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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Ratel went back to bed after seeing Mai's body carefully placed in the lodges basement next to the freeholders corpse. With the ground frozen solid a descent burial was impossible. The cold will keep the bodies from decomposing too much until the ground softens enough or a patrol arrives. These cultists are too cowardly to attack during the day, so I will sleep while I can and have a pickaxe ready for their skulls if they come for me tonight. My characters seem to be getting more paranoid the more games I play. I was going to vote for Kai as so far in games one, two and three, those that used lists and/or statistics have been evil. I know, its a pretty weak argument but I really had nothing else to go on. Now however my vote will be for Faidh as I feel that he is trying to manipulate everyone somehow and with how easily he did that to me in game two and has everyone playing follow the leader in game four, I'm convinced that Faidh is playing me somehow. My vote wont be sent in until later so it might change but I shall post if it does. @Tempus. Are votes set in stone once they are sent in or can we change them later in the day? As for why I voted Nepene, I simply rolled dice. I had nothing to go on so I let Lady Luck do the choosing for me. I see no point in having people reveal their roles as everyone will simply say they are Civilians. The cultists aren't going to admit who they are and the priest won't as it will make them a target. As for Joe, we don't know that he isn't a cultist as his role wasn't revealed to us. The odds of him being evil for a third time in a row is unlikely but not impossible.
  2. There is nothing in the rules that say so but probably safer if we do. Would be hilarious if they end up sacrificing one of their own.
  3. Sitting in a large comfortable chair by the roaring fire, Ratel munched on a strip of dried rabbit meat. He had no desire to join those staring at the body hanging in the stable. After all once you've seen one person ritualistically killed you've seen them all, and he had no intension of reliving that part of his life. I went into the wilderness to get away from those maniacs. he thought. Last time I tangled with those cultists it cost me the sight in my left eye. Removing a flask from his jacket, Ratel took a deep swig before replacing it and pulling another strip of meat. If I just keep my head down, I should be able to survive long enough to slip away once the snow melts enough. I like the idea of casting votes in secret as it really ups the tension. Not knowing who's going to be lynched until its done is a nice twist.
  4. I'll join up. Ratel (Ra-tel) is an old gold miner / prospector waiting out the winter in the trading outpost.
  5. Using spoilers to reduce size of post. Nepenes Quote Response I also had a few hidden roles that would be revealed during the game itself when one was either killed or seeked, but have decided to remove that mechanic as it will most likely just really irritate people. Hidden Roles: As for the civilian win condition. There is two. Major Win: Keep the Recokner alive long enough for them to kill all the epics thus freeing Newcago from the rule of Tyrants. Minor Win: Survive until one group of epics has removed all opposition to their power. No group can win while the Serial Killer is still alive. Most of the roles would be in one game but probably not all. I listed all I had come up with in order to get some feedback. So far the ideas have been good. Keep em coming
  6. At the moment there is no anti-lynching roles. Even the Accelerated Healer can be killed by a simple lynching, you just need to swing the axe a few more times. That might change though as I'm thinking of giving the Rich civilian a one off ability where they can nominate (bribe) a 'fall guy' who is lynched instead of them. (All votes you receive are transferred to your chosen target.) It would however easily reveal who the Rich civilian is so it seems balanced on paper but not 100% sure. As for the Reflexes epic, it seemed too strong to me as well but I couldn't think of a way to tone it down while still keeping with the theme of the book. What if it was a diminishing ability. 90% chance to survive first attack in a cycle and after that it drops to 75%-50%-25% for each attack after, but resets to 90% at start of next day cycle?
  7. In Way of Kings. About halfway through Sigzil is talking about the kingdom Babatharnam where the King is called Most Ancient as he is the eldest.
  8. Thanks for the feedback. Thought about the Rich Civilian having two votes but felt it would be overpowered if one of the vote- altering roles was used on it. It would also make it fairly obvious who has that role too. The Flamethrower was done that way as many roles can act either night or day. The flamethrower epic could just wait til none of their team does anything at night and then use it, thus revealing anothers role without the risk of outing one of their own. Might change it to one role revealed though.
