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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. After thoroughly searching the building and unable to find any documents, Rolav silently cursed himself. Sorry Nixi. Like Ace, I didn't kill you but am going to claim your death for my rp posts. Blast. I would've sworn it was her. Now I have to find that scholar all over again.
  2. Quietly moving through the building, Rolav made his way towards his target. It had taken him the rest of the day to track her down, but now that he had, he wasn't going to let the opportunity pass. Unwinding the length of wire he kept coiled around his upper arm, Rolav slowly crept up behind his target. The height and build are right. Must be the scholar. Quickly slipping the wire around her throat, Rolav quietly garrotted her. Once the body finished thrashing around he lowered it to the floor. Turning the body over and taking a look at her face Rolav then proceeded to search the room. Don't know who died yet so can't tell who it was I killed.
  3. As soon as the highstorm passed, Rolav was back in the streets heading to the green roofed house, hoping to get there before the scholar left. He reached the street just as a group of people left the building. Blending into the shadows he carefully observed the group noting with annoyance that the one he sought wasn't in sight. Storm it. She must've left just before the storm arrived. Now I've got to search this entire blasted city for one light-cursed woman. Taking care not to be seen, Rolav left the street behind to start his long search. The hunt is on.
  4. I think that when Shallan thinks Renarin is 'creepy and whiny' it would've been enough to break Feathers heart.
  5. Crouched in the shadow of a chimney, Rolav watched the building across the street. There was nothing interesting about the emerald green roofed house, other than that it was the one that the woman who broke into the Common Chambers fled to. It had taken him hours to track her to this place and hours more taking note of who arrived and who left. With the highstorm later today, I doubt they will be moving around much. A whistle could just barely be heard as another figure joined Rolav on the rooftop. A thin pale skinned man emerged from the shadows. Chewing on a strip of meat the stranger crouched down next to Rolav. ‘I have her name if you want it. Cheap too, only a single ruby mark.’ Handing over a sphere without looking up from the house, Rolav waited for the stranger to speak again. Tucking the ruby mark under his tunic, the stranger stood. ‘Her name is Liar or Lyla or perhaps Leia. The ones I spoke didn’t know much only that she fancies herself some kind of scholar.‘ Turning on his heel, the stranger started to walk away. ‘Oh, by the way, you were followed by some strange fellow carrying a nasty looking hammer. Don’t worry, I took care of him for you. He was muttering something about a chull I think.’ Just to be clear. Neither Rolav or Ratel had anything to do with your death Ace. With the kills being anonymous, I think they are fair game to be used in rp. With one final glance over his shoulder the stranger shrugged before dropping off the rooftop. Rolav waited for a while before standing up himself. Careful not to leave the chimney shadow, he stretched his sore muscles. Fool woman. Why in Damnation would you want to go and copy those writings. Aesudan declared that any who even speak of them is to be lashed and you went and made a copy. Even worse, you got caught doing it. Nothing personal Feather, but did you really think the queen would let such a brazen act pass unchallenged. With one final penetrating look at the house, Rolav left the roof and headed to a shelter to wait out the highstorm. Deal with the rioters first then the scholar. Hopefully I can find a way out of this before I have to kill to many innocents. Just to be clear: The highstorm stops all actions only while its blowing, correct? So someone who votes during the highstorm will not be counted but those that vote before or after do, yes? Or are all actions cancalled for the whole cycle?
  6. You were the only GM for me. I gathered a large group of followers ready to do your bidding, but then you went and killed me. That kinda soured our relationship. The entire time I was doing the pranks, I was afraid that you would realize that it was me and when a GB was exposed doing them, you would put it together and call me out. Loved the game Maill. Looking forward to the next one you run. Just one question. How did Wurum end up with all Awes' items? His heir was either myself or Jim Bob so his items should've disappeared on his death. Did Cara soulcast Awes' heir action on the final night? or did I miss something?
