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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Voting is now closed. The people have spoken and have selected Furamirionind as our representative. Congratulations Fura. I suggest you get in contact with Thingyman to arrange your spot in the Championships. He is on Discord (Thingyman#6075) or you can do it through the Mafia Universe website. Should the nastiest of nasties (Real Life) intrude and prevent our chosen champion from attending, then A Joe in the Bush shall take up the sword and charge bravely forward in Fura's place. And now, as is tradition, we arm our champion with the tools that have been carefully Cultivated and honed to a fine edge here in SE. Furamirionind, I bestow upon you the blessings of the Gods of Luck and Chance. May they always smile down upon you.
  2. Normally it's done during the processing and manufacturing stage but you can use a syringe to inject liquid cheese or maple syrup. Can use an apple corer to hollow out the insides as well if needed to add something more solid.
  3. @Fifth Scholar, @Cadmium Compounder, @Rathmaskal, @Snipexe, @Steeldancer and @A Joe in the Bush. Elandera has had to unfortunately withdraw. As I can't reset your votes without removing all votes (as far as I'm aware, will experiment after poll closes) your votes are currently voided. Is there another you wish to vote on? Also, poll closes in just under 26 hours from this post so if you haven't voted, please do so soon. Very, very soon.
  4. All things being equal, which they must for a true comparison, then they would be the same size meaning that the pockets waffles have would allow more nutella on them than crêpes.
  5. But they are pancakes. The word crêpe translates as thin pancake. Your argument is invalid. Waffles win.
  6. ^ This right here. Waffles are far superior.
  7. You can't just say that and not elaborate. Details man, details.
  8. At this point in time, there does not appear to be a way to change ones vote without wiping everyones votes and starting anew. Sorry.
  9. Indeed. I should've gotten the poll up yesterday but life. Give me a couple of minutes to work out how to do polls and I'll have it up and ready for votes. Edit: Poll is now open. Sart, Fura, Joe and Elan were the only ones I saw that said they could do it and had the time. If I missed anyone, please speak up and I'll add you in.
  10. Discovery requires Experimentation. While I won't be playing as I'm the IM, the Collective will be paying particular attention to the Essences and how they combine so please, everyone, discover, experiment and learn.* *This message is brought to you by the Ratel for Leader campaign. Ratel, a leader who can bring about a new age for the Collective.
  11. Most of the time when you're crying, nobody notices your tears. Most of the time when you're worried, nobody feels your pain. Most of the time when you're happy, nobody sees your smile. But you fart just one time...

  12. You claimed the same day I died. If I hadn't been killed by the lynch, you would've been Converted that turn. In the Spammer Doc, I did comment that it would've been funny if you were the Mutli boxer role given the whole clone thing you had going. You, Steel, could've used your action to prevent others from targeting you and also used Elephant to kill if you were a Spammer. You would've been albe to kill as that's a faction ability not a role ability.
  13. Thank you, thank you. *bows* I figured I had a 75% chance of surviving so it was worth the risk even with all the bad luck we started with. I take blame for that too. I suspect the Gods of Luck and Chance did not like me changing my name so they dumped a big heaping of bad luck on my team. Sorry team. If I had survived but not gotten the guess right, I would've claimed to have been roleblocked and with Steel converted, which he would've been if I survived, there wouldn't be a counter claim. Would that have worked? Not sure. But at very least I would've survived the night and then forced the Elims to waste another day of discussion on me. Plenty of time to get Steel up and running. I figured you would understand but wanted to make sure as some people could see it as me using RL to influence the game unfairly. Alvbot gets his revenge! You were very lucky Steel. If I hadn't died you would've been Converted. Your brag about being untouchable made you the ideal target. Especially since you got two actions due to having two accounts. Untouchable on main account and killing with Elephant. Combined with Walin's roleblock and this game could've gone much more differently.
  14. In order to be fair to everyone, it was decided that all spoilers were to be removed from signatures. It hasn't really been enforced but still...
  15. Very well. I shall help you ... by pointing out that spoilers are not allowed in signatures.
  16. Oh, you want me to help you. Why didn't you say so.
  17. Is it that time of year already? My how time flies when you're busy killing people. Make your nominations everyone and in approximately two weeks, we will open up a poll for everyone to vote for their chosen sacrifice. If you think you will be unable to commit the time required (which is quite the large amount) then please say so early enough for others to nominate another. Edit: Before you ask, yes, I am unable to commit the time required at this stage.
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