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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Not quite. The Gods of Luck and Chance told me NOT to shoot Dingo but I didn't listen. I had this urge to shoot Dingo that I can't explain.
  2. *is clearly the one who always steals the win from Luna who stole the win from Alvron who stole the win from Luna who stole the win from Alvron who stole the win from Luna and gets away with it*
  3. *is the one who always steals the win from the one who always steals the win from the one who always steals the win from Luna*
  4. *is the one who will always steal the win from Luna*
  5. BY THE POWER OF GRAYSKULL, I HAVE THE WIIIIIIIIIIN!!!!! Greyskull is nothing compared to the true Master of the Universe: Grayskull!
  6. Wonderful story. Sadly I could never join in such fun as I wouldn't be able to keep up. I'm barely able to keep up with all the threads I follow now.
  7. Wait... Did anyone bring the chocolate crackers?
  8. And a stick it shall remain. Just with a marshmallow on one end. And maybe some charring.
  9. *grabs two bags of marshmallows and some sticks*
  10. You light the campfire, I'll get out the marshmallows and Thought can entrance us with a story from her time in Fallen.
  11. Indeed I do. I'm sure Luna would love a story too.
  12. Tell us Thought. Regale us with a story of your time in Fallen.
  13. @Shqueeves, please don't use that colour during a game as it's used by Mods for important information. Although this colour is more commonly used rather than that blinding yellow Fifth favours. Edit: Ninja'd by the GM. Feed me! The Shadows hunger.
  14. I already know a Stick so you must be Doom. Alvron grabs a hold of a mandible, hauls himself back up top and pushes Doom off.
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