  7. Rolav strode down the stone halls of the palace. A thick sack clenched in his fist swung with each step banging against his leg. The guards didn't stop him despite the hooded cloak concealing most of his face. Even if they didn't know who he was, they all knew what he did. There were few who would dare stop him. The clasp he wore on his cloak made sure of that. As he approached the queens council chamber the guards posted on either side straightened and opened the large doors. Rolav noticed one of the guards pale as he passed. His leather boots silent on the marble floor. Seated on the throne was the Queen of Alethkar, her gaze fixated on the sack hanging from his fingers. Approaching the throne, Rolav kneeled on one knee and bowed his head. 'Rise.' Rolav kept his chin raised as he stood and lowered his hood. The queen waved her hand, rings sparkling as the caught the light streaming in through the windows. 'Is it done?' Rolav reached into the sack and tossed the severed head of Brightlord Khalder onto the marbled floor. No one spoke as the head bounced and rolled to rest against the dais, milky eyes staring lifelessly up towards the throne. 'It seems there are several groups of individuals who are willing to do anything to get me off my throne. Your next assignment is to root out their leaders and make an example of them. Show my subjects what happens when they interfere with my plans.' The queen drummed her fingers on the arm of the throne, still staring at the severed head at her feet. 'Be quick. I want order restored by months end. Your payment for Khalder is waiting for you in your chambers.' Nodding, Rolav turned to leave. 'Take that head with you. The smell is starting to turn my stomach.' Scooping up the head by its hair, Rolav shoved it back into the sack and strode quickly out of the chamber and down the halls. He had work to do. Sorry folks but Rolav doesn't talk. Your not going to get much from him I'm afraid.
  8. The shutters swinging in the breeze were the only sign of his entry. No one had noticed him scaling the vine covered wall of the darkened manor, slithering into the hallway on the second floor. Silent as a wraith Rolav moved down the hall to the third door. Brightlord Khalder's bedroom door opened with a slight creak. He waited until he was certain no one had heard the noise before slipping in and easing the door shut behind him. Soft light glowed from the infused spheres carefully arranged next the four-poster bed, illuminating the figure sleeping. Brightlord Khalder was no older than thirty with dark hair curling around his ears. What had he done to offend the queen so gravely that she wanted him dead. He crept to the edge of the bed. It wasn't his place to question his orders. His job was to obey. With each step toward the Brightlord, he ran through the plan. His dagger slid out with barely a whisper. He took a deep shuddering breath, bracing himself for what he was about to do. Brightlord Khalder's eyes flew open just as Rolav's dagger slit his throat.
  9. We had a spanreed but didn't use it. Watching you all lynch the other spanreed holders was vastly amusing. Jim
  10. I was hoping that either Tion or Awes would've voted by now as then I might be able to glean some information about who they were trying to protect. But as neither one has voted and I have to head off to work soon I will stand by my past auguments and vote for Tion.
  11. We havn't lost yet. If the Grandbow user takes out Tion then we will have a chance. With his plate cracked, Tion would die and hopefully we would get back the Shardblade, leaving them with only one kill a night again. Then all we have to do is lynch another during the day and we will be right back in this.
  12. Welcome New Players. I feel I can speak on behalf of the regular players when I wish you all to have a great time playing and hope you will join us for many more. Rolav is signing up to play. He has a tendency to eat dried meat that he claims comes from a creature called a rabbit. He is also known for carrying a dagger with strange runes engraved on its ivory handle.
  13. Actually if you look back through the full sign up postings and questions you would see that Claincy questioned if it had a time limit like 12 - 24 hours. Maill stated in the last post before the game started that it had to be declared with at least 24 hours left. As it was right before the game started and wasn't updated in the main post I am not surprised that many missed it which was why I didn't think that your shard challenge was done as a GB ploy. As for my second opinion I believe that I did state that if it was a GB that changed my vote to make sure you were safe then it was very poorly done given how well they have remained hidden. Now that Ace has come forward and claimed that he chose my vote simply so another could prove that they have a reverser, I feel that it was simply a coincidence and I read too much into it. I do apologize if my other post wasn't clear, but I do believe that I said that my suspicion of you had lessened.
  14. I doubt that night could have gone much worse. The only positive I can think of is that should any spies find someone with a shardblade then we can be almost certain that they would be a GB as I don't think there would be more than one blade in the game. My vote today will again be for Tion. My reasons from the last day round haven’t changed. However a couple of new things did happen since then that should be considered. 1. Tion called a shard challenge when there wasn’t enough time in the day. This could mean that he was unaware of the rule about there needing to be at least 24 hours left, he could’ve forgotten about the rule or it was a ploy to get people to lynch Aonar while making it seem like one of the first two options. Given that Tion has played far more games than most of us here I doubt it was the first option. (For those that don’t know, Tion plays on at least one other forum which has far more complex rules than ours.) 2. My vote was switched from Tion to Aonar. This could be the GB trying to defend one of their own but I doubt it as Tion was never in much danger of being lynched and I doubt the GB would make such an obvious move given how well they have remained hidden. As such my suspicion of Tion has lessened but he is still the one I am most suspicious of being a GB. Ultimately I think Tion is either a GB playing an aggressive defence or he is being played for one of the Ten Fools. (No offence Tion, these are just my thoughts.)
