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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Another vote in the lynch, a scapegoat, someone else to gather information/Blades, someone the village wouldn't think would work with the elims. These are all reasons I would work with a neutral if I was an Elim. In fact, I've worked with several in past games to varying success. There was one game where we worked with a neutral Araris and that resulted in one of the more dangerous players being attacked 7 times in a Night by the villagers. Seven! He survived and ultimately we lost the game but still...
  2. I am so very pleased that a tie was attempted while I was away yet incredibly saddened that once again vote manipulations interfered with the will of the Gods of Luck and Chance. I'm going to have to vote against this proposal purely out of principal. I'm with you on this. All the way! I would be very interested in just what 'very good authority' you have in regards to Kaladin being the one to remove a vote on Quinn rather than the secret role. I have my suspicions as to why but would like those confirmed or refuted if possible. If it is true that Kaladin tried to gain someones trust by removing a vote on Quinn while impersonating a Blade holder, then that person really should reveal who the imposter is so they can be dealt with either tonight or with tomorrows lynch.
  3. This folks is part of the reason why I love tied lynches. So much fun at the end of a cycle. Although, I do feel for the poor GMs. Not too much though. I've been where they are now and it's both fun and frustrating.
  4. Act how you want to act in SE. Want to take a couple of cycles off, do it. Want to post strange facts about weird things, do it. I've done that one myself. If you don't want to do something, don't do it. Just be aware that there are consequences for some actions. For instance, if you don't turn up for a couple of cycles, you might find yourself Mod-killed or lynched depending on rules. That's a lot harder to answer. I think the rule of thumb is, so long as you're not disturbing others or breaking the law, do what you want. I saw one guy walking sideways down a shopping isle a few years ago simply because they felt like it at the time. Deep down everyone is really different to everyone else. Some are just better at hiding it.
  5. You don't have to have one playstyle. You can have a different one for QF than you do for LGs or ones based on your mood at the time. You don't need to cement anything. I myself have 5 different playstyles that I use, some similar enough that most wouldn't be able to tell the difference while others are vastly contrasting. You are not the only one to do that. Even though I haven't seen my eldest sister for over a year, I know exactly where she is and how any conversation with her would go. Everyone does it to some extent with family even if they aren't aware of it. We are all different and that's how it should be. Don't let anyone tell you how you should or shouldn't act as the only one that truly knows is you. Unless you're breaking the law or endangering people that is.
  6. While I'm no longer a SE Mod, I love SE and the community we have here so I'll just say: Firstly, thank you Fura for bringing this up. Bringing attention to an issue you see is always welcome and a good idea. Secondly, If anyone sees it happening in a game, please call them out on it. Use blue to make it stand out if you want. It's a colour used for OOG talk so it's perfect for this. It is only together that we can make SE a welcoming place for all. While it is true that some ignore it, others might not see it or if they do, might not think much of it. The only way to stop a potential bully or someone crossing a line, is to speak up. If you would rather not do it publicly, talk to the GM or IM. They are there for such things. They can set up a PM for the parties involved to talk things out. Sometimes it's a simple misunderstanding, other times someone might not realize just how their post sounds. Talking helps. If you still feel like nothing is being done, you can contact other IMs that aren't playing or go to Rubix or firstRainbowRose if you feel you need to as they have the ultimate say.
  7. Yikes. I think I'm going to skim most of the posts given how many pages there are. While I'm being lazy, if someone does want to ask me a question, please tag, quote or vote for me as I'm far more likely to see it. It's amazing how seeing your name in red draws the eye to a post. Basically what Fura said. When I'm evil, I tend to know the rules back to front and inside out (not that I'll ever let on). I tend to know more about the rules as I have more to think about since the elims know their teammates and what resources are available to them. That doesn't mean everyone is the same, just that that is how I do things. Different playstyles and all that. When someone seemingly knows the ins and outs of the rules it can raise warning flags for me. Having said that, the rule Devotary pointed out isn't a hidden mechanic or something you really need to work out or even a contradiction in the rules itself, it's in plain sight for all to see so I don't think it's that big a thing. I also saw it in my brief glance over before the start of the game but didn't say anything in case the elims didn't see it as I'm someone that likes to keep information hidden until it's needed. Given that I have been basically away for almost a year, they are quite a bit behind. I also don't 'sell' the profiles of other people, you can only request your own. As for the price, that depends on what you want. One games worth is low, possibly free, while a full work up on every game you've played is very expensive. Odium Shard expensive for about 15 LGs and the price goes up with every game played.
