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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. 4 pages if you add in all the hidden posts you can't see. Edit: 3 pages now.
  2. I'll take that lifeline, Coda. Thanks. It makes it a tie which is just fine with me. Xino, may the Gods of Luck and Chance decide our fate.
  3. Well, that's it I guess. Assuming Rath is cancelling two votes on Coda, there's nothing I can do now to survive the lynch. I do however implore you all to lynch Coda next cycle. It has to be either Coda or Xino with an outside chance of Rath. Abs is cleared by being scanned N1 and killing Venture D2 after there was a conversion. I'm cleared by me knowing I'm village (as you will all soon see) and by also killing Shanerocks D5 with Elk. Zillah is cleared as they didn't post at all during the 5th cycle and there was a kill. Rath has an outside chance of being evil simply because I can't see anything to clear him. If they hadn't posted at the end of N5 they would've been cleared. They would've had more to gain by not talking as then it would be either Xino or Zillah up for the lynch. Xino was roleblocked N5 and there was a kill so unless they are a Thug, which I can see there being two Thugs on team evil but don't think it's likely. Coda has nothing going either way apart from my constant feelings and the tone of their posts this cycle. They also happen to be a Gold Ferring which is the only role the Elim team hasn't had yet. Yes it's thin but it's better than almost anything else we have.
  4. But there was no attention on you. Zillah, Xino and myself are all listed ahead of you for lynching. Even Rath is more likely to be lynched before you. Or at least attempted given his subset ability. Your post sounds like you're scrambling to come up with excuses. Your first post this cycle tried to cement Elks analysis and determine the lynching order. Second post you tried to claim you were cleared while also setting things up the next cycle. The post above is giving more reasons why you might be wrong while also trying to gain sympathy. Don't get me wrong, it's a good ploy but it all just seems off enough to stir up those feelings I keep having about you.
  5. You were not cleared by Elks will. They only said they didn't think you were evil. You are also not one of the ones scanned by the Research department. In fact the only thing that points to you not being evil is the fact that Venture was and the two of you are in the same subset but that means nothing when there was a conversion.
  6. Zillah didn't post during D5 or N5 so couldn't send in the kill. Xino should've been roleblocked unless they are a thug which I'm iffy on given Shane was a Thug. I know I'm village. Rath unfortunately posted during N5 so they could've placed the kill and they tried to seal the lynch on Abs D2 but posted to late. But to be honest, my primary suspicion is Coda. Nothing solid but a consistent feeling I keep getting. Yes, this would mean that the entire Communication subset is evil but still, something keeps dragging my eyes back to Coda and I'm going to listen to it.
  7. Abs was solely responsible for moving a vote from them to Venture after someone flipped so I don't think they have. If both Venture and Abs were evil then they could've added a vote to Coda tying it up between the three of them giving both of them a chance of surviving but instead Abs saved themselves and killed an Elim. (Yes, I'm aware that Coda had a vote removed but Abs would've had no way of knowing that.) I highly doubt you are evil since you voted on Shane and kept it there even after they responded when you could've just as easily moved your vote back to me. We can also trust the third scan if we know who it was. Either Zillah or Rath. If they had come up evil then I suspect Kidpen would've revealed it rather than keeping it secret. Given that Kidpen voted on Rath during the D4 cycle, I don't think they were the third scan so that would have to be Zillah. Which means that Xino is most likely evil. And I was so hoping to keep the PR subset whole.
  8. Given Zillah hasn't posted since D4 while Xino posted this Day, might I suggest you roleblock Xino? If Zillah is evil then they will need to post during this Night in order to use the attack.
  9. That would be me. I transferred your vote onto Shanerocks. Or rather I used the PR subset ability to do so.
  10. Do you know if it reveals EBIs if scanned?
  11. Do your scans show up those that are EBIs or does it just gives roles and subset information?
  12. What did the others bring? Any other book references? Also, if you only brought a Bead of Lerasium, how did you win? Did someone bring pewter or iron filings?
  13. On the contrary, lynching me will lose us a role. It just won't lose us a subset role.
  14. I'm thinking only one elim left myself. But I can see two. Without knowing who might have been cleared by the Research dept given that I don't think it's even been confirmed that they have a scan, I have it down to you Elk along with Coda and Zillah being the last elim. I would place my odds on Zillah personally. The unknown subset does not have a kill. I wish they did because then I would be using it. We have the vote manipulation. It's been used twice both on our own members. Once to save Abs and once to save me, although it turned out not to be needed last cycle. What do you mean by being exposed?
