unaware. A hiss coming out of its mouth. "There was a time, not too long ago, where that gaze of yours would've chilled my blood Fade. Sadly for you, that time has passed. Your allies may have struck me down, but in doing so they have made me more powerful than you could possibly imagine." I just had to use that line. It was too good a chance to pass up. Sorry. The black-clad figure drew his blade. Lunging forward it thrust the blade into the others side. Unfazed by the attack as the blade passed ineffectively through, the talker continued. "You Myrddraal don't sleep do you? A shame. So many thoughts and ideas are born from dreams. And of nightmares. You see, while I was dead I had plenty of time to think. Almost too much time. Which is how I found myself wandering Tel'aran'rhiod looking for something to occupy my mind." A fist of Trollocs clambered up the hill, called for wordlessly by the Halfman. Brandishing a collection of vicious weapons they advanced on the stranger. "It was while I wandered that I encountered another. A strange soul who told me how to harness the nightmares of others and how to control them for my own uses." Just before the Trollocs reached the stranger the air around them warped slightly. "That man in the village. The newcomer. He has such strange nightmares. Of creatures large and blue in a world of grey." Suddenly a large group of blue-skinned giants welding heavy swords appeared in front of the Trollocs. With a beastly roar they charged and butchered the stunned Trollocs before heading off to attack the main force. One of the giants casually beheading the Fade as it passed. Chaos rapidly spreading as more giants appeared between the various groups of Trollocs and Myrddraals. "You know what I hate most about death? It's the boredom." Sitting down next to the head of the Fade. Its body still thrashing nearby, trying in vain to kill any who gets near. "I may only have a couple of hours but I think we can make them memorable. Unless you have any objections. No? Very well. Lets see how many of your comrades my new friends can kill before we are called back to the dream." That ended up a little longer than I thought. But with the aid of some Koloss the village might stand a chance.
  7. The parshendi needed to be outside in a Highstorm to change forms. The Everstorm most likely won't have the same restriction given that everyone was worried about the storm changing the parshmen as it passed.
  8. I'm thinking that since the everstorm hit Hearthstone then the parshmen Roshone had turn into voidbringers and killed Roshone, his young wife Laral and most of the town. Kaladin will arrive in town to find most of it in rubble and find his father and mother alive have left the town with their four year old daughter.
  9. The loaded dice do have uses. As you pointed out they allow one to have a better chance of costing other players their coins than just gambling alone. But more importantly, should the QM die early they give those that have them a great chance of getting coins faster than normal which means the axe is available sooner. At the moment I will be voting for Mai, based almost purely on a gut feeling. He has to be evil at some stage, right?
  10. Ratel climbed the rigging up to the crows nest. Climbing in he grabbed the strange stuffed creature and tossed it over the side and onto the deck below. Pulling out his rune engraved dagger, Ratel glared at the upstart. "There are two ways down. You can either climb or we will see if you bounce like your toy just did." Waiting until Jain had gone Ratel sheathed his dagger before pulling out the strange red glowing crystal he picked up on that rock world he had briefly visited.. Sorry Panda but the job of lookout was already taken and Ratel doesn't like company. Aonar is correct. We need to throw votes around and get some information. In the first QF game the lack of commutation really cost the civilians. The sooner everyone posts their thought the better chance we have. Edit: colors
  11. Weas has the council found anything that might lead us to a DF or better yet the Forsaken?
  12. Ratel boarded the pirate galley anchored in the harbour. Ah, the open sea. I could do with some sun after being trapped in that outpost in the mountians. After stashing his sea bag and climbing up to the crows nest, he ran a discerning eye over the rest of the crew that had arrived. I hereby claim the job of lookout. The crows nest is all mine (The Only Joe) Jeno (Mailliw73) Mai (Jasonpenguin) Jene (Wyrmhero) Wyrm (Kasimir) Kai (Jaelre) Jatae (Renegade) Riingar (a smart guy) Saor (Lightsworn Panda) Jain (Alvron) Ratel (Herowannabe) Hreo (New One) Riitiidiikiiiir (Theorymaker) Matim (Luckat) Luka (Kal Dell) Kai FangShi (AonarFaileas) Aonar Without a seeker and no PMs this will mostly be a game of chance until we get our first mutineer. Edit: Updated list
  13. Dellan. Can't really say why but something feels off about him. He also cast the tie breaking vote by flipping a coin.
