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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. As would I but others might not feel the same. If they want to turn on their former teammates, that's up to them but I personally wouldn't advise it. Also Joe. If it's you or Gaea then I would rather you be lynched.
  2. Unless the Gov is a Troll or someone that likes chaos. I personally would have no problem freeing an elim just for kicks. Plus we might be able to get them to reveal their former teammates since they will no longer share a win con.
  3. Unless it's both. We lose the Black Market and lynch the wrong Constable. I freely and wholeheartedly admit I want the Black Market to remain. I have plans for it as it's one of the few ways for me to get my hands on Daggers. Seeing it be removed will greatly lessen my chances of getting all of them by the end of the game. As an aside, if you do have a named Dagger at the end of the game, shoot me a PM and I'll discuss terms of buying it from you. Personally, Wilson would be the one I would vote for as I don't really use PMs. There is also something else to consider. Those that vote for the successful lynch are the ones that benefit the most as any items/boxings that are up for grabs goes to them so I wouldn't be at all surprised to see a bunch of votes pile onto the leading candidate near the end of each cycle. It's what happened last time iirc.
  4. That is so very tempting. So very, very tempting. Too tempting in fact. I nominate Burnt Ghetti for Gov! Thanks, now I feel really old. I was driving before that movie was released. I could go for this. It gives us the best odds at finding the corrupt constable, removes the need to waste another lynch should we get it wrong the first time and, more importantly, allows the Gods of Luck and Chance to have the final say, which is always a good idea. This is not a good idea. If we are only lynching one constable then it should not be Gaea and not just because she's a devoted follower of The All Powerful Alv. If we lose the Black Market then any items that would normally go there would instead be removed from the game. Not just my precious Daggers but Whiskey, Ledgers and Warrants. We would basically be removing every role in the game. Hoarding of items will occur and the game will grind to a halt with the only kills being that of the lynch. To me, that's extremely boring. Now that the boring stuff is out of the way, time to answer the more burning question. What shall I do with 'Instant Regret'?
  5. Ladies, Gentlemen and any Immortal Kandras that may be hiding among us, lend me your ears. Our beloved Governor has been killed and we need to find those responsible before the same fate befalls us. I offer myself, Alron, for your consideration as the next Governor. I have some limited experience in this field and can assure each and every one of you that I will not rest until we purge the corruption from our ranks.
  6. In the first run it was possible to have more than one dagger. At one point I had two and was on the verge of getting a third before being jailed. So close, so very, very close. Joe, is unlimited actions allowed this game? Can we bribe and stab and Drink Hael's Whiskey on the same turn again? If I vote on a player and kill them but am the only voter, what happens to the Dagger? If I bribe Orlok to vote on Maill and I stab both Maill and Orlok while I also vote on Orlok, what happens to the Daggers? Do I get the one the I used on Maill back since it passed through Orloks hands before returning to mine?
  7. I was so on board with this game until I saw this part. Even the part about tied lynches killing everyone was fine. But not getting the awesome role I've thought up? So not fair. Especially since it would fit so very well with the win con I would've gone for.
  8. Five times Murderer, one time Governor and slightly crispy Alron is reporting for Senate duty once again. He is looking forward to finishing what he started back in QF14.