  15. Well, I'm willing to do that for my own self preservation. Bard.
  16. Don't get me wrong, I know what their reason was, it just doesn't work when applied to me as I explained in my post above. I would also point out that when I placed my vote I did so to try and prevent any vote manipulations changing the outcome. If Elandera had control of the Legal vote cancelling then it would've been only four votes on them at end of cycle and there is also another vote manipulation that moved a vote from Abs to Venture so depending on where the EBIs are and who's paying attention, they could've tied the vote up. And that was with my vote. If I hadn't voted, they could've swing the vote completely onto Elk. Thankfully they either didn't think of it or didn't have the resources to do so. Personally, I want to vote for Rath but since he's the final member of Legal, he has control over the two vote cancelling ability so he wouldn't have any votes at end of cycle. If I vote on either Bard or Kidpen, Rath can cancel the votes on them and leave me alone to be lynched rather than tied like I prefer. For my final words, something to think about. Rath has almost complete control over the lynch when it's this close. I'm honestly surprised the elims didn't kill him last Night and remove a powerful ability from the village hands.
  17. I am suspicious of everyone and I trust no one. Wait, Scratch that. I trust Abs but that's about it. And seeing as I have two votes on me for some reason, I would like to point out that If I was evil, I wouldn't have voted on Elandera. I hadn't voted in the two cycles beforehand even when Venture was a possible lynch so why would I draw attention to myself now?
  18. I agree completely with you. Even if there wasn't the possibilities of conversions, I wouldn't clear anyone for revealing information that a group of people knew about. Given that there are 15 players and as far as I know each subset has three members each, wouldn't that leave you a group short? Since you're not a member of the Legal or Sunshine departments and you didn't mention the Communication branch, I'm assuming you are one of their two remaining members. So that would leave two other groups currently unnamed. Although Kyne wasn't listed as being in any one group so maybe there's a group with only two members or there's something else I'm missing (which to be fair is far more likely).
  19. If you have the game all but solved, why not share? Better to solve the game now than for you to die and take the information with you into the grave should you be attacked.
  20. Elandera is basically only being lynched based on Bards claim. In past games when such claims tend to be wrong, the claimant tends to be lynched next cycle. I know but the odds of getting a tie at this stage is almost impossible. However, if you can somehow get two more votes on Elk, I'll be willing to switch and be the tying vote.
  21. Ah, my thanks for pointing that out Rath. I thought I had kept better tabs on the death reveals but apparently not. So, if my tally is correct, which at this stage I wouldn't be surprised to find I missed something, then it's 5 votes on Elandera and 2 on Elk. We know of a vote moving ability and a vote cancelling ability at very least so it is currently possible for the lynch to end in a tie albeit unlikely. That said the evidence against Elandera isn't strong, just a roleblock claim against an apparent no kill. It is however the best lead we have. Sorry Elandera but I would rather learn the truth than hope it ends in a tie at this stage. Rest assured that if you are innocent, Bard will likely be lynched the next cycle. Votes: Xino (0): Elandera Bard (0): Elk Elandera (6): Bard, Xino, Rath, Abs, Kidpen, Alv Elk (2): Elandera, Zillah Coda (0): Elk
  22. Many thanks. I don't think it will be necessary for someone to come forward to confirm your claim as it would be foolish of an elim to claim a whole subset which could easily be counterclaimed. I don't think your vote was moved to Venture. Two votes were removed and only one added. It makes more sense for the one on Abs to be moved to Venture rather than yours as that would've left it a tie, which of course isn't a bad thing but I doubt many would that. I'm interested in how you came by your information. Since the only Subsets to be revealed are the Sparkles and Communication groups, how do you know of the Legal department? It makes sense for there to be one but you could only know the name if you are either in the team, and Elim or have a PM from the Communication team and they have a PM with someone from Legal.
  23. I didn't say they were inactive, just that they didn't post, although I will admit I wasn't clear as I could've been. What I meant was that the five players I listed didn't post during that Night cycle and thus are a possible source for the lack of kill. I myself talked in my Doc but didn't post so I was active just not publicly, I cannot however prove that as it would reveal another in the same subset. I'm not a big fan of the sudden votes piling on Elandera as it tends to stifle discussion even when it's a good lead. It does however bring up a couple of questions. @Young Bard, how do you know Elandera was roleblocked? Is there anyway it can be verified by another? For the record, I'm fine not having it confirmed I just want to cover all bases. Also, do you know what happened to your vote on Coda? I admit that at the start of the cycle I wanted to vote on you Bard so that is likely colouring me against your claim at moment.
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