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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Less than 5 hours to deal with the 2 zombies slowly making their way towards you!
  2. It is not set in any one particular country. If I had to, I'd place it somewhere in Europe.
  3. Sadly your phone call didn't go through. Like it says in the OP: No more phones, no internet, no power and very little food.
  4. Not yet but a pregame event has triggered.
  5. As the refugees found each other and gathered together they found friendship and comfort from the horrors they had witnessed of the past few months. But as the group grew, so did the heat they gave off. This growing heat source had the unforeseen effect of drawing zombies to them from the surrounding area. EVENT TRIGGERED With 15+ people signing up within the first 48 hours it has triggered an event. 2 Zombies have picked up the scent of the group. You have 24 hours to decide how you are going to deal with them.
  6. I also said they were teaser mechanics. I never reveal all my cards, just enough to get your attention. You said summon, that implies necromancy or demonology. Neither of which will end well for the summoner. But if the players can come up with a way to do it... Immune to infection does not stop you from being ripped limb from limb. How do you suppose they build the boot without the zombies catching up to them when they are just one day away? It's plausible but very dangerous. I'll give you that. It might not work as you think given the terrain but if the players can make it... That is for the players to discover. Sadly plot armour isn't as foolproof these days. Killing off the main character is becoming commonplace.
  7. Welcome to our little blood stained corner of the Shard. PMs are one on one only and must include the GM for ... reasons. Denied. Actions must be plausible. First you would need to gather the bunnies. Then kill them. Then raise them from the dead. Then you have Zombie bunnies that crave human flesh. I don't see that working out for you. One boot might help against one zombie but how will it stop the swarm? They currently do not exist in our world so you can't have one. Unless of course you somehow manage to invent and build one for yourself. You really want to get that close to a zombie just to shove glue in it's mouth. Yeah, that's not going to end well for you either. Given that zombies want to eat you, having the flu isn't going to stop them killing you. Again, doesn't exist so you can't have one. This one has potential. PAFO You can try but all it will do is trap you inside. Zombies don't need to sleep or get bored so they will just stand around you until you either exit the ball or starve to death.
  8. You've played my games before. You should know that sanity was never something I owned.
  9. A mix. Those that are mostly intact are faster than those that have little flesh remaining. For example, a runner in life would be faster than a normal zombie. If they were strong in life, they are extra strong in death.... There is an item system in place but RP can influence how certain items work. In your example, your character would be a better shot than someone who had never held a gun before. I'm not going to reveal too much but it's very possible to acquire a gun or almost any item you can think of so long as it's plausible. And that's just the teasers.
  10. Zombies!!! ----------------------------------- Everyone's worst fear has come true. Scientists have discovered a way to bring back the dead. Doomsayers said they shouldn’t. They said they would cause the end of our world. They were right! At first everything seemed fine but after a couple of weeks, the reanimated started feeling hungry. Really, really hungry. Then the deaths started. Several months have passed since the reanimated dead started feeding on the living. Now the cities are empty, civilisation as you know it is gone. No more phones, no internet, no power and very little food. One thing is in abundance though. Zombies. Lots and lots of Zombies. You have joined a group of survivors as they travel to what they hope is salvation. Rumours are abound of a safe haven far in the east. After many days of travel and disappointment, you are foot sore and almost out of strength but hope blooms within you as you learn that you are only one week of travel away from safety. Unfortunately, the Zombies are also one week of travel away as they nip at your heels. ----------------------------------- This is a blackout game. Rules and mechanics will be revealed as they become relevant. 24 hour cycles. Day/Night combined Teaser mechanics: (To whet the appetite) Actions are open ended You can take any action you can think of Win Con for Refugees: Survive until Day 8 and you reach safety Win Con for Zombies: Turn/Kill/Infect all the Refugees before they reach safety Sign ups are open for an unspecified amount of time. There will be no warning for when they end so if you plan to sign up, do so early or be prepared to be left behind as a snack for the approaching Zombie horde. Minimum number of players needed: 9 Maximum number of players allowed: 50 The more that sign up, the better If you sign up to be a spectator, you cannot change your mind! If you don’t intend to play, you really, really should join as a spectator. RP is encouraged Be aware, this game contains experimental mechanics. It is broken but will be fun. (I hope) Play at your own risk. Revealed Mechanics: Player List: Quick Links:
  11. To add to this, adding a player to an already existing PM is against the rules. You have to make a new one if you want to bring in another person.
  12. You might be dying in a corner but it is not quietly.
  13. Might have wanted to send them a PM or message them on Discord first as they tend to get to those earlier but yes, if anyone can give you a definitive answer, it would be Chaos.
  14. Bright side is my post to rep ratio might get back to 1:1 now.
  15. You can always ask Chaos to stuff you into Hoids hidey hole but then you will be stuck there as nothing leaves.
  16. I know, I know but Rubix is insistent that everyone have the ability to see the WoB.
  17. There's been a WoB on the Shard for quite some time that Hoid has a place where he keeps his items so it's not a secret just a not very well known fact.
  18. It's where he keeps the various things he's acquired from the different Shardworlds like the Moon Scepter.
  19. I would never be foolish enough to write down the secret wink or stance. Password and location to Hoid's Stash maybe, but never the wink.
  20. You know far more than you should. Who has been letting our secrets slip?
  21. *stuffs notes into his vest pocket* Oy! J..just don't tell anyone what you've seen.
  22. *checks Mod only notes* Ah, so that's who Hoid is.
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