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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Guys. This is so not helping Asterion with his PTSD. Welcome back Bloodthirsty Goddess. And before you chew me out for using the forbidden title, note that your RP clearly has you planning to bathe in the blood of your enemies.
  2. I did consider it but felt that it would work as the Lynch mechanic. When Stilled they are sent out of the Tower and expected to die so that fit a lynching quite well. Burning out was also considered but that made things a touch to complex imo and it would be basically the same as death. Maybe as a delayed death mechanic it could work but.... I'm quite interested in seeing what Fifth (or anyone else) comes up with and if it's run.
  3. I'm about to log for the day. I would do some RP but Asterion is having a little trouble pulling himself together. I don't think I knew just how deeply the last game affected him. I'm going to place a vote on DeTess. I can't shake the feeling that they are hiding something. Plus it creates a tie and ties are always fun.
  4. It was called Mask of Mirrors during the Age of Legends. In modern WoT, it's called Mirror of Mists.
  5. Been clearing out some of my half formed games and came across this one. If anyone wants to run or tinker with it, feel free. I won't be running it so it's up for grabs. Wheel of Time: White Tower: It still needs a good deal of work but it has potential for a fun but chaotic game.
  6. Given it has been several months since anyone posted, I'm going to assume it safe for this game to be closed. (We will get all caught up at some stage I swear) Congratulations to the Rebels for overthrowing the Police. Let Anarchy reign. Many, many thanks to Striker for running his first game. It was a fun game to watch unfold with a wonderful twist on some classic roles. Thanks also to Maill for helping Striker GM. I'm sure Striker benefited greatly having you there to help them out. And as always, thanks to all the players. These games are only as wonderful and successful as they are thanks to every single one of you in our little group. If anyone would like to try their hand at running a game, please get a hold of Wilson, Orlok, Fifth or myself. Not only will we get you added to the list, but we'd also be more than willing to help out in any way we can.You can also ask questions and get some hints and feedback from everyone over here in our Art of Game Creation thread as well. With all the games that we've run so far, we have plenty of experienced GMs that can help you refine any game you're thinking about! If you would rather keep some detail secret or are self conscious about posting in thread (there's really no need to be, while we do slaughter each other, we are very polite about it), then I'm sure one of our fantastic committee members (Elbereth, Amanuensis, Aonar Faileas, A Joe in the Bush, and Stink) would be more than willing to help you out in private.Thanks again to everyone that played and we look forward to killing seeing you in future games!
  7. The Frozen Moon. Once a favoured place of his but now all it brought were memories of pain and death. After all, it wasn't far from here that he had almost died. Asterion tried to swallow the lump that continued to grow in his throat. Tried and failed. The memories were too strong. A simple cup of rose tea. A grey panda splintering the doorframe as it followed a striped cat. He knew what followed but couldn't stop himself from remembering. The pain in his arm. A painter who moonlighted as a server in the teahouse. The bones of his friends and enemies returned to some semblance of life as they stalked towards him. The taste of his blood as it hit the back of his throat. The tightness of his cloak as it wrapped around his neck trying to fulfill it's final command. The memories came fast. Too fast. The lump in his throat welled up making it even more difficult to breathe. He had to leave. He had to get out of there. Away, he had to get away! Asterion stood and bolted out of the teahouse. ______ Fantastic write up Kas. I love all the attention to details you include. Asterion isn't happy with you but I loved it all. ______ Fair warning, rollover is at 2am for me so don't expect me to be online anywhere near rollover. Personally, I think Striker is more likely to be correct. 14 players would suggest 3 elims at most especially given the chance of a convert. But I could see an outside chance of there being 4 since there is a player who knows the names of the elims so a higher than normal starting elim team wouldn't be completely off the cards.
  8. A man walked into the teahouse. A man who had been there several times before but had not been seen for quite some time. A man many thought was dead. Asterion sat at one of the few empty tables. He did not speak. In fact, he could not speak even if he wished to. Two crossbow bolts to the throat saw to that. Instead Asterion sat and watched and waited. He knew what was coming and he was ready this time. He did miss the weight of Regicide though.
  9. @Doc12 What makes you think you're not a good SE player? For that matter, what makes a good SE player? These games aren't about being good at them, they are about having fun. I am probably one of the worst villagers to ever play but I keep playing for the fun of the game and for that next time I'm evil (which I consider to be fun). You have the makings of a great addition to our little group, you just need to find what you enjoy the most about SE. If it's analyzing players but you don't have the time then maybe only do one player each cycle. Maybe your top two suspects or something like that. No one expects essay levels of analysis every turn of every game and if they do, then I would fully expect and demand them to be the one doing it. Maybe PMing and behind the scenes is more your thing then that's fine too. If you just want to RP then do that. Try something different each game until you find something you truly enjoy and then fiddle around with that. No one here has any right to say you don't belong or that you should play a certain way and if they do, then send them my way and I'll be very happy to educate them. I don't really RP, analyze or PM and no one really expects me to do those. I sit and think, gathering information and lurking as I wait for that little piece of the puzzle that makes everything fit together. Do you know how many times that's happened? Twice. In all my games my way of doing things has only paid off twice. Find what makes SE fun for you, stick with it and everything else will fall into place. If SE isn't fun then maybe it's not for you but if you do enjoy it, then I think it would be a shame to give up on something you enjoy simply for something as trivial as not being good at it.
  10. I do. If I made a deal with someone, I keep it no matter what. But I also said I would've offered you the same deal I had with El. I would've said something like 'Same terms as I had with El? You give me Daggers and I give you everything else?" I had no deal with El so if you accepted then we wouldn't have a deal but you would think we did. Of course you might've gone for another type of deal which if I agreed to, would've kept.