  8. Most likely because they can win with either the elims or the village. Depending on their win con, they might find it easier to side with or help the elims so them being listed as Village doesn't really work.
  9. I disagree with this. Generally, when there are games that encourage voting or there are lots of votes for other reasons *cough* Contribution Crusade *cough*, the elims tend to win as it's easier for them to hide among the votes and you would be surprised how easy it is to sway the lynch when there's more voters as that gives you a bigger pool of votes to turn and you only need so many before others start to bandwagon. Admittedly the same can be said about there being very few votes as it allows the elims to control the lynch and we don't want that but I would much rather have people vote if they want to vote rather than forcing them to as it can discourage people from playing. And yes, for some players telling them to vote can be seen as forceful as it makes them uncomfortable and less likely to play again as they can't play their way without people telling them to do it the "correct" way.
  10. Personally, I like the big Gears posts at start of the game. It reveals a lot about them and can really help the village. Sure it can help the elims too but they already get a Doc to plan in and in my experience in being evil, most of the time the elims come up with similar or better ideas than the village so a post like Gears doesn't hurt the village too much. Keep it up Gears. A village read on Devotary D1? Generally when that happens, Devotary turns out evil. I'll be watching this. So neutral or evil read on me? Yeah, that's not going to change. I almost always give off neutral vibes, it's why I'm the Lord of Shadows. Yes and we should never stop doing them. SE is constantly changing and evolving so coming back to topics of discussion that affect every game is always a good idea as it helps to invoke change. Peoples opinions also change over time and those that are against D1 lynches might switch to being in favour of them later down the line and vice versa. There's more to it than just that but there's already been 11 new posts just while I've been writing to this point. Basically rehashing old discussions is a good thing as new players will have different viewpoints and opinions and we should all respect that and let them have their say without coming down on them just because we do things differently at this point in time. Indeed. Having players give their role distributions can be very helpful. Once an elim is found and if they gave a distribution it can be useful seeing what they 'guess' compared to what has been revealed. The differences or similarities can be quite telling. There was another post I was going to quote about not slowly reading the rules before a game starts but I guess I didn't push the button. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Personally, I almost never read the rules in depth before the start of a game. I tend to do a lot of reading so going through the rules with a fine-toothed comb and planning before I even know what side I'm on really doesn't help as I still have to go over the rules again and then go through any clarifications that have turned up.
  11. Since the Shaman can basically steal any and all Honorblades the elims gather, killing them is vital if they go for that win con. Claiming Shaman is not a good idea imo, although the rest of Gears post is very well thought out and contains some great points..
  12. Normally, I wouldn't play because the Ooklas tend to get mixed up in my mind making it harder for me to get any reads, and I get few enough of them as it is, but I really want a Honorblade or two for my collection. With that being said, please put your hands together for the return of Izzy Dedyet. Or Izzy-Daughter-Ammi if you will.
  13. Yes Chipmunks. And yes, they are the Chipmunks you are thinking of.
  14. I used to work in a Mall that had Christmas music constantly going for 2 months. As a result, I am not a fan of it. There are few Christmas songs I enjoy. Grandma got run over by a Reindeer, Jingle Bombs and Chipmunks Roasting on a Open Fire to give you an idea.
  15. I haven't played in a long time but an RNG vote is precisely what I do. Constantly. Unless I have something to go on like Gears RP confession, which I'm still sus about, I tend to go with the Gods of Luck and Chance. And I never will. I don't try and convince others that I'm village, it's not my style. I would rather spend my time looking into others than defending myself.
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