  9. Working on a Steelheart game and need feedback from others. It is a three sided game with two teams of epics fighting each other and the civilians caught in between. There is also a civilian with his own win condition. It is intended to be fast paced with multiple kills every cycle. Please note that there are no prime invincibities as that would make the game too complex with the whole weakness mechanic. The goal is for one team of epics to kill the other while keeping as many civilians alive as possible. As well as killing the reckoner if it is in the game. Not all roles are listed below as some are being kept secret. Civilians: Epic Abilities: (one - three per Epic)
  10. A wind blew from the east, kicking up small flurries of dust and leaves. The sun shone from a cloudless sky illuminating the village below in a steady light. Somewhere a bell tolled marking the hour. Flocks of birds were flying overhead while packs of rats dwelt in the basements below. To the casual observer the village seemed to be deserted for no one could be seen moving. However the casual observer would be wrong, for in this village people did indeed live. Huddled in their houses these simple villagers hid. Many waiting for another to poke their head out first, others hoping to remain unnoticed. A few were packing as if preparing to leave. Somewhere a small group of villagers were sharpening their knifes while discussing who they were going to target that night. In the middle of this sad village a ghostly figure stood. A pipe in his mouth and a scar on his face, this figure did survey the village. Raising a hand, this figure pointed to a building and spoke a single word before fading away. “Kill.” Do something. Rp, vote or just run around saving bunnies while kicking puppies. Its boring in heaven and we spirits need something to talk about. Don't make me possess someone.
  11. Noticed that Sanderson's rank is now Most Ancient at 2508. No idea when the switch over was.
  12. So I did indeed read the roles wrong. I have retracted my vote for Bart and shall wait until more information has come to light.
  13. Unless I'm mistaken, it takes a full night to awaken a strawman and another to send it to spy on someone. So just how did Bartolomew manage to do both at once? I could be wrong but after rereading the roles, I think its more likely that Barty is a Pahn Kahl and is trying to get us to lynch an innocent.
  14. Night had fallen across the land as Fron made his way into the city of T'Telir. The bright colours of the city were muted under the pale moon, reds fading to grey and yellows turning to white. A few hearty beggars were still lining the streets hoping for a generous soul to pass by. Slipping a couple of coins to a few beggars, Fron carefully slid a small envelope one of them gave him up his sleeve. Nodding his thanks, Fron quickly moved down the street and into D'Denir Gardens where his contact waited. Many of the gardens statues were missing limbs while others wore a variety of clothing ranging from ripped hats to silk shirts and leather gloves. Sitting on one of the gardens many benches, flanked by a pair of lifeless, was a small woman wearing a dress of green and white. Handing over a small pouch of coins "I got your message. What reason could a priestess have for contacting me?" Fron asked. "It seems some Lifeless have gone missing from the Enclave.' the small woman said. "My mistress believes that they were taken sometime last week. After the coup attempt, the Lifeless ranks were decimated. We've been hard pressed to restore their numbers. That's why I sent you that message, and that's why you must find out who is trying to sabotage the peace talks. I can't do anything officially but you are an Idrian so no one will expect me to contact you." "Very well." Fron spoke after a while. "I will look into this but you'll need to do something for me. I need to know where the Idrian princess Vivenna is." Turning on his heel, Fron strode away. He would never show it but those Lifeless gave him the creeps, besides he was late for another appointment. And hopefully they shall have a breath or two to sell me. It only took four games but we finally got our first deadlock vote.
  15. I believe it is. My partner upvoted him and told me his rank changed at 700 but cant be 100% sure. Edit: Just downvoted Awesome and he changed back to Svrakiss at 699, so yes it is hard boundary.
