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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. I am shifting the scales to CadCom being lynched. Why? Because it's more fun. CadCom dies, he gets his win but he also gets to pick who to kill out of Snip and Xino. More randomness and uncertainty. Plus, I've never liked it when players vote on themselves. It's a self defeating tactic and not something I encourage.
  2. @Kidpen you want to place a vote? See if we can make it a 5-way tie? Current (and hopefully correct) Vote Tally: Rath (3): Walin, Bard, Alv Alv (3): Ada, Araris, Elan CadCom (3): CadCom, Xino, Snip Itiah (1): Fura Snip (3): Rand Lum (1): Fifth Drought (1): Itiah My last vote tally had a rather embarrassing mistake. I had Fura down as voting for both Araris and Itiah. Opps.
  3. I only saw it as it was in the post that irked me. I think I answered that during D2. Yep, here it is. I would quote it but since I'm already typing up this post responding to Elan, it won't let me multi quote into this one. I very likely would've voted the way I did on D1 if I was evil. But I don't truly know. As stated earlier in cycle. I will say who I'm tipping the scales toward approx 5 mins before the end of cycle.
  4. Thank you for giving a reason for your vote. The past 2 cycles you've voted on me without giving a reason. While it's true that my voting pattern on D1 would be a good way to hide, it is also the way I would vote no matter what my alignment. Almost every game for the past year that has random lynches on ties will have me hoping and trying to get a tie. It's simply how I play. Currently it's a three way tie between CadCom, Snip and myself. Or rather it was. I'll add my vote to Rath to make it a four way tie. This gives me a 25% chance of guessing if I'm lying as well as a 25% chance of dying again if I'm lying. I'm also open to being scanned during the Night. I have nothing to hide. Vote Tally: Rath (3): Walin, Bard, Alv Alv (3): Ada, Araris, Elan Araris (1): Fura CadCom (3): CadCom, Xino, Snip Itiah (1): Fura Snip (3): Rand Lum (1): Fifth
  5. Let me preface this: Ever since I was a kid I have loved science. It helped me get through some tough times so when someone uses faulty logic or bad science it really gets under my skin. I know you didn't mean it to Rand but your post got me quite irked. It will very likely colour my response so I do apologize if anything I say comes off as rude or insulting. Here we go. I have several problems with your post Rand. Firstly, I did not say 'I always am low on content' I said and I quote Content can be anything from RP, jokes or game talk. Substance however I consider to only be game talk. Also I said 'normally' not 'always'. There is a vast difference between those words. Secondly, if you are going to only compare this game to one other then you must, I repeat, must for a true reading and scientific process compare it to a similar game. It is better if you take several games for a true comparison but if not then one very close to the current one is a must. LG51 is not a blackout. It does not have a team of Elims at start and it had PMs throughout the game. Three things this game doesn't have. Thirdly, LG51 was not a standard game. It was a standard conversion game. A standard game starts with a team of eliminators and doesn't have conversions. A standard conversion game doesn't start with a team of elims but rather starts with one player that can convert. These are very important differences as they change how people approach the game and how they play. Fourthly, did you read LG51 up to the point I died? If you did them you would've noticed that I started out pushing for information and as the game progressed, I got quieter and quieter. Which if you check similar games where there is only one elim at start, it's fairly standard for me to do so. Again, I apologize if anything I said offends or hurts you but your post really got under my skin. --------------------------- I never mind being lynched no matter which side I am on. I do however prefer it to be a tied lynch so the Gods of Luck and Chance have their say but if I'm lynched then I'm lynched. However, if lynched by a good amount then having good reasoning is needed. Nothing I hate more than to be lynched over bad logic. (See above)
  6. To be fair, I normally say very little of substance. My role is very easy to check. Have two players tied in the lynch and I'll say approximately 5 minutes before the end of the cycle which direction I'm breaking the tie. Voila. As for my comment about having to vote. It's not role related but rather playstyle related. I have a very bad habit of not voting. Before the game started I wanted to make sure I voted every cycle. I was happy to wait until the end of the cycle before placing my vote in the hopes I could get a tie should someone (Elephant) break it. Sadly that didn't happen and instead a pile of votes went on Devotary. I could've just thrown my vote on someone else but I viewed that as the same as not voting. So while I didn't need need to vote. I did need to vote.
  7. Killing me in a conversion game is always a good idea. I think every time I've been converted, we ended up winning even when our backs were to the wall so I don't mind being killed to insure the elims win. Not that death will stick for one cannot truly slay the Shadows. Is it bad that I now want to be a Spammer just for this to happen? Unless that's his goal. I've seen Ada pull off some amazing stunts in the past. Three times wasn't it Ada that you were a known evil early in the game and yet somehow not only survived but won? I don't think he is evil but I still maintain a healthy suspicion of Ada simply as I know what he is capable of. Since everyone is role claiming, I think I should too even though I would rather not. It will at least help narrow down things a bit. Funny thing is my role is the very opposite of what I'm for. I am a Tiebreaker. If there is a tie in the lynch, I can choose which way it goes. I've tried the past two cycles to get a tie to prove my role while kind of hiding behind my standard pitch of tied lynches are fun. However, it seems the Gods of Luck and Chance are not smiling on me this game in any way.
  8. No promises this is right, I think I got all the names right. I didn't add the extra vote that Rand has as it's not yet proven. Votes: Devotary (6): Rand, Adavantos, CadCom, xinoehp512, Kidpen, Rae Fifth (4): Fifth, Sapphire Elephant, Maill, Elandera Rand (2): Bard, Lumgol CadCom (1): I think I am here Alv (1): Araris Valerian Sapphire Elephant (1): Furamirionind
  9. Just because I have a not insubstantial investment in the animal cracker industry doesn't mean I'm using my religion as a way to boost sales! Wait, that's not what you mean? Um, er, forget what I just said then. Yep, I said nothing. Moving on. Wilson retreating into the Shadows? hehehehahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Wilson would never do such a thing. No, Wilson has walked into the Light and is waiting. Waiting for those brave enough to follow her and see the truth.
  10. Wow, there is like 5 pages since I was last online. I doubt I'll be able to read everything before I have to go again, which ironically will likely be right after I type this post as I could've spent the time reading the thread rather than make this post. I did a quick skim though and there doesn't seem to be anything I need to respond to apart from a couple of votes without reasons, which I'm fine with just leaving alone and a theory about if I would vote the way I did last cycle if I was evil. I probably would have if I'm honest. HH didn't have a role so me tying the vote up with Road would be a smart thing for me to do while also hiding behind the Gods of Luck and Chance love tied lynches thing. I can't 100% say I would as it's very dependent of several other things like who I'm teamed up with and their thoughts. Not many are as willing to leave it to chance like I am. I should be able to get back online before rollover so long as life doesn't interfere again. If there is anything you want me to answer, please tag me as I'll be able to see those easier.
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