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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. I may be dead but my voice shall be heard. Fear the dead voter for he knows all
  2. My face, my beautiful face. Oh woe is me. Now then, where are my chains. Time for a good haunting. Somewhere near a beach I think. With lots of young skaa woman to scare.
  3. Thick mist lay over the village of Blackwater obscuring the sky above. The air was still, not a hint of a breeze anywhere to be found. Ash fell lazily down through the mist to lie undisturbed among its already fallen brethren. It was as if the world itself was waiting for something to happen. A lone figure could be seen wandering back and forth in front of a wooden building. He seemed to be a part of the mists themselves clothed in an ash grey outfit. Smoke could just be seen curling above him as he puffed on an ebony pipe. He seemed to be muttering to himself as he paced down the street. Damnation take this mist. How am I to see if the sun has risen or not with this thrice-cursed mist hanging around. He said to met him here at the crack of dawn. Well, has dawn cracked or not? Maybe I missed him and he decided to train the others and just left me to stew in my misery. As Alon reached an intersection a tile fell from the roof above. "Stars above." he exclaimed as he scrambled away. Fumbling at his belt, Alon cursed leaving behind the dagger back in Danes table. Trying to calm his thumping heart, Alon tried to scan the rooftops but couldn't see anything with the mist obscuring everything beyond a few feet. Straining to see any movement, Alon slowly backed away until he found the doorway leading into the barracks. Crouched atop a roof, Jac listened to Alon pace up and down the street. Hearing something clatter into the street below, Jac spun around and tapped his metalmind. Quickly downing a vial of metal flakes, Jac pulled a glass dagger from behind his back. Sliding along the rooftop Jac rounded a chimney and saw the outline of someone crouching just ahead. Creeping up behind the watcher, Jac hit the stranger on the back of the head with the daggers handle. Grabbing the stranger before he could fall, Jac turned him over and was shocked to see it was one of his friends. "You really need to whistle before you arrive Lem." Loading Lem over his shoulder, Jac lowered himself off the rooftop and headed back to the loft above the Lurchers Inn. For those interested. Jac is a twinborn. Steelrunner and Pewterarm. He will also be a worldhopper, showing up in my future games. .
  4. Alon was fuming when he left the mansion. Not only did Dane not fully understand the situation but he completely refused to allow Alon to lead any of his soldiers in the hunt for the bandits that had destroyed his wagons and killed his employees. Doesn't the fool understand. Normal bandits don't use obsidian weapons only those working for the obligators do. And just why are they only attacking those that try to enter the village? I was able to leave with a rich wagon train but for some reason they only attacked when I returned. Reaching for the dagger at his side, Alon was surprised to find the sheath empty. Oh right. I left it stuck in the table. Clasping his hands behind his back, Alon headed to the market. Shop signs creaking in the wind, several people were moving around getting the days chores done. Shop keepers hawking their wares. All were lost on Alon as he slowly moved past deep in thought. Before he knew it Alon was standing in front of the barracks, a two storied wooden building. The sounds of clashing swords could be heard from inside. A plan began to form in his mind as he pushed open the plain wooden door. Inside were several soldiers sparring with one another under the watchful eyes of the Master at arms. A burly man with iron grey hair and a short trimmed beard. His bare arms and shoulders were heavily muscled and steel cuffs encircled his wrists.. Lining the walls were several weapon racks and various suits of armor. Walking up to the arms instructor, Alon loudly cleared his throat. "Listerseed oil will take care of that." the gruff voiced man spoke. Turning around Alon could see that the mans eyes were a pale blue. Holding up one hand he spoke "I know why your here and no you can't have any of my men for your suicide attack. How did I know/ Dane sent a runner to me just before you arrived." "I need to find the ones who did it. They must have information on who's killing everyone in town." Alon said as he eyed the training soldiers. "Look neighbor, you don't know how many there are, you don't know how well armed they are and you don't even know where they are. So how will me giving you any soldiers help?" the gruff man said while turning away. "I may not be willing to give you any troops but if you train with a few of them then maybe we can see about sending out some scouts to try and learn a thing or two about your 'friends'. Deal?" Alon looked at the man holding out his callused hand. "Deal." he said. Have retracted my vote for Wark. Voting for Clan now, as Meta said casting a wide net will give us a better chance of finding discrepancies. I mean no disrespect to Edgedancer in my post. It is purely rp.