  15. To those wondering why I haven’t posted lately it is simply because I have nothing to say. My rp postings have stopped as I have gone as far as I can at moment. It was meant to be intertwined with my rp posts in Rubix’s quick fix game that was going to start on the same day. The reason I log in as often as I do but never post is because I use my phone to check the forums while I’m at work. And as anyone knows posting on your phone is a real pain to handle. Given that most of the time while working I have to wear thick gloves makes it even harder to post without taking a lot of time, time which I rarely have. As for who I suspect, as I stated during Day 2 I only had two. One being Xanas who is now dead. The other being Tion. My evidence is thin but it is all I have to go on as no one has contacted me via spanreed and therefore I have no contact outside off these posts. One: He is was the one to spring Sprenils supposed trap before Sprenil himself could therefore throwing suspicion on Tors who we now know is innocent instead of waiting and seeing who else might have taken the bait. Two: He was attacked the first night while wearing a shardplate which protected him. He then proclaimed that the attack makes him the closest to being proven innocent than anyone else. Three: He received a spanreed as well as a painknife at the end of the second day but was not attacked again despite having broken Plate and was therefore had a good chance of being killed and the ghostbloods gaining any of the items he had which would all be of use to them. So unless Jain told someone that he was using the painrial on Tion as he claims to have done there would be no reason not to attack Tion again and gain some nice loot and remove a strong player at the same time. Four: Tion claimed that anyone who claimed to be suspicious of him would be high on his list. In other games he was all for his name being thrown out as it would at least start talk among others but now it seems his name is taboo. As stated it is not very compelling but it is all I have at moment.
  16. 1300 is confirmed change over point from Radiant Squire to Surgebinder.
  17. I have to admit I'm a little suspicious of Xanas. Why did you make Tion your heir during the day, surely you could've done it at night as everyone has up to three actions each night to use. As for Tion being the platebearer, it seems very likely that he is as no one has come forward to dispute his claim. That said it could simply be a very risky plan to make himself look like a noble while getting a shardblade at same time. It sun had reached its peak by the time Alv had left Highprince Roion's study. Pulling out some firemoss he absently rubbed it between his fingers as he strolled down the street. He wants me to work with Vamah? Is he mad? Most of the corrupt clerks we've found have been working for that eel. Reaching his rooms Alv grabbed a few items from under his bed. If I have to go work for that worm, I'm at least going to be prepared. A couple of darts and my lockpicks should be easy enough to conceal. As he left his room he felt the presence of someone watching him. Ah Jack. You'll never give up will you. Sorry it cuts off there. I'm already late for my weekend round of golf and can't do to much more.
  18. Peter Ahlstrom has been captured by the Steel Ministry and turned from a simple mistborn into a Steel Inquisitor at 2250.
  19. If someone dies/lynched without an heir like Tors was, will any items they have be revealed or are they kept secret? Maybe just the number of items or the class type be revealed? Draining his glass Alv listened as the messenger related the death or Tors to him. It seems that the party had gotten a little tense. Good thing I didn't go. They would love to have a reason to kill a one-eye like me. Dismissing the messenger, Alv left the seedy tavern and strolled out into the market. Most of the shopkeepers had closed up for the night but a few were still hawking their wares. Purchasing some food, he slowly made his way to Roion's warcamp. Nodding to the guards standing just outside the camp, Alv ignored to glares they gave back as he passed between them. As he reached his tenement he heard soft footfalls behind him. Spinning around he levelled his quarterstaff at the small boy that had tried to creep up behind him. "Damnation Jack, what have I told you about sneaking up on me?" Yay. Jac's back. "Sorry but I couldn't resist. Highprince Roion sent me to find you. He wants to see you first thing in the morning." "Fine, did he give you any idea why?" "Nope. He was in a meeting with Vamah for most of the day though." "Thanks you little scamp. But be careful, if anyone sees you spying on the highprince they won't hesitate to kill you." "Don't worry about me. Your the only one that's seen me so far. I still want to know how you found me that day. I could've sworn that no one could see me." Turning away Alv spoke over his shoulder. "One day I might tell you. But for now you will just have to be happy with the money I pay you. Tell Ron everything you saw, he'll have your payment as usual." Leaving Jack behind him, Alv headed into his apartment and removed his gloves, revealing the mottled colours staining his hands. I finally thought of a way to bring something from Fron into my characters. Mottled skin and lifesense.