  11. And I would've offered the same deal I had with El. And then promptly stabbed you in the back because of course I would. I'm glad I could entertain you in death. To be fair, that part was added to help sell my lie. Some players know I'm one to use semantics to my advantage so adding that little bit helped convince them I was telling the truth. And if you're completely honest, there would've been a chance you wouldn't see that loophole. It would depend on how tired or busy you were but still a chance. I am glad my Jailhouse RP entertained those that it did. But I'm more glad that it also helped to sell my lie which I like to think was a rousing success. If there is one piece of advice everyone should follow: Never trust Alv! Along with Aman or Burnt or Devotary or Drake or Fifth or ... you know what, just don't trust anyone here. Safer that way. I'm curious as to if Drake would've had enough Boxings to kill everyone if there wasn't some magic Boxings hijinx going on behind the scenes. Day One of my newfound Freedom I have been left alone in a cell that no living human should ever be subjected to. But then, I’m no living human. For I am NaVorl of the Collective and I am Kandra! Constable Altea is firmly with the now Emperor Sheev. Her recruitment into the Collective will have to be reviewed. Perhaps she can still be of use in the future but in a lesser capacity than Ratel had planned. I am unsure if Altea is aware of my survival but given the smirk she wore when she handed me the rope I used to hang myself, I suspect she is. Senator Alron will remain dead, for twice now this form has failed in the arena of politics. While it is well versed in backroom deals, when it comes to swaying a crowd or even a small group it seems to be lacking something. NaVorl of the Collective
  12. To be clear, it's not a defense. It's an explanation. I expect and should be lynched. I broke the deal I had with El, though I thought she broke it first, and should face the consequences. I don't see Rae being corrupt. Her almost vote on me would've killed me if it went through. Either I died alone if El didn't remove her own vote or I died with Ark and Wilson if she did. It's seems a bit too involved for it to work without very careful planning.
  13. I thought it was very clear in my post. Did I not make it clear that Instant Regret is not a Dagger?
  14. Wow, look at that. Lots of votes and @'s on me. But seriously, why @me when I'm never on at that time? Anyway, I'm not going to respond to everything as there's just too much. I shall clear the air on some matters though. Firstly and most importantly, @Elbereth, I'm sorry for killing you. I didn't see your PM about you moving your own vote until after write up. I can confirm almost everything here. Hael did claim to have brought the Dagger and what he named it. He also told me he was going to bribe Snip into attacking Ark but it didn't work because Snip had already agreed to send the Dagger to me. @Haelbarde, sorry I didn't tell you but if I had you likely would've changed your mind and I couldn't be 100% certian that Snip was going to pass me the Dagger. @Snipexe, sorry I didn't warn you about Hael's Bribe but I felt that telling you would mean you would cancel your order. Besides, you did get three Boxings out of it so I think that's something. This is just nothing but lies. Hael, I never said Instant Regret was a Dagger. Just that I started with it. I was the one that was going to attack Ark and you knew that so why you're claiming otherwise I don't know. Also, when someone is lynched all items go to Gaea not to those that vote on them so me voting on someone being lynched would not have gotten me your Dagger. Again, I have no idea why you would think any of the things in your post. Yes, yes I have. I killed El. See above for the confession. See below for the reason. That's ... that's a good rule. Don't let me dodge the lynch too often in one game. It will only end badly for you. Now then, as to why I did everything I did. That's a long story but I'll keep it brief. I discovered an elim very early on. It was El but since I like El, wanted Daggers and Burnt had been killed I decided to take a chance for some fun and PMed her revealing I knew her alignment. She denied it of course but that didn't last long given the offer I made. In the end we had a deal. They give me Daggers for me to use on whoever I wish so long as I tell them my target before rollover. (El, in future make sure to include a timeframe in those kind of deals as I was going to do it right before rollover giving you no time to plan a save.) In addition, I was to give them any non dagger items I came across including boxings. Since I didn't care for other items, I agreed. (Sidenote: I really think it's unfair that Joe doesn't let us name our Boxings.) To make it perfectly clear, El was the only elim I was aware of nor was I told that Gaea was the corrupt constable. Everything I said regarding keeping the Black Market around was true. I wanted Daggers and this gave me a way to get them without relying on them being passed to me. Also that cycle, I contacted Snip after I made the in thread request for Daggers to be passed to me to see if they would be willing to do just that. Snip agreed and passed me JoinTheAlleyverse. Hael sent me a PM letting me know that if I wanted revenge for Burnts death then he was willing to help. He eventually told me that he had brought Sticking Point and we kinda had a loose plan to go on a murderizing spree. Now then, as to last cycle, which by the way was awesomely chaotic. When I saw Els vote on me I thought she was ending our deal. What I didn't see is that she had sent a PM to me saying she planned to bribe her own vote onto Wilson. I figured that if I'm going down, I'll have some fun with it. I placed orders to stab El with JoinTheAlleyverse. At first I was going to stab Ark as I had planned with Hael but with how the lynch was going I felt it wasn't necessary anymore. Now, I fully and expect to get lynched. Storms, I would vote for me if I was you. To be honest I expected it last cycle but it seems The Gods of Luck and Chance decided otherwise. I think that's everything. In short, sorry El for killing you. Sorry Hael for not letting you know the other deals I had. Sorry Burnt for not killing Ark and getting revenge. I hope the chaos last cycle made up for some of it. Any questions?
  15. Please stop double posting people. You think you're having trouble keeping up, I gotta merge all those doubles which refreshes my page making it harder for me to see new posts.
  16. Welcome! As you can see, there's another 6 pages for you to go through again. Aren't you glad you decided to play with us.
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