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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Indeed. It's currently changed for a SE game that running at moment. Sanderson Elimination. The corner of 17th Shard where you get to kill your fellow Sharders. Join today.
  2. Let things go? In this forum where we latch onto the smallest things and make them legends. *cough*Iamastick*cough*
  3. Before you go Grammar, perhaps you wouldn't might clearing up the Oxford Comma dilemma for us.
  4. If true then you have a great deal to answer for.
  5. You should totally join Steel, if you do I might bring back Ronald.
  6. If ever there was a Spam post, this would be it. My finger twitched with phantom spam ban when I read it. I am wondering if Road hasn't posted because they can't. What if they are Elephant and thus can't post on their main account and only on the anon one. That would explain why if killed they get a new anon account and can't be converted. You have to kill/convert the main account.
  7. I know it's been quite some time since you've played, it's been the same for me as well, but I don't think you should trust Aman so blindly. I seem to recall someone having something in their sig about how Aman's words are honeyed but chaos was his hallmark. Strange. I don't recall you ever doing this. I know Aman did it a few times and somehow pulled it off each time but I have no memory of Ada doing it.
  8. Given that it is an anon account and the player with it also has their normal account, I would say that they are confirmed good. They are either both good or both evil. If one is good and the other evil then it means they can just out the Spambots and end the game with almost no fun for anyone. Which is boring and not a Joe brand game! As for them both being evil, I could see it as it could be a extension of Joes Puppetmaster role but I highly doubt it. It makes very little sense to do it that way. Plus their role is listed in green rather than a neutral colour which I would've expected if it could go either way.
  9. Gammalv leaned back in his chair, a forgotten plate of half eaten nachos lay on a stand next to him. In front of Gammalv his computer screen glowed with energy as it displayed the latest copy of Rhythms of War, the fourth book in the all important Stormlight series. Never in his wildest dreams did he think he would be one of the lucky few to be an alpha reader. Gamma level was the most he had ever dared hope for but here he was reading a rough draft of one of the most highly anticipated books on his favorite forum. Thinking of the 17th Shard Gammalv tabbed over to it, refreshed the page and noted the recent topic listings was once more filled with Spam. Sighing, Gammalv started to squash a couple of the spambots but found his thoughts drifting back to the book. He had only read a couple of words for the next chapter but it was looking like one of the best, a Gaz chapter. Gammalv had long wondered how Gaz had lost his left eye and it looked like this chapter might just answer his question not to mention that Gammalv could do with something to take his mind off the last chapter. Who thought that Wyndle would die of all spren? Another Mod will take care of these Bots I’m sure. Gammalv thought as he tabbed back to Rhythms of War. He just had to know what happened next.
  10. If a Rioter uses their ability and the Elims place kill orders during the Day, how would the Elims know to place a second kill? Would they be allowed to submit a second order during the Night or would they have to submit an order each Day on the off chance a Rioter uses their ability?
  11. May I direct your eyes towards QF6. It doesn't have everything you are asking for but may give you a couple of ideas should you decide to make one yourself.
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