  5. I do apologize Wark. I saw your post and just quickly scanned it without bothering to decipher your speech. I edited my post to remove the text implying this after I did a full read. As for your rping, I really enjoy it and believe you planned it out before the game started as many of us did however it wouldn't be hard to change a few things on the fly once you got your role.
  6. The mansion lay on the north side of town. A large four storied building, much taller than the houses around it, with high towers and battlements ringing the top two floors, colored pennons flapping in the winds. It was walled off from the rest of the village by ash-grey streaked stone. The steel gates were open and five guards could be seen patrolling the grounds wearing the dark red uniforms that marked them as members of the garrison. "Halt!" one of them barked as Alon approached the courtyard. Alon continued to walk towards the large double doors. "I said to halt, skaa." the guard bellowed, drawing his sword. Alon reached into his coat pocket and flashed a plaque to the guard. Glancing at the plaque the guards face drained of color. "S-sorry Sir." the guard stammered "C-can I assist you?" Replacing the plaque, Alon glanced at the guard. "You can make sure no one else gets n my way." "At once, Sir" the guard replied bolting for the main doors. Don't know where the thin man got this thing but it sure is useful. Alon thought as he passed through the now open doorway. Heading down the broad central corridor, Alon saw the guard arguing with two blue clad soldiers guarding the door to the audience chamber. "We were told not to open this door for anyone." one of them declared "He's not just anyone, he's one of them." the guard screamed. Seeing Alon approach the guard made to move away, but Alon grabbed his arm. "You never saw me, understand." Alon whispered. The guards eyes were wild as he nodded vigorously. "You can go now." The guard bolted Turning to one of the soldiers, Alon stared at the mans eyes "Open the door" he spoke. It hung there a long moment, while the soldiers looked at each other then nervously at Alon. Then one of them swallowed hard and fumbling with the handle opened the door. The audience chamber was large, carpeted and draped in maroon. Large candelabras lined the walls, and there were more candles on the polished table in the centre of the room. Two men sat at the table with documents before them. One of the men was unknown to Alon, a muscle-bound man wearing a riot of conflicting colors and a pinched-in face. The other was Dane, outfitted in close-fitting blue tunic and trousers. His black knee-high boots were polished to a mirror shine. "Alon!" Dane said sharply "what are you doing here?" Taking a seat at the table, Alon browsed through the various documents arrayed in front of him. "We need to talk." I'm going to vote for Wark. Most people are jumping on the bandwagon without giving Mabi a chance to defend. If I remember correctly Wark's backstory also has him being hit by a piece of flying tin that embedded itself into his eye. How do we know that piece of tin didn't go through another before it hit him and turned Wark into a spiked tineye. Hiding your spike through rp is a good way to throw off suspicion. Maill, the third name is for a Sel game if there is one. I'm claiming the Aon Ate (silence) before anyone else. He's going to be a Stonemason/Quarry Foreman. (depending on the scenario)
  7. You can give away your breaths without dying. You just become a drab.
  8. A platter of food awaited Alon when he awoke. Half a dozen steaming slices of meat swimming in gravy, a wedge of cheese, half a loaf of warm fresh baked bread and a pitcher of chilled wine. The room was faintly lit with the coals of the banked fire. Of his torn and bloodly clothes he wore the night before there was no sign. Instead a neatly folded stack of black clothing was sitting on one of the oaken chairs. Rising from the bed he wrapped a soft robe around himself before eating the meal, quelling the persistent rumbling of his ravenous stomach. Outside the rain had stopped, the mists retreating with the morning rays shining through the clouds. A wind howled through the village, the banging of unlatched window shutters could be heard up and down the street as shopkeepers opened for the days trading. Somewhere a dog barked insistently. Finishing his meal, Alon dressed, grabbed his leather belt and sheathed dagger hanging from the hook in the door and opened the door. Walking down the stairs he noticed that the cloak he had dropped the night before was gone, replaced with a dark green one hanging from one of the pegs by the entrance way. Nodding to the hooded man by the gate he quietly left the compound and headed towards the nobles mansion. Jac's viewpoint Jogging along the rooftops a figure followed Alon as he headed into the mansion owned by Dane. What are you up to old man? I always get warm fuzzies whenever my name appears in red. I'm suspected? The only reason I can think of is that it's because I haven't voted in any of the day cycles. First cycle I didn't vote as I had nothing to go on. Second one I thought there was no point as everyone had already piled on Asp. Third vote wasn't placed as I was away at a funeral. Cannot think of any other reason to suspect me but if killing me will prove my innocence then by all means, kill me.If you must kill me, use a garrotte. Always wanted a death scene.
