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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Once, long ago, Steel was a simple scientist, working with proteins. But then, he made the horrible mistake of adding telomerase to chinchilla cells, creating immortal chinchillas. These immortal chinchillas became overwhelmingly powerful. So, when the zombie outbreak occurred, rather than dying and becoming zombified, the chinchillas were infected and trapped between life and death, unable to die, or even decay like a normal zombie would. And one day, his experiments finally caught up with Steel, and just like Vortaan predicted on Discord, Steel was consumed by his 30 chinchillas, and turned into a zombie. It was an ignoble end to a young life. And now he’s going to end yours. Midcycle Event activated! Someone has explored the lab and discovered Steel and his pack of Zombie Chinchillas. Players have little over 3 hours to decide if they want to attempt to rescue the player who stumbled into the Lab or leave that person to their fate. If enough players vote rescue then the Lab becomes explorable. If left to fate, that player dies and the lab is off limits for any actions. @Mailliw73 @StrikerEZ @Straw @Ventyl @Snipexe @Kidpen @Sart @xinoehp512 @Butt Ad Venture @Devotary of Spontaneity @Elandera @Rathmaskal, what say you?
  2. Fura spectator, yes. Allowed to post, yes. Eat Fura, no.
  3. Day 5: Zombie Inferno The plan was simple but elegant. Lure the Zombies with bait and then burn them all. Sadly for the refugees, plans seldom go as planned. While some of them gathered petrol and set the trap, others ran around trying to get the attention of the zombies. But like with fishing, luring zombies never turns out well for the bait. The trap itself worked like a charm as three zombies were lured in but it did cost. Ian Tiah knew it was going to be a risk but it was a risk he was willing to take for his fellow refugees. He lured those zombies with everything he had, even going so far as to cut his own finger releasing that sweet, sweet blood he knew zombies craved. The petrol soaked house went up in flames and with it almost half of the zombies that had been plaguing their heels for days now. Meanwhile, Andrew Andrewson stalked his prey. He tracked his target down abandoned streets and through dark alleys until finally he found him. Murder Hobo. A dirty smelly Hodo who liked to stab. Well Andrew liked to stab too, only he liked to use his teeth to do the stabbing. Andrew jumped on the Hobo and started to feed only for the Hobo to laugh and pull out his knife and start cutting Andrew up. Now it was Andrews time to laugh, raspy as it was, for he had his own tricks. He knew the refugees wouldn’t feed him like they promised and would try to kill him so he had doused himself in petrol and set up a crude system to ignite if he was attacked. It worked just as he hoped. With his fingers firmly grasping on to his victim, Andrew laughed as both he and the Hobo burnt to death. No one was lynched Everyone dined on an assortment of salvaged food Cycle will last 23 hours followed by a break for me to put out the fire do the write up. Elandera - Kyler O'Malley is now a Zombie! xinoehp512 - Dr. Eibmoz is now a Zombie! Kidpen - Meta Character is now a Zombie! Cadmium Compounder - Andrew Andrewson has died. They were a Zombie Ax's Boyfriend - Murder Hobo has died. They were a Retired Serial Killer Fifth Scholar - Friedrich has died. They were a Zombie Coop772 - Anonymous Refugee #1 has died. They were a Zombie WeebTrash - Subaru has died. They were a Zombie I think I am here - I. Tiah has died. They were a refugee with O-Neg blood Important Information: Terrain: Woods Weather: Cloudy Wind: None Wildlife: You can see some movement in the trees As someone has already scouted ahead, the following places of interest are revealed A fairly large building sits in a clearing. It appears to have once been a laboratory There is a children's playground to one side of the laboratory There are a couple of treehouses Revealed Roles: Retired Serial Killer: (Passive) Before the Zombie apocalypse you were a Serial Killer. You have found your skills to be of great use surviving this new world. If you are attacked, you will automatically fight off your attacker. If it is just one attacker, you will kill them. If there are two attackers you will simply survive. If there are three or more, the numbers will overwhelm you. Blood type O Neg : (Passive) You have the rare blood type O Negative. This blood is prized above all others for being able to be given to anyone. It turns out that it is also the sweetest of all blood. If a player that is either above or below you on the player list is attacked by a Zombie, there is a 50% chance the Zombie will smell your blood and go after you instead. Player List:
