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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. The husk that now held the Shadows sat in a cafe. It required sustenance. The husk scanned the menu until someone came over to take his order. Lumgol Coop772 Elandera Devotary of Spontaneity/ Somne Itiah Xinoehp512 Young Bard Snipexe Randuir Cadmium Compounder Shqueeves Roadwalker Sart GreenRover Walin The husk pointed at the first item on the list and licked his lips. The server scurried away. All the husk had to do now was to wait....
  2. *flees to market and buys marshmallows before returning to burning stage*
  3. *is just the messenger. Don't kill the messenger*
  4. *tears up envelope that would've revealed Bean as the true winner*
  5. *comes onto stage and reveals win was given to wrong person*
  6. It was raining. A soft silvery drizzle more than proper rain, not that there was anyone awake to see it. The sun had fully set hours ago and everyone was dreaming their dreams. In one house however, something stirred. Something not of this world. Shadows seeped through the gaps in the windows and under doors. They gathered at the foot of a bed, it's sole occupant sound asleep. The Shadows flowed over the bed as they made their way towards the sleeper. Sensing something was wrong, the sleepers eyes snapped open but it was too late. The Shadows poured down the sleepers throat and up their nostrils. The sleepers eyes momentarily turned black as the night itself before clearing. In just a matter of seconds, the sleeper was left nothing more than a husk that now housed the Shadows themselves. Tremble mortals! The Lord of Shadows has entered the game!
  7. As the Knights of Valor ride off with the win that they won, they are ambushed by a band of rogues wielding crossbows. The Knights are killed to a man and their hard-fought-for won is stolen by the rogues who the fade back into the undergrowth from whence they came.
  8. More than small enough. You even have 4 lines spare if you want to add anything extra.
  9. *takes off Mod hat and puts it over the win*
  10. Seeing as my Mod hat is currently on, I really should point out that spoilers are not allowed in sigs anymore. Haven't been for a while in fact. It's not exactly enforced but if Chaos finds you... let's just say it might be best if you wouldn't mind moving your spoilers to your About Me page @beantheboy12. Many thanks. This of course goes for anyone else reading this that has spoilers in their sig too.
  11. There have been reports of it being 23 for some systems/platform/tablets. I'm not involved with that side of things so not 100% sure.
  12. 25 if on desktop. Unsure number on mobile but it should be 20-25.
  13. Wrong. Each page holds the same number of posts regardless of size. By having longer posts all you do is lengthen the load times.
  14. Taken care of by your friendly neighborhood Mod.
  15. You can mind all you want so long as I'm not minded.
  16. As Kidpen said, copy and paste from PM to Thread is not allowed. You can paraphrase or do a summary but not direct C/P.
  17. No. Same as all the others. [ color=white ] See? [ /color]
  18. **************uses left over asterisk**************************************************************
  19. I'm sure you've realized it by now but for others, don't put a / in the first color bracket only in the last.
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