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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Real question is why don't you have catnip on you.
  2. For those that are not aware of Ookla season, there are several threads about it and I wouldn't be surprised if another turned up soon. This one by Kaymyth is my favourite but Eerongal did an updated one last season. Also, I win by power of being me.
  3. If you want the first episode of the first campaign, here's the link. Sadly, I'm only up to ep 25 of the first campaign but hopefully life will let me watch more soon.
  4. @Elbereth, I give you complete creative control of Tugog. Sadly it seems I was a touch too hasty in signing up as RL has decided I'm not allowed to play and so I have to withdraw from the game. Sorry.
  5. BUTTONS! A Kettle. In a Kettle. Two mice. Squeaky, squeaky. Quiet Zunn, you're dead, Head on back to bed. Tugog the Rhymer is here to play, Soon each of you he will slay. Tugog the Rhymer (blood brother to Zunn) signing up. Don't expect much discussion from me this game as I'm going to be trying to rhyme everything. Zunn the Mad might also shown up from time to time. He's having a little trouble accepting the whole being dead thing.
  6. If it makes you feel better, the Gods of Luck and Chance are saying you are the Spy. I'm just ignoring them for now and going with my gut.
  7. I'm not sorry at all I died when I did. Whenever I RP a character I try to get into their head so I can feel what they feel. Asterion was not in a good place. There were several times where I had to stop typing his RP and go outside for a breath of fresh air because I got too deep into his mind. I was happy to be lynched. It was my idea to kill you. You were a threat and threats need to be removed. I don't care about keeping talkative or 'experienced' players alive so I can hide among them. I would rather keep new players alive so they get experience or the not as much talkative / analyzing players so they can flourish without others overshadowing them. Clearly that isn't me eating those pancakes. After all, everyone knows Waffles are superior. Guys, guys. It's very clear who the spy is. It's me! Think about it. I knew the ids of all the Discovery members before they knew mine and I even had Rae pegged as the EO the same cycle she turned. But really, Stink, Wilson or Itiah is our best bet. Wilson seems too obvious but maybe that's what she wants. Striker and Venture are possibilities but I discounted them. Striker because while I can see it, there's just not enough to go on one way or another. Venture I doubt because he could've easily voted for me on D1 when everyone thought I was tied in the lynch with Striker. If I was a betting person, and I am, I would say Itiah is the spy.
  8. Well, I was going to vote on Xino and the log for the night but it seems that I now lead the votes and that's just not allowed. So I can either choose to vote for Venture or Spooky Ghost Girl Who Totally Isn't Real And Is Just A Fragment Of Memory. I am toying with you. You haven't played in ages and I'm not going to miss out on having some fun with you. Even if you aren't really here. So long as both of us are alive, I intend to make the most of it. QFs are the perfect place for IKYKs. You don't have the time to spiral out of control but rather have to trust your gut and take the Chance it's right. While I really, really want to vote for you so you can join in the fun, I can't because voting for someone who totally doesn't exist makes no sense. Wait, why am I talking to a figment of my shattered psyche? Venture.
  9. To be fair, I've only done it once so if I was to do it again, I would be hoping the second time is the charm. I doubt I'd try it a third time if it fails the first two rounds. Personally, I want to vote for Wilson simply for kicks but Asterion is purposely avoiding her because she isn't real. Just a spectre sent to haunt him. Xino is being quiet, only posting a short bit of RP. If nothing changes between now and when I log for the night, I'll likely vote on them.
  10. You're not alone. I completely forgot we need to green our original votes and thought it was tied between Striker and myself. As for Striker, I completely ignored them. By the time I managed to get online, it was, or so I thought, tied between the two of us and I was happy to leave it at that. Instead I worked on Asterions RP which I think worked out quite nicely. Once it came time for me to log for the night, it was still tied so I went with my gut on DeTess. I've actually done this in a prior game. It didn't work and I was lynched shortly after but who knows, second times the charm? ---------- Sleep had come fitfully for him over the night as it had for many nights over the past five years. Five years. Had it really been that long? He had only fragments of memories from after his so called death. The taste of blood on the back of his throat. The sound of rain pattering against the cobblestones. The tightness of a cloak around his neck. The coldness of steel piercing his skin. The smell of the dead as he was loaded onto a wagon with the other bodies. He didn't want to open his eyes for if he did he would have to face the world yet again. Face those eyes that judged him from the shadows. Eyes as white as ice. And a face just as cold.
  11. I think I'm going to limit RP to just once per cycle. Asterion is starting to calm down a bit but I don't want to push. He's fragile enough as it is. I'm going to vote again for DeTess. I'm getting the same feelings I was getting last time.
  12. You'll never get us all! Some of us will survive to avenge the fallen!
  13. To the best of my knowledge there is no Mod PM.
  14. You already are a double agent. You betrayed us!
  15. The teacup rattled against the saucer as he placed it back on the table. His head was pounding, the pain pulsing behind his right eye like a blacksmith pounding steel on an anvil. He reached down to grasp the handle of the teacup before snatching it back. A half forgotten memory surfacing through the pain. The taste of mint on his tongue. The spilled contents of a cup. A smile from someone that could've been an ally. Asterion shakily pushed the tea as far away as he could. He looked towards the exit only to see another bolt it closed. Panic rising his eyes darted around the room looking for more exits. Instead of an exit he found himself locking eyes with a ghost. Memories rising unbidden to his minds eye. A womans face covered in syrup and blood as glitter and hair slowly drifted down upon her. Flames licking the body as an inhuman screech tore through the air from the mechanical monstrosity that flew in the sky belching smoke. Twin laughter drifting on the wind. His mind reeling as it tried to separate past from present, dream from reality. She's not here. She's not real. His breathing becoming more and more rapid, Asterion stood, took a couple of steps towards the ghost that haunted him. He reached forth a hand only to let it fall limp once again, his courage fleeing him as quickly as it came. He had to get out. Another door. A window. Anything! He needed to get out!
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