  4. Cycle is Over. This will be interesting to say the least.
  5. A player has used their Action to scout the following areas of Interest. A small veterinary clinic lies down a dead end street A petrol station and garage is on the main street A corner dairy can be seen. It appears to have already been looted There are several abandoned houses here
  6. Day 4 : 4+4=Horde The Day grew long and the discussion only seemed to be heating up on not only what to do with the Zombies that only seem to be growing in number but also how to deal with the farmer that might have supplies the refugees sorely needed. It was Ian Tiah, Leon and Meta Character that made the first move. They laid aside their weapons and slowly walked towards the farmhouse with their hands raised to show they were no threat. The farmer opened his door and cautiously stepped out, a little girl clinging to his legs in fright. “Stop right there. I don’t want no trouble but if you’re thinking of stealing from me I’ll do to you what I did to the last group.” the farmer growled while indicating towards the graves with his shotgun. “Good sir,” Ian started, “We are foot weary travelers heading east and are hoping you have some food you could spare, perhaps a chicken or two?” “Or if you wish,” Leon pipped in, “You can come with us. We don’t have much but we do look out for each other and surely it’s safer on the move than staying here. “If it’s the Zombies we are traveling with…” Meta started. At the word Zombies the little girl let out a piercing scream and bolted back into the farmhouse. The farmers face paled and he raised his shotgun once more pointed directly at the group. “You travel with those monsters!” he demanded. “Get off my land this instance! I want nothing to do with you and you will get nothing from me!” With that he slammed the door shut and a large thunk could be heard as he lowered a heavy wooden bar behind the door. Meanwhile Butt Venture the Second was slowly leading the Zombies towards the farmhouse with promises of brains inside. When the farmer bolted his door the Zombies realised that they weren’t getting the brains they were promised and now with their hunger stoked, they turned to the refugees for what they needed. Butt Venture the Second was the first to fall but not the last. Once they had stated their hunger, the Zombies numbers had doubled. As the now shrunken group of refugees slowly plodded onwards toward their destination, they munched on corn they had gathered from the fields. The sky began to darken and the wind picked up in force. As the wind howled each refugee could swear they heard a voice layered over the wind . “Flesh so fine, so fine to tear, to gnash the skin; skin to strip, to plait, so nice to plait the strips, so nice, so red the drops that fall; blood so red, so red, so sweet; sweet screams, pretty screams, singing screams, scream your song, sing your screams…” No one was lynched Devotary of Spontaneity - Leon is now a Zombie! Butt Ad Venture - Butt Venture the second is now a Zombie! Coop772 - Anonymous Refugee #1 is now a Zombie WeebTrash - Subaru is now a Zombie Everyone dined on cooked corn. Cycle will last 23 hours followed by a break for me to repair my mind do the write up. Important Information: Terrain: A very small (abandoned) village Weather: Heavy rain Wind: Strong eastern (Headwind) gale (One less vote needed for the lynch minimum) Wildlife: You can hear dogs barking and growling There are no refugees holding Maps. A player can use an action to instantly reveal what possible areas of interest there are. Player List:
  7. Cycle is over. I have no idea how I'm going to do the write up so please bear with me if it's a little late.
  8. I'll allow it so long as it's reasonable.
  9. Day 3: Wow, or rather, Cow! Daisy the Cow munched idly on some grass. The sun wasn’t shining but that was alright, it was still a nice day in Daisy’s mind. She caught a movement out of the corner of her eye as four bipeds approached her. She watched as they came closer only realising too late that they intended to cause harm. Daisy the Cow let out a warning MMMOOOOOO to the rest of her herd as the bipeds attacked her with sticks and an axe. As her blood seeped into the ground around her she saw her friends, her herd, coming to her rescue. One of the bipeds that hurt her was trampled as it tried to get away. Daisy felt no guilt at the death of them. In fact she no longer felt anything at all. Her final thought was that it would’ve been nice to feel the warmth of the sun one final time. Meanwhile back in the makeshift refugee camp, Tanky Zomboi was growing more and more hungry. He tried to restrain himself, after all these had been his friends at one stage, but the drive, the urge to feed was too strong. A group of refugees stood off to the side talking. Tanky Zomboi smelt it. That wonderful, intoxicating smell, Blood. He heard them before the others, the screams of the living. It was too much, the smell, the noise, the HUNGER. Tanky Zomboi leapt into the group in front of him, grabbing and feeding on the first one he could reach. The rest tried to subdue him even going so far as to run him through with their pointed sticks but they missed his vital organs so he continued to feed on all within reach only stopping when his head was removed from his body. Votes: Lum: (6) Rath, Fifth, Sart, CadCom, Kidpen, Ax’s Boyfriend Lumgol - Tanky Boi was lynched and killed and beheaded and is well and truly dead. Hemalurgic Headshot - Bill Woodsman was killed by a Cow! They were a Refugee with a Claymore Mine and a Sharpened Stick Rathmaskal - Rash Williams is now a Zombie! Cadmium Compounder - Andrew Andrewson is now a Zombie! Sart - Sarah is now a Zombie! Fifth Scholar - Friedrich was attacked by Lum and is now a Zombie! Daisy the Cow has died. You Monsters! This cycle will last 23 hours followed by a one hour rollover break. Revealed Mechanic: Lynching a Zombie causes half the voters (up to maximum of 4) to be Turned. After all, in order to lynch them, you have to get close to the Zombie. Close enough for it to infect you. Important Information: Terrain: Farmland Weather: Sunny Wind: Easterly (Headwind) breeze (One less vote needed for the lynch minimum) Wildlife: Some Chickens are scratching around the farmhouse As there is at least one refugee holding a Map, certain areas of interest are revealed. A barn and farmhouse lie a short distance down a dirt road. Smoke can be seen coming from the farmhouse chimney. Graves can be seen nearby Player List:
  10. Cycle is Over. Next one coming soon.
  11. 1 hour and 3 minutes till rollover. This cycle was extended an hour to make things slightly easier on me.
