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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. I'm fairly certain this is Burnt. Of all the players Burnt is the only one to constantly express something close to fear whenever we play together. In case your wondering Burnt, I haven't forgotten about you attacking me in LG24. Exhilarating isn't it. The heart beating fast, the constant refreshing of the page for rollover, the long, long wait to see if you lived or died. Now you know why I enjoy ties and being tied in the lynch. @_Stick_ Welcome back to the land of the living. I would so love for this to be true. Burnt is one of the very few I really, really want to be evil with but haven't. I've just finished a 16 hour shift and would really like some sleep before I head off to work again tonight. I likely won't be on again until about 12 hours before rollover but until then. I have an idea about the Doctor and how to hide them but in my sleep addled state I'm sure I'm missing something. Several of us should visit the Hospital randomly or semi randomly. The Doctor will then be partly hidden and able to heal. They won't be able to heal every time and the elims will be able to slowly work out who they are but hopefully by then we would've found a couple of them or at least delayed them winning enough to give us a fighting chance. This will hopefully also force the elim Engineer to not sabotage for a couple of cycles to visit the hospital again giving us more time to find them. And with that, I'm going to sleep before my face hits the keyboard.
  2. Well, isn't that interesting. Turns out that Blackbane lived up to his name after all. If you read my sign up post, I mention that the people looked like small black dots while the chalkings were small white dots. Very well played Araris, Shqueeves and Xino. I really didn't suspect three of you and a possible conversion. I look forward to reading the Doc. Not that it matters now but I used the Radio on you Araris as I suspect you expected after our PM during the Day. If you hadn't converted me, we might've just about rallied enough but it would've been a close call to find Shqueeves before we were overrun a third and final time. Many thanks to Sart and Ark for GMing. I really enjoyed trying to work out how the items and roles interacted with each other. One problem though, I'm not sure how to record this. Did I win or lose? Am I Village or Evil?
  3. In a couple of hours, I'll be starting a double shift at work and won't be around again until well after rollover but if someone is willing to protect me this Night, hopefully I can use the Radio to find a Forgotten.
  4. I would love to post more so you can get a read on me but most of my effort is going into the LG at moment. Actually, that's a lie. I don't want you to get a read on me because I love being hard to read. But sadly, I am fairly busy at moment. I mostly joined this game to make up the numbers but once the LG is over or I'm dead, I'll be able to do more than skim the thread and tread water. Or at least not lurk as much.
  5. You should grab some Chalk. In fact everyone should be grabbing Chalk as our starting supply is likely gone and we will need more if we want to survive much longer.
  6. So three people (Araris, Vent and Snip) claimed to use LoW last Night and the camp was overrun with the chalkings on the strength of 3. Since none of those three claimed to have been roleblocked, one of them must be lying. Question is, which one. Vent is currently up for the lynch (along with CadCom) but I wouldn't mind seeing them and one of the other two tied for the lynch. Perhaps even all three on the line. As such, Snipexe, how about you join the votes.
  7. I never said about the Doctor reviving every cycle. Every second cycle would still make a big difference in slowing down the Elims. At moment, by not sending anyone to the Hospital they are removing a role from being used and keeping the maximum amount of players around to hide in. The choice to sabotage the brig feels foolish. It is not very often that players use roleblocking roles on the first cycle so if they were hoping to hospitalize someone, they should've waited. There would be a small chance someone would've been in the brig this cycle but odds are that cycle 3 would've been the best bet for maximum results. Yes. As the OP says:
  8. *internal monologue* Curses, they are onto me. Must kill CadCom this Night */internal monologue* Why what ever do you mean CadCom? Why would I wish to kill a fellow elim when I could just hold onto the Gun. It's not like I'm a very trustworthy player in the first place.
