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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Normally I wouldn't be fine with this as there's no coinflip but if both Ark and I are lynched together, Joe can do an awesome write up where there's brawl in the Senate and both Ark and I are hauled off to continue out duel to the death in jail.
  2. I also said too many ninja's. But I thank you for your willingness to ... lynch me so I can have fun before I die.
  3. Can I persway you to change back. I'm kinda going down in a blaze of glory here and you're ruining it. Edit: too many ninjas
  4. You missed El's vote on me. Killed by my own daughter. How sad. Ah well, at least I'll be with your twin soon El. I'm sure Burnt missed me at very least. Last game they did start with at least one Warrant. They used it to steal my Dagger. At moment, I'm being lynched. But I won't be alone.... Ark/Ray. I had hoped to stab you with the Dagger I was passed last cycle but alas, I'll just have to settle for this.
  5. We can always tie it up between me and Ark/Ray. Let the Gods of Luck and Chance decide if I get my revenge or not.
  6. Yay? It's nice when people get a read on me even if it's wrong. I admit, I am playing up my desire to keep the Market around. I signed up for the items and I don't want to see my best chance of getting some disappear at the start of the game. I tend to get carried away when there's something I feel passionate about. I don't mind an Alv lynch but only if I'm tied. It's more fun that way. Indeed I did.
  7. Hate to play devils advocate and I know it's late in the cycle but what if the flip was wrong. The more I think about it, the more I can't see why Lum didn't offload their items. Passing comes before everything else so why not give them to another elim? Lum had plenty of time to do so as the lynch was turned to them with hours to go in the cycle and they did post a couple of times afterwards so there isn't any reason not to ditch the Ledger at very least. Not having the Ledger would likely make us question if it's a true flip or not on it's own. But they did have one which supports Strikers story. I'm very likely overthinking it but I feel really uncomfortable with how that turned out. If Elim, getting rid of the Ledger would be the best option but being Village they wouldn't know who to pass it to that could be trusted. There is a third option in that Striker or an Elim passed a Ledger to Lum before they got lynched to insure one would be revealed. I'm kinda ruling that one out though as it just leads to an IKYK that even I don't want to toy with. As for todays lynch, I'm not voting for Gaea under any circumstances. In fact I oppose it completely. If we must lynch a Constable (which I still think is a waste) then I'm voting for Wilson. I'm really not seeing any reason to lynch Rae. If anyone can give a proper reason why they think she's suspicious I might be willing to change my vote.
  8. "Ahem." Alron coughed as he entered the conversation. "By the letter of Law, you did in fact commit assault against your fellow Senator as you not only grabbed his arm but also pulled him into a corner. These two factors together do supply the necessary requirements to allow for an assault charge to be brought upon you."
  9. There's 6 pages because this is a QF. We have to squeeze 48 hours of discussion into 24 hours. Absolutely Insane Mr. Being of Chaos. I like it. I might have to acquire that for a new title.
  10. This is true. I'm quite enjoying the thought of Joe trying to make sense of all this. Now I want to make you post more and see if I can get you to mess up.
  11. Huh. I thought Hael took his vote off when he reveal the scan PM. No matter, I can do it. Snip. I still have reservations about taking my vote off you but Lum looks to be the better target at moment.
  12. With the corrupt constable out there, now would be a great time to pull off a fake scan as there is a chance of them flipping elim even if village. Given that this has been the subject for the past two cycles, I'm very suspicious that you two forgot that. We want either a couple of votes or a pile of votes to get the most chance of an accurate result in the lynch should it continue as it looks to be. I've been ninja'd by at least two posts and I bet they are covering the same things I just posted.
  13. Acting nefarious is kinda Burnt and my default states. You basically killed Burnt because she acted like herself. Also, welcome to my kill/revenge list. When Burnt died I decided that whoever killed her would regret it. I shall kill you. In a game. Likely a long time from now given how few I've managed to get revenge upon. So long as you don't leave.... you're probably fine. I kinda agree. If one of us must be killed I would rather it be me than Burnt as she doesn't play nearly enough.
  14. With Warrants around, they could easily lose their Whiskey and then have to worry about their target being protected and costing them a Dagger as well. Far better to just ditch the Whiskey and take their chances. After all, not many players are willing to just blindly stab another when we don't learn the results of said stabbing. Passing items comes first in the OoA. First. That means that even though we know Snip has a Dagger, lynching him will not remove it from play as he can just pass it on. It also means that those with Warrant might not get the Dagger from Snip if they go for it. Boxings that are used to talk to the Jailed without being revealed go to Gaea, Boxings to buy items go to Gaea. Boxings from lynches go to Gaea. All the elims need to do is pass anything they want gone to a lynched player and it will be removed from the game if the Market is closed. The lynched player wouldn't be able to pass them out as they don't know they are getting them. And, ninja'd by Snip's post that somehow didn't show up until now.