  9. It was raining. A light drizzle sifting down from the night sky. Mist lay heavy upon the land, tendrils curling up and around buildings as if trying to shelter them from the rain. A lone traveller limped towards the village of Blackwater. Wrapped around him was a torn and bloody cloak. He was a tall man, this traveller, his black hair plastered to the sides of his face. A scruffy and snarled black beard covered his lower jaw. The outskirts of the village was poor, with shabby rundown hovels packed next to each other, a wet, littered dirt street running down the middle. A torch burned fitfully at the intersection where the cobbled main road crossed the alley. Turning onto the cobbled street the traveller limped to the village square. A few shops remained open, their signs creaking in the wind. A young woman wrapped in a light blue cloak stood beneath one of the hissing torches ringing the square, looking like a pale ghost. Passing a food vendor, the stranger handed over a couple of boxings in exchange for a meat pie. Once he was past the square, the streets were dark and empty. Finishing his meat pie the stranger wiped his hands on his stained cloak and making sure no one was watching, he kicked the rain-soaked planks next to a gate. There was a peculiar rhythm to the kicks. The gate creaked inwards and a figure in a black hooded cloak looked out. Seeing who it was the hooded man opened the gate wider letting the traveller enter. Limping into the rain-wet courtyard the traveller slipped a cloth pouch to the cloaked man and crossed the courtyard. Mounting the steps leading to the upper floor of the inn, the stranger let his cloak open and drop to the floor. Underneth he wore a tanned leather vest and black cloth trousers. Belted to his waist was an obsidian blade with a bone handle. Reaching the top floor the traveller limped to the third door and tapped his fingertips lightly on the door. After a moment the door opened. The man inside was thin with an angular face and pale skin. "You're late." he said. "Ambushed on the way back. They killed everyone but me." the traveller replied, stepping into the warm room. Closing the door, the pale man slid a bolt across the a solid clank. Sitting in a heavy oak chair, the traveller looked around. The room had stone walls and floor. A fire crackled in the fireplace, filling the room with dancing light and shadows. A large bed was against one wall while a table with a burning candle was against another. "I've got a bath ready for you in next room, but first you're going to tell me what happened." the pale man said as he seated himself in another chair by the fire. "Later." the traveller said. "All I want right now is to soak in a warm bath and sleep in a soft bed for a week." "No! Now Alon! Things haven't been going well here. Bartson, Xaneth and Forage are dead. We can't let this continue. The spiked have taken out some of our more powerful allomancers." "You didn't think they would go without a fight did you?" "Of course not. But we can't let them find out what we've been hiding." "Don't worry old friend. The 'item' is safe. Your 'friend' has taken it with him." "I still want to hear what happened on your trip no matter how small." "Very well." the traveller said with resignation. Outside the solitary window, a figure huddled against the rain and wind, listening to the tale being told inside. I have found you at last.
  10. Was doing a quick reread of Alloy of Law and thought of a couple of ideas. Steelrunner: (Passive) During the day you store speed making it easier for you to be lynched. (+2 votes against you) During night you use your speed to avoid being attacked. (Cannot be killed during the night cycle) While some have already brought up the idea of a Worldhopper I think we're missing an opportunity for a fun mechanic. Bringing a role from one world to another. Worldhopper: You are not from this world but instead come from xxxx. Depending on which world they come from they could have any of the already established roles. Maybe have two of three depending on number of players, with each from a different world if possible. If multiple people are Worldhoppers they should automatically know each other and have their own doc like the spiked.
  11. "Move it you slack-witted curs. We need to get these goods to Mantiz before the weeks out." Alon called to his team as five wagons loaded with timber slowly trundled down the road leading out Blackwater. Lighting his pipe, Alon turned to the young driver sitting next to him. "And just why in the Lord Rulers name were you so late? You were lucky we didn't leave without you." The driver didn't respond, he hardly ever talked which is one of the reasons Alon was so fond of the boy. He did however blush furiously and cast a look of longing over his shoulder. Noticing the gaze of his driver Alon sighed. "I see, you were with that Mabi lady last night weren't you. Well don't you worry son, you'll see her again and I'm sure she will be happy to continue your education. But right now I need you to focus on your goal. Already your letting us drift off the road." And to be honest, I wouldn't mind a refresher course from her either. he thought as he leaned back and smoked while the wagons slowly left the village of Blackwater behind. I wont be on much for the next 4-5 days. Heading to my cousin's funeral in a couple of days. Good thing I wrote a character that has a reason to be absent for a while. Will try to keep up on phone but don't count on me posting till I return. (My phone sucks when trying to do long posts.) On a game related note. The spiked wanting to kill our seekers probably means they don't have a smoker.
