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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Play 'Finding Chaos'. Go to a random profile and see how many clicks through the recent profile visitors list it takes to find Chaos.
  2. At moment I have 47 roles. Highly doubtful I would use them all in one game but if players enjoy the fun over the mechanics, it could have endless replayability.
  3. How would people feel about a crazy game? A game where players could have up to 4 roles with the chance of gaining (or losing) more. One designed more for fun than balance.
  4. Won't count anyway since I just merge them thus reducing your chance of winning while increasing my own.
  5. Asterion whistled quietly to himself as he worked. It hadn't taken much effort to recover the body but the damage was far worse than last time. The mob had done a number on poor Izzy. They had stabbed her multiple times, likely after finding out how ineffective it was to hang someone that doesn't breathe. Asterion carefully stitched up all the wounds and replaced the ichor-alcohol that served as blood for Izzy. Once finished he gave up one of his few remaining Breaths to reawaken poor Izzy. "Blood of a Ghost. Awaken and obey my Commands. Blood of a Ghost." Izzy's eyes opened once more as the Breath took hold. Asterion helped her off his worktable and slowly stand. "Now, lets try that again shall we?" Izzy Dedyet shall return.
  6. You're right. I could totally cheat to win but where's the fun in that. Would be so much nicer if you all would just surrender to the inevitable.
  7. Izzy pondered the questions. She couldn't explain why she did it but she could point to the one who had asked. And the finger pointed to M'Malil.
  8. *or so he thinks but in fact loses* *in fact wins* *doesn't realize he still loses despite his protects and attempts to deceive*
  9. Izzy was both happy and sad. Happy that one of the false Shadows had been killed but sad that for some reason everyone thought she was also a Shadow. It didn't help matters that they continued to confuse her with this Alvron person. Internally Izzy sighed. It wasn't easy being a Lifeless that could think. She was trapped in her body unable to talk or even act outside the Commands given to her. If she had been able to speak she would told the others looking at her with murder in their eyes that she wasn't a Shadow and had only voted on Ch. Aracter TBA last Day because she had been approached by another who had asked her to do so.
  10. That wasn't one of the options. You lose.
  11. Pineapple on pizza. Yea or Nay? I say Nay.
  12. Izzy had missed a great deal of conversation while she was undergoing the daily maintenance all Lifeless needed. There was a good amount of talk about this Alvron person, someone Izzy didn't remember seeing anywhere. Ignoring the conversation about someone she had never met, she focused on Ch. Aracter TBA once again. Her suspicion of Turquoise-Bellied Alligator the previous day had been completely wrong, partly she admitted because she had somehow mixed N'Nairim up with Ch. Aracter TBA. Izzy listened carefully to Sart. He seemed like A Smart Guy and made some very good points. Why give Breath to someone that already had a Strawman? After all, it's not like they could use them both at the same time. Of course there was still something strange about that talking lump of Steel but so long as it couldn't move, Izzy felt it wasn't much of a threat. No. It was Ch. Aracter TBA that posed the greater threat to everyone.
  13. Izzy carefully tallied up the votes she had heard. N'Nairim (2): Joe, in Turquoise-Bellied Alligator (4): Ch. Aracter TBA, Awakened Steel, Sart, Izzy Awakened Steel (3-4): M'Malil, N'Nairim, Turquoise-Bellied Alligator, Strawman* Izzy thought it likely the Strawman would vote for Steel given there was an apparent agreement between the owner and another. But what Izzy found most interesting was that the Alligator went from voting for N'Nairim to joining them in voting for Steel. This concerned Izzy given that the Alligator was one of the ones to derail the Ch. Aracter TBA lynch the day prior. Turquoise-Bellied Alligator was acting in a suspicious manner Izzy felt. And anything suspicious had to be suspected.
  14. Izzy sat in quiet contemplation. The previous day continuously playing over and over in her head. Ch. Aracter TBA had been the one several had considered suspicious enough to kill yet there had also been a fairly quick turnaround to another. Another who turned out to be innocent. The fact that Hohelin had been killed by the false Shadows yet she hadn't taken part in the discussion of who to kill was also rattling around in her brain. The Strawman was another issue Izzy kept thinking of. It likely belonged to one of the Shadows and if so, they why didn't they recover the Breaths to reach the First Heightening? Could it be that with the vote as close as it was the Shadows needed to use their Strawman to insure the survival of one of their own? Izzy's eyes narrowed at Ch. Aracter TBA.
  15. Slowly step by step did the Emperor Stick turn to the side of Waffles
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