  15. I freely and wholeheartedly admit that this does factor into my reasoning. Yeah, that's not going to happen. It's not often I have that much to say and the time to write it out. I would love to do this more often but it's just not me. The elims would have to be very careful with their bribes if there's only a couple of votes. It wouldn't take much to spot a pattern. I fully understand that others use the lynch as their way of narrowing down the list of suspects but to be fair, you have that in almost every game. Items not so much. Yes, I'm using a fairly underhanded tactic by trying to play on everyone's sympathies a little but I like my items. I signed up because of the items and you want to get rid of my fun. I am always going to be against it no matter the overall cost. Item will disappear. If the Elims get them they will either hoard them if the Market is still up or get rid of them if not. At very least if the Market is still around we have a decent chance of keeping them in circulation. Already there's the risk of players not getting their items back so they aren't really being used. Removing the Market will make them even more scarce. We want items to be moving around, esp the Ledgers and Whiskey and those are the ones most likely to be the first things lost if we lynch Gaea. Not really. As long as we are careful, we can spot the elims if they use bribes to save another. If we have four votes on someone and they flip elim then we can be fairly sure it's true. If there's votes that changed the lynch then we can look more closely at whoever was saved. It will take more effort but we can analyze without a reliable flip result. Think of it as a challenge if you want. Also, as for Stabbing in the Dark (I saw it somewhere but can't find it again to quote for some reason) that is something that I happen to be very good at. In fact, everyone that has a Dagger should pass, not throw or stab, them to me. Gently. I have a 71% success rate of blindly killing Elims. Let me do my thing and take a Stab at finding the elims. Sure, you won't know if I hit correctly or not but that's part of the fun, no?
  16. My quote of you was your assumption that there would still be plenty of items floating around when they can be very easily removed and likely will be. I believe that removing the Black Market would help the elims and hurt the village despite what everyone else is saying.
  17. This. If Burnt or I had gotten a Dagger at start, we would've been murderizing people. Burnt doesn't play many games and the chance to work with her in our mutual love of killing random people would've been wonderful. I had three goals this game. Get a Dagger and call it Shadow's Embrace or The Shadow's Kiss or something similar. Publicly get a Dagger and see what Burnt does. I suspect she would either PM me asking to join in the murder spree or start to panic knowing I have a kill ability and haven't forgotten that she attacked me in a prior game. Burnt descending into madness in fun to watch. (You should ask to see her GM PM from LG16 if she still has it) And finally, kill Hael and collect his head which I have been after for oh so long now. No. Just no. In my opinion lynching Gaea is the worst thing for us to do as village. I was willing to let it be a three way tie last cycle as then we would've wasted only one lynch but if we lynch either Wilson or Gaea then another cycle would be wasted. I just don't understand why finding the corrupt constable is so important. Yes, our lynch results will be reliable but so what if they aren't. It's not like we need them. Finding an elim through connections isn't as reliable as many think it is. Yet they put great stock in it. Sure when it works it's great but when it doesn't it can lead on a wild goose chase that causes far more harm than it would good if it did work. But more importantly, lynching Gaea removes the Market! Beforehand, that would've meant that the elims had an easy way to get rid of all Whiskey, Ledgers and Boxings. That's no more bribes, no more seeking, no more protects. With the new rule that items can be passed, that now includes Warrants. Everyone is saying that it will also mean no more Daggers but that is not true at all. I know of two ways to keep Daggers in the elims hands without the Market and that's just what I've worked out so far. I'm not going to reveal them as this post alone will give them far more ideas than I wanted them to have as it is. All the elims need to do to cripple the village is get rid of the Black Market. Then they can use the Whiskey, Ledgers and Boxings on the one being lynched and poof, they gone. Passing items now means the Warrants will also disappear. What everyone is overlooking is that there is no elim kill. That means they very likely have higher than normal numbers. By removing the Boxings, they gain better control of the lynch which they already have the numbers to influence more so than in a normal game. Removing Boxings also removes the odds of anyone getting enough together for the solo win con. IMO we should ignore the constables completely and focus on finding the elims. Yes our lynch results might not be reliable but that isn't all that true either. Enough votes on a player and it will always give false results so we would then have the truth. Personally I feel that those pushing for the constables to be lynched, any constable, is far more likely to be an elim. It derails discussion and wastes time that they can use to gather items/information. Please read above. I'm fairly certain I had something else to say here but writing the above either covered it or made me forget what it was. Politicians do it all the time. They say one thing and do another. Flavourwise it fits well in the theme. I think I covered everything but I jumped around while typing this so if a thought suddenly drops, I likely got distracted elsewhere. There have been several posts made while I was typing this but I'm not going to risk losing my wall of text. I don't do these enough to risk this one.
  18. Because then if neither of them were corrupt we might not have gotten any elim bribes but if all three were tied, they would have to bribe (if they could) to keep them alive. Assuming they want to keep them alive I suppose. Maybe they don't mind losing the corrupt constable and are happy we wasted a lynch. Because Snip is the only vote on Burnt which means he now has the Dagger that killed her. I find that suspicious. It's possible that they are an Elim and are passing the Dagger between them or maybe they have a Warrant and are planning to get the Dagger back from Snip before using it again (which is something I planned on doing) but either way, Burnt being killed irks me as I really like Burnt. Not to mention that killing on D1 is suspicious by itself. Although it's something I do myself all the time when I can. But I at least target inactives when possible.
  19. I wanted all three to be up for the lynch. Then it would've been a 66% chance of getting the corrupt one. Of course that left it open to bribes but that would reveal one of the elims at very least. Snip! You or someone you know killed Burnt! Why?
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