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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Izzy listened attentively to Sart. Despite getting her gender wrong, Sart made a good argument. Izzy moved closer to Ch. Aracter TBA. If they were going to make a break for it, Izzy wanted to be prepared to stop them.
  2. Izzy looked at the strange lump of Steel that seemed to be talking. Maybe it was some sort of cosmic joke that an inanimate object could talk while she couldn't. Izzy didn't respond to the metal chunk for in truth she couldn't have even if she wanted to. Instead she went about following the Commands that had been given to her. Find the false Shadows Kill the false Shadows And if possible: Collect as much Breath as she could. Izzy knew that keeping any Breath she received would be dangerous so instead she planned to put Breath into objects whenever possible. That way even if the false Shadows killed her, they wouldn't gain any Breath she had stored up.
  3. Looks like Pancakes are using faulty equipment.
  4. And the Waffles take page 300. Waffles 1 Pancakes 0 Maybe you should check your title. Waffled!
  5. The power of Waffles lets me see everything.
  6. I am on the Waffle side. The only side that truly wins.
  7. I agree with your statement completely.
  8. What makes you think it's a question ???
  9. Nothing. You were never going to be able to Awaken it. Proof that the Mods are the truly Odious ones.
  10. ワッフルは常に最高に支配する Barely. I only know some basic food orders.
  11. Given he said photo cake, I'm thinking his brain has turned to mush like so many pancakes before him. Unlike the mighty Waffles which stay crunchy until the last bite.
  12. I'm glad you admit that crepes are nothing more than thin pancakes. See people! Pancakes are so disliked that they have to rebrand themselves just to get people to like them. Waffles will always be superior!
  13. So you'll be making French Waffles? After all, it's not like there's anything to spike out of pancakes that wouldn't lower the quality of the finished product.
  14. You don't want to side with those that dislike dogs do you? Join the Waffle side. We have puppies.
  15. If you want a bit more help, I've got a handy little screencap I happen to keep on hand for these threads. Enjoy. But do make sure to check out the thread Invocation linked.
  16. A figure walked into the meeting. Her skin was gray, her eyes empty and she had a cut encircling her neck like she had been beheaded at some time in the past. In fact that was just what happened. Once she was a Full Feruchemist but now she was a Lifeless under the command of someone who didn't like the group of people calling themselves Shadows. Her goal was simple, as those were the only kind she could really follow. Izzy Dedyet was to hunt down the Black Shadows by any means necessary!
  17. Do you mean like this? If so, then hold Shift key when you tap Enter. No idea how to do it on mobile though.
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