  14. Do NOT send your roles to Waes!!! First he tells Sprell that having one person know who all the normal players are isn't a good idea and now hes calling for the roles to be sent to him, ignoring the very same argument that he used. Second, he states that if he was to get himself attacked in order to gain the trust of others then we don't really know him, another lie. That is exactly the type of thing Waes would try. He is very good at manipulating people. Third, even if he was clean then all our roles could easily be passed to Fain just by corrupting one person. Fourth, we still have our seeker(s) who could easily build a trusted group without the need to expose all its members.
  15. Nath, Dellan, Jim Bob and Senna are the only ones who haven't posted so far this round. Edit: Dellan has now posted.
  16. With about 6 3 hours left, here is how the votes currently stand. Bela - 4 - Dragon Fang, Joel, Jea, Kaim Lam - 2 - Ralv, Newan, Jain Jim Bob - 6 - Douza, Binnt, Grimlar, Lam, Jain, Trimat, Khamsi Jain - 7 - Leas Fei, Erik, Weas, Witless(2), Douza, Dellan Dellan - 1 - Malai My first list. Edit. Blight take you Aonar. Beating me to the list. Added votes from Erik, Malai, Weas, Kaim, Witless, Khamsi, Dellan
  17. My vote was explained in the post which I made it in. Why there was two more thrown in soon after , I can't say. Also I didn't defend Bela. I simply laid out my thoughts. Should more votes pile onto Lam without any discussion then I will most likely change mine as the last thing we want is a bandwagon starting up. As the golden voiced divinity (Meta) has pointed out in other games, 'When votes start piling on someone and no one defends them then there is a good chance that they are innocent, as the spiked will almost always try to deflect votes from one of their own.'
  18. I find it very interesting that the forsaken didn't use their kill. The first night is the best chance they would've had to take out someone and get away with it. The odds of being spied on were at their lowest so there is very little reason not to take the kill. On top of this, as far as we know Fain didn't try to convert anyone also when the odds were in his favour. I know that if I was Fain I would've tried to convert someone on the first night, as numbers will help down the line as well as the chance of getting someone into the DF camp. As such I am going to vote for Lam (Leonardus) as he didn't log on at all during the night phase and I think that either Fain or the Forsaken is currently inactive. Our ever beloved Jim Bob Dirt is the only other one that hasn't logged in lately. He was active for the first 12 hours then went dark. Yes I know that voting for an inactive as well as voting early is out of character for me and will raise my suspicion level but it needed to be said.
  19. 6 hours until sunrise folks. Make sure you've got your orders in.
  20. The village was mostly dark and few of the wooden houses showed dim lights. The house he was looking for was just off the village green, a favourable position for the former mayor. Walking noiselessly through the darkened streets, Ralv kept an eye out for any nosy dogs who might alert their owners to his presence. The tall front showed heavy oak shutters barred with iron and a stout door with an expensive lock. Working his way around the building until he found a small side window, Ralv quietly slid a thin bar between the shutters and lifted the latch. Sliding into the room, he pulled out a cylindrical tube that gave off a small amount of light. That's right. Ralv has a lightstick. Finding himself in the library, Ralv quickly ran his hand along the mantel, feeling the different items placed on top. After placing a tankard and a couple of goblets into his sack, Ralv dusted the top of the mantel to disguise what he had taken. Refastening the shutters after climbing back out took only a couple of minutes. In short time Ralv was back in his bed above the inn with none the wiser of his little excursion. The only role I can think of that would work with Waes' plan is if he were to be a Dreamwalker. If he is then it would be very easy to find out if one was corrupted as their messages would stop. Only problem with that plan is that I highly doubt that there is only one Dreamwalker. So if one message were to stop then there would be very little way of knowing which one unless they were to include some kind of message and tell others so that they can confirm. Which makes Waes a prime target for the DF, unless he is a DF Dreamwalker. Or I could be way off track again.