  9. Burn it all! Muahahaha! Devotary and Striker did all the heavy lifting for the elims. Very well done and a hearty congratulations to you both. I'm glad I got to see your first time being evil Striker. You will be a force to reckon with next time. And when Devot managed to get Stick lynched, the game was over as with three parts to go and four elims there was no way of stopping us even if I had been lynched last cycle. Many, many thanks to both Bard and Rand for running the game. Aman, as Fura says in the Spec Doc, the Puppetmaster role isn't really overpowered. When the GMs do the balance, they do it expecting everyone to be active. While an inactive villager isn't game breaking, an inactive elim can be. Esp if they happen to have a role. The loss of a vote and a voice can be devastating to the elims and that's if it's only one elim that's inactive. While I agree that it was broken in your game it was only because we were able to have the inactive do the kill allowing the rest of us to focus on more important things. Personally, I think the Puppetmaster role should be in all games for the elims but only for roles not for generic actions like the faction kill. While this does have the unfortunate effect of encouraging inactivity among elims, it can also be a boon. The first cycle of any game inactives are always called out and poke voted but then largely ignored. Instead we could lynch an inactive on D1 where there is very little to go. Not only would this give those that are active more time to enjoy the game but it would add another layer of strategy. Do the elims bus one of their own inactives for village points or do they try and save them due to their role? The kill roles can also target inactives if they have no suspicions of their own allowing them to contribute to the game without the guilt of killing an active player. Typically inactives aren't counted towards parity win cons so killing them off doesn't help the elims but can hurt them. Both discourage inactivity which I feels counters the elims having the ability to use all roles while the village can't. Overall, I feel the Puppetmaster role, when correctly implemented, is a boon to the games.
  10. Ah, NZT, the best timezone there is. Flavour text is not required at any stage even during turnover. If the GMs wish to put some in, that's their choice as is if they don't want to put anything extra in. While the players love some extra flavour to get us more into the world, it isn't always possible to add some. GMs don't always have the time or inspiration to work on it due to varying factors so having it in the rules to include would not be a very inviting way to encourage new GMs.
  11. I didn't think it would apply either but with the way everyone has been talking about players being cleared simply because they weren't online made me remember the games where that wasn't the case.
  12. Idon't know what to say. I really did explore the Sky Crane. I knew there were no secrets as Rand told me so when I asked about the Sky Crane. At first I wanted to get a Haast's Eagle from the Aviary but since it's extinct it would depend on how the GMs were feeling. So instead I went for a stroll around the Sky Crane. I know it's strange and can't be confirmed but those kind of orders are what I do when I'm roleless. Not so. I got a reply from the GMs about this last night. Turns out that active elims can place orders for inactive team members. Similar to how in LG30 Aman let the Unjust place orders for our inactive member to be the one making the kills. I'm kinda with you on this but I think Aman is evil. I admit I automaticlly suspect Aman whenever we are playing togwether because I know just how effective he is in manipulating playing into voting the way he wants them to. What is it now Aman, 3 times you've been an outed elim and still not only survived but lead the village into killing themselves?
  13. Yes. It would be fair. Whether or not I answer is a different question. I did intend to include myself in that but Amans point about it being a little later to do that is something I didn't consider. So it might not be the best choice to randomly go to the hospital. I almost missed this in your wall of text. I do have an alibi but not one that can be proven. I spent C1 exploring the Sky Crane. Edit: Devotary: I didn't vote because I never vote for ties until the final hour of a cycle. This is to make sure I don't disrupt discussion beforehand with people trying to make and break ties. Sadly the rollover for this game makes it impossible for me to place tie votes so that only leaves me with normal boring votes which I cast when I have a suspicion.
  14. Aren't there five parts still working though not three? Going to the Hospital at this stage would be foolish if they are the elim engineer. Or any engineer for that matter.
  15. I couldn't use your real name for legal reasons but other than that, hope you enjoy it*. (Note, I didn't write the book just having some fun)
  16. How rude. I was having fun trying to work out who sent the message and now you've gone and ruined it. I've never cared about distancing myself from others. Nor have I bothered to try and pocket others. At least on purpose as sometimes it just happens. So the answer is no, not on purpose.
  17. I still think it was you. It was an anonymous message and that could give you a sense of safety. You also aren't nervous all the time when talking to me during games. I wouldn't put it past you to overstate your nervousness to try and lull me into complacency. I know how dangerous you are so I'm always on my guard when playing with you. I'll most likely be online from about now to about 8-9 hours from now. Clearly I won't always be on during that timeframe but those are the best odds of getting a reply from me.
  18. Your 'Tell' like Hael's and Rae's relies on the both of us being in a Doc together. Faction games are most likely to be where your tell comes into play. How mean. I decide to trust you and you want to kill me? You, you... you meanie!
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