  16. Awesomeness Summoned has finally left the ranks of Svrakiss and joined the legions of Originator at 700.
  17. Fron sat across from a grey-clad Idrian with a nervous tick in his left cheek. They were seated in a corner booth at the Green Potato. People were bustling around, gossip flying everywhere over the death of the Idrian ambassador. "Well, I'm here as you asked. Tell me what the king wants this time so I can leave." Fron asked as he eyed a platter of chickens feet that was served to a customer sitting across from them. "The King wants you to use your contacts to find out how the Hallendrens stopped the lifeless forces that almost attacked us. The official explanation of stone armies and a rebel faction is obviously a lie. He is willing to offer you a full pardon if you can uncover the truth as well as what happened to his two daughters." the Idrian said as he passed over a large envelope. "Here is everything we have found out so far." Taking the envelope, Fron quickly ripped it in half. "Anything you have found out is worthless to me. My contacts shall find out what happened without the incompetent findings of your amateur spies. You shall have my report within the month. Now if you don't mind I'm heading to the Red Salmon for lunch before going back to my fields." Pushing his way through the crowds, Fron lit his pipe as he headed to the Red Salmon. Hope Jeo still has some boar left.
  18. Forger has a hard start at 600.
  19. At the moment my game is mostly ready just need to tweak a couple of things. I will be on holiday during the last week of July until the third week of August and will be unable to gm a game then. We may want to space out the games a bit too. Running a game right after another has finished is fine but people can tire of them quickly and we may lose them. Giving a week or two between games allows people to take a break and work on their rp stories for the next one. Maybe do as Claincy is doing and have the sign-ups up after a game has finished but wait awhile before starting.
  20. Ferring is a confirmed start at 350. As is Highprince at 950
  21. Fron leaned back against the booth sighing contently. A full stomach, a glass of wine and my pipe. What could be better. he thought. Although Jeo claimed he didn't sell alcohol, he did however keep a few bottles of red wine for his regulars. Looking around he noticed that the restaurant was filling up fast, only a couple of tables were unoccupied. The street teemed with activity. People streaming by in a riot of conflicting colours, a few seemed to be gathering on the sides of the busy street as if waiting for some event to happen. "That's right, we got those peace talks soon. Well it means nothing to me and I doubt that I will be allowed the day off just to stand around while strangers talk about things that will most likely not have any real effect." Rising from his seat, Fron handed Jeo some money. "Another well cooked meal. Keep this up and I will have to get the seamstress to let out my trousers again. I know you said my meal was free today but that was too good not to pay for." And with that, Fron dipped his head and heading out the restaurant and treaded his way through the crowds as he made his way back to the dye fields.
  22. 890 is the change over point for Full Feruchemist. Sorry Swimmingly, it was I who took away your shards. Awesomeness Summoned became the Torturer Of Heralds at 666. But quickly passed over it to Svrakiss at 667.
  23. @ffrond: Silent Gatherer starts at 278. Up voted you 9 times to find it. Forescout is a hard boundary at 110. Kings tester starts at 450. Sentient Awakened Object is a hard boundary at 1000. 128 is the change over point for hazekiller. High Prelan begins at 180. Mistborn is still hanging in at 2222. 1800 is the start for Dawnsinger. Many thanks to the Sanderson Elimination Players for all the posts I upvoted to find these boundaries.
  24. eeeeeeeeeeeeee Renarin is here. Oh wait he's gone again. Loving the reactions Feather. Really wish we had video for some of them. And Chaos. You seem to have linked chapter 38 into 39's spot.
  25. I was going to sit this one out but it looks way too complex to let the fun pass by. Fron works in the dye plantations, harvesting the Tears of Edgli. Most of the times he wears gloves covering the coloured stains on his hands. When not working in the fields, Fron spends his time at The Red Salmon drinking wine and smoking his pipe. A jagged scar runs diagonally through his lips from his chin to just under his right eye. I decided that each of my characters shall have something from past games. Thanks Peng for scarring all my future faces.
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