  21. I haven't posted as I am completely unable to come up with an opening rp. As for any suspicions I have this early. I always find it suspicious that players want to lynch on the first day but also advocate for players with killing roles not to use them on the first night. If lynching someone gives us information, then why wouldn't killing another at night not give us some more info. Also the odds of hitting an evil player at night is the same if not better than the day lynch. All in all I find that pushing for a lynch on day one is far more suspicious than not posting at all.
  22. Seeing a flutter of movement coming from the window, Rolav quickly sheathed his dagger and drew a pair of throwing knives. A man flipped into the room holding a bow with an arrow nocked and ready to fly, just as the scholar tripped and slammed the door open. Throwing his knives at the pair, Rolav mentally swore at himself for not bringing back-up. Just before the knives hit, both of the attackers crumpled to the floor, dropped by a couple of thrown rocks. And another man leaped into the room. Light above. Who else is going to show up. Grabbing the archer, the newcomer threw him out the window. Before the stranger could leave the scholar grabbed him and pinned him against the wall. A short scuffle ensued and then the scholar was lying on the ground with a strange stuffed animal next to her and the rock-thrower walking out the door. The scholar was gasping for breath when Rolav reached her. Kicking the sword away, he drew his dagger and leaned down intending to finish the scholar off once and for all. Ooo, cliffhanger. Stay tuned folks, same Sanderson game, same Sanderson forum.
  23. The guide Ratel had sent led him to a nondescript iron door in a quiet alley. Hired thugs stood watch on either side. The guide flashed a hidden sign to the guards and they opened the door. As he headed down the steps into the subterranean warren below, the reek of unwashed bodies hit him like a fist to the face. The main chamber was lit by an oil chandelier and several candles lined the walls. All laughter ceased as he passed the tables. Red rimmed eyes following as he was led to a table overlooking a pit where two men fought each other for the amusement of those watching. 'Welcome to the bowels of Kholinar.' Ratel intoned as he sipped on red wine. 'The place where anything can be found. For a price.' Don't go there. They overcharge. A few hours later and Rolav was standing in the scholars empty rooms waiting for her to return. Everything had been removed. Taken by soldiers and scribes to be studied and destroyed. A number of spanreeds had been recovered. They would be monitored to see who was in communication with the scholar. They had apparently also found some documents that revealed the scholar had already sent part of the blasphemous writing on to someone. Once they knew who, the queen would sent word to her agents in the area and have the writings destroyed and any who knew of them killed. All Rolav had to do was wait for the scholar to return and kill her.Your move Lyla
  24. It took them hours but Rolav and Ratel tracked down every informant, tipster and rumourmonger. The questions were simple. Who was the scholar? Where did she live? Who did she talk to? How well was she protected? Why was she here? And it was all for nought. Whoever the scholar was, she was very adept at remaining hidden. After Ratel had left to pursue another lead, Rolav found himself wandering down some deserted streets. I have to find her soon. Those writings cannot be allowed to leave this city. Aesudan is almost ready to burn the entire city down to stop those writings from leaving the area. If I don't find the scholar soon she might start calling for my head to roll. Letting loose a wordless howl of frustration, Rolav drew back his fist and slammed it into a wall. The stone cracked under his hand. Not a small crack, but a spiderweb that kept growing. It wasn't possible. Maybe he had hit the wall in the wrong spot and the ancient wall had simply given in. He had never heard of stone cracking that way, spreading out like a living thing. Heart racing, Rolav lowered his hand and looked at it. There wasn't a bruise or a cut. He couldn't feel any pain either. But he had hit the wall as hard as he could. He should've broken his hand at least, yet his knuckles were unharmed, only white from gripping his fingers in a tight fist The wall had splintered but was intact. It wasn't possible, was it? Rolav dropped to his knees and was violently sick. Look what you've driven me to Lyla.
  25. Ralv, a wanderer passing through town. He smokes two rivers tabac, has a scar along his jawline, both of his hands are discoloured and has a coil of wire wrapped around his upper arm that seems to have fresh blood on it. I really shouldn't have started taking bits from my old characters. They're starting to pile up. Welcome Kal Dell. Always good to see new players coming in. Don't worry about making mistakes. Having fun is the main goal of the games. Ask any questions you want. We are always happy to help out new players.
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