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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Those are actually spam/advertising accounts. Sadly even when they are squashed they still show up on the birthday lists. You should see all the ones on Jan 1st.
  2. I'm happy to sign up as multiple players if you want. Could be quite fun trying to keep everything straight esp if one of them ends up as an Elim.
  3. The odds of going to the store for a loaf of bread and coming out with only a loaf of bread are three billion to one.

    1. Fifth Scholar

      Fifth Scholar

      Good odds with the Gods of Luck and Chance at your side, though, no? Or do you need Mat Cauthon to help you complete this monumental task? :P 

    2. Alvron


      So far, I've failed every time I've taken the test.

  4. Indeed. It very likely started out as a temporary camp but as the war progressed from what they thought would be weeks or months into years it would've shifted to a fortified encampment followed by a fortified village as more and more services and resources were brought in. There would be outlying camps closer to the Tower as the primary defense but the village/town itself would be fortified as it would function as a fallback position.
  5. A figure stroked his beard, deep in thought while staring intently at the miniature landscape before him. The landscape, a small but prefect likeness of The Tower of Nebrask and the surrounding area, was colourful and meticulously detailed. Small puffs of clouds hovered in the air around the hills while a dusty haze hung in the air around the Tower itself. If one was to look closer they would even be able to see signs of life and movement. Small black dots like swarms of ants milled the streets of the makeshift towns and encampments that marked where the lines were held against the Chalkling swarms, each dot representing a person or creature. The waters of several rivers sparkled as they emptied into the sea. The Trickster God's eye surveyed the battleground. The charred remains of several camps that had been overrun scarred the landscape. The Tower of Nebrask rose proudly as a dark shadow among a growing sea of white as the Chalklings gathered nearby. And several tiny sailing vessels could be seen heading towards the shore, their pure white sails a stark contrast to the deep blue of the sea. While Ronald had failed him, he was but one tool at his disposal. The God's eyes narrowed, it was time. One last toss of the dice, one last flip of the coin, one last draw of the card. A new dot appeared on the miniature landscape. A purple dot. The board was set, the sides chosen. It was time for the game to end. And Blackbane has just entered the game.
  6. Blasphemy! One must always use an actual coin when deciding who lives and who dies. I personally have several coins and dice next to my computer exclusively for SE.
  7. You weren't the only one. Almost all the Zombies stopped using their actions except to attack. Personally I'm very, very disappointed that none of the Zombies thought to get together and Thriller dance. I'm glad you enjoyed it and hope you join us for many more games. You didn't really ruin the chance with the farmer. There were four possible Events I have in the game. Day 1, if anyone used their claymore mines then a group of Zombies would've been drawn in and have to be dealt with. D3 was the Farmer, the first to approach without being careful would've been shot dead. The players would then have to decide if they retreated to safety of if they attacked and overwhelmed the farmer, resulting in the death of both the farmer and the little girl. The Farmhouse would then become lootable with guns and food. D5 and D7 were triggered and we know how those turned out. If I was to run this type game again it would have to be as a LG with separate Day/Night cycles. I must say though that I was very surprised by just how much everyone got into the game and how much thinking went into the actions. Well, all but trying to kill a cow with pointed sticks. Do you know how thick a cows hide is? You might've made it if you at least separated the cow from the herd first. Besides, the beehives were the target you should've gone for. Honey and Wax are very useful items, not to mention the possibility of gaining a Jar of Bees. Very useful for distracting those pesky Zombies.
  8. Yes, it counts as a win for you. I never told you because you weren't allowed to. I let you make one RP post, that's it. I suspect he was playing to his Win Con which is what I would expect everyone to do. Those that go against their own win con throw off the balance of a game and while one or two doing so isn't that big, 5-6 can be a huge shift.
  9. Day 8: Safe at last (Aftermath) Manny and Gustavus made a break for it as soon as they saw the bridge. Quickly but carefully crossing the rope bridge they went and as soon as they were on the other side did they begin to cut away at the ropes. Several Zombies tried to chase them across but just as they were about to reach the other side, the ropes gave way and four of the plunged into the gorge below, very likely to their undeath. Manny and Gustavus were treated as heroes when they made it to the camp for there hadn't been any new arrivals for some time. And when it was revealed that Gustavus himself was Immune to the Zombie virus, a fact he himself didn't know, the entire camp threw the biggest party they possibly could for now they had a shot at reclaiming their world instead of huddling down and hoping the Zombies would die off on their own. Refugees win! And you all thought the Zombies were OP. The game is over thanks to the quick thinking of Maill and Straw. Both placed orders to cross the bridge and then destroy it. Not a single Zombie thought to cross the bridge before it was destroyed. More thoughts to come later on how I felt the game went. Needless to say, there are a few things that would be changed. Docs: (please ignore how disorganized they are. It makes sense to me.) The Zombie Horde Master SS Rules and Mechanics Player List:
  10. Event, Cycle and Game is over! The bridge was cut down and the refugees have made it to safety. Aftermath coming soon.
  11. 5. Half the number of 'living' players rounded down. PMed votes which I'm not counting at moment but in case of tie...
  12. So that's 4 to save, 1-3 to let fall and 1 gibberish (by Rath). We have yet to reach the minimum to save the bridge so in 30 minutes, if nothing changes, the bridge will fall.
  13. I posted at 11:13am my time that it has less than four hours. That means that 3pm my time, in 37 minutes is the deadline.
  14. One hour left to save the bridge for as things stand, it will be destroyed.
  15. Midcycle Event activated! Someone is attempting to destroy the bridge! Players have just under 4 hours to decide what to do. Stop the bridge being destroyed or Let the bridge fall into the gorge. @Mailliw73 @Straw @Kidpen @Elandera @Rathmaskal @Devotary of Spontaneity @Ventyl @Butt Ad Venture @Sart @xinoehp512 @Snipexe
  16. Day 7: The Final Chapter Our foot weary refugees plodded along, numbers dwindling as the Horde of Zombies snapped at their heels. The journey had been long and it’s toll high but finally, after so much pain and suffering, the refugees arrived at the last leg of their travels. A deep gorge spanned the length of the land with no way around and only one way over. A rope bridge. And standing in front of the bridge was Manny. He looked up startled as the final two surviving refugees emerged from the trees covered in soot and grime, exhaustion written across their faces. Even as Manny watched, the journey took its toll on A. Pear O’Scissors. A. Pear O’Scissors collapsed to the ground his strength finally spent. Unable to muster even a cry of pain as the Zombies that had hounded them their entire trek started to feed on him. No one was lynched Snipexe - A. Pear O’Scissors is now a Zombie!Doctor. Mailliw73 - Manny Darovious has reappeared. This final cycle will last 24 hours! Revealed Role: Doctor: Your years in med school and E.R. training have not gone to waste. Once per day you can choose to protect another from being attacked. Important Information: Terrain: A Large Gorge with a single rope bridge across it. Weather: Cloudy Wind: A gentle southern breeze Wildlife: None Areas of Interest: You can see the safe haven across the gorge. The gorge is very deep and it's sides are sheer. Player List:
  17. Cycle is over! New and final cycle will be up momentarily.
  18. A player has used their Action to scout the following areas of Interest. Several abandoned cars and one semi truck sit rusting by the road. Their gas caps removed and the petrol has been siphoned. Orange traffic cones line one side of the road.
  19. Day 6: MIA There weren’t many things Lachlan McZombie hated in life. But he had a list of the 4 things that he did hate, though. First, he hated counting. Which was exacerbated by the fact that he was now actually a zombie and couldn’t count as well. It simply frustrated him to know end. Third, he hated working with others. Which is ironic, considering that he was willing to help lure the zombies to get them exploded. He even was trying to help the group by exploring the lab, but what did he get in return? A whole face-full of zomchillas. And fourthly, he used to hate zombies. Now that he is one, that’s kind of unfortunate. So, Lachlan decided to change his fifth hate. Fifth, Lachlan now hates not being able to eat human brains. So……….BRAINSSSSSS!!!!! Please give it up to Striker for providing the Write up this cycle. No one was lynched Cycle will last 23.5 hours followed by a break for me to do the write up. (Hopefully) Kidpen - Meta Character is now a Zombie! Ventyl - Sean McSean is now a Zombie! Mailliw73 - Manny Darovious has disappeared. Important Information: Terrain: Roadside Weather: Sunny Wind: A gentle Southern breeze Wildlife: Strangely Silent There are no refugees holding Maps. A player can use an action to reveal what possible areas of interest there are. Player List:
  20. There has been one Threnody game run so far by Gamma Fiend way back in our first year. Another would be wonderful to see.
  21. Lachlan McZombie hung his head as the chinchillas approached. His yells for help had fallen on deaf ears. Death came for him is the form of small fluffy bodies. "Well, at least it's better than being killed by a cow." Lachlan's scream of a mix of delight and horror lasted but a moment as the chinchillas descended upon him, muffling it with their wonderfully fuzzy bodies. Lachlan McZombie has died. They were a Refugee. He was two votes short of living. The Laboratory is no longer able to be searched/interacted with.
  22. Less than 20 minutes to decide Strikers fate. As things currently stands, they will die.
  23. Happy Birthday.  I hope it's one filled with laughter and happiness.

  24. Is that an official vote? It needs to be in purple to count.
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