  9. I disagree with you. If we take a Doctor into account then sabotaging is the fastest way to win. Sending someone to the Hospital only works if they stay in the hospital. Until the Doctor is dealt with, sabotaging is the elims best option. Having said that, there's no guarantee that they will keep double sabotaging every cycle. If an engineer gets sent to the hospital and there isn't two sabotages, it's a fairly easy guess that the engineer is evil. So by changing up when and how often they do sabotage, they keep us guessing and forces us to decide if it's worth the risk to heal a possible Elim engineer or hope we can find all of them before they sabotage the whole ship.
  10. The Gun would be a great option for me to go for but there is no Gun in the Supply dump at moment. I'm likely a target for a LoV already given I'm almost a confirmed villager at this point so me going for either the Radio or the Clock doesn't make me any bigger of a target. Striker contacted me about a LoW but by the time I saw the message, he'd already gathered enough, or so we thought. I instead spent my action grabbing the Map.
  11. As long as all players are treated equally, you can do almost anything you want. I would caution you against it unless you either do it every cycle (so as to be fair to those that don't check in later cycles) or you only do it for the first cycle or two and make it clear you're only doing it those times. Fifth is the one you should be asking about this as we are players and some of us wouldn't mind if some others didn't check in. Elims not checking in is good for village, village not checking in is good for elims, that sort of thing. Edit: And Burnt makes my post pointless.
  12. The Gods of Luck and Chance approve this message. (I really should get a pic or meme for this.) Can we request the Bald Eagle? Agreed, this game is almost begging for a WGG. I wouldn't be at all surprised to find the Elims have a Doctor just to make it more likely to happen but if it did, I wouldn't expect it until mid game given how much discussion there has already been about it.
  13. That's not entirely true though is it. You're a Thief so shouldn't you be able to just steal the Bribe back from Snip?
  14. Since the Lantern needs to be activated for it to reveal you taking a Day action during the Night, it's actually the other way around. It would take an active choice to not conceal your actions. I suggest that whomever took the Bucket of Acid, for them to use it today and claim it once the Night starts so that we will have a better idea how much Chalk we need. Using the Acid asap is far better than wasting our Chalk unnecessarily.
  15. YAY! Burnt is back! At least for now. Speak for yourself. 10pm rollover for me which means no chance of getting me to post 2-3 hours before and 12 hours afterwards so if you want to hear from me, make sure it's not near rollover.
  16. Second of the Sky shall join and bring his special Bludium infused brand of fun to the game.
  17. The problem there is that if we agree on one person getting the Gun each time one shows up, it puts them all in one players hands. Someone that the Elims know the ID of and they will become a target. The Elims will also have roleblocks so if we vote and decide that a Gun needs to be used, it can simply be blocked. I would instead consider the option of one person getting a Gun and passing it to another secret person for either holding or using to kill inactives/high level suspects. The Elims won't know who to target to block the kill but it does come with the downside of it being easier for an Elim getting their hands on a Gun.
  18. So it's more an unlimited use item rather than passive. Interesting. Just to be clear, I'm not trying to nit-pick or anything, just getting some ideas for items for any future games I run.
  19. If you have a Lantern but don't want to be revealed when taking items from the Camp during the Night, do you have to get rid of the Lantern first or just place orders not to use it when stealing from Camp?
  20. I wouldn't be too sure. Passive lives are used up when attacked so it wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility that a Lantern is used when performing a Day action during the Night otherwise we might end up with a glut of Lanterns at End-game. Where's the fun in that? How about this, I might be currently planning on going for the Gun. Anyone else who wants to go for it is free to roll the dice with me. We'll even use my Dice if you want. Will I really go for the Gun? I give it 50/50 odds. Who wants to tempt Luck and Chance and join me?
  21. You could use it with a Crab or Acid that you pick up that Day. At moment, we would have to wait a full cycle after getting a Crab/Acid before we could use them but if someone has a Lantern, they could grab a Crab/Acid and use it that same Night.
  22. The Crab can already scan during the Night. You just have to use it during the proceeding Day.
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