  12. Closing the book, Alon was surprised to see sunlight streaming in through the window shutters. "damnation that Forage! Selling me a book like that, I've gone and missed the night. Hope Cyrus made it." Stretching his back, he rose, walked down the stairs and entered the taproom. Seeing no one was around Alon placed a couple of boxings on the counter and help himself to a glass of red wine. Heading outside he found a small unoccupied table, sitting down Alon took a small sip before removing his pipe for his coat and begins to smoke. Hmm, everyone seems a little agitated for some reason. Guess Cyrus didn't make it after all. Spotting a passing urchin, Alon waved him over. "What's the news boy?" "Cyrus and the roofer died during the night" "How?" "Don't know. No one will let me see the bodies." "Thanks anyway, Here's some coin for your time." Tossing the kid a few boxings, Alon went back to his smoking and drinking. Cyrus knew he would die soon but who would want to kill Dyrii? Wouldn't surprise me if he just fell off some poor fools roof and found a rock waiting for him. Sorry I haven't posted before. Finally got my WoR book the other day and spent 18 hours reading it cover to cover. Been keeping track of game on phone though. Currently voting no kill.
  13. During one of Kaladins imprisonment chapters: (62 The One Who Killed Promises) Could this be the elusive captivity spren that Axies the Collecter was looking for?
  14. I've said it before and I will say it again. Killing the inactives gains us nothing so long as thier is at least one active spike among us. My vote shall be for Wilson as she only posted after a vote was placed despite being online before hand. It is entirely possible that she had a reason for it, but it still looks suspicious to me. And yes I am fully aware that should Seran vote for Wilson it would create a deadlock which is in the spikes best interest.
  15. Just to be clear. I'm all for killing the inactives, just not at moment. There is no point in killing them when the active spiked are still around picking us off one by one. There were two spike kills last night cycle. That means at least two active spiked. One was killed by Wes but that still leaves another. As for which inactive I think might be spiked. I think Windrunner is the most likely. Aether hasn't logged in since the 18th of Feb making it unlikely for him to be spiked as he would be unable to send in his orders. (Unless they can send in the orders via the spiked docs) As for why I'm not spiked. I outed myself as a smoker a while ago. At the same time I challenged the rioter to prove me wrong and change my vote. As anyone could see, my vote was never altered. There are three options that I can think of: The rioter failed to change my vote due to my being a smoker The rioter never tried to change my vote The rioter changed my vote while the spiked soother changed it back I leave it to you to decide which is most likely. Now to whom I think is spiked. We all know that Seran isn't. Wilson might be. I said during last day cycle that I suspected her because it would be logical to keep a spiked inside any group opposing Peng. Had a fifty/fifty shot between Wilson and Aonar, called it wrong. However it would still be useful to have a backup in the group just in case. Quillion is the one I suspect the most, mostly because he repeatedly tries to deflect suspicion onto the inactives while leaving the active spiked unopposed in their blood frenzy. I shall hold off my vote for as long as possible. Most likely I will side with Seran unless he votes for me. Should Seran not vote then I will probably vote for Quillion.
  16. Please ignore my prior post. My brain mixed up the order of spikings. Even now it continues to claim that it's right and everyone else is wrong. I am still convinced that Wilson is spiked. I don't think Seran is, he's been too sporadic to justify spiking him. (however that would also be a good way to hide a spike). At the moment the only ones I think could be spiked are Wilson, Wes and Quillion.
  17. Fools all of them. Standing in front of everyone, saying that they would help. Might as well paint a target on their back now. Alon thought. Tapping out his pipe, Alon crushed the embers underfoot. I'll help guard Cyrus but I'll do it my way. Giving a barely perceptible nod to Cyrus, Alon straightened, turned and walked off. I may only have my quarterstaff and whip but I know how to use them. Reaching Bartson's Inn he placed a couple of boxings on the counter grabbed a bottle of red wine and headed up to his room. Might as well catch a few hours sleep while I can. Man its expensive to live in this town. Giving 40 boxings to a street kid. I remember when they were happy to be given a few clips for their time.