  12. Day Two: Revealed! Tanky Boi sat with his back to the campfire as he kept watch for Zombies. The smell of cooked fish still hung in the air while the taste lingered on the lips. So intense was Tanky Boi in keeping an eye out for those Zombies that he didn’t notice someone sitting down next to him. Not until they spoke at least. “Let’s be honest: no one really cares about my backstory or where I came from. They don’t care that I lived, though I did. They don’t care that I (un)died. The only thing that matters is the here and now, and here and now, I eat flesh. And brains. And your brain looks big and juicy. Can I eat it? Will you let me eat it? Please? I want it. I’m hungry. I’m always hungry. I need your brain. I need all the brains. Brraaaiiinnsss.” And with that final cry the Zombie grabbed onto Tanky Boi and started feeding. The noise woke the camp and they quickly dispatched the Zombie but now another problem had arisen. What to do with Tanky Boi? Carved into a piece of bark sitting innocently by the fire was the message “WE CRAVE PEACE, NOT SUBJUGATION” Votes: Fifth: (1) CadCom Ventyl : (1) Striker No one was lynched! Lumgol - Tanky Boi is now a Zombie! Everyone dined on cooked fish. This cycle will last 24 hours with an hour of rollover to get this more in line with RL. Revealed mechanics: Zombies are publicly known Zombies can’t vote Zombies can’t use PMs Zombies can only post Zombie like RP Important Information: Terrain: Farmland Weather : Cloudy Wind: Slight northerly breeze Wildlife: You can see some cows in the distance As there is at least one refugee holding a Map, certain areas of interest are revealed. A milking shed is nearby There are several felled trees running along the fence line Beehives are for some reason marked on the Map Player List:
  13. Cycle over. I will still be accepting actions for the next hour though so if you haven't placed any, do so very soon. Next cycle will be up in about an hour.
  14. Yes you can but if they don't take the action you specify, then your action will fail as a result. You lot are really getting into this. Like way more than I thought you would. I'm both very impressed and worried.
  15. I will inform a player if an action isn't plausible and am willing to accept new actions during the one hour rollover in that case. if an action isn't plausible and has sequential actions then the following actions are as successful as possible. Snip would still be able to make snares but they won't work as well as they could've.
  16. Damnation. Or wherever it is that the Heralds go to be tortured.
  17. Day One: And so it begins As we join our intrepid travelers, they have just fled the town of Hankala after stumbling apron a rather large group of zombies. Due to their sudden departure they were forced to leave behind almost all of their belongings and are plodding easterly towards what they hope is a safe haven. This ragtag band of foot weary roamers are only mere hours ahead of the Zombie horde that hounds their heels. They banded together out of desperation and a deep seeded need to know that they were not alone in this new dark unforgiving world. Of Aman Lanigiro and Lorenzo Zombie-eater there was no sign. Everyone just assumed that they hadn't been able to make it out of Hankala and the zombies had gotten them. They knew more of them would fall before making it to where they were going but they each held hope that they wouldn't be one of the ones to pay the price. Survivors they were, one and all. They all had their own story, their own secrets. Some had secrets best left long buried… Important information: (pay attention to these) Terrain: Forest Weather: Sunny Wind: Slight northerly breeze Wildlife: Strangely silent As there is at least one refugee holding a Map, certain areas of interest are revealed. Nearby there is a stream of clean mountain water There is also a clearing not far from the path the group plans to take Revealed Mechanics: (OP will be updated with them as they become known) PMs are open but can only be one on one GM to be included in all PMs Actions are open ended but must be plausible You can take any action you can think of but only one of each action per cycle Players can take up to 3 actions per cycle Tied lynch results in the Gods of Luck and Chance deciding who dies Two vote minimum required for lynch unless otherwise interfered with Cycle will last 23 hours after which a 1 hour break will be taken so I can put my mind back together after what you lot are going to do to it. Player List:
  18. It is never too late to join the Spec Doc.
  19. Cycle 0.5: A close call With the decision made to cut the zombies down the action took remarkably little time. 19 vs 2 is hardly fair odds after all. Both zombies were systematically dismembered and the parts scattered in case they somehow could recombine. Thankfully no shots were fired as unbeknownst to the refugees there was a group of zombies well within earshot that surely would’ve come running at the sound of gunfire. With the grizzly work done, the refugees continued on their way with their hearts buoyed knowing there were two less zombies between them and their goal. Admittedly, I really didn’t think this event through. I just threw it in right before the game opened for sign ups as a way to encourage RP (which has been wonderful) as well as give fair warning that there may be some similar events that could happen mid cycle while the game is playing. I honestly didn’t expect there to be 15 players joining in 48 hours given the slow sign ups we’ve had in the last few games. I’m glad you didn’t shoot the zombies as that meant I would’ve had to start the game early. Sign ups are still open but the zombies are closing in. Join sooner rather than later.
  20. The zombies are within striking distance. One hour remains to decide how you're going to deal with them.
  21. Not quite. You have to decide how to deal with the zombies and like I said, it's a group effort. Does everyone who is able agree with the decision to shoot the zombies? 4.5 hours to decide on your course of action.
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