  20. ‘Beware of Abrobadar. He still resents how you humiliated him last winter.’ The scribe spoke while they watched the spanreed. It stopped blinking moments after the last word was written. Nodding his thanks Alv dismissed the young woman. She’s clean. He thought. Only a few dozen more to check and I can be done with this task. The King has just been killed and already Highprince Roion has a plan to root out any spies in his camp. I wonder how long he has suspected that some of his clerks are working for the other highlords. Removing a pinch of firemoss from his pouch, Alv absently began rubbing it between his fingers. Wisps of smoke rising from his hand. Roion was right about one thing, being able to read womans script has made my task a lot easier than anyone will realise. Just how long has Roion been pulling my strings? Was he the one who sent the instructors to me or did he somehow find out about my unorthodox lessons? Taking the stack of papers he tucked them under his arm and made his way out the room. Once he was alone in his room he tossed the papers into the blazing hearth where they quickly burned. Rolav had better keep his end of our agreement. I need that account of Adolins duel against Tinalar.
  21. 1260 is start for Radiant Squire.
  22. Alv. Distant cousin to Highprince Roion. Came to the warcamps on a dare from his friends. After leading a charge against the parshendi Alv received a scar along his right cheek from an arrow disfiguring his upper lip. Spends his spare time rubbing firemoss between his fingers to help deal with the pain of old wounds. Has one eye coloured pale grey while the other is deep forest green.
  23. 1220 is the hard start for Kandra.
  24. I shall be voting for Asgren this round. He just shot to the top of my list. Asgren did indeed contact me as he claimed BUT it was not at the time stated. He sent the pm 5 hours BEFORE the end of day 2!! And not at the start of day 2. Therefore he had plenty of time to vote before the end of day and did not in fact log in late. I don't know if Asgren is indeed in contact with the priest but everything else he has stated so far has been false. He also only started offering up ideas after he was called out. His whole post sounds fishy to me @Kai It is true that not all the list makers were evil, but given the pattern I had to voice my thoughts. Still waiting for Adolin to post by the way. Got anything to say? Edit: Asgren also stated in the pm to me that Joe was the only one he was in contact with before he got voted out, but now he claims to be talking to the priest.
  25. I'm curious as to why Adolin didn't vote. My current suspects are Nepene, Kai and Asgren. I am fairly certain that at least one of these is a cultist. I haven't decided which I shall vote for as I am hoping to hear some counter arguments to help narrow down the list Nepene, your vote of Faidh is suspicious. Our names are easy to find at the start of this thread so voting simply because you can't remember anyone elses name strikes me as false. My suspicion of Kai hasn't changed from the last round. Asgren, twice now you have failed to vote. You stated that you logged in too late to vote for last time, but what about the first round. Why didn't you vote then? And you post at the start of each round but then disappear back into the shadows without contributing anything to the conversations. Ratel was tired. He had stayed up most of the night holding a pickaxe and waiting for the cultist to come for him. He was sure he had only dozed off briefly, but it must've been longer than he thought for when dawn broke another body was found and he had heard nothing. Carrying Gamene's body down to the basement sapped his remaining strength. After making his way into the main room he collapsed into one of the chairs near the hearth. Sighing with relief he pulled out one of his flasks and drained the entire contents. Watching as Faidh was pushed out the door Ratel felt guilty at seeing someone being sent to their inevitable death in the snow and ice. I did that. I started the call for his death. I can only pray to the Dor that we are doing the right thing. Taking some dried meat from within his jacket Ratel began to chew on it while staring into the flames. Caan, stop stealing my dried rabbit meat. I need that for when I make a break for it. Don't bother denying it either. Warkel saw you.
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