  18. I believe that taking out Wilson is our best bet. Targeting inactives serves no purpose at this stage. With three spiked remaining they still have their two kills per night. (coinshot and teamkill) If we can kill an active spiked then we will be able to tell if there is any inactive ones as they won't be able to kill two people anymore. As for why we should kill Wilson. She was part of a group, the seven, which opposed blindly following Peng, of which I was also a member. Cessie was as well, however Cessie was removed when it was revealed that she was the inquisitor. But before her death their was one final spiking. I think they spiked one of the remaining members to continue influencing its members. Most of the group is now dead, the only remaining ones are: Wilson, Aonar and myself.
  19. Hearing the bell toil Alon hurried his workers into unloading the last of the goods. Once done he hands out the crews pay for the week. "Blasted noble. Why can't he hire some flaming warehouse workers?" Heading over towards Cryus' hovel Alon lights his pipe. What crazy proclamation is he going to give us now? Hope he has enough seats this time.
  20. "Now I need you to deliver this package to Alon in Blackwater Village. Don't let anyone see you handing it over. Your the only one I can trust this to Jac. Go as soon as your able and if Alon allows it, stay there. It will be too dangerous to return." Handing the small package over Vron gives Jac a pouch full of boxings. "These should allow you to travel there quickly." Closing the door, Vron turns to his workbench. One concoction to go. If this doesn't purge Modeft's poison from my body then nothing will. Swallowing the liquid he quickly doubles over in agony. Just need to wait for it to be fully absorbed. Gasping in pain, Vron reaches for the vial containing the antidote. Just a little longer. Vision dimming he grabs the vial and pulls the stopper out with his teeth. Almost there. Raising a shaking hand he tips the contents down his throat. Looking at the package Vron had just given him, Jac heads down the stairs. Once on the ground floor his friends walked over, Luka and Harv leading the rest. Raising his eyes Jac looked each of them. "Grab what supplies and equipment you need. We're leaving." As everyone filed out, Jac heard a soft thump from the floor above. "Good bye my friend." he whispered. I've grown too attached to Jac to let him stay here. Besides, Alon needs all the help he can get.
  21. Stopping his wagons next to Bartson's tavern, Alon quickly ordered the stablehands to start unloading the various casks and crates of alcohol. While the wagons were being unloaded under the watchful eye of his second in command, Alon headed over to Forage's shop. Once there he handed Forage a box containing some strange stone plates that seemed to glow slightly. "Your package Sir. Don't know what these are but your contact was right where you said he would be." As he headed back to his wagons he caught a glimpse of what seemed to be a small ribbon of light twirling around above the sign over Forage's door. You might want to keep your door closed Forage. You seem to be letting in some things that really shouldn't be here. Maill, by all means use the Elimination count. Glad you like it. I'm a little jealous that you already have some stats while I'm still waiting to get my first. Hopefully I can get a green count soon.
  22. Idly smoking his pipe Vron scanned the remnants of Modeft's crew. Over half the crew dead. Even if we were to find and kill all the spiked, I doubt that we would have enough to overthrow the inquisitors like Modeft wanted. Oh well, once I'm cured I'll go visit Alon over in Blackwater Village. He still owes me a few boxings and I think its time I collected. After ordering a bottle of wine Vron pulls a cloth-wrapped bundle from his pouch. Maybe I'll sent Alon a gift first. Never hurts to grease the wheel a bit. Still can't believe no one picked this up when we killed Cessie. I mean who in their right mind would leave an obsidian blade just lying around, even if it doesn't have a handle. Slipping the bundle back into his pouch, Vron picked up his glass and raising it to some unseen force whispered "Here's to living for another day."
  23. Delivering goods to and from Blackwater, Alon leads a small team of wagon drivers and guards. Due to me still being alive in the second game and with WoR coming out soon I have no problem being bumped out if room is needed for someone else.
  24. damnation you Modeft. You said you would give us the cure once the inquisitor was dead. Well she's dead alright, there's pieces of her spread everywhere. Only her lackeys are left and you never said anything about them, so give me the blasted antidote already. Vron thought as he headed towards the hideout for his daily dose of water. Another two dead and with nothing to go on its only a matter of time before my number is up as well. May the Lord of Games watch over me. Finding an unoccupied table, Vron sat down and removed a box from within his coat. "Well, I guess there's no point hiding it anymore." he muttered. Opening the box he pulled out an ornate wooden pipe and pouch of tobacco. Lighting his pipe Vron leaned back against the wall and closed his eyes. Lets see what this day brings us. Seeing as that anyone I have been suspicious about have all turned out innocent, (Dyring, Aspren and Kukri) I am going to vote for one of the ones that has flown completely under my radar. Sorry Grave, but you are almost at the bottom of my list and are therefore the one I now suspect the most.
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