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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. @kirk Sorry for late response, was at work when posted and only just got home to answer. I not voting along side Peng because he has nothing to go on. Peng himself said that targeting Wes was his best guess. Until someone can provide proof that killing Wes is a good idea my vote remains unchanged. @quiver Sorry. was hoping that a vote for proxy would only mean a fun but worthless death. didn't know Meta was going to lump both chars together.
  2. Thanks awesome, my computer is now covered in coffee. That is one creepy cat. Meta wants us to kill someone. Modeft wants a bloodbath. No one has any real proof of anything. To that end, I say we lynch someone who's made an appearance but not actually a player. Let us throw Meta our own curveball and vote Quillion , Ollivier's proxy. @kurk, Peng has cast his vote. He voted for Wes
  3. I see three messages. Peng killing Lam. Distrust blood and Death wants vengeance To me, it looks like we have three tineyes. Edit. Might be four. Blood we thirst 'fore we die. Could be another.
  4. "RUIN TAKE YOU MODEFT!" Vron yelled. Another bottle sailing across the room to lie shattered among the remnants of its brethren. "Seven bottles of water and I still can't find anything out of the ordinary." Despite several hours of furious work, Vron was no closer to finding an antidote than he was to finding the fabled cache of atium. So great was his rage that he almost missed hearing the floorboard outside his room creak as someone stepped on it. "So, he has come for me has he, well I'll not go down easy. I have a few tricks up my sleeve." Grabbing a couple of glass orbs from his nightstand, Vron moved to the side and waited for the door to open. A few seconds passed then a piece of paper slid under the door. Letting out a sigh of relief Vron listened to the sound of footsteps slowly recede down the hall. After replacing the glass orbs, he picked up the note and scanned its contents. "They want WHAT? NOW? In the middle of the night? Don't they know they need to drop their messages in early." he exclaimed. "Oh well, a delivery is a delivery even if it's not one I normally make." Gathering up what he needed, Vron donned his cloak and set out into the mists. As he rounded a corner a thought suddenly struck him. "That's it. I know how to cure the poison. All I have to do is dose myself with a stronger one and then drink the antidote. As long as its potent enough it should override Modefts poison. Hmm, I'm going to need a few things first. Aspren should be able to acquire what I'm after." With that happy thought, Vron set off the deliver his package with a spring in his step. I agree. Shiv's eastern slang is a blast to read. I enjoy trying to work out what he's saying and then see how close I am with his spoilers. Also I think Shiv is right. We need more inter-character interaction. This game will be a lot more fun if we try and play off each others stories. Even if we do it wrong it might still be worth a good laugh or two. Having never done anything like this before, I might be wrong. Anyone else think we could give this a go?
  5. "Poison me will he. I don't think so!" Vron spluttered. Storming over to the bar, he grabbed several empty wine bottles and filled them with the laced water. Raising his gaze to the rafters Vron yelled "You're going to have to do better than this Modeft. You can't kill an alchemist with a slow poison. I'll have a cure before the nights out." Slamming the door open he proceeded to his room to begin his analysis of the water and its delaying effect. Great write up Meta.
  6. Another question Meta. What happens if two lurches lurch at the same time? Does the lurched get ripped in half or does it cancel each other out allowing the coinshot to kill their target?
  7. The inquisitors spiking powers greatly intrigue me. I wonder what happens if they spike two coinshots together. Can the new spiked coinshot kill two people a night or only one? What about thugs, can they survive a double powered coinshot? A smoker/seeker would be a good combo too. So many questions, so few to experiment upon. I am not the inquisitor. Just voicing some thoughts I would have as an alchemist Please don't lynch me tomorrow Edit: spelling
  8. Just had a nasty thought. What if the Inquisitor can mass riot like they can in the books? All our no kill votes will be worthless. *gulp* Anyone else feel a noose tightening?
  9. Opening his eyes, Vron was surprised to find that he had dozed off while leaning against the bar. Noting the sun sinking through the windows, he rose, stretched and glanced around him. "Evening all, I do hope we all live through the night." And with those parting words, Vron left the building and set out to find Jac and his gang of runners. 'I do hope those boys have delivered all the packages I gave them.' With all the plans and plotting going on, I think the inquisitor would most likely lay low tonight and not kill anyone. Instead they would be trying to find a way to setup our mistborn claimant for a lynching.
  10. Vron casually walked up to the bar and ordered a mug of ale. The sickly-sweet odor of death still lingered in the air. As Roban delivered his drink, Vron handed over a small vial of liquid. "Pour some of this over any remaining stains. It will mask the smell until a through scrubbing can be done." Leaning his back against the bar, he listened to the conflicting arguments going back and forth. 'Peng is a mistborn?' he thought. 'Well stranger things have happened. After all, the Lord Ruler himself is dead. Never thought that would happen, so why not a orphan mistborn.' Sounds like a plan. I too vote no kill.
  11. Vron wasn't sure if it was the pounding in his head that woke him up or someone pounding on his door. He cracked an eye and was surprised to see daylight poking through the shutters. "Sir," A voice called from beyond the door. "Sir, you need to get up. Something has happened." Slowly Vron rose from his bed, trying to avoid having the room spin he shuffled over to the door. "What happened?" he croaked out. "Can you open the door Sir. It's very hard to hear you." the voice called. Unlocking the door, Vron was about to open it when the door suddenly swung open and caught him full in the face. "Um, sorry." the voice said. "Ooo, you busted his nose Jac." Another spoke. "News." Vron spoke while trying to stop both the bleeding and the room spinning. "Right." the second voice said. "Modeft is dead." "They say it was the spikeheads that got 'im." "Anything else?" "No, just the big commotion down by the tavern." Handing a couple of clips to each of the four kids, Vron climbed back onto his bed and started to drift off. Sitting bolt upright, "Modeft is dead??" Vron exclaimed. "What happened?"
  12. Vron quietly slid unnoticed from Dyring's cellar after doctoring a couple of his ale casks with a minor hallucinogenic compound. After finding an unoccupied table near the back wall, he pulls out one of Aether's lists and mutters to himself. 'With this many crew members, I'm going to need to stockpile any metals I can find. If only the last shipment I had acquired hadn't stopped over in Tyrian Falls.
  13. Names Vron. Alchemist by trade, poisoner by choice. I handle the crews metal needs. Deliveries made anonymously